(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

mama to 6,
How are you?Both Amber & myself are well,she is growing up fast & started her on solid.More responsive, more fun now. Hows your little one? Saw a pikkie on FB, he's BIG BIG Boy now huh.

Recently she have not been sleeping well, think it becoz of teething. Very unsettle !! Wanna get Ergo carrier, didnt manage to get it in SIN so will have to source for it here in AUH. Nobody selling on the forum either.

Thanks for the advise,we are thinking of adopting a kitten about 3 months ago. We have heard about Cats being easy to care for, not as demanding as dogs etc but just need to know someone with a cat & baby at home. I am more afraid of Amber pulling the cat tail or poke the cat eyes etc.

yes yes!! thats what my experienced friends told me too! if wait until they can walk hor...then very hard to make them sleep in their own room. they may want to climb out of their cots, else will cry n cry in protest. and ya lor... my friends baby is PR until now...5 yrs old already! =P does your girl sleep on her own?
yah lor.. that's wat hubby says too.. he definitely dont want her to be PR! haha.. gd thing is she's been slping on her cot, not on our bed! sigh... i'm the one who she bu de leh.. wat if i can't hear her cry in the mid of the nite, etc.. though we have a baby monitor lah but i'm still the sort who will think of all stupid scenarios lor
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">Healthy Times...</font>

Hi mummies... anybody still interested to order? 15% disc off their online prices if i can collate $250 worth...
Collection at my place in bedok or at my convenience.

However, due to low response of orders up to date (apparently abt $100 nia), i will only wait till 10pm tmr; 16.04.2010.
If i still do nt get enough orders... I'll stop collating...
Mummies can look for them at carrefour since its being said that all items n flavours could be found there. I'll try look for them again at carrefour when this bulk purchase is nt successful.

If any still may be interested, do pm me... Thanks! =)</font>
prettymums> hehe. tat y i nv change job. cos i know here when i go back, dey will more or less give me more "slack time", since they know i need to spend more effort on my boy.

n hehe. i juz got my pay market adjustment today. jul got our yrly pay increment =x

btw, wat line r u doing?

kiki> hope ur gal's fine. yeah. nv leave ur gal unattended in the bed. my boy fell even when i left him attended with my hubby. i remember telling him. watch out of baby, dun let him fall. nxt thing i knew, i heard baby crying. went in to the room. see daddy pacifying him -_-"

potbelly> yeah yeah. ifc is good in a certain way, n bad in another -_-"

yeh yeah. i think market is good. else dun think my company will have market adjustment
yupz, Lucas sleep on his own in his room.. want to train him to be independent. I never on aircon for him as don't want him to get used to sleeping in aircon. I usually on aircon on wkends and he will sleep with us, save electricity.. heehee.

he adapted well from 1st day he slept on his own.. he will toss and turn ard 360 degrees in his own cot. : )

He will cry for attention when he wakes up... i leave my room door open, so can hear his cries.

My mum also told me that if co-sleep with baby until he/ she is 1 yr old, hard to let baby sleep on his/ her own. My cousin is like tat, doesn't want to sleep on her own, 3yrs old already and still sleeping with my uncle &amp; aunt on same bed.
RE: Co-sleeping
I never want my kids to be so independent at this tender young age. I love co-sleeping, it's one of the best things in the world, ie, the hug my kids to sleep, or at least sleeping in the same room with us. My hub also has the same thought (after physco by me, keke). My thinking is they would definitely become totally independent of us one day, be it 1 year or 5 or 10 years later, why rush now. Now that they still willing to let us hug and kiss them everyday, I would definitely cherish this. Mummy here is having very bad separation anxiety :) Having said that, of course we make sure that all the "activities" can still be carry on as usual and not affecting our couple relationship :)

I have a friend who co-sleep with her daughter till now, 27 months. A few weeks back, when my friend wanted to hug her daughter in the middle of the night, her daughter actually "scolded" her and said, "mummy, don't hug me, I don't want". That's only 2 year old leh, totally heart broken :-(
Melissa, I tend to agree with you and can't wait till I move and Ry can have her own room! Now she sleeps in the cot beside my bed but I do sleep with her sometimes - afternoon naps once in a blue moon and it's nice so I understand the co-sharing school of thought but getting a fist in a face one too many times... I'll go for independence ahahaha.
hi mummies, seems that cayden's cough is much better after taking the antibiotic so happy and then i see his upper tooth popping out yesterday. So cute!!! hahahaha

Cayden also co sleep with us and i intend to move him to sleep in the cot. But, he has been turning and tossing 360 degree in the bed which i dun think he can do that now if i put in the cot. Will try out tonite.

Btw, can ask any of the mums whether your baby start "pulling" themselve up the baby cot railing. My baby starts to do that already and i was like!???!!! have to make the baby cot base lower already!
That's great! A big relief for you!

My girl not only pulling herself up in the cot, but she also walked 1 round inside the cot holding onto the railing :)
Hi Mummies,

im so happy im on leave today!
wa so many activities going now.

prettymums, milkyway> im also changing job! cant wait to throw the letter. prettymums, job market is good now, since you are not happy just change. have the mindset that if you are not happy now, you wont be in the future and its just not good for your wellbeing. jiayou and good luck!

aiya.. my boy also sleep with us... its just so convenient. but getting less and less space, time to put him back into his cot.

mamato6js> you moved to kembangan already? >.< near my hse... can i bring my boy for a swim? ... when i quit i will have garden leave for 1 mth so can bring him over on weekday after your sons exam.
<font color="dc143c">xmasc</font>
Rayanne has been pulling herself up on the cot since a few weeks back..and she's enjoying herself pulling things off the shelves next to her cot..
made me so mad... now i gotta remove the cloth that was used to cover the shelf..else she'll pull the cloth and everything else on top of the cloth will drop to the floor!

She can also walk around the cot from left to right...
sometimes i hold her and walk across the bed also... (i knee on the bed while she walks)

Cant wait to move into my own house..then its more child-friendly..at least i hope..

Leave the renov part to my HB who's an Interior Designer himself...
hahaa.. i just choose certain things thats important to me... :p

Cant wait to take out the "House" bought at Mattel fair, the push walker, and cant wait for my LG Prime mat to come.... wah.... so exciting loh!!

But i'm gonna be busy packing packing soon...

Mum's place going thru.. 翻新...Upgrade! Yah..cant think of the word just now.. hahah...
So the toilets are gonna be renovated... i cant imagine when the time comes, how we gonna survive... heard its May-June... pray it'll be delayed till i move to my own place.. wahhahaa.. :p

<font color="dc143c">PRINZESS</font>
ON LEAVE???????????????? wanna go out?????????? hehehehe.. :p
xmasc - Ry's been pulling herself since she hit 6 mths, had to lower the cot. 2 days back she was standing and moving around her cot and fell and hit her head (not hard) but she looked a little shocked and cried a little.

I guess fall is part and parcel of growing up uh?

Yihui sleeps in a rocker beside my bed. Hv been shifting her back to her cot every night in her room. But during the am feed after I latch her, if I don't fall asleep then I'll shift her back. If I fall asleep then she'll be in my bed til she wakes up at 7am and punch me in my face to wake me up to play with her. Argh.
hi all!!
haven't logged in here for such a long time. i just came back from a 5D4N trip to club med bintan with my husband + 2 boys. in case any of you are interested in a nearby destination and a child friendly holiday, you can consider club med. some days we sent the older boy off for toddler activities, some days we engaged a babysitter for the younger one, so that we didn't need to take care of them 100% of the time. all in all a nice short holiday for us. i even managed to finish reading one book during the holiday. now am thinking of where to go for another short holiday in may =)

i co-sleep with my baby also. used to co-sleep with my toddler but nowadays he and his father sleep together on mattresses in the study room because they don't want to be disturbed when i do night feeds. my arrangement is more out of necessity than choice though cos i don't have a playpen/cot for the baby. plus i don't have the luxury of space since mine is a three room HDB flat. so baby/toddler have to sleep together with us parents. i console myself that it's a sweet arrangement because the first thing in the morning when you wake up is to see your child smile happily at you.
Wow, sounds like a really great getaway! I forgot about that, no wonder your blog not moving these few days :)

Haha, tell me one thing that we don't do the similar way :) Now my elder is also cosleep with his daddy in the MBR for the same reason as yours. That day when you posted about how your hub would use any cloth to clean your bb and how he baths you bb. I laughed so much and told my hub, and he said he wants to meet and shake hands with your hub, cos he also did the same (except he didn't let her precious girl lie on the floor lah)!
did u try mothercare? i remember seeing they have for 6 mths old bb...but i forgot the brand, but very ex, abt $70 buck or so!

yep, she's fine now.

my hb has the same thinking as u. hmm...i don't know though, but to me i feel that sleeping independantly shd not affect whether child is close to u/love u etc. hehe... u so early got 'empty nest syndrome' already ah!

glad to hear cayden is getting better!
hmm...old folks like to say when teething that time will get sick, so do u think it cld really be the teething? i can't wait to see kim sprout her little teeth but at the same time worried she will also get sick. :/ i think her bottom teeth shd be sprouting soon, coz can see the gums slightly swollen!

diaper rash
kim's got some diaper rash
think its from pooing too much! any one of your babies poo almost after every meal? mine does! the only meal she doesn't poo after is the last meal of the day, when she is dream feeding.
sometimes I feel it's work out nicely if Lucas is sleeping in same room as us in his own cot but my room is too small n his cot is unable to fit it... So might as well let him sleep in his room... : )

When u moving n where's ur new place?
when kriden is 5 mth he also poo almost every meal bout 6-7 times aday.. poo until the diaper rash veri jialet...
3days after the pooing every meal, his little tooth pop out... so for the rest of the month he also keep poo poo.

probably kimberly also teething??
yeah...i think kimberly is gonna teeth soon! though i can't see anything yet, but i noticed her gums look more swollen where the 2 lower 1st teeth should be.
Haha, I learn a new term today - Empty Nest Syndrom :) But not really though, I think I will be perfectly fine when they grow up and become indepedent or even leave us for their study etc, so we can go back to enjoy our couple life. It's just not now, not for the next few years, at least. I am sure whether cosleeping or not won't affect how much a child is close to me/love me. Our main aim is to have our children grow up happily and healthily. So whatever we do, is to achieve this aim. Cosleeping or sleeping in the same room with us is certainly something my kids enjoy very much for now, make them happy and feel being loved and cared for. Will only move them out whenever they are ready for it, it could be sooner than we think!
nope, im still at upper east coast. now kembangan doing reno. i will be shifting in june during sch hols.

u r welcome to come n swim at my place after my boys exams. but mine is only a lap pool ok so dun expect big big pool hor!!

i did the same as u when i had my twins thinking that the pillows stacked up so high sure v safe but my boys still fell! from then on i learnt my lesson not to underestimate our babies abilities! glad kim is ok. dun feel so bad, it happens. we learn n we move on
<font size="+0"><font color="ff6000">SEPT PLAYGROUP CONFIRMED! </font></font>

**Feel free to bring your husband, babies, kids, helpers, anyone who would like to tag along
** 1 May 2010, Saturday, 1PM TO 5PM
**Location: Blk 828, Yishun St 81

Name List / No. of pax (excluding baby) / Baby's name
1) enxuan/ 2 (husband and me) / Baby Eliza / konnyaku jelly
2) kiki
3) Angel
4) itsy

apparantly im making a big fuss about it since so many of the babies already doing that.
Is quite annoying because i cannot bear to see him hit himself to the railing and he is like using so much force hahahaha


yah, you know what a few of my mum's plant is ruined by him. their hands hor super fast leh can pull anything super fast.
oh yah, cant wait for u to "open house" your new place hahaha


yah i know but then when i see the red bump on the head i buay tahan leh. i thinking to put more patting to the side of the cot but then, it will make the area lagi smaller

really envy you. I think i will plan for one when cayden turns 1 yr old..Endure 5 more weeks!!!

yah that is what my mum says lah not sure how true thou

1 may is my MIL bday leh aiyo i so much wanna go meet you mummies (of coures provided the little one recovers liao)
I go "test test water" with my hubby see can siam for a few hours or not hee hee
dun broad over it too much on the fall. Cayden fall off from the sarong when he is 4mths old and landed on all fours. Till now i still cannot understand how he landed that way. Felt that guilty then. Then recently he dropped from our platform bed too hahaha even with pillows and bolsters

luckily mine is a platform bed so the impact not as bad like urs. anyway, if they din cry for too long after the fall should be fine.
No lah, you should be excited about what your dear darling can do! I was very super excited when my #1 did it, now come to #2, not that excited actually...... quite unfair to the #2 hor :-(
Melissa, moving mid - late May back to Pasir Ris, so far again. Sigh. But we like the green.

Ling, PMed you my order for Happy Times, if you're still ordering.

do you hv to pay for the babysitter at club med or is it part of their service?? Sounds like a possible getaway!! I'm dying for a hol!!

I'm also @ pasir ris. Hehe.
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">Healthy Times...</font>

I have collated only abt $168 worth of orders so far. Any other mummies interested? We still need abt $82 to be entitled to the 15% disc. Please PM me before 10pm tonight. Thanks!

Rach - Ur fren still interested?

Marie - I got ur order. Thanks!</font>
Kiki> ops.. Guess Kim should be fine liaoz?? Looks like this isbtge season of babies falling off the beds..
Guess our babies are growing up n more mobile liaoz...

I also felt like a bad mummy when Rayanne fell off the bed last month... Man... So worried n I had to promise my HB not to be angry or scold me before I told him what happened Lo...

I did monitor her n ensure nothing is unusual Lo...
She cried for a little while n ok liaoz... Also no bruise or anything.. She also fell face down in her hands Lo..

Guess we all need to be careful liaoz...
Everytime I'm away I will think of what'll happen if she falls frm the bed again n will run back to see see..

Still take some risk now when I need to walk away for a short while but if I need to be away for more than 1min I'll put her into her cot though she'll still stand up n look over the cot.. But at least better than on the bed la..

So rest of mummies take care oh...

Bolsters n pilows are useless de...
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">Healthy Times...</font>

Total orders have hit ard $200 le... Anymore orders? Another $50 and I can place order liao... </font>
its infant care division, once the bb bite the toys the toys too share among other babies :S...

xmas, i brought my son to PD liao cuz he kena Fever, PD at TMC a&amp;E.. 70++++ why ah? if i see outside isit lesser?

PD say my son got throat infection,

i ask pD to suck our my bb phlegm, he say dun need??!!! he say no point?!!
always behind postings, juz managed to catch up

bbq98, u can also find thermal wear konfidence or warma at Isetan. I think I saw it at Isetan too
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">Healthy Times</font>

Orders closed! will try do the consolidation asap. Cant do it now as Jaelle is not very cooperative tonight.. I will collate all orders to see if we meet the $250. If yes, please check your orders I proceed to place the order. I will then ask for your transfers. Thanks for your help! </font>
babysitting services for infants less than 2 years old are chargeable at S$5/hour. if your kid is between 2-4 years old they can attend petit club activities w/out any parent intervention at $25 per half day. very worth it because they will play, eat, sleep with supervision.

i think my husband will enjoy meeting you. cos can talk about work (ie non baby things), hahaa!
omg so busy with work

ehhhhhh did you all buy any romper extenders? My girl's 3-6mths rompers can't fit liao! Thinking of getting those extenders.. whatcha think? It's $3 leh so expensive with limited colours T_T
gina> i've oredi upgraded my boy to 12mths rompers. not very costly ma rompers in de first place. find it no pt to wear those extensions
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">Healthy Times...</font>

Thanks to all the mommies who have contributed to the orders.
We have hit over $300 worth le.
I've just sent out a mail for all to check and revert.
Please do inform me of any discrepancies.
Please note that once orders is placed, NO cancellation nor amendments is allowed.

Thank U! =)</font>
<font color="dc143c">Ling</font>
whoo!! great... how i wish to join in...
but there's nothing for me to buy...
my 15baby jars still untouched.. my barley cereal untouched... cookies also untouched...
only opened one pack of teethers which still too early to eat.. waste my money coz she'll only finish 1/4 of the whole teether.

wahhh...cant wait to opena n try all the HT stuffs... but still got plenty HB cereal and puffs to finish first!! wahahha... :p

<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">rach...</font>

if u've got a lot.. then no need to join in la... Managed to hit ard $380 worth in fact lo..

im only left with less than half box of barley cereal, 5 baby jars n half box of bellamy's bb porridge I bought to try the other time... I need the orders badly. Thats why I put deadline. If I didnt manage to hit $250, I would just have to go round lookin for them lo..

Btw... how long did it take for u to get the orders delivered aft u place the orderd ah?</font>
