(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Sept Babies Playgroup/Playgym

Okie so many 'Open-House'! Yeah let's alternate~ <u>Go whose house first</u> ?

Enxuan's at Yishun near Khatib (Got 2 cats)
Itsy's at Sengkang
Kiki's at Woodlands near Admiralty Side (Got a dog)

Anyone else wanna 'Open-House' for our Sept Babies Playgroup / PlayGym???

So are we confirm kicking off with Enxuan's place?
btw this weekend i cannot join you mummies moreover cayden is sick
i guess i have to wait the next round. Haiz...

Kiki, my way very simple de leh.
i do as follow
1) Put a slice of the fish in a pot with some water and put to boil.
2) After the fish is cooked, i will pour the boiled "fish" water to mix into the porridge so that the nutrients are not wasted.
3) then will squeeze and mashed the threadfin into the porrdige lor. (even thou threadfin usually wun have bones de but i kiasu so play safe by not cooking it with the porridge directly)
keke... I got 2 cats.. One is mine, adopted him when he was a kitten.. Another belongs to a friend. Only temporarily residing at my place.. hehe..

Next sat, 24 April - Good for everyone?
Open House. I'll be moving in end May and wont have much furniture so I welcome the east side Mummies or whoever wants to travel to my place at Pasir Ris, first week of June. Heh, long time more. LG mat should arrive and have some other mats so there should be space for bout 8 babies. BUT I have two dogs who don't shed or bite but are a little nuts.
i not sure but the hokkien name is what marie has try to spell ngoh heer. :p

Steaming also good arh. Just that i lazy to use steamer :p
so...cook the fish shd be very fast rite? coz fish cooks fast. no need to put any sauce rite? will it be too fishy for bb? then use the water to cook porridge...or cook porridge first then just pour into the porridge n mix? how much threadfin do u normally give n how often?
next sat OK for us!
u wanna do a list? then put down my name. hb can come too or not?

ya, threadfin is ngoh hee, if u buy in the mkt, u say ngoh hee the vendor surely knows one...its the 1 strip kind.

east side i also can..best is sunday..coz almost every sunday i'm at pasir ris too!
oh.. okok. I havent start my girl on fish or meat yet. Only cereal and veg/fruits puree.

Brocolli puree
Yesterday, opened a jar of brocolli puree and mixed it with the cereal. Not her favourite because when I was feeding her that, her head just go left right left right up down everywhere just to avoid the spoon.
Fish porridge
I buy those small white fishes ( look like small worms ) from NTUC and use those to cook porridge. Then simply mesh them with my spoon b4 feeding. I also prepare veg stock to cook the porridge.
think u mean... ying yu? the white ones that looks like ikan billis but its not? how do u do the veg stock?

sounds like your girl has a sweet tooth, thats why doesn't like the veggies taste. can try mixing with something sweeter like sweet potatoes or pumpkin.
cook fish very fast de less than 5 min done liao then i poke it with chopsticks to make sure is cooked *for amateur like me :p*, i din put any sauce in it and he enjoys it leh. Maybe because my breast milk already have some fishy smell haha due to the fish i consumed.

As for the water, you can either mix it with the porridge after the porridge starts to boil (that would means you put less water in the porridge first) or if your porridge already cooked you can mixed that to make it less dry.

As for quantity, i give about the 2-3 thumb size each meal. i think for a start, you should start with smaller piece to test out :p
<font color="dc143c">Enxuan</font>
woohoo!! thanks for opening up ur place!!!

Its soo near!!!

hahaha.. Melissa can come over too.. wahahhaha.. :p

I dun think i have anything this weekend on....
cant think.. i've got too many excel sheets on my mind that i cant really think properly....
<font color="ff6000">SEPT PLAYGROUP CONFIRMED!</font>

**Feel free to bring your husband, babies, kids, helpers, anyone who would like to tag along
** 24 April 2010, Saturday, 1PM TO 5PM
**Location: Blk 828, Yishun St 81

Name List / No. of pax (excluding baby) / Baby's name / Potluck item
1) enxuan/ 2 (husband and me) / Baby Eliza / konnyaku jelly
2) kiki
i think i can only confirm next week see whether cayden is better then. Tentatively put me in first k? :p as for the potluck item. i ask the chef...anyone likes laksa?
i'd update what i bring later k? let me think think first.

wah! laksa i love! but hor... u sure u wanna bring that. i mean like abit mah fan rite... got gravy soup n all!
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">SEPT PLAYGROUP CONFIRMED!</font></font>

**Feel free to bring your husband, babies, kids, helpers, anyone who would like to tag along
** 24 April 2010, Saturday, 1PM TO 5PM
**Location: Blk 828, Yishun St 81

Name List / No. of pax (excluding baby) / Baby's name / Potluck item

1) enxuan/ 2 (husband and me) / Baby Eliza / konnyaku jelly
2) kiki
3) xmasc - TBC
Itsy, u can???

Tot we had a date.... Lol!!!

I can't frm 9-6pm...
This weekend I can!!!

Maybe poll n see which weekend more ppl???
Ya ya i can't make it on 24th, got date with Rach Liao.

yap, it's yin Yu. If I lazy then will just cook porridge in slow cooker then pop in a cube of purée. To prepare stock, Use celery, carrot and 1 onion, cook in pot till veg turned mushy and soup taste yummy. I used more carrot cos will be sweeter, can use sweet corn too. Cool and freeze in cube. I use ice cubes tray to freeze then keep in ziplock. Use 5-6 cubes each day to cook porridge.
rach, itsy
since your date is with each other than can postpone or not? haha..

so the veg stock, just freeze the soup only rite? then all the veggies throw away is it?

this sat likely i can't, coz gonna bring my girl to swim at my aunts place. but maybe i can change it to sunday but can't confirm now leh. i really wanna go swimming with my girl lah...coz bought her a new swimwear, so excited wanna let her wear...and its been so long since she went for a swim. if u all wanna change to this sat, its ok with me. if i can't make it, guess there will always be another time lor!
<font color="dc143c">Mozart Cube shipping</font>

hey mummies..
pretty exp leh...

the below is for 3 Cubes Shiping costs..

Merchant Name : AMAZON
Description : MAGIC CUBE
Dimension : 46X28X22 cm, 4.7kg
Actual Weight : 2.7kg
Chargeable Weight : : 4.7kg


*Base Charge : SGD$ 13.40

Weight Charge : SGD$ 35.72

Fuel Surcharge : SGD$ 4.70

Total Estimated Shipping Charge : SGD$ 53.82

Of coz i'll be lumping them up to pay shipping to get the discounts etc..but still pretty exp...
<font color="119911">Kiki</font>
Just freeze the stock for baby. Remaining hubby and I ate it as a veg soup lor. Throw away too wasteful.

<font color="119911">Rach</font>
Aiyo, so how much is each cube?
<font color="dc143c">Itsy</font>

shipping about $12+ leh...
and all the packages are charged different weight... from 3.7kg to 4.8kg... dunno how they measure de...seems like all the box different sizes...
<font color="dc143c">Mozart Magic Cube</font>

still got 5 more... i ordered extra...cant resist....and knowing the mummies here,always last min popped out and ask got or not... so..
this will be the last 5, not ordering anymore liaoz.. :p

unless price drop again!...wahahhaa.....
boo. just pumped finish.

Jeni: I also latch to sleep. Bad habit according to some books which i agree =X I still thinking of how to wean her off the breast at night XD We got a 2nd hand cot and now it is stuffed with OUR stuffs. woops.

napping/sleeping times: Eh mine still slp quite a lot i guess? Every 2-3hrs will sleep. Sometimes can sleep for 2-3hrs in the afternoon. My girl's sleeping time is ard 8ish depending on what time she wake up from late evening nap. She normally sleep for 2hrs at night, wake up for half hr and the rest is history. Erm history because I HAVE NO idea if she woke up for feed or just for comfort or .... Am a piggy mummy LOL

Just woke up from a heavy head which started near evening time yesterday. Almost felt pukish while driving home. Empress not around so got car! :D

Playgym: wooooot! so fun! anyone's pool is open for babies? :p My Angelyne is still the youngest among all the babies la!!! People eating what what what puree, she still stuck @ cereal.. woops.
<font color="dc143c">Gina</font>

when i read u got a 2nd hand cot... i tot 2nd baby coming up... hahha.. :p

<font color="dc143c">LG Prime Play mats</font>
closing orders on Thursday 11pm.
PM me for the details..

<font color="dc143c">Flash cards</font>
Closing orders this Friday 10pm.
PM me for the details..

<font color="dc143c">Happy Baby 3rd batch</font>
Closing orders this Thursday, 11pm.
Batch 2 will be reaching this week. Thur/Fri.

<font color="dc143c">Munchkin Mozart Magic Cube</font>
Will wait for 5batches to reach then pay...
Expect by next week should reach....
The rest another few days later....

<font color="dc143c">Orajel &amp; Jason Natural Toothpaste, Desitin</font>
Expecting by next week latest...

<font color="dc143c">Victoria Secrets US$75 off $200</font>
Anyone??? i wanna get the fitflop!!! hehhee...
think 4-5 pairs can hit liaoz...but anything also can.. :p

What else do i have????????
hur hur hur.... >.<"""

<font color="dc143c">Babymallonline</font>
someone asked me abt it....MMmmm....anyone wants??

Jul u ordering?
Else tag onto ur orders??

I gg bonkers for now... hahaa...

too many liaoz.... *phew*
haha rach, still have teething tablets. :p

bbq, flower4
dun noe i suay or what, cayden starts toh ave this cough+ phlegm thing after i brought him the the pool :| and that is like the 3rd weeks and he is just recovering nia. Not sure he caught it there or not lah furthermore, not many kids there on that day
did i see my nick?? i dont have to book the function room now? i need to book 1 month in adv for wkends!

hmm.. i brought shanis for a swim and she started coughing too.. wonder if it's related...

gina> hope ur empress not ard more often, den u'll have car more often too =p

swimming> chinese doc say my boy is cold. so cannot go swimming =p
