(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

just read the story u posted... my eyes are filled with tears now.

i have mentioned to my boss in mid-year work review that i would like to spend more time with my children. she offered an option that i can transfer to another school to teach, as my current school has higher commitment. guess it may affect my performance appraisal, but i don't care, my children are much more important

my boy k.o. now so i'm happily watching my Japanese drama series while eating some sandwich, don't think i can "tong" till 3pm
i have a difficult situation here, hope to hear some advice

my #1 was taken care by my MIL for the past 1 year. i was a "part-time" parent as #1 stays with MIL during weekdays, i went to visit her after work. now #1 is going to attend childcare starting next month. my MIL had quarrelled with FIL that she was very tired looking after #1 and didn't feel like helping to look after #2 when I return to work.

i always wanted my mum to help me to look after my kids, but she has been running hawker centre stall. in addition, my mum lives very near my house, while my PIL live very far away.
i talked to my mum, she offered to help me to look after #2 as she plans to close the stall since it is very tiring.

the problem is not solved. because MIL suddenly says she wants to look after #2!!

i really appreciate her help in looking after #1 in the past year. but if my mum, who lives so much nearer to me, can help me, it is so much better. i don't need to travel with #1 everyday to see #2.

the problem is, how should i "reject" MIL's offer without hurting her feeling? me, hb and PIL are worried that MIL may think my mum "snatches" away the grandson.

last nite i couldn't sleep as i kept thinking about this problem.

sorry about the loh-soh story...
oh... lucky my boy likes to be in upright position... even if we carry him also have to be upright... only when he sleep liao then we can cradle him... faintz... my arms breaking already with his increasing weight...

sometimes I wonder why I cant carry that 10kg rice but I can carry my bb.. hehehehehe

My husband also never use the sling one leh... now I bought the carrier he also dun want to use... only I'm using it....

I think this problem the best is leave to ur husband to communicate with his mum... let him know your concern... I always push to my husband to tell his mum cuz If it comes out from us, daughter in law mouth is always different from their own son mouth... so I always ask my husband to tell his mum if there are any sensitive issue I feel...
i also teared reading the story you shared.

these days i get emotional very easily too. sometimes i watch the 9pm channel 8 show i also will cry!

why don't u just tell your MIL the truth. tell her that because she initially said didn't want to look after, so now your mum has offered to do so already. just be honest lor, i think if she's understanding, she should agree that its better for u also since your mum lives so much nearer to u.
what to eat for lunch..i haven't had lunch yet too. miraculously these days i machiam like don't have to eat lunch. sometimes before i know it its like pass 3pm or 4pm already. so always skipping my lunch. but i do take quite heavy breakfast, so maybe thats why can 'dong' till dinner time.

just bathe my gal, fed her and put her to sleep. now finally can have my little break. nowadays bathing her is such a challenge. she keeps putting her hand in her mouth too while i bath her, then her hands sometimes in the water and the water got soap! i keep telling her no no... don't do that...instead she smile and laugh, i think she thinks i'm playing a game with her! *faint*
I teared when reading your post. Indeed we have to spend more time with our family especially now we have our kids. They're always the top priority. My colleague always say "工作是永远做不完的。" If one day you've finished your work and there's nothing for you to do then have to becareful of your ricebowl. :p

I agree with Casandra. It's best to let your hubs do the talking. This type of request best not to come out from our mouth. If there's anything I wana tell my PIL, I'll let my hubs know and he'll do the talking. My hubs also agree to this.

Maybe you can discuss this with your hubs and if he agrees to it, he'll have to let his mum know about it.

Bring your sling along. I learnt how to use it during our last gathering. Heehee.
<font color="dc143c"><font size="+1">Orchard ION Swensens Outing!</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">7/8 December, Mon/Tue, 2pm</font>

1. Rach
2. Waiwai
3. Angeline
4. Angel &amp; Gerald
6. stephie1735 (may leave BB at home with mum and bring #1 out for ice cream treat.. heheh
7. Blessed (tentative.)
8. kiki
9. mama6
10. prinzess

So 7th or 8th leh??
OH!!! my girl gg for jab on 7th... Mmmm...
we put it on 8th... if she not ok by then.. u gals go ahead ba.... ok??

<font color="dc143c">prinzess</font>
yah..chillichocolate is nice too.. but TOO BAD! i got mellow fellow liaoz. wahhaha..

<font color="dc143c">Shanice</font>
u take leave on 7/8 la.. hehehhe....
Carrier depending on what carrier u have.... the one we have gotten.. can be used frm infant onwards...
coz there's a infant insert to carry infants..

else 3-4 months should be safe ba.. again..depending on what carrier u have loh..

hahaha...Mmmmm.... next week i'll drop by la.. kekeke.. :p

<font color="dc143c">Michelle</font>
olive oil and baby oil both also can..

my mum says sesame oil!! :S

<font color="dc143c">jenifur</font>
ooh...so after applying must comb out one huh??? ookok...
sometimes while applying it as i rub some will come off liaoz... haha.. okok....

<font color="dc143c">Kam</font>
wat is lipase??

<font color="dc143c">kiki</font>
wahahah.... think only u noticed the pacifier... we;re too obsessed with his good looks!!! haha

<font color="dc143c">sonnig</font>
thanks for the story, i've copied paste to my hb as well..

<font color="dc143c">Stephanie</font>
yah.. i'm gg there for lunch too.. gg out after replying this..

<font color="dc143c">Casandra</font>
my girl loves to be in upright position.. but i dunno why she dun like Manduca.. :S

Outta house now to go SK!! See ya mummies!!
Hi Pamelia,

I am planning to do rebonding tml. Where is your shop and how much you charge for beyond shoulder length? Hope to hear from you soon.

so far so good.... no creases, and the sides not bends as all... like u i was also deciding between Prime and Asobang, cos of the size and thickness... hee hee... decided on the Asobang cos worried 2300 too big to fit my living room in front of sofa..hee hee....

So far, i heard Parklon will have creases that stay.... jenifur i guess yours might be LG... maybe it was cheaper when u bought it last time...
I bought the Parklon one, coz the LG ones really ex. Furthermore dunno if bb likes to stay on it and we may get another to put at mum's place, so...
It came rolled up with carrier bag provided, no crease lines and after airing it, no roll up edges too.
wahh.. alot mummies go find u to reborning hor..
but i jus did mine 2 wks ago.. maybe when i nid to do coloring or highlight i go find u =))
any advices for pram/strollers?
need to get one that is light weight so that i can bring bb + stroller without help.

<font color="#6600ff">Cindy</font>

Hi Cindy.

The lightest I ever came upon ( And bought ) was Combi Granpaseo.

Folds with just 1 hand and I can carry baby and drag the stroller with the other. =)
<font color="#6600ff">Myfavchoco</font>

Haha.. I'm having a promotion and it's a good deal... Color and Highlights? Sure no problem... =)

I'm having a promotion for shampoo and conditioner with home treatment too... Comes with a free chic bag... XD

Am working on the advertising.
Thanks for the advice on the warmer! I didn't really stay to stare at the warmer to see if the light turn on again, but the water does get warm so i guess it's working fine.
woo hoo!! just found pictures of them both with the same expression! lol damn funny.. daddy's pic taken @ curry favour. girl's pic a few days ago..

Hi Mummies!

I understand that a couple of you got the Belly Bandit to help in your sliming. I want to get it and is wondering if anyone is interested to sell yours?
<font color="#6600ff">Girly</font>

Rebonding best is once every 6months.

<font color="#6600ff">Corrine</font>

Kimage uses Wella. I am using Loreal or Shiseido.

<font color="#6600ff">Bbq</font>

Yummie Tummie HAS NOT ARRIVED YET!!!
Waiwai, kiki, rach, Steph and Angeline,
Think we mummies play an integral part in our childen's lives, but a family is never complete without either parent. Seen some rather sad cases of single parent families where I teach so I always try hard to be there for everyone in my family.
Motherhood is definitely not a bed of roses, but it's sufficient to get your children's laughter and appreciation once in a while along the way.

Just tell your problem to your MIL directly. Sugar-coat your words if you want, but let her know. Otherwise, it might sour relationships. I always feel honesty strengthens relationships. It's just a matter of how we phrase our thoughts to make the other party feel better.
I've not transferred to another school though my current one is quite far cos at least staff strength is large so each person doesn't get overloaded.
Mummies whose babies are about 10 weeks old, have you taken your bb for the necessary jabs? Since the time mine landed in the hospital for fever and flu, I've missed her Hep B 2nd dose, etc. Think no harm done right? I only know she has gained weight and is now 6kg. My hb says it's fine since he can't bear to hear his darling cry.
Sigh. Still have to take my #2 for the Prevenar jab which is compulsory now. So many things to achieve before I start work again...
work: haiz tmr have to go back for meeting le. so boring. hope my girl will not be angry with me for leaving her with nanny from 8am-4pm. Maybe i should drop by during lunch eh? since it's within walking distance from my school... hmmmm... wonder if she will throw tantrums O_O
thanks for sharing the great article. i felt a big well of emotion swell up my throat when i read it - especially the part about the boy posting letters to his dead mother!

angel and gerald,
(i almost typed angel and marc...) that was a thought provoking poem. i'm all for maintaining individuality after a marriage. i think it's easier for full time working mums to achieve this though (provided you don't work at the same company as your husband), cos the world of a stay at home mum revolves around the husband (and children). me and my husband maintain a seperate group of friends and rarely bring work problems home to discuss, so in a sense we function as individuals for certain parts of the day and as husband and wife for other parts of the day.

am so glad to hear that the situation at home is improving. hope that in your case, teeny weeny improvements will pave the way for greater things to come.

i went to google abt male lactation after i read your post. my husband ever told me in jest that he wished he could lactate (when i was feeding #1) because it meant that he would be able to eat whatever he wanted to w/out getting fat. but after i showed him the male lactation articles i found online, he gave me this yucks look.
Casandra, kiki, Kam, Angeline, sonnig3:
thanks for your advice... my MIL is a very sensitive person, even hubby has to crack his head to think of how to put the words nicely so that MIL is not hurt. in fact, the relationship between me and her has soured since she helped me in my 1st confinement... had some conflicts over how to take care of baby. sometimes i told her doctor said this and that, she thought i talked back to her and she was not happy.

i shall let hubby to do the talking...

Compass Point gathering:
Nice to meet some of u again / for the 1st time. Erm, we forgot to take photo!!!
my gal is 10wks 5days old today. she took her 6-in-1 jab which includes the hepB 2nd dose when she was 9 wks old.
sonnig3>i also teared while reading e article. must copy and show my HB.
sometime i hit my baby backside when he is real naughty( with diaper shouldnt be too painful for him right). but the act is already a sign of anger and i think he can senses it. must remind myself that he still young n wont know why mummy is angry. and no pt as he will only cry louder.

Rach> nice ho? curious to know whats next yr limited E designs.
<font color="#6600ff">Myfavechoco</font>

That's the thing about BIG name salons... They charge BIG too...

You can start 1-2weeks later.

Hmm.. think I'd best make appt for bb to take her jab this Friday then. Hope she'll be ok with the jab.

Don't mention it. It's a pleasure to share some 'food' for thought.

Babies sometimes do seem to know our moods so they will react accordingly. Of course, we should try to remain calm even when children misbehave and reason with them, instead of hitting in a fit of anger which might cause injury. I usually warn my kids 3 times before I punish them so as to give them chances to repent.
