(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Michelle</font>

I am using Ameda.It used to work v well till recently, tink I abuse it too much. Now I will have to hand express the remaining BM out.

You all buying the bumper mat huh?? It's a gd buy leh. I bot mine in yr 2006, now still using it. #1 &amp; #2 learnt how to crawl on it. They are still using it as their library corner cum play area. Jed has his tummy time there too

<font color="aa00aa">Stephanie</font>

Thanks.. I'm feeling much better now. Read abit bout yr case. Glad things r working out well

<font color="0000ff">milkyway</font>,

Wat I do is to let it just pump for another 5/10 mins even if no milk cuz u nv might stimulate another let down. If possible, hand express further too make sure.</font>

ohhh... okie, shall monitor! Thanks thanks!
Now teaching mum how to use the sterilizer, warmer, how to defroze milk etc etc..
She's quite irritated by the warmer and mumbled something like "hot water can gao dim why go and buy this buy that..." =.=
jennifur> i oso using ameda. but find it not so effective in clearing my breast leh. i use hand press, de milk will splash, but with ameda, de milk sometimes cant even come out.

hey. which bumper mat u bought? parklon or lg prime? still deciding which to get. anyway shuld be getting a more neutral design, so in case #2 is a gal oso can use, n wun ask y de design so boyboy =p
hand expressing
I think i didn't master the art of hand expressing. Everytime i try, milk will drip here and there. End up i used lots of tissue to clean up, clean table, clean lappy, clean hand, clean chair... Very messy and sticky. :s
bbq98> btw, world of korea selling de Asobang mat higher den small small world. example pooh one at 288, de other at 270, fisher price one at 308, de other at 290 etc
<blink><font color="#6600ff">Welcome back Jen!</font></blink>

Talking about pumping till there is nothing left... I pump on stimulation (Level 3 for 2 mins and 4 for 2 mins) for 4 minutes and the rest is expressing mode( Level 5 )... My pump duration is minimum 15minutes to maximum 30mins. So am I cleared? XD

<font color="#6600ff">Milkyway</font>

Thanks for dropping by! Now you have stress free hair! Remember no hooking of your hair behind your ears and part your hair behind to the front before you lie down to sleep to maintain ya?
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Michelle</font>

Tink mine should be parklon or else my DH wld hv killed me lor. I bot e world map design which is OOS now. Got mine from smallsmallworld.com

<font color="aa00aa">momoteh</font>

It takes awhile to master it and hor it helps if you use a wide neck bottle</font>
<font face="Comic Sans ms"><font color="0000ff">Pamelia</font>

Thank you for your welcome. You ever try to squeeze yr breast after yr pumping session? If u still can get splashes of BM den U r not cleared...

Ask u huh.. is it recommended to perm hair now tt I'm dropping hair??? Plus hor my hair now is quite short, shoulder length... wanted to do a trim but e stupid auntie snip till so short *angry*</font>
PM u my contact. i was at the clinic at 1pm, what time were u there? i was supposed to do pap smear today, but got spotting, he said it is normal for bf-ing, but can't do pap smear today because of that, shall go back in Jan
<font color="#6600ff">Jenifur</font>

Haha... I haven't been squeezing for a long time... Shall start to squeeze after every pump session now... After half and hour of pumping I still see droplets by hand expressing!!

About your hair... I would not suggest you to perm because it might cause your hair fall to be worse if it is due to hormonal changes and extra chemicals isn't gonna help. Unless you want to do a half head perm( Which I doubt you can because the Auntie cut your hair too short )That's why I never trusted Aunties to do my hair.

Would you like to try a change in shampoo for your scalp instead? See if it helps reduce your hair fall.
<font color="dc143c"><font size="+1">Blessed</font></font>
nope i'm not..

I'm at Expo..

How old is ur shane??

<font color="dc143c"><font size="+1">Shanice</font></font>
take time off la.. hehehe.. :p

<font color="dc143c"><font size="+1">Stephanie</font></font>
wahahha... i went out and back!! kekeke :p

<font color="dc143c"><font size="+1">momoteh</font></font>
bbq brought the warmer to change for a new one... :p

<font color="dc143c"><font size="+1">Casandra</font></font>
woohoo!! welcome to Manduca gang. u got ur Manduca as well!!! hehee.. :p

<font color="dc143c"><font size="+1">Gerald</font></font>
hahahha...its soo weird to see u contributing to a BF issue.. but it shows u really did ur homework well..

Thanks for ur encouragement!!

<font color="dc143c"><font size="+1">bbq</font></font>
u mentioned slightly warmed... now i wonder why i say 5min...
coz ur slightly warmed bothers me to wonder is my 40degrees switch spoilt....hur hur...
coz its definitely more than slightly warm to me... its like....
u go coffeeshop order hot milo and leave it for 5min that kind of temperature to me leh...
is that ur 40degrees??

<font color="dc143c"><font size="+1">Waiwai</font></font>
i did my pap smear when i was still spotting at 6 weeks leh.. gynae said this kind of spotting do pap smear is okay??!!??
but result came back normal also....
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">pamelia</font>

I was getting fed up w all e hair dropping so jus step into e 1st decent saloon on my way back from e hospital. Totally REGRET!!!!</font>
<font face="Comic Sans ms"><font color="0000ff">Gerald</font>

Actually MEN can breastfeed too... with e use of medication and enuf stimulation by either suckle or pump
ICB @ Ion
im not joining this time.. =(
hope u all have more more fun! =)

<font color="0077aa">jenifur</font>
welcome back!

<font color="0077aa">stephanine</font>
glad to hear ur hubb is making a move to improve himself...

my hubb is no big help at all too.. haven't change diapers and bathe bb at all.. since.. ever since.. i did complain but he nv do anything..
he just play with bb, carried him a bit.. tat's all
the main hsewk he say will help me cos im mainly looking after bb... took his own sweeeet time to complete too (like days, weeks).. sighh.. MAN!

<font color="0077aa">pamelia</font>
im tempted to go to ur salon for rebonding! read about ur good reviews from the mommies here... (and still got promo price) so so tempted.. but it far away.. rebonding process still takes about 4 hours long for over shoulder length hair?
can't bear to leave bb away for so long :p
<font color="dc143c">jenifur</font>
really????? MEN can BF??????????????????
WAH!!!! shall we get our HB to try???!!! hehehe....
<font color="dc143c">Jess</font>
bring ur bb along la.. hehehhe... if he's guai enough to KO inside the sling for so long...u can BF or feed there also.. hehehe.. :p
dunno why my gynae postpone the pap smear leh... hmm...

welcome back. men can BF??! later put my Medela PIS on hb and try wahahahahahaha!!!
<font color="0077aa">jenifur</font>
haha.. dun think my hubb wanna BF!!

<font color="0077aa">rach</font>
tempting to go la... but need to slim off my tummy leh... cant fit in 90% of my old clothes, n trying on to buy new clothes doesnt fit n look nice with bulging tummy!
need to slim off b4 going back to work too!!

n my BF skill in public still no gd.. managed to tried once but there isnt much pple around and Thank God bb din fuss while latching on... lol

n i still cant use the MIM sling well.. he doesnt KO long inside at all.. and painful on shoulder and back/ waist.. that brings me back to the tempting sleepy wrap... lol
<font color="dc143c">Jess</font>
haha.. i cant fit 99% of my pre preg clothes.. everything i'm wearing are either maternity clothes or NEW clothes...
wahahha... and waitin for more new clothes to come soon.. from Old Navy..wahahhaha.. :p

one time ICB ok de la... come come come!!!

hahaha... then buy the wrap!! :p

<font color="dc143c">bbq</font>
ya hor.... gotta go dig my armpit thermometer.. bought since preggy days and never used before....
so if it goes beyond it means no liaoz..
those kind thermometer only 40degrees issit?? will it break and burst huh???
<font color="dc143c">Question on FBM vs CBM (Chilled BM)</font>
Is the nutrients inside FBM the same as CBM??
Or is there lesser nutrients in FBM??

Comparing that with direct latch, is there any difference in the nutrients level??
jenn> ya lo. thinking of getting de pooh parklon 15mm one. compared with lg prime, price diff abt 100bucks wor

but lg prime more design. c how lo. if hubby dun mind den we get tat. btw, how u find de quality of de parklon mats?

rach> less diff in fbm as compared to cbm. i think cbm shuld be same as direct latch. but irregardless, bm is still more nutrients den FM.

i bought the LG Asobang..... I asked abt the difference between Parklon and LG... was informed that Parklon tends to have more creases due to the packaging and also got stronger smell... so I decided to get LG since going to use it for a while, and can use for #2 and hopefully #3.... i got from small small world too, cos now she has x'mas promotion so cheaper than World of Korea
hollow> realise small small world only carry LG asobang n not lg prime. only world of korea have leh. asobang abit too big
Bumper Mat
I got my yellow bear mat from small small world 2 years ago. Don't know is that Parklon or LG, but definitely worth the buy. My #1 still using it as her play area. all her toys are on the mat. When she was younger and learning to crawl, the mat saved her quite a few painful knocks on the head.
Recommended!! heh
I wanna go for ice-cream buffet too!!! before i start work 2 weeks later. but won't bring baby along. bring her along hard to really enjoy the food leh...me selfish mummy =P
Stupid question, but we should hand express into bottle directly ah? i tot it's easier to capture all squirts using the funnel of the pump. :p

Even the manual (which is useless) states need ~17mins right? 5mins is fast! Pigeon only got 1 bottle warmer hor??

bb wash
What are you all using to bath bb ah? Alot did not state whether it's non-rinse or not. Any recommendations??
which thickness LG Asobang did u get? I'm wondering if i should get the 15mm or the 18mm one. it comes in a box or does it come with the carrier bag? is it very heavy? easy to roll up and can stand against the wall or not? wondering if its very difficult to handle when i want to mop the floor.

asobang is the 18mm range. prime will be 15mm.

i'm looking at playpark but it's parklon brand. 15mm but much cheaper by $100+!!!
<font color="#6600ff">Jul</font>

You wanna PM me your Acc or you wanna take cash from me or hubs when you drop by? My HB didn't bring the bag back home.. Left it in the shop -.-
jul, michelle,
oh asobang is all 18mm range, i see until blur liao. got so many types! yeah, i noticed parklon like cheaper. but how come so much cheaper ah? is it because not same quality? i'm looking to get the bigger sizes, the 2300 size.

actually has anyone seen this in korea before ah? wonder how much it sells in korea.
Re: Bumper Playmat
I have had my Parklon mat for 2 years..still in perfect condition.material seems the same as LG Prime..only thing is that LG Prime has some Nano technolory or something to keep it from getting moulded or something..I keep my mat clean so no problems so far
So basically Parklon is cheaper and just as good..creases caused by folding will take a few days to disappear..I bought 11mm one..was good enough for my boy so for those on a budget, not necessary to get so thick one...it'll work just as well..

I also pump and splutter..so sian right?? Just pump out 45ml (took me more than half an hour to get that leh..)

Good to hear taht hubs and u talked it out and that he realises his mistake
Btw, I realised your maid doesnt seem to know how to do anything..y u dont want to train her or change maid? Like that hire her like waste $ leh...
yup rach,

i bought the manduca 2 weeeks ago... bought the lucky star one also...

had been loving it so far... just wondering, is it possible to breastfeed using it???
<font color="9264ff00"> Mel</font> - She can do housework pretty well and still acceptable with the older kids. Its just that she doesn't handle baby... We got her only 4 months ago... but can see that she's better now

<font color="9264ff00"> Casandra</font> - Welcome to the Manduca Family... lol... We now have 3 Manduca Lucky Star in this thread.. heheh Prinzess and myself also got the star one... lol
yah... i actually liked the white one with black flower prints one... but scared easy to dirty, tats y got the star one instead... saw online tat they got many other nice colours also... too bad the shop dun have....

I guess this is a great investment to make since this is my first child.. can use for 2nd child in future... hehehehehe
Rach> i use olive oil rub on the scalp part and after 5mins use comb to remove . can use johnson baby oil too. i did that before BB bathing time.

actually my BB cried, not wail really cry loudly when he was placed in the carrier. i think i disturbed his sleep. but i just buy bec eventually we will need it to prevent aching shoulder.

Steph> happy for you that he admit and sees that there is a need to change.
things will get better for you!

we have 3 Manduca Lucky Star! can take photos tog on the next gathering.
<font color="dc143c">Michelle</font>
ooh. okie.. Mmm... coz heard that FBM is not so good... but still better than FM huh.. MMmm...

<font color="dc143c">momoteh</font>
haha... got 2 kinds of warmer... someone was selling the other model before..
but i got the same one.. bottle &amp; food warmer..
coz i keep swirling it la..
nevermind... the next time i use it again.. i time... HHmmm....
I'm using California Baby Calming shampoo &amp; body wash..
i got 3 bottles wor... if u want.. i can sell u one.. ehhe...

<font color="dc143c">Casandra</font>
good that u are loving it.. i must learn to love it.. wahaha... else really sim tiah...
i dun think can BF with it... so high..need to let baby come out then can BF..
<font color="dc143c">prinzess</font>
hehee.. yah.. i using calendula now to apply on her scalp loh..
but her hair sooo thick!! like applying on her hair.. wahhaha...

Heheh.. u got the last star... Initially i was thinking to get star or flower...
And HB prefer the flower..so got the flower loh..
i even take pic with Hp send to him see..
wahhaha.. if u ask me.. i dun like all the available designs.. online one nicer hor?
but spore dun carry it.. hehe.. :p
kiki> haha. even if u see it in korea, u sure u wanna carry it back =x

mel> nano technology? gees. den i better get lg prime. since me n hubby both lazy to go clean de mat, den better get one tat dun need cleaning so often? =x

rach> ya. fbm not as good as ebm, but definitely better den fm. else no pt for mums like us to bother expressing liao =p

btw, is calendula good for cradle cap on ur gal? think i can try applying for my boy. can see head scalp peeling too
opps.. i already hooked my hair behind my ears! okok will try not to do it...hehe

thanks for the advice.. i just tried pumping for another 5mins..no let down and so sore leh.. hand squeeze still got some milk but dont flow well into the bottle lor.. and i mess up the whole place.. haha
Rach> can donate some of your girl's hair to my boy :p ppl always ask did i shave off his hair.. so sad.
ya i saw other online designs
the red wan you referring to issit the chilichocolate?
i'm using calendula on my gal as well as she seems to have cradle cap still.. haben seen much improvement as i dont apply everyday leh... :p
<font color="9264ff00"> Pam</font> - My hair got hope? hahah my short hair plus fat face... help me think what I can do with this patch of grass leh... heheheh

Last time my hair very long, can do so many things.. but for delivery, I cut it short so easy to maintain... I'm going back to work in beginning Jan, so by Dec, I want to do something to it so I can feel refreshed to go back to work...
<font color="#6600ff"> Milkyway</font>

You can hook your hair behind your ears... But if your hair not straight for long... Don't blame us... XD

Remember don't tie your hair for at least 2 weeks also... If you really must.. Tie loose... Clip loose too...
<font color="#6600ff">Stephanie</font>

If you have not much to play with your hair... I would suggest a color or color and highlight to freshen up.

rach, how come u dun like the carrier meh? compared to MIM, i think this is much better... I also dunno how to use the sling... only can cradle position... when my boy reach 2 mths, my back ache when sling him too long lor... &amp; I always like to go shopping hahahah... so got to get myself a good support carrier &amp; handsfree most important... now I can go everywhere, no need to wait for hubby also can go... hehehehe
