(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs


All along I got the "small mouse" at the armpits. Dinno it's called auxiliary breasts. it makes me look very fat lor, so I can nvr wear spaghetti or tube tops. Coz I already have fat upper arms. Very depressing..

Nvr occurred to me that it can be removed. How much does it cost???

btw I still need to let u know shipping cost for the spree yeah.

<font color="ff0000">happy baby puffs</font>
huh??? Must finish in a week??
I just popped open 3 bottles 2 nites ago n mix them up..
So that it'll be multi flavored for Rayanne.
Very sian to be always eating the same flavour leh...

So now I have a huge Tupperware full of apple, banana n greens puff n I take out abt 10-20 puffs into a tiny Tupperware for each days dosage..

Tried yest n it was fun!!
Gave her 2-3 randomly when I rem n we reached home with only 3-4puffs left..

I started by breaking into twos to feed her... Then after 3rd day, I fed her whole puff n she was able to eat it well.. And she likes it!! She will open her mouth when she's done with one... Then I pop another in...

<font color="ff0000">sleeping late</font>
rayanne is sleeping late everyday Lo... Earliest it happened was 1030pm n only happened once in my memory...
Else it's 12-1am every nite..
She will still be super active at 11plus de..
But it's my bad habit la.. She can't be patted to sleep, so it's always sitting at the tv watching my 11-1am show.. Then latching her... Then she'll sleep somewhere somehow..

Now no more Bruce lee at 12am so we're sleeping earlier at 12plus... Used to sleep at 1-2am myself cuz after show gotta do thngs also...
milkyway &amp; happymrskoh
milkyway...aiya, wasted your hb couldn't 'play' with his new toy. hopefully got chance again ya! ytd 2 other cutie models for him to shoot leh. ahahaha... REALLY?! the notes were taught wrongly ah!? i didn't notice also...i just kinda felt like the whole session was quite rushed through...i felt tired!

were both your girls tired after the session? my girl machiam very tired when we got home, in the evening she didn't even finish her solid meal, kept yawning and just wanted to sleep!

some parts of the lesson i thought were quite "funny". like baby and mummy pretending to eat the cherry dots part. after the lesson i was thinking it through and wondering what was that for huh? lol...like no purpose leh. =P honestly, i didn't quite like the part on 'hanging' my girl at the side bar. so scared she hurt her little hands or arms.

happymrskoh, actually i'm ok with my current weight lah. honestly don't really care ... i still eat as usual n eat alot, i enjoy good food and would never go on diet kind, because if i can't eat what i wanna eat, i think i might get depression!! i only kinda heartpain my entire wardrobe of S size clothings 90% cannot fit! .. and those that can fit, are rather ill fitting coz i just try to squeeze into them. =P
michelle - For the puffs, now are you still breaking up into 2 pieces?? Initially i broke the puff into 4 pieces, then next day 3 pieces then i gei kiang give her one whole puff, bad mummy! The puffs got lao hong anot? When you opened?

rach - Read from the bottle that it is to be consumed within 1 week of opening. You best, can open 3 and mix! How many puffs she eats per day?

Wa another night owl. At least you don't need to work tml ley,can sleep in. For me after she sleep, i still got pump, wash and sterlise. By the time i get into bed, it is almost 2am liao. Been like that for sometime. So getting sian n tired and want to solve this problem.
the HB puffs are the small bits ones is it? i've not tried giving my girl those yet. when i was at expo bb fair, i wanted to buy the gerber ones, but the lady told me because they're very small bits, bb might just swallow them and gets choke so better to give after 10 mths.

wow, your girl sleeps really late! must be very tiring for u too! do u bath her at night or wipe her down? i wipe my girl down with a warm wet towel before bedtime, i think it helps to relax her and tell her that its time to sleep. maybe u can try soft music too. for me i also give her pacifier only at bedtime. my girl also 'bounces' around sometimes before bedtime, she does get slightly agitated like rub her eyes n pull her ears. sometimes she also will cry abit, flip and unflip several times...then suddenly fall asleep herself.
Thinking of trying gymboree too. Marc was in a foul mood on Saturday, so I had to keep stepping out of class to calm him down. He loves his kindermusic classes though, so I dunno why he reacted so badly to BJG. Rayanne and ian were so cute and quiet! If you guys organises trial at tanglin mall, let me know can? Thanks!
kiki - Yep the HB puffs are the small bits one, same as gerber. Ya, my girl almost choked! very scary. The puff bottle didn't state how many months to be given ley. So i thought just try some first. The puff melts in the mouth kind.

My pil keep saying "where got child sleep so late" blah blah, "babies sleep at 8plus", "you try to make her sleep" Bleah!, as if i'm not trying, when she sleeps, it frees me up to do other stuff, of course the earlier she sleeps, the better for me. I wipe her down sometimes (usually 8pm) but she still as active as usual. Soft music haven't tried (will try tonight), She takes pacifier most of the times during the day. Mine hasn't fallen asleep by herself so far. I will carry her vertically and patpat her, hug her close, her head will be against my neck. If she resist, she pushes her head the other way and struggle. So envy your girl can fall asleep herself.
{red{Munchkin Mozart Magic Cube}

OMG!!! price dropped to $13.82 today!!!!!!
I already ordered sooooooo many at $14.30!!!
Wanna kill myself!!!!


oh she doesn't want to sleep anytime before that.. How???
I bought the Baby Whisperer but haven't finish reading it man...
Sorry. By what I read from your previous post - you let her accompany you watching tv, how do you expect her to sleep when the drama is playing on the tv?

My girl used to sleep late. But one fine day, when she was about 6 months, she just decided to go to bed at 9pm, everyday without fail. Cut down the evening sleep if you can. Avoid doing things that makes her excited before bedtime may help. My girl is not a good sleeper. I am bringing her to sleep her PD later for her phlegm. Will get advise on her PD about her poor sleeping pattern. Will let you know if I learn anything from him.
<font color="ff6000">bernice</font>
haha yah put the puff in the fridge! i put them there immediately after opening leh! haha i worse, the first puff i broke. subsequently i gave jacob the whole puff liao!!! but he takes solid quite well lar so he will use his tongue to play with it, suck, eject out then i will push it back in hahaha! but when i first gave his the whole puff, i made sure my finger was in his mouth to "feel" where it was heading haha! i heard gerber's sweeter and harder hence should give later. cya later! go and prepare now
Oh hope your girl get well soon, cough/flu? I do avoid playing with her and remind the grandparents not too as well. But no help. Ok i will cut down on her evening sleep but how? entertain or play with her to pass time ar? Hope to learn some tips and stop her bad sleeping habit. Thanks for sharing in advance! =)
<font color="ff0000">Kam</font>
haha... Cuz I tried sleeping with her... It didn't help n she dun sleep.. So since she dun want sleep.. She watch drama with me Lo... Actually she can sleep in any environment..
With or without sounds.. In cinema theatre, during church praise n worship, anywhere!!!
So sound is not an issue n I watch tv in very low volume.. So also not a problem...

But she just dun want sleep.. If she wanna sleep, she can sleep in any environment Lo...
Weight - I really need to go on a diet, my friend says to chill on the carbs and I really haven't got an excuse cos I've stopped breastfeeding already ;( but I LOVE my carbs.

Classes - I'm going for a trial at BJG Kembangan this Sat, anyone else going? I'm interested in the Gymboree one too, I really need get into gear and meet some of you mummies
milk> keke. so happy. think my boy was previously sick, so he cannot finish 180ml in one feed. only max give him 150ml n need to break into 2feeds. last nite hubby give him 190ml, he manage to drink 180ml one shot. den he was awakened during his dream feed. but after feeding him, hubby left the room to wash de bottles, somehow he manage to fall back asleep by himself. so cute =p

happy baby puffs> haha. my boy oso very cute. when de puffs stuck at his gums there, he wanna stuff it back, he'll use his hands to push. think he dunno how to use his fingers yet =p

sleeping> after my boy started ifc, he sleeps ard 815pm, latest 9pm. but wakes up early ard 6+ cos i need to prepare n leave hm by 7am. den very shiong during wkends. cos he oso wakes up at 7am latest -_-

bernice> i used to break into 3, now into 2. tried giving him the whole piece. he seems to like wanna choke leh, so i still break into 2. i open super long. at least 1mth liaos. all along i find de puffs like lao hong one leh. cos i think it's meant to be melt in de mouth, rather den to chew ma. so is abit soft soft lao hong pattern? no?

mozart cube> ahhhh. i oso ordered when it was 14.3 -_-" seems like de price is dropping by de day. but ok la. less den 1bucks diff =p

rach> but it's good to let bb sleep in a quiet environment. for me. in de day i on de tv to volume 7, but at nite at most volume 2. n need to make it dim. den he will fall asleep

flower4> initially sure bite one. my boy oso bite now, though no teeth yet. but it's pain!! juz ren. soon will be not so pain

doesn't matter which guy she's looking at. all guys anyway - so normal! haha


hiaz after preggie, really not the same hor? can't stand my tummy too. bounce bounce bounce!


any comments abt mamex gold? sweet? bubbles? constipating?

btw what's w this 'gold' business? i see mamex gold, mail gold, friso gold.. got real gold meh??? so confused by all the fm


if u really wanna try latching, i advise u to call a lactation consultant. they're pros after all n can help u in much more efficient n correct way.
oh baby expo sales again 30 April - 2 May...anyone got details...though i think, we dun really need stuff from there alraedy right..

rach, the mozart cubes, were they on discount already? what's the original price anyway?
Jul, thanks, i miss out your post, i will give them a call.
.. yalor..hope by latching back my supply back.

i eat furnugreek already. one day 3tablets x 3 for 1month already. no improvement.

Michelle, my boy got teeth lioa.. real painful.
yes, Karis was very tired after the class! We quickly dabo-ed back home to eat after the class ended so that she could take a good nap at home. She knocked off as soon as we got home and napped for 2 1/2 hrs. She must have used up alot of brain cells.. hahaha

Yup, i didn't really control my diet too. Just eat whatever I like cos I feel that it's important to stay happy. A hungry man is an angry man!
my girl has been on mamex gold since birth. So far so good. Normally, she poos once a day, sometimes once very 2 days. I think she's taking it quite well. Frankly, i've never really tried the taste but she seems to enjoy it. She will get very excited when she sees us walking towards her with the milk bottle. Bubbles wise, I think got a little bah when I try to stir the milk powder and water together.

But i think each baby's taste is different.. Maybe you can let your boy sample first. I have yet to try mamil gold step 2 though.

Ya all the 'golds'! what's with the "golds'..haha
<font color="119911">Michelle and Jul</font>
Forgot how much I paid but less than a thousand I think, and cannot pay by insurance or medisave etc etc cos it's considered cosmetic.. ai shui kinda operation :p

<font color="119911">Gerber puff</font>
Aiyo, I read mummies are feeding their babies puffs already so I feed also lor, didn't know you all break the puffs into smaller pieces... I feed him the whole puff :p Actually I'm using it to let him practice pinch grip. He'll try to grip and put in his mouth, but so far still not successful hahha mummy still got to help. He can chew and I tried the puffs, melt very easily so should be ok to feed the whole thing ba.
kiki, happymrskoh
yes yes.. shanis was tired after the class too. We got home at 4+ and she slpt from 5pm after i bathe and changed her. i had to wake her up at 7.30pm as i'm afraid it might disrupt her nite sleep and thereby my sleep as well! guess she missed her afternoon nap that's why she can sleep for so long.
Puffs and Rusks..

Are Puffs the same as Rusks? I have always heard about Rusks coz its an old brand till now. This is the first time I come accross puffs in this thread. What are the differences between puffs and rusks ar?

Any mommies feeding their darling with Rusks? I bought a pack but not yet try..
need to finish within 1wk of opening?? oppss i didnt read the instruction! mine opened for a few wks already! and i dont think it's lao hong leh. i don't give her a lot and not everyday too... i will break it into 2 and teaching her to hold it and put into her mouth. She tried over the wkends but she couldnt aim properly yet. keke
<font color="aa00aa">jul</font>
Awww.... it's okay cos i also get confused with some baby's names.. heee...

Sigh. How to?? 99% of the time its always only me and zander leh! How to laugh and laugh and distract him all the time even though i really been doing that every time i bathe him....... the other 1% is when i'm back at mum's place and my mum shower him and i play with him lor.... sometimes when i am back at mum's place, i'm still the one showering him..... zander kept wanting to come out of the tub too...... he doesnt seemed to be enjoying his bath time anymore... i am really so ): this week i am going to bring him to North point to try again......... ):

i saw 2 teeth popping at the bottom liao!

SLEEP at midnight??? Sigh, zander also sleep very late... 1am 2am sometimes 3 4am! He's just VERY VERY VERY active.... before he start to sleep sooooo late, i actually train him to sleep at about 10pm after his night feed... usually he drinks BUFFET and doze off....... but now never... doze off 1-10mins he wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so tiredddddddd. I'm still trying everyday to try to make him sleep at 10+ 11pm... else i will die of exhaustion soon. i totally cannot do anythinggggggg..... ):

to up supply, u can take up to 2 tablets of fenugreek 3x a day. that was what thomson parentcraft advised me. after that when ur supply stabilise, u can maitain with only 3 tablets per day.

ur gynae's joycelyn wong right? u can ask her for this pill called doperidine or something like that. that one can increase milk by quite a bit.

huh?? ur boy allergic to fm issit? did he vomit other brands of fm?

lose weight got golden period one meh???

thks for the feedback
really confusing with all the brands n types of fm.


need to see plastic surgeon or GP will do huh? i'm so tempted haha

hmm.. yeah i can understand how difficult it is with one person. maybe u just try to put more toys into his bath. maybe slowly slowly he'll be ok.

that time i also tot sam gone case. forever will hate bath time. but now seems to be ok again.
<font color="aa00aa">jul</font>
All along in his tub have 1 duck, 3 dogs, 4 stacking water toys which act like watering can.... but he doesn't seemed to be interested anymore.... how how? what other ways.... change bath toys? If add more i think over crowded liao.. wahahaha... his tub already the biggest tub i can find at kiddypalace! Hahaha....

I feel so lostttttt

U're sure that Zander's afraid of bathing? Or that he's imaptien to get out n explore the world?

Coz Sam also like that. Dun wanna lie down in the bathtub anymore. wanna sit up, turn all over the place, wanna stand up, lean over the bathtub n touch the floor, touch the toilet bowl, splash water.. That's different from beng scared of bathing leh.

Scared of bathing is more like face hcanged when bathing, wanna get out n start to cry in fear if u dun carry him out
<font color="aa00aa">jul</font>
He is not scared to bathe but no interest anymore.He used to enjoy all bathing time... now he cant wait to get out of the tub, wanting me to carry out....

Whereas swimming at Hwa Xia... last 2 sessions, he saw neck float, his eyes open very big,... neckfloat on him, he struggle, put him in, he kick and wailed like kena scared!!!!!! And once we carry him out to rest before tryin to put him in again, he kiap my waist tight tight when i carry him... showing me he doesnt want me to put him down into the pool! Usually he enjoys swimming as you can see his old video of him swimming.....

can you email me the details for flash cards?

Sleeping habits

I read a few books on baby sleeping habits. I find this book the most useful. Healthy sleep
habits, happy baby by dr marc weissbluth. You can try some of the methods in it. My baby wakes up at 7am everyday naps 1 to 1 1/2 hrs around 9am. 2nd nap at 12 noon. 3rd nap at 3pm. Sleeps at 730pm. Wakes around midnight for a feed then goes back to sleep immediately and wakes up at 730am the next morn.
Itay, is it painful? How's the procedure like? Recovery period? Does it affect breastfeeding? I got both sides!! Jialat, if I go, confirm exceed 1k.. Worried about pain and recovery though.. Will it come back after some time??

Sorry ar.. So many questions
Hi Mommies,

I've stl got like 15 capsules of Fenugreek Expiring: 06/2013 &amp; 30 capsules of ProLacta DHA Expiring: 07/2011

Anybody wants? but hv to come pick up at my place at Jurong. I'm not taking them le since I've stop bf-ding oredi. Don't wanna waste.. so Sept Mommies first priority to have them. Otherwise i'll post at the WTG/WTE area le. Anyone wants?
<font color="119911">Enxuan and Jul</font>
I saw GP then polyclinic cos I want subsidy mah. Went hospital for scan to make sure it's benign then scheduled to remove it. They asked why since there's nothing wrong.. hee hee I told them I wanna wear a tube wedding gown. It was day surgery and I was wide awake while the surgeon "burn off" the excess tissue. Very simple procedure, doc, nurses and I were all discussing about wedding dinners cos they knew I was getting married. Wasn't painful and recovery was quite fast. There is a 2cm scar but it's along the armpit folds so not that bad. But now hor, got extra meat again, BUT it could be cos I put on too much weight during preg and haven't shed them off :p

Enxuen, I removed it 2 yrs back, now I'm total Bfing Ian so should be ok. Dunno if u can remove both sides at same time, heehee surgery time, both armpits up very funny.
i call dumex. they say my son not ready for fm yet so got to wait for awhile.. since my son since birth never touch fm b4 lor.hiaz.

okok i will call Jocelyn wong tmr.thanks so much.

i had fenugreek 3 tablets 3 x a day liao lor.
<font color="dc143c">Gymboree Updates:</font>


We thank you for your interest in our Gymboree program.

For 7 months old, you may come for Play &amp; learn 2. We could take up to 12
children per class. We regret to say that we do not hold private classes as
we do not have empty slots for it. We do not offer group discount at our

You may register to become our member and it costs $50. As a welcome
package, it will come with a free class and a t-shirt for your little one.
After trying and you like the class, you may sign up for 12 classes at
$399.00 (members rate).

We look forward to seeing you and your little one at our centre soon.

Best regards

Gymboree Play &amp; Music
#03-21 Tanglin Mall
Tel : 67355290

sounds like he's very insecure. dunno if u wanna try not bringing him to swim for a while. let him have time to 'forget' first? i'm also not sure, but guess u just gotta try all sorts of ways.

sam's quite timid. he can be very rough n strong but when he goes out, he clings like a koala too. dunno what to do also *sigh*


haha expose armpit is already weird.. who cares whether it's 2 or 1???

yucks the procedure sounds scary. but then it's coz i'm a v squeamish person


huh? not ready for fm? got such thing meh?

fenugreek works slowly. the doper meds works very fast. in a few days.
itsy> haha. ai shui operation. erms. dunno i got the guts to go under de knife or not leh. even lasik i dare not do till now -_-

but i think after pregnancy, de meat at my hands there got lesser liaos? or cos my arms become thicker so it's less obvious -_-"

princessxiaomei> u must take note leh. if ur boy sleep early at nite, means ur boy wakes up early in de day hor. my boy sleeps 8+pm, so he wakes up 6+7am oso. day time only nap sometime 9+10am for 45mins n 12+1pm for 2-2.5hrs. tat's all de free time i get in de day
<font color="aa00aa">jul</font>
Sigh. I also think he felt insecure especially when swimming.. but it's so sudden... usually he isn't like that.... so i am really really really feeling puzzled.... and helpless.... sigh..

<font color="aa00aa">michelle</font>
Yeah i understand that.. but i rather he sleep at 10+ 11 rather than midnight....... ): if he sleeps at 10+ 11pm, he will wakes up around 10am.... but when he sleeps at midnight, he can wake up at 1+pm, 2+pm... and when he showered liao milk liao, he zzz again till 3+... by the time he sleepy around evening, he sleep 7+ 8+pm.. that's the problem why he cann0t sleep again at 10+.... I totally no free time... sometimes i bathe in a rush... when i use the com (it's only at my mum's place) while i latch him....... where got free time... i so tired...


haha short for the doperidine or doperidone medicine thingy


dun think so much abt it. tmportant thing is that at least he's not afraid of bath, else u'll be even more frustrated.

it may be a phase he's gog thru? maybe after a while, he'll be ok liao?
