(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

bernice> np. tat was wat i did. slowly delay everyday's night feed 30min by 30mins, until one day hoho. nv wake up anymore =p

flip> hehe. juz now my boy flip n can bring his hand out after he flip =p

<font color="dc143c">flower</font>
hi, my home not messy. but just one wall is lined with boxes of stocks.. hehhee. :p

Do let me know if u want anything from my BP!

<font color="dc143c">tlisa</font>
hehehe...if u dun have any bibs at home, u probably need some from somewhere ultimately rite??
i saw bibs selling at shopping centers, 3 for $16.90 leh.... u mean ur HB prefers u buy outside more exp than buying online?? kekekek.. :p
<font color="dc143c"><font size="+2">BABY CUBES</font></font>
anyone interested?
Me trying to strike a deal with one of the suppliers...

MOQ: 36 trays..

Sept mummies, can we do it??
its not VERY much cheaper..but the BP Pam posted not selling at that price liaoz..she selling at her online shop price...so i've found another supplier...(not our usual supplier.. :p)
Slightly cheaper than online retail price..

re: car seat

i've been putting sam in his car seat since 2 mths? started a bit late coz mil nagged. i shd have started earlier coz i think it's very unsafe. but now, when i dump sam in his car seat, he just sits there with no noise/fuss coz he knows that he's gog gaigai! only time he starts crying is when he's v tired at nite n wants to sleep.
your boy soo cute! i nver dress up my boy still, stil wearing very plain romper ...

bad mummy :p..

Michelle, ur hard work pay off.. now i have totally give up. i make my boy sleep with me. and like wat berrypie have encounter, he keep waking up and move and wana suckle..but will back to sleep..

i hav tried putting him to cot to sleep but i was drain out.. cuz i need to wake up &amp; wake up and bottle feed. its very tiring.
most of baby will enjoy themselve &amp; feel sooothing inthe car... jus like vaccum cleaner...

i also duno why, books always say soo... to calm a colic baby bring him for a car ride...

i put my boy behind sitting by himself in the car seat.. we both husband &amp; wife sit infront :p..
so good that your babies enjoy. Im determined to start putting him in the carseat from tomorrow onwards. Wish me luck mummies!

I got the neckfloat already thinking to bring bb go swim swim this weekend..yeah!
<font color="0000ff">milkway</font>
It's always good to compare price between Amazon and Bookdepository before buying. Last month we bought 7 books in 1 day, 4 from Amazon and 3 from Bookdepository, whoever offered the cheaper price, and the price different can be as much as 20-30%, just have to spend 5-10 min to compare the price can help to save more.

<font color="0000ff">Kiki</font>
Can't help you with your question. Cos we bought books for ourselves, not for the kids. For my kids, I buy from Popular or from the BP. Maybe you can browse the book at Kino or Border etc, copy down the title/author of the books that you like, then order from Bookdepository?

<font color="0000ff">Michelle</font>
Your boy is so lovely!
We have already a few bibs given my friends and we bought two. So he felt that we have enough for her already. Hiaz...

I like your boy's smile. He seems so happy.

Were you the one who mentioned that you can't pump when you are working on site? How did you manage to solve it? I am going back to work soon. All my colleagues are guys, I wonder how I can go about pumping in the afternoon.

You thinking of changing job? I am also thinking about it too. The work in my current place is just too hectic. More then once I have to work overtime. Recently two more colleagues just resigned. I am trying to look for a job that has more regular hours. I am just worried that in the new company I am unable take leave when necessary to bring her for jabs or when she is sick.
You flying again? May I ask what you do with the milk which you have pump while you are not in town? DId you bring it back?

I will have to go overseas for a week too. Not sure how to handle the milk

well guess u gotta consider whether ur new co will be understanding abt pumping, day off to bring bb for jans/when sick, not doing so much ot etc. think during the probation period, may not be easy to do so?


gd luck! in the neginning he might wail, but after a while he'll keep quiet when the car starts moving.. finally he will guai guai sit!
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">KiKi</font>

U can look for books from Eric Carle, Margaret Wise Brown, Karen Katz, Annie Kubler, DK Board, Richard Scarry etc

I've started reading books to Jed when he's 3 mths old. He will sit together with his elder siblings &amp; all will read together.</font>

yeah i'm so ks.. i have 5 ikea bibs, 3 assorted free bibs, 10 babymallonline plain bibs b i bot another 10! figure i'll need lots for feeding!


prevenar is for pneumoccocal
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Jul</font>

I wait for u to resend yr email huh??

<font color="aa00aa">Michelle</font>

Yr boy v cute leh... such a happy bb.. U bot him for photo shoot?</font>
I think I ended up have about that many also. Cos when my #1 was drooling big time, we had to change the bib like every 1-2 hours or so. And ya, for feeding time also.

oh...yap my bb is having it too.I paid $170 per jab..this is the most expensive jab i ever paid..and bb needs to jab 3 times..gg broke..pray for a big bonus for this year...
berrypie, jul> hehe. this one is one of my fav leg warmers, cos so many colors. can practically match with any clothes =p

flower4> hehe. this romper cheap cheap nia. 5 for 14bucks or so =x den de leg warmers like 3 for 12bucks? keke =p

haha. past few days i let him play on my bed till he sleep. but last nite he tired, i throw him in his bed, let him go sleep himself, den he cry awhile, i ignore, within 3mins he oso sleep. haha =p

y wanna change job now? new employers wun accept the fact tat u need to pump n leave on time leh. not very good ba

xmasc> my boy oso like his car seat. can sleep inside himself. but i still sit behind with him la.

kam> thanx. ur gal oso ma. i love her hair =p

agree, initially regretted getting 12bibs, but now, hoho, like not enugh =p

tlisa> i can pump at site, but in toilet =x now at another office, juz book meeting room go in pump lo =p

my boy is happy whenever got pple play with him lo =p

jenn> hehe. no leh. was at a countdown party at my aunt's hm, and my brother olways like to take pics of my boy, so he took alot for him while i sleep away =x
your boy so cute and the photo is nicely taken! machiam studio shot! what camera are you using?

the other moms have helped to answer your question.

thanks! i will take note of these authors. in your experience, is it cheaper to get such children's books fr amazon or bkdepository compared to SG bookstores?

wow! thats a lot of bibs!! i think i got about 8pcs only. enough or not huh?
kam, kiki

right now i'm using abt 2-3 bibs a day, plus 3-4 hankies to feed sam, mop up drool n puke etc. and i only wash his stuff every 2-3 days. so i need at least 8 right now.

i figured when i start solids, it'll be 1 bib every feed! so i just stock up lor. besides, the babymall ones are so cheap - US$0.80/pc b4 shipping. so maybe.. $1.50 max? i dun really care abt colours n style lor. just want plain ones which are easy to wash n use n not heartpain if need to throw


i used cda acct but still heartpain! btw i tot need 4 jabs?
<font color="#6600ff">Jul</font>

Didn't get any emails.

Wean machine I ordered from the BP seller direct. My friends in Australia say they don't see that in stores so can't buy back for me.
<font color="#6600ff">Cookiezzz</font>

The Air Dry bag works for me. Because I have no time to let my pump dry so I just throw it in and go~
wah..does sam drool so much now? my girl also drools but i think still ok...i usually just take her own clothes (whatever she's wearing) to wipe her :p bad mommy. else i just use tissue, use and throw! easier.
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"> 1 gadget that can consider is the BEABA Babycook. It steams, blend, reheat &amp; defrost. Not sure if it's available in Singapore. My gf got it from diapers.com @ ard S$250 or less inclusive of shipping.</font>
bathe my girl earlier and i accidently poured some of the soapy bath water into her mouth and i think she took a big gulp! i was pouring water over her shoulder and her hands swinging around hit mine thats why!!! she still can laugh and smile at me after that. hopefully nothing bad happens :/ hope no lao sai or anything later.
kiki> my brother was the one who took de pic of my boy while i was sleeping somewhere =x ahhaa. he using some sony cam. i m not into photography =p
<font face="Comic Sans ms"><font color="0000ff">KiKi</font>

I always get my books from amazon or wonderbox when ppl do BP. I"ve never purchase from book deposit leh cuz not much variety plus I didn't know it delivers worldwide until now. I hardly buys from local bookshop.

And a point to note, please get board book. It's slightly more ex den paperback but it lasts. U dun wan to hv yr kiddo tearing them. Most of e books Jed have now were purchase for my gal.

For your reference, I notice that Jed seem to loves the following books more, he gets very excited when I read them:-
  1. Where is Baby's Belly Button - Karen Katz <LI>Counting Kisses - Karen Katz <LI>Peek a baby - Karen Katz <LI>Goodnight Moon - Margaret Wise Brown <LI>The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle <LI>Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See by Bill Martin Jr <LI>Ten Little Fingers - Annie Kubler
Those with milk stain better at least rinse off with water if you don't wash on the same day. Germ grow on milk easily (esp true for FM).

My gal's nanny do all the washing :) I only need to do my baby's laundry on weekends.

**hi-5** I also use my girl's cloth to wipe off her saliva. It's her own saliva mah, after all :) I do use hanky sometimes when I am not that lazy (and when my hubby is not watching, hoho).
thanks for introducing some titles
yes yes, i'd wanna get board books too. me more concerned abt her getting paper cuts rather then tearing up the bk. keke...

i used bibs when my girl just born until abt 2 mths. yes! i noticed that one of my bib got a small black patch leh...i suspect its mold or something due to not washing the bib immediately and leaving it in the basket for 2 days. are those germs?? i've tried to wash and hand scrub but it won't come off
shd i throw away the bib???
so bored....
life is so diff after having baby... no more shopping shopping and more shopping =(

wonder when can i go holidays again... thought of bringing my boy to disneyland when he is 1yr old. but scare " ownself find trouble" (in chinese)
Yes, those black patch thingy can't be washed away (my mum tried with all the methods she can think of). I throw them away, though I don't think it's harmful since already washed with detergent, the germ (if it is) should have been deactivated. Just felt yucky.
oh so your mum also couldn't wash it off. *sigh*...was hoping u got some idea to tell me how to get rid of the black patch. keke.. i washed with dettol, and 2nd time with dynamo. all can't work! its one of my favourite bibs... cute cute moo moo bib.
i find that i shop more and more after pregnant and baby born, but then its all shopping for baby's things! :p

why not try go nearby for a start? i'm going bintan later this month. hb says...1st time away from home with young baby better try near near first. any problems can come home in less then 2 hrs! :p
sleep routine
my girl is sleeping longer then usual this afternoon. which is good in a way for me, leaves me more time to surf forum. ahaha...
mummies, for afternoon sleeping routine, do u let your baby sleep until bao bao own self wake up or you'd wake baby up after say...a fixed number of hrs???
kiki - wake baby? no! haha i so happy if he takes a longer nap, so i wun wake him up, unless need to go out.

jul - hehe my bad i got receive ur 1st email but haben trf!!
actually i dun hv fixed routine one, cos sometimes go out or sometimes he does not want to sleep. his nap is usually 1-3 hrs. we juz bought a yao lan. hope he can sleep longer. but b4 tt i let him sleep on his tummy
haha so stupid, i juz spilt milk on him! his whole face kena! plus our bed. it was so funny! he laughed also, n licked the milk. now i gotta wash the bedsheet n protector....

i resent. hopefull u'll get it. think my email acct got prob


ok, no prob, just tt when it's convenient for u


sam wakes up on time after 30min for both his pm naps. he seldom sleeps longer, but i just let him if he does, unless it's a lot later than his feeding time.

kiki, kam

dun scare me leh! i nvr went to inspect for germy spots! uh oh..


me worse! once i poured a lot of soap onto sam's face. eyes, ears, nose, mouth all kena! he kept bawling.. poor baby

then the whole afternoon he got lots n lots n lots of scum coming out from his eyes. guess it's the body's natural cleansing mechanism. think got bubbles coming out from his mouth too! i'm still hoping i din blind/poison him

sam doesn't drool that much yet but i notice it's increasing. just ks get ready 1st haha. but i also just use tissue or his top to wipe haha. just that sometimes when he flips, a whole lot of saliva/milk comes out so need 'heavy duty' hanky

oh yeah, any of ur bbs are screaming n shouting? dunno y sam likes to scream n shout these days. started abt a week or so ago. he will shout very loud till his throat sounds hoarse. this usu happens when we're playing with/talking to him, but can also happen during nappy change etc. why ah????
