(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font color="#6600fff">Hola Mommies~</font>

Long time... Been busy... And ill at the same time... Stupid cough...

<font color="#6600fff">Paige</font>

Hope you're feeling better now...
From what I know... Wired bras are a BIG nono.

<font color="#6600fff">Jul</font>

Kairi does create a mess by smearing food here and there at times. Once, she stuffed her foot in her mouth when I turned away for a mere 2 seconds to grab the hanky to wipe her mouth... Her socks had cereal, And I smacked her thigh. She cried, but stopped once I put another spoon of cereal into her mouth. I think the trick is really to react faster than them. >.< I feed her real fast so she won't have the chance to do anything else!

<font color="#6600fff">Losing weight</font>

I think my BMI is also below 16 now. My pants that I had been wearing whilst pre-preg, are slipping off my hips. HB wants me to stop BF-ing soon as he says I am getting thinner and thinner everyday. T^T~ I eat ALOT. But no fats, and getting thinner.

<font color="#6600fff">Mozart Magic Cube</font>

It's a good buy. Kairi loves her cube. =) Worth it! Especially at the current price!

<font color="#6600fff">Rach</font>

Parklon mat, Details please~ And anyone adding on to your VS? I thought it's $75 off $250? I wanna get the tubes.

<font color="#6600fff">Oh right... I forgot</font>

Kairi bumped her head on the shelf 2 days ago. Bruised and a slight abrasion on the right side of her forehead. Silly girl's been going to the shelf and messing around with my stuff, And standing with it's support too! She really is quite a handful now. I can't imagine what's in store for me when she starts walking!
hi Pam, how does the mozart cube work? is it too big n hard that baby will get knock on the head? as mine likes to wave his hands whenever he holds something..
<font color="#6600ff">Jeni</font>

The Mozart Magic Cube Is quite big. About 5" by 5". But it's made of plastic and has rubberized corners. Kairi has bumped her head on it a few times. No problems though.
mozart cube> hehe. i ordered mine from one of the aug mums before rach started a spree for it. cant wait for it to arrive =p

think my boy will like it. cos he likes things with lights n sound

still hv to take cereal. Yihui takes cereal for breakfast. Porridge with purée for lunch n dinner. Then milk feeds in between and also a bit of milk after her meals. I'll latch her when I'm at home. If not i fill up 30 ml bm for my mom to feed her cos she doesn't like water!! And bm supply low. Sian.
<font color="dc143c">Mozart Magic Cube</font>

ordered 15.. 14 taken up..

1 last one if one PM me please..


If got another 3, then i order again... please PM me.. i randomly read.. will miss out...
<font color="ff6000">Distilled water</font>
I heard that distilled water is not good for human being. because it is so clean, it actually "extracts" minerals from our body. Something about it water imbalance, but haven't had the time to go find out more about it yet. Anyway, I avoid it now, as well as mineral water, unless I really can't help it. Just drink drinking water. Must really go and find out more.
<font color="ff6000">Kinder Bueno</font>
haha, what's this with KinderBueno? My hb also always ensure there's some in the fridge. Lucky we were away, otherwise, he sure stock up had we gone to NTUC.
<font color="ff6000">Weight loss</font>
I wish I was losing weight with all the BF that I'm doing. How come it isn't happening to me, although my diet went back to normal already? Hmm......
<font color="0000ff">bra</font> huh, but if not padded can see tits! cannot lah!! but yes, no underwire...i think my breast has shrunk, i think my pre-preg bras are too big for me now!!! how come huh!!

<font color="0000ff">Pam, jeni</font> great! we have the same weight issue, so its normal, huh? good, then i dont need to worry
but are you girls gonna supplement with FM soon? I realised now that i'm back at work, its no joke trying to pump, then go home have to settle baby+ home chores...super tiring!
<font color="119911">Michelle</font>
You bought some bras from forum that you found are the same as mothercare ones? Can share with me the details? I also find Mothercare bras good, but not cheap, so must wait till sale the buy. But at least now I've got the discount card, at least can get a little cheaper.
<font color="119911">Paige</font>
Ya, very tiring and no time to do any other things. Sometimes in office, no time to pump, so I just squueze by hand to relieve and prevent engorgement. Go home quickly latch. Then tired, sleep early, close one eye to household chores. But I still hope to BF some more although 6months was my target. Beats having kids fall sick and have to bring them to doctor in future, unless there are problems.
paige> think bo bian leh. see tits lo =p haha. i dun think my bras are padded. erms. too big? my bras are definitely too small. now still cant wear back. dere are like more than 15 in my wardrobe which are too small. dunno wat to do with them now

jolimilk> de bp no more there leh. i bought them before i deliver. have been wearing them even before i deliver cos my usual bras are too small. only cost like 20+ each. compared to the mothercare ones which cause like 89 for 2?
<font color="#6600fff">Paige~</font>

I been back to work after my 1 mth confinement. So been pumping till now. But now I've reduced to pumping once at work. Because I latch before I go and after work. Pumping every 6-7hrly.
I also total BF but losing weight sooooo slowly. Wish it be can faster and I'm not even eating a lot at home. Anway, u not using breast pads? I'm wearing unpadded unwired nursing bra, breast pads act as padding lor. Cannot flash my titties around lah. Hahha
Round of applase for u and ur hubby. If it's me, I might have gave up bfing Liao. And I'm so jealous! U can eat so much plus kinder bueno and yet lost weight?!?
get well soon and thanks to you, I'm spending $ to get the magic cubes Haha my mum is already asking me to stop buying toys for Ian :p

i nvr tried wearing my old bras. coz all wired one!

hehe ur mgr got hidden agenda huh?


did anything scare xavier while in the water?

couple of weeks back, mil scared sam n we took 2 weeks to make him not afraid to bathe

think u're right. just keep shovelling food into sam's mouth wud create less of a mess


dunno leh, wong boh boi said padded bras are too hot! maybe it's better to be safer in the sense that padding makes the bra tighter n may have constriction???


yeah i was so used to underwired n padded bras. really hate the nusing bras. norm if wearing tight / thin clothes, i use breast pads to pad.

it's a theory of mine..

if milk supply low, n u squeeze every darned drop out, period tends to stay away n weight tends to drop (if u dun eat like an obese pig).

if u have lots of milk, ur body tends to start menses sooner n lose weight more slowly.

that's jul's theorem hee
haha.. jul...how u come abt this theory?
hmm..then seems like it for me, being the former.

i used to can't fit my pants, now i just got a new small size one, n it seems to be slipping off too..just like Pam... haha... duno if this is good or not.
haha but JUL, ur theory doesn't work for me lei. I total bf, no menses, doesn't eat like a pig but weight not dropping! dropping lah but slowly. Maybe supply not enough, can't check cos I latch. Maybe I should eat more kinder bueno! Wahahaha I'm going to borrow a pump and check if my supply has dropped.
jeni, itsy

Haha I based on myself n a few other mummies here lor. Seems like those who have lots of supply get their period faster lor

The weight part.. I anyhow one hahaha


My weight also dropped slowly. Took me like 7mths to go back to 54kg. But I eat like an obese pig, not just a pig lor hehe
<font color="119911">itsy</font>
Haha, I'm like you, total BF and not eating KinderBueno, and weight is droppin as slow as turtle. Hm...that reminds me, I should go and check on my supply as well, so long didn't pump already!
So I thought the BF theory about losing weight doesn't seem to work, for me at least.
<font color="119911">jul</font>
So good, you only took 7 months to return back to pre-preg weight. I still have about 8kg to lose leh!!! And I don't even eat like a pig, at least not anymore...
itsy> me too losing weight sooo slowly. i think cos i've been eating alot =x actually nursing bra act as a padding. somehow i find de material thicker esp at the tits area?

pamelia> is it cos it has got lights? my boy is very attracted to things tat got lights n move =p

jul> haha. cos she oso need to bf nxt time. den if do too ugly for me. nxt time she got to follow my path one leh =p

if she do nicer, nxt time she do than dun look so bad ma =x but ok la, all along she is ok one.

I put on 14kg mah. Then immed after delivery, went to 60kg. So left only 6kg, not hard to lose. Less than 1kg/mth.

But the tummy is still bouncing ard
All along I had a pooch lah. But now, it's a flabby pooch!


Anyway "go out to work, cannot hiam too much" also hor?
WEIGHT LOST... or lack of...

I have major tummy issues, still looks like I'm 4 months pregnant. Sigh, I hate diets and a weekly exercise class just don't cut it.

Anyone else have at least 10 kg to get rid of?

Super sian.
jul> yaya. at least now i'm not expected to wk ot, support exercise, can take leave urgently, pump during office hrs. cannot hiam liao la. even appraisal not as good oso cannot hiam. at least i still get my bonus =p
ME!!! I BFed for 7 months, and gonna take care of 2 kids, and work, and didn't eat much, and didn't sleep well. Still not losing any weight! 5kg to pre #2, and another 10kg to pre #1. So total 15kg to lose! Serious case I have! But then my hubby said since we are not sure if we are going to have #3 or not, so no point slim down now :) But honestly I don't have time to do exercise and all. And I have to eat my normal meals, else I will feel very unhappy :)
Marie > Here is another mummy who also have about 10KG to lose to reach pre-pregnancy size. I doubt my weight ever dropped since delivery. I think I ate too much during confinement. I am fatter after confinement leh.. Then now maintaining the post-confinement weight, haha.. if not I will keep on putting more weight..
<font color="ff0000">Mozart Magic Cube</font>
already ordered 21... N lost count of who wants it...
Lol!! Will tabulate n post the names here tonite..
I think all taken up n have 1-2 mummies still want...
No confirmation received so I'm not ordering yet..

If I've SMS or emailed u for payment means ordered..
Please tt $30 to me..
Balance or shortfall will be refunded or top up when cubes arrive..
hi mommies...
long time no "see"!
so tired having to work n look after bb...

i still have lotsa of weight to loss! dunno how to get rid of it.. seems like i have serious water retention prob too.. flabby here n there... =(
<font color="aa00aa">jul</font>
Mine is Zander :) heee....
Erm... seriously i think yes. We fought while he was bathing zander and he got frightened by our fights... ): i dont know how now..... feel so depressed.... sian....
<font color="dc143c">Mozart Magic Cube Status:</font>
<table border=1><tr><td>S/No</TD><TD>Name</TD><TD>Qty</TD><TD>Amount</TD><TD>Postage</TD><TD>Amount Paid</TD><TD>Balance </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Stephanie Goh</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $30.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> $30.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Prinzess</TD><TD>2</TD><TD> $60.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD> $60.00 </TD><TD> $- </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Rach</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $30.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD> $30.00 </TD><TD> $- </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>xmasc</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $30.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> $30.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>maelyn</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $30.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD> $30.00 </TD><TD> $- </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>paige</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $30.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD> $30.00 </TD><TD> $- </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>karen toh</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $30.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> $30.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>rorqual</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $30.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD> $30.00 </TD><TD> $- </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>gina</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $30.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> $30.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>linda suryani</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $30.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD> $30.00 </TD><TD> $- </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>melissa</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $30.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> $30.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>shawna</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $30.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> $30.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>hotsnail-Yvonne</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $30.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> $30.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>Jess</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $30.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> $30.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>Sheryn Toh</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $30.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> $30.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>Caroline Yow</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $30.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> $30.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>Pei Pei</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $30.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> $30.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>Connie Lim</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $30.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> $30.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>Angeline Lee</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $30.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> $30.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>Marie</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $30.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> $30.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Total</TD><TD>21</TD><TD> $630.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD> $210.00 </TD><TD> $420.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Mummies, please tt to me asap okie... card bursting liaoz.. hehehe.. :p

If any discrepancies please PM me and let me know...
<font color="dc143c">Mozart Magic Cube</font>

2 more slots. any takers??

PM me please.. thanks..

Will make this the last batch liaoz.. else we wont get to receive it.. will wait for all 8 batches to reach then pay and ship back to save shipping..
talking abt weight loss... i'm still total BF-ing, taking care of kids, working, lack of sleep... but still.... sighz. think i lack of excercise

ask u all a question.... my boy seems to be less interested in milk nowadays. is it normal? my #1 also became not interested in my BM when she was 7-month old, but that was because i was pregnant, so i guess the taste of BM changed that time. disclaimer: i'm not pregnant now :p
<font color="119911">weight lost</font>
I have another 5kg more to lose to reach pre Preg, a other 5kg more to reach wedding day weight, another 5kg more to reach school days weight!!! How to lose 15kg!?! Haha
<font color="119911">Waiwai</font>
luckily u put disclaimer haha maybe ur bb more interested in solid or solid keeping him full so notinterested in milk?

it's like that lah. my appraisal is terrible this yr lor.


thanks so much!


oops! sorry zander, auntie jul anyhow change name

it's hard, but can slowly make zander like bath again. that time sam see bathtub will cry.. see toilet will cry..

took us a lot of laugh laugh, distract with toys, singing, etc etc to make him not scared. hubs will carry him tightly while i use cloth to dip into bathtub then wipe him. then progress to can use dripping cloth to drip water on sam. then use sponge n soap. then can use scoop to pour water.. until sam started to wanna 'jump' inside the bathtub himself. now it's back to his irritating, wanna stand up n jump in the water, turn here n there, knock the toilet bowl, splash water.... old self

it itakes patience n hard work, jiayou!

u can try calling parentcraft to see if it's possible. if possible, u have to bring bb down n they'll help u retrain. but i suspect not possible. but dun talke my word for it. give them a call n ask the professionals. tel 62514090
