(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

michelle, princess
hmm ur babies don't sleep as much as mine leh! Mine naps pretty often in the day too. Shld they b sleeping a lot still?? She'll sleep at ard 10pm to next day 7am cos I'll rend to wake her to feed b4 work. Then she'll sleep again at my mum's place till ard 9+am. She'll sleep again at ard 11+ till 1pm, then 3-4pm and again at 6-7pm. If she misses one of the naps, she'll b very grouchy. Is she sleeping a lot??

I agree with jul. U need to be patient for such things, mayb let him 'forget' abt swimming for abt 2wks first? When we first brought Shanis to hwa xia for swim, she loves it too. We didn't sign up any package and has been waiting till she hit 6months to bring her to the pool. We tried her on the neckfloat I bought in our bathtub first and she just keeps wailing once the neckfloat is on her and she's not even in water yet. So after that we wanted 2wks later and try again. But let her play with the float and we put on our neck b4 we put it on her neck. Now she seems ok with it though she fuss a little on the 2nd swim in the pool.

Just b patient. My hubby always says baby can sense our frustration, inpatient and watever feelings we have and will also react similarly. I'm one who gets frustrated easily and is very impatient so when I'm that, shanis will cry and cry when I'm carrying her lor.

princessxiaomei> den u got to one time dun let him sleep from 7+8pm. keep him entertain. tahan till 9+pm, den i think most likely he can sleep thru liaos

or u keep waking him up at 6+am in de morning. den it will move his sleeping time in de day earlier too

milkyway> ok la. abt de same ma. my boy at nite in total sleeps abt 10-11hrs, day times sleeps abt 3-4hrs. total abt 13-15hrs a day =p
gymboree - so the trial fees is that $50 membership fees, is it? what do they mean by 1 free class ah? does the membership entitles to other perks like using their facilities when there is no class conducted?

i think i wld wanna try kindermusik trial before gymboree. any feedback from mummies who have tried? which outlet is better? was thinking the following wkend, coz this wkend i've got something on. anyone wanna join me?
hi mummies,

So many activities over the weekend. Im totally bonked out by my boy.

Jul, christina, Gina - Cayden has fun on that day haha eventhou he is so distracted by the gals and Sam. The funnie thing is when sam makes a noise Cayden follows and vice versa. Is so cute. I think one good point on going to classes instead of doing it at home is that the babies get to interact :p

Oh yah, i was telling rach that my hubby happens to know the owner of BJG so if we are interested, i think we can bargain for a better deal. From the threads i guess you guys are not that keen afterall hahaha.

you have the contact for the sinseh? my wrist is hurting badly now. Is like you, can hardly use it now..im handicapped!!!
Hi Mummies,

I have 1 Nestle Nan HA (expiring 3Dec2010) & 1 Nestle Nan Pro (expiring 30June 2011), willing to let go $10 each.My baby is not taking this brand of FM.PM me if interested.
Hi Mummies,

I have over-stocked on Desitin Rapid Relief Cream for my baby, looking to clear @$10 each. Expiry : April 2011.

PM me if interested.
wah quite alot of u are SHM? me working mum.
can ask u all, my boy is 8m plus already, but still wakes up every 3hr at night...cos i latch him.. u mummies who latch at night still got this problem? very tiring leh cos i got to work next day.
he sleeps like 9-10pm, wake up 12-1am, 3-4am, 6-7am...sometimes wake up n cry then got to quickly latch, n will fall back to sleep...n i too lazy to pump at night so got to latch him lor...
how are u all doing this for now?
milkyway, michelle

i'm opposite from u! sam sleeps sooo little! ard 10pm - 7am.. then maybe 30-45min ard 10am, n 1h-1h15min ard 3pm n that's it! total only 11h!

if he's not in the mood, he sleeps even less! n not counting the nite wakings. maybe he's got 'sleep disorder'???


sam n cayden were like the 2 stereotypical naughty boys in school, then the gals were the guai ones. so 'throw face' hahaha

uh oh.. prob too many activities over the weekend n u aggravated it? i just went for follow up tdy. i think it's healing well. hopefully one more follow up on sat n it'll be ok. u wanna pm me ur hp? i'll sms u later. dun have the card with me coz i'm pumping in the study
Cayden is like same sleeps super little during day time but his nap time is quite zun as in every onehr plus he will be sleepy liao just that he naps only max 1hr each time.

At nite, usually is from 9pm - 11pm then if i heng, fuss a while nia then back to sleep to like 2am, 3am or 4am depending on his mood lor. BUt i suspect his upper two teeth is coming up so now he lagi fussier..grr..

i will pm u my hp right away...machiam like du bi xia (one armed kungfu master - yang guo!)

hahahaha luckily still can type :p
Hi, sorry to interrupt your thread. I'm from the May MTB thread. I have extra baby and mummy formula powder to sell.

1) 1 Tin Nestle Nan Pro 2 400g Expiry date: 2 October 2010
Selling for: $14.40

2) 1 Tin Similac Follow On 400g Expiry Date: 13 June 2011
Selling for: $18.40

3) Mamil Mama 900g (I have 2 cans) Expiry Date: 27 August 2011
Selling for: $22

Interested pls sms me: 90086345 (self collect at west coast)
your wrist hurts due to carrying baby in breastfeeding position too much or you sprained it? in my earlier months, i had very bad wrist pain too, i visited TCM and was given some powdered (absolutely horrible) medicine to take. i finished the full course, but unfortunately, it didn't help at all! if its those "mummy hands" wrist pain, it will take time to go away. nowadays i don't feel the pain anymore, maybe seasoned already!

oh..your hb knows BJG owner? small world...hehe. so did u like the trial class? are you signing cayden up?
sam's sleeping pattern sounds like kimberly's...also sleeps very little! in the late morning and afternoon 1 short nap each...one around 1130am and one more around 4pm if i'm lucky! if not she just naps once during the day only! and every nap is like so short about 1 hr sometimes only half hr. i really envy other mummies babies who can sleep alot! it frees up time for us to do other things and have a break to preserve our sanity!
kiki> u might wanna ask de aug mums. dey juz went for the kindermusik trial not long ago i think =p

jeni> erms. me oso working mum. for me i latch my boy once at 9pm, 1am dreamfeed n i go pump, den can last till 6+7am for my boy. den i latch one side n pump de other when i reach office at 8am

jul> hehe. my boy oso sleep abit more den urs only la. but for me. de time he is awake is most of the time in ifc n i m in office. so i not so shiong. =p
Hi Rach,

Thanks for ordering the Magic Cubes for me. How much is it and when will it arrive?

Im keen to purchase the flash card too. How much does it cost?
yalor wrist hurts after prolonged carryg of the little rascal haha.
Jul recommend one sinseh so I may give it a try if not how to carry bb? I can't even twist open a bottle cap

for bjg, I may especially is small group. More attentn given to kid ;p I yet to ask whether they can give better price or nt. Heehee u tryg gymoree rite I find it so ex leh
<font color="dc143c">xmasc</font>
Gymboree is cheaper than BJG leh..

$399 for 12 lessons..($33.25 per lesson)
BJG is $38 per lesson.($34.20 after 10% discount)

so.. Gymboree is cheaper,,,
but gymboree has a bigger class..whereas BJG is only 4 per class...

Anyway...their admin sucks....
Tell me i not clear or she dun understand me...


<font color="dc143c">Gymboree Replies:</font>

I asked: Hi, thanks for your prompt reply.
May I ask what are the available slots??
Do the classes have a start n end date or how affected will my child be if she just joins the class halfway?

How many trainers will be allocated per class??


Please advise your preference – weekend or weekdays? Morning or afternoon classes?
There is a start and end date of your classes and your child may join anytime as this is rolling system. There will be a teacher in a class to facilitate the class.

Gymboree Play &amp; Music
#03-21 Tanglin Mall
Tel : 67355290

I replied:
Yes its our first trial.
We've not been there before...
so how much is the trial class?

Weekend afternoons.

What slots are available? We prob need about 8-10 slots.. so u just let me knoe which are the slots and how many vacacies left so we can arrange among ourselves..


Their reply:
As mentioned in our previous email, we regret that we do not offer private classes. As most of the classes are full, we probably could take one or two only. Please call us at 67355290 for more information.


Best regards
Gymboree Play &amp; Music
#03-21 Tanglin Mall
Tel: 67355290
?????? I'm asking whichever slots u have tell me then i'll know rite...

but anyway...seems like they only have 1-2 slots per class left...

so how??

U all wanna go trial together or go on our own??

They have weekday classes as well...
<font color="dc143c">LG Prime Playmats</font>

anyone else keen?
Else i'm closing order by Thursday 10pm.
Will proceed to order liaoz..

In future if anyone wants, will be MOQ: 10pcs.
ooo i recall they told us that we need to pay 290 plus for 9 session mah ( imean provided we sign on that day lah)

hee hee maybe i will try to see whether they can still offer that price or lower if we have more people lah...:p
<font color="ff0000">Gymboree</font>
Aiya, they branded ma, so they call the shots lor. HAhaha Seems like they do not want us to go together. So how? We go on our own lor.
gymboree more ex meh...i don't think so leh. think they're all around that same type of pricing? like rach mentioned, gymboree $399 for 12 lessons ($33.25/lesson), BJG $307.80 for 9 lessons ($34.20/lesson). if there is any cost difference i think it might be in the materials they used which parents can purchased for home use. BJG i think they give it free.

sometimes i have some mixed feelings about such courses. afterall, i don't think i went to these courses when i was at my baby's age. lol! i think my preference is for play kinda learning/interaction if i were to enrol my girl, hence thats why i more inclined to gymboree or maybe kindermusik

i'd also be both hands up if we sept mums can organise playgroups ourselves! that would be best!! our babies get to interact and its free! ahaha...
rach, itsy
since there is no group discount also, and maybe their classes are really quite full...so they can only slot in 1 or 2 persons for trial. i guess we just go separately lor...or maybe 2 mummies can try to book together, at least got 'company'?
i think they actually slot in your trial session in their actual class session.
pot luck sounds like a good idea. maybe shd keep it small also...say 5 babies each time?

think inside the hse will be a better idea bah... condo function room cannot put baby on the floor to crawl around leh...
Hi all,

I have signed up for Gymboree trial class at harbour front this sunday. Anyone keen to go together? The lady say still have space when I called on sunday.
<font color="ff0000">sept mummies playgym</font>

Wah!!! Cool!!! Wait okie.. When my house done in July, come my place la!! Confirm not like what u all see now... Wahahhaha...
That's another 2-3mos away...

For now, my mum place is out if the question... Only alot of natural gym activities.. ie. Climbing all over the boxes!! Lol!!!

Whose house can we go to now?? Maybe we alternate..
The house we gg to, no need to prepare food..

Those gg bring food along..

I got flash cards can bring..
We take turns be trainer!! Hahhahahaha
Oo sorry it's Nan who is going on Sunday, not rach. Never zoom in iPhone cannot see clearly :p what time r u going Nan?
i can also open up my hse for playdate sessions, if u all don't mind i have a dog that sheds alot of fur! so if your baby roll on my baby's playmat hor... sometimes will pick up some fur on the face =P

itsy, i don't mind sometimes go your place.
sengkang is not that far from my hse.

hey...gymboree go next wk lah. u keen to try out kindermusik first? actually my heart quite set on gymboree lah...but i just feel like trying kinder too.
ok...look forward to your new place. where is it? also in yishun? bringing your flashcards sounds like a good idea too!!
<font color="dc143c">itsy</font>
hahaha..not me la.. :p
I wanna go Gymboree..not keen on kindermusik..
Kiki.. we go Gymboree together next week??

weekdays u can??

<font color="dc143c">kiki</font>
my place is 5min from my mum's place.

Nearer to MRT side..the old folks home that area.. :p

<font color="dc143c">sept playgym</font>
i dun mind itsy... but i'm super scared of DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so no kiki house.. wahahaha...
hey gals,
im onz too on the sept playgym.. I dun think i will go Gymboree since im offically sick liao
dun wan to spread..you guys enjoy!

your place damn near my house too hahaha...i dun mind my place too. My hubby can cook! eh but something simple lor :p
lol! u're scared of dogs? aiyo...my dog is very gentle one lah... she won't bite for sure. keke...

gymboree trial...i don't want wkdays lah...coz wkdays hb cannot go. wld prefer for hb to go too.
but nextwk i actually wanna go kindermusik trial first leh.
<font color="dc143c">kiki</font>
YES i am!! VERY scared!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dun like animals... they will lick/bite me!!!!!!!!!
Eeeekkkkksss..... :S

let me know then... this weekend i think free... next weekend not free....

<font color="dc143c">shawna</font>
this week sat u can or not????
let Ian and Rayanne meet again.. wahhahah....

you all can come my place if don't mind...wahahah.. I've got a winnie pooh floor mat, quite big, can place at least 5 babies..
Recently, renovated my house, so neaten up quite a bit. Got a fisherprice rainforest jumperoo.. that's about it!

This sat afternoon?

Location: Yishun St 81, near Khatib MRT.
wahahaha.. .super excited.
yes he can haha just that he hates the cleaning up after that especially after the part time cleaner clean up the place already :p now i have official execuse *taking care bb* to siam the washing. hahahaha
Oh... I got 2 cats, but with many strangers in the house, the cats will stay in my bedroom cause they are afraid of ppl..

So no worries !
Anyone going to start feeling their babies fish? I hear that ngoh heer or threadfin is a good bet. thinking of letting her try when she's about 7.5 mths or maybe 8 mths.

I let her have a tiny sip of my Yakult and her eyes opened SOOOO big and she kept grabbing at the bottle, oops. heh. Not recommended but funny.
Sept Babies Playgroup/Playgym

Okie so many 'Open-House'! Yeah let's alternate~ <u>Go whose house first </u>?

Enxuan's at Yishun near Khatib (Got 2 cats)
Itsy's at Sengkang
Kiki's at somewhere near Sengkang too.. (Got a dog)

Anyone else wanna 'Open-House' for our Sept Babies Playgroup / PlayGym???
My place definitely not.. cos its at West side not convenient for all. I dun mind travelling to Sengkang.. but timing cannot be too late la.. =p

How How How?~
if we going enxuan house this sat then cannot go gymboree.

I can bring toys over so babies can have more choices.
aiyo...so scary for u ah? lol...ok.

your place sounds good too.
but this sat i don't think i can make it. i'm definately ok with your cats, as long as they don't scratch me or my bb lor.

can advise how to cook the threadin porridge? like er... exact instructions for a blur mommy here. thanks!

i'm at woodlands, admiralty side.
