(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Jul > are you putting the feeding bowl in front Sam? My son always look down when we bring the feeding bowl below his mouth. Then he is so curious of what's inside the bowl, keep looking n looking, or either he looks at his nice bibs.. When we put the feeding bowl further away from him, then he will look up, finding where the bowl is and trying to reach out for it. Not sure whether this will help u or not.. :p


that's a gd question.. u live near expo right?

wil u be gog to town on weekdays? i'm gog to mil's everyday on weekdays coz i need help with sam due to my sprained wrist. i can pop on the train n meet u at, say, orchard?


u take care too.

sam has been taking 1 meal till he hit 7.5mths. he just started 2 meals 2 days ago.

maybe i'm just more conscious of taking better care of myself coz i can't afford to fall sick?


thanks, i'll try this later.

but i notice he'll stare at his feet too if he's sitting at his high chair. dunno what's so interesting on the floor?
jul, maelyn
my gal also likes to look down at feet or the floor as if there r money to b picked up fr the ground.. I'll need to distract her with her toys or anything I can find to make her look up. But when it comes to feeding it seems ok. Feeding also ends up being messy as she'll put her hands in her mouth, touch her seat, her bib and try to grab the spoon! I've not try feeding her outside as well, can't imagine how to clean up the mess after that..
I like to have a sample of the oat with prune.. Thanks!
I saw prune puree food jar and bought 1, haven't let my bb try yet.

~healthy times food jar~
Tat time I bgt HT sweet potato fr carrefour Suntec b4.. Think they hv few selection there. it is also sold at the store "pink of health" at Millenia walk... Depends on luck, sometimes when there is stock, can see few selection there, otherwise is sold out.. The store sells all organic food.
yesterday went for a studio taking. The whole session almost kill me and my husband..to try to make the little emperor to laugh inorder to capture the moment...aiyo...i was half dead liao when the session is over.

Hey kiki, rach,
would be joining u gals in the 11.30 session on 10 April. A mummy asks me to change with her. See you gals!
yes i live near expo. i dun go town on weekdays leh, simply no time. the only time i go town is every sunday for church at suntec. u wanna meet me there?

how u wan to collect the sample?

very sian right - to see all the food on the chair, face, hair, clothes, hands, floor... sigh

r u on mc?


oops i replied ur email.. rach changed with me coz her hubs can't make it for 415pm
so sorry to trouble u


can u pass 4 servings to jen? she'll help me pick up from church. thanks so much

NOT looking forward to prune poop. sam pooped once last nite n twice this am already from the peas i fed him yest
maelyn> keke. each to his own. it's good enugh u tried. but inverted nipple abit hard. dun think too much. more impt is to enjoy the whole motherhood process. juz spend the time we spend pumping wtih ur baby. think it'll be more quality time for u to bond too

rach> i oso interested to know leh. maybe can get another one. email me k. thx =p

jul> haha. i oso cant fall sick wor. have been taking like 3days mc a mth. very shiong. think appraisal this yr gone again -_-" maybe i shuld juz give birth to another 1 end of this yr or early nxt yr. den stay another 1yr to bf, den quit n move on to another company =x
<font color="0000ff">michelle</font> oh dear, just read that Javier is ill again….take care and wish him speedy recovery! I think when baby’s ill, it really does worry us a lot, especially first time mums…

<font color="0000ff">Kam</font> yes, my sis who is a gynae says that sometimes one can get pregnancy induced hyperthyroid…which might cause unexplanatory weight loss…

<font color="0000ff">mamato6Js</font> wow, you had it worst than me, huh? But the GP that I went to said that my blocked duct is caused by ineffective pumping at work, she said if I latch fully, I will reduce the chances of this happening again! I told her, I don’t think I will be quitting my job anytime soon

<font color="0000ff">jul</font> ya, I think I don’t have enough rest…food wise, I still eat like when I was pregnant! Maybe more irregular…but I realized that parents and hubby’s support really important…I’m like a single mum…hubby only comes home at 11pm most weekdays!!
Are you taking any supplements or tonic?

<font color="0000ff">milkyway</font> are you supplementing Shanis with FM? You get well soon, too!!

<font color="0000ff">itsy</font> well, I dunno what’s my problem…*sigh* I have always thought breastfeeding will make one loose weight?
<font color="dc143c">BJG Trial Class @ Thomson</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Sat 1130am - 1230pm</font>
2 slots more... any takers?
I'm gg for this slot coz HB got work..

<font color="aa00aa">Sat 415pm - 515pm</font>
1 slot more as another mummy cant make it..

Mummies, need to confirm asap.. coz today already Thursday liaoz.. let me know asap if u wanna join okie...

Our rates is $23 (Usual: $38) for the trial..

PM me please...
<font color="0000ff">maelyn,</font>
Don't feel bad. You tried. I was not successful for my #1 also, but I did it for my #2. So yes, it's still possible that you can do it if you have #2, jia you! And to make you feel better, my #1, who is on total FM since 6 weeks is one of the healthiest among his peers, and his development is also excellent :)
yah lor.. So messy lor.. Was on mc ytd so today bck to work.

not supplementing with FM yet. I have enuff fbm so can use those. U r supplementing with FM already? I think bf will make us lose wt leh and if ur wt loss is so much that it'd affecting ur health, then it's not gd either. Mayb u wana seek a 2nd opinion?
paige> i think he really dun mind to be ill. cos he dun haf to go sch n he have me at hm to be tortured by him. he seems to be so happy. today i suddenly brought him out, i think he knnow he dun need go sch. den he give me de very sian look. he tot i sending him to sch. haha. den i brought him to my dad's hm, he looks so happy. haha.

but u still latch on during wkends rite? everytime i latch on, my supply goes up. den go back to wk, supply drops. so basically wkend is a time when i up my supply

wow. 11pm? if me i will go crazy. but so far i go ur place, ur hubby olways at hm wor =p
<font color="dc143c">Magic Cube</font>

got 2 more request from maelyn and xmasc...
1 more?

then i place order now... :p

Est about $30 after everything in...

haha u funny.. gd idea hor? Since appraisal gone liao, might has well have #2?


I din take anything for the first 4mths. Then from 4 mths onwards, I started taking fish oil, calcium n multivitamin (prenavit, the same one that I took during preggie). Not sure if it's the supplements, or the amt of food I eat.

I eat A LOT! I eat 2 rice bowls of rice per meal. Breakfast is ard 4 slices of bread. Beyond that, there's tea break n sometimes supper. And I drink 2 cups of Milo per day. Definitely not the 500 calories for BF only. But it took me ard 7mths to go back to pre-preggie weight, so I guess I wud have lost more if I didn't eat like an obese pig?

btw what pump r u using? I use Medela PISA. Have been pumping exclusively for almost 6 mths n I dun get blocked ducts. Not sure if it's b/c my milk not that much in the 1st place or the pump is super duper???

I must say I've got great support from Hubs. he tries to knock off on the dot so that he can come home n relieve me. he calls it the Nite Shift :p


That's y till now I've not dared to feed Sam anywhere except at home!
wah, u bery fierce leh. even if the maid was defiant, i also wouldn't dare to say something like that to her. who know what she'd do to my baby when i'm not around! if i really can't 'discipline' the maid, i'd just send her back.

bbq98, potbelly
hmm..so just 1 tbsp of rice for porridge, ok...i guess i might try that say 1 mth later. so u just add puree into the porridge? but honestly, don't u think cereals is much nutritious then porridge? i'm just so lazy to start on the porridge!

wah! your hb really can get away with it with u huh? keke...u're really good tempered! i think iwould have screamed if my hb put my baby on the toilet floor and used a shower hose to bath baby. water don't get into the ears like that meh!?

i think i'm keen in the spiffies. so are u bringing that in? sounds easier then brushing the teeth! ok... i'm just lazy...or tired...got lots to do as it is already. so anything that makes my life easier sounds good!

gosh! pls take care...hope u feel better soon. hey...don't lose anymore weight leh. u seem to have lost weight since the previous time we met at causeway pt gelare!

erm...i'm going for the 11th sunday trial class leh, not the sat 10 april one. rach will be going for the sat one.
i'm going down town later..got to get something done. anyone wanna meet up with me? for dinner or something?
oh..i've seen this place before, its at great world city rite? looks like more for toddlers. do they have programs for babies?
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">bernice...</font>

em... so far, only tlisa has submitted her order. abt $20+.. plus mine, ard 100 or 100 plus. I'm still addin my order.. my fren wants to order to but have yet to submit to me. hmm.. duno can make it or not wor... cos for $250, we are not even halfway there.

see how it goes ba... Will keep u updated</font>
Dear all, I'm helping a friend in selling Formula Milk at Wholesale prices. The info are as follows, some are ready stock and some need to preorder. Pls contact me at 97932771 if anyone is keen ya, thks!

Friso 1 (900g) $31 Netherlands
Friso 2 (900g) $25 Netherlands
Friso 3 (400g) $10 Netherlands
Friso 4 (400g) $9 Netherlands

Enfalac (400g) $16 Netherlands
Enfapro (400g) $16 Netherlands
Enfagrow (400g) $12 Netherlands
Enfakid (400g) $11 Netherlands

Nan Pro2 (400g) $12 Switzerland
Nan HA2 (400g) $15 Switzerland

Similac Stage 2 (400g) $15
Gain IQ (400g) $12
Gain IQ Kids (400g) $10

S26 (900g) $30 Singapore
Promil Gold (900g) $28 Singapore
Progress Gold 3 (900g) $21 Singapore
" (700g) $17 Singapore
" (400g) $10 Singapore
Progress Gold 4 (900g) $20 Singapore
" (700g) $15 Singapore
" (400g) $9 Singapore

Mamil Gold Stage 2 (400g) $13
<font color="0000ff">milkyway</font> so you are one of those mummies who has freezer full of BM, huh?

<font color="0000ff">michelle</font> aiyo, how come J doesn't like infant care? hee hee...so young already know how to skive!
i think both times u came, hubby was on "school holiday" hence u see him at home, next sem I'm gonna ask him to take 1 module only! If not I can't cope! And that's besides days which he needs to have dinner with clients etc...

<font color="0000ff">jul</font> i take multivits, calcium, iron, probiotics, vitC everyday!!!
ermm, but yeah, wow, u can eat 2 bowls of rice per meal, ah!
I'm also using Medela PISA...somemore hor, i use both hands to squeeze squeeze until my breast all 'floppy'...still kena blocked duct! I think its the breast! nothing to do with the pump! *sigh* somemore, infection ONLY on the right breast...

<font color="0000ff">kiki</font> ya, i also dunno what's happening, I'm now even lighter than when u saw me at AMK NYNY! i think its work + come home must deal with baby all by myself which is wearing me out

Got your email. Thanks! =)

HT Food Jars

Went to Plaza Sing Carrefour and saw they have sweet potatoes food jars! Grabbed the last 9 jars. But no Country Apples... =(

hmm.. then it's not lack of supplements.. must be rest? of issit the bra?

dun underestimate the bra. once i din wear my bra properly n i kena blocked duct! super panic then! from then on, i'll make sure i wear my bra properly with the cup completely encasing the boob
hi jul, is it..what abt the bra that causes block ducts?? i sometimes kena block too, also duno what's the cause..v sian...must wear nursing bra? sometimes i wear nursing bra, sometimes normal padded bra leh...cannot har?

u mummies really got eat ah? i already so busy n tired, will forget sometimes...
Wow, it's a whole lot of supplement you are taking! You mentioned could be due to pregnancy induced hyperthyroid. There should be a test for that? You can go and test out? Or like you said, could be due to the stress at work and taking care of your son. Actually there is a mummy in the Jan08 thread, who is also losing weight for the past 2 years. She is very very skinny now. She reckoned it's the stress at work plus taking care of her son cos her son is super gluey to her. She has just resigned to get a few months of rest, for the benefits of her health.

After my #1 was born, my hubby also super busy during that period. He worked late everyday and sometimes even have to work till midnight, and on a few occasions, to the next morning! I was very upset in the beginning and kept complaining. But there was nothing my hub could do cos it's fighting with deadlines etc. So I thought, if I can't change the situation, I should change my mindset. And I did. Ever since then I was very happy to handle him alone and spend time with my precious son.

Luckily now with 2 kids, his work nature has changed quite a bit and no longer needs to fight with tight deadline. He tried his best to spend time with us and becomes very hands-on with the kids. Though some nights I still have to deal with my 2 darlings totally on my own. Keep thinking positively, the time won't stop here, it moves very fast, and the kid keeps changing Enjoy every moment!
jul > how do you manage pumping exclusively? no need latch on? can maintain the milk flow? How often do you pump per day? Need to learn up some tips and tricks here..
<font color="0000ff">jul</font> phwoah! bra can cause such problem? I'm wearing tube bra...hmmm.
ya, how often do you pump per day?

<font color="0000ff">kam</font> really appreaciated your sharing...I feel that I'm not alone now
you are right, i must change my mindset...i kinda doubt its pregnancy induced hyperthyroid (my sis is just throwin in all possible ideas lah) as i don't have symptoms of it so far...but yes, i will certainly go and get it checked.
yah freezer is packed till i have to throw away the old ones to make way for the new ones. But i guess now i can take the chance to clear old stock and i'm not replenishing!

paige, jeni
yes yes a gd bra is very impt.. do not wear underwired bras. this is advice from LC.

I saw a lot of sweet potato jars market place city hall just now. In fact they hv the full range of ht products incl puffs cookies all the jar flavours. Just that they are slightly more ex than Ntuc.

really ah, by latching supply will up ah? i have since STOP LATCHING when my boy reach 6months old.

He dun wana latch anymore leh..
Kiki, I dare say that because I know my maid won't understand. Hahaha. U don't cook plain porridge, got to add fish, vege etc.
jul> haha. but #1 oredi driving me nuts =p

paige> haha. of cos he will prefer to stay hm with me. den i can bring him go outing. u know he small boy oredi know how to get excited when he c me n hubby go change into our outside clothes.

haha. so heng both times i get to meet ur hubby than. haha. ya. must ask him take less module, so can help u out. cant imagine if mine dun come hm early everyday

jul/paige> wow. u all take so many tablets. i take nothing. no wonder i keep falling sick -_-

flower4> at least for me. when my supply drop, i juz latch n it'll go up. n i try to let him suckle every 2hrs. cos so convenient n he really dun mind
<font color="aa00aa">paige</font>
My meals are very irregular too and i'm really like you.... my hb comes home 80% around 10-12am, 10% stay in camp, 10% midnight then come home...... now you see me online means he stays in and i'm at my mum's place! I'm also like a single mum.. now i have my own place i have to find time to do housework too.... surprisingly with all the irregular mealtime, less rest, more work to do and look after my boy all the way.. my weight is still back to pre-pregnancy weight... maybe i eat too much ice cream and chocolates.....

Lately my boy very cranky as in most of the time he only wants me. And when i walk away 5cm from him, he cries! Twice i tried to bring him to the usual place to swim at Northpoint, he struggles and cries so terribly.. i really dont know why! He seemed less interested in bathing and totally no interest in swimming lately...... i'm so scared... i am not sure if it was because of one major and horrible fight i had with my hb few sundays ago that tramatised him or what... i really dont know how... anyone can guide me??? Let's say if he's really being tramatised and now he behaves in this manner.... help help!
your boy real bright!! he will speedy in his recover with your TLC. more better then medicine

I duno how to make my boy suckle back.. when i give my tits to him, he will hold and explore as though it is a teether!! like ready to explore &amp; bite!
Kiki, ya .. It's the one at great world city. 've seen their website and seems like they do have programmes for babies. But it's quite ex.. So wanted some reviews on it before seriously committing.. Haha
jeni, paige, maelyn

erm.. just to share my experience here. must qualify that i'm no expert :p

basically sam was impatient with my slow milk flow n kept crying n pushing away n getting very angry when latching. every session ended with both of us in tears.. n me in trepidation of the next time he'll demand a feed n my milk hasn't built up. i had little milk in those days, went to parentcraft 5 times!.. took fenugreek, doperidone (did i spell it correctly?), cried a lot! in the end, i had no choice but to pump n bottle feed. n supplement with fm.

worse still was that sam had reflux! he kept throwing up milk at every feed n i had to carry him for 30min upright after each 2h-ly feed. he'll be screaming coz he din have enough (feed was reduced to try to prevent puking), i was tired n frustrated, still had to rush to pump n wash n sterilise pumpset. i nearly broke down then. i'll be crying when hubs leaves for work, crying while feeding sam, crying when i see hubs come back.

thank god for hubs who supported me, even tho he wanted me to give up n go onto fm coz he was heart pain at seeing me suffer so much. by the time sam hit 3mths, he started sleeping thru the nite n skipped feeds. that was when i had enough bm to tbf.. until now

so jiayou everyone on ur next kid hehe. i know how difficult it is coz i've been thru it, n how impossible it is w/o support. no need to feel guilty (even tho now i'm still 'blaming sam for not wanting to latch :p).
pumping n bra

not sure if need to be nursing bras, but parentcraft said no underwire, no padded bra.. i bot emma jane brand bras from them. super expensive but i've nvr gotten blocked ducts from them. paige - definitely no tube bras lah

that time i got blocked duct coz i wore my bra in a hurry.. it was pressing on the lower part of my boob, not under the boob. there was a hard lump there n i pressed n pumped for 1hr b4 i got a letdown n the lump cleared. learned my lesson after that!

i pumped 6x/day (sometimes 5 if no time) till sam hit abt 5mths, then cut to 5x (sometimes 4) till 6.5mths. now i only pump 4x/day. supply was ard 800-900ml then went down to 700-800ml at 4x/day, but sam's on solids, so enough to freeze even.

i have to pump half an hr every time tho
coz i really have very low milk flow. my left boob only has 1-2 working holes! right boob only 3-4, so it takes soooo long 4 the milk to come out.

i only started taking supplements after 4mths. din fall sick b4 that. maybe bb stress isn't as bad as work stress???


no lah, it's separation anxiety. sam was like that for abt 2-3 weeks. this week just got better. just hang in there, it'll pass


haha i know what u mean. sam doesn't know what to do with my nipples too. they've forgotten how to latch already, i'm afraid.

u just have to up suply by pumping more or taking fenugreek or even doctor's med
yu guo> is this de location?

8-B Jalan Masjid #01-04
Kingston Terrace
Singapore 418929
tel: 64474761
fax: 63453358

btw, better to go on sat or sun? good to go at 9am? would like my boy to see huang yi shi as recommended by quite alot of pple. hoping can build up his lungs

flower4> haha. my boy is very cute sometimes =p

aiyoh. my boy same la. u know when he is full n i give him my boobs, he end up exploring my nipples with his hands. zzz -_-

jul> haha. i juz wear nursing bras. it's good enugh. i got some real ex ones from mothercare. but found it same as those i got cheap from bp in forum =p till now i cant fit into my pre-pregnant bra. so still wearing nursing bras. more convenient oso la. since i latch on de go
jul> haha. wk stress? my mgr is pretty good. maybe cos now she oso pregnant. she dare not make me wk ot, knows i need go hm on time. need to pump during office hrs. need to set a example for herself to follow maybe =x
<font color="aa00aa">jul</font>
But it doesn't look like separation anxiety to me when i place him in the pool.... it looks more like he HATES to be in the pool with the float.... we even tried with both neck float and the one which he can sits in it... we indeed had a horrible fight and argument 2 sundays back.... and i could feel a little difference with him as i face him 24/7...
