(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

aiyo, he say you're commanding him? is he very MCP kind ah? tell him u're asking for help because u don't have some many hands n legs to do so many things mah. lol.

how come mine is opposite? i realised that as my gal is growing and becoming more alert, she is needing and WANTING more of my attention! when she's awake, i have to play n attend to her all the time or at the very least be in her line of sight while doing my own things, if not she will 'call' for me. if ignored, after a while will start to cry!
Compass Point Gathering
TOMORROW 3pm Swenson's

anyone else coming? so far I have received response from 10 mummies.... will email the contact list later after i come back from gynae post-natal check up

come and join us lah!! glad to hear that u are feeling better now

that's a beautiful poem!
That's why we always say each baby is differnet mah :) Maybe I have my #1 with me, so as long as she sees someone near her, she is okay, don't have to be me always. My girl is a very good girl, though I am TBF, but she doesn't demand for me to nurse her to sleep. Usually last feed is bottle feed by hubby, then hubby put her to sleep (while I attend to #1). Maybe that's why she is less sticky to me? But if I am the want to carry her, esp at night, her head immediately turns to my neh-neh and wants to suckle :p

Compass Point Gathering
I stay at SK too! I can't confirm if I can go, can I have someone's contact? I be bringing stroller along if I bring bb, but wonder if the restaurant is big enough for us to put prams. I bring my pupsik along? Cos I still dunno how to use it. LOL
<font color="dc143c"><font size="+1">Angel</font></font>
hahahaa... i wanted to cut and paste to send to Hubby..but the more i read..the more i feel like not so right..
like telling him i wanna be an individual myself.. so i didnt.

Well..after marriage, we are no longer ourselves, whatever we do.. we need to think of our partner..
now that we have babies, worse... we cant just think for ourselves or our partner, but even our babies..
we need to spare an extra thought for another person...

Life is teaching us not to be selfish.. but to spare a thought for others.. wahah...
Cheemilogy... :p

did u change anything to the list?? i dun see any change leh.. hehehe.. :p

<font color="dc143c"><font size="+1">kiki</font></font>
hahaha..yes.. 2 individuals. but... ermmm... yet we are in one flesh.. what one person does, affects the other GREATLY..
so... yah.. need to think twice before we act.. :p

exactly... my HB needs specific instructions too.. he always say.. i cant read ur mind.. wahhaha..

<font color="dc143c"><font size="+1">Steph</font></font>
hahahhaa...agreed..sometimes i give instructions he say, "stop ordering me ard.."
i guess.. its our tone.. sometimes we are the straightforward and blunt ones...
we forgot to say or instruct nicely..
they MEN..have EGO...and wanna be told nicely too.. wahahhahaha....
yes yes, mine also like that, will turn to my breast n suckle, sometimes so kan cheong she will start to suckle thru my t-shirt if she's really hungry already. in the very early wks, when my hb carries her, sometimes she will also look for the 'breast' on him. very comical and cute!
KiKi... yah.. he quite MCP with big ego.. it got worse over these years... told him I need help cause I only have a pair of hands.. can't carry baby, walk around check on other kids, run errands, check on helper and etc... then he will yah yah... I seriously faint one loh..

But last night, he was good.. or maybe I very easily contented one... I was very very tired and have fed baby so he ask me go into the room to sleep.. and helped me up too (was carrying baby in my arms), then I went in room and KOed totally... then when I woke up this morning, realised he did ask helper to keep the chicken that I ate halfway and put my fish soup (that I was supposed to drink last night - already heated) into the food flask. so I got warm soup to drink when I wake up... so sweet...

Normally if I KO like that, when I wake up, the chicken will be filled with ants and fish soup will be left to cold on the table.. it will be a total nightmare when I wake up cause I am normally the person that does everything at home, he will just bo chup or some how he cannot see one... which didn't happen this morning so I super happy.. lol

Like I finally see some light.. hope this stays on man..
Angie and Michelle, sent you pm.

Kiki, I was also waiting to see if they have discounts for christmas. However, bear in mind that the mat you want may be out of stock because Christmas is a season of BUYING expensive things :p It's totally up to you. If we have more people buying and if they are going to give up discount, I will just buy so that I can use it during christmas :p
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">rach...</font>

she's not fallin off la.. but it feels like as if she is lo.. Erm.. i tink height is not the factor ba.. ya, perhaps it'll fit better when she's bigger.. by then can use the kangaroo hold liao..
yes got her email. thk u so much leh

yes it shld be my gal u saw. u from ncc? i attend 1st svc aft tat boys will go arcade play with frds then gal will go walk walk n shop with her papa.

i saw jen too yest

Ion meetup
1st dec i cant make it leh cos gotta send boys for their manga class
mama to 6js

no problem.... hope u like it


in case u keen, she only has 1 left, geisha.... no more liao... hee hee....


my girl same as urs, i have to be with her else she will "call" for me
v glad tt u n hub managed to hv heart to heart talk even more glad that he is puttg in effort to make things work. im sure things r looking up n bright for u from now on!
thats great! the little things should count too.
maybe try to be more encouraging when he does 'something right'. like what other mummies say too.. 'its a good start'!

okie, noted.

can be quite tiring, rite? sometimes i'm doing my own things, like now typing this, while my gal is in her rocker where she can see me, but i got to keep talking to her, else she'd get bored then wants me to carry!
I think what Angela was trying to say is that even as a married coupe, we need to be individuals first.

Don't get us wrong. We're not saying that be individualistic; what we're driving at is that we need time to be us... to be who we are. If you don't have time or space to be yourself then you'll lose sight at the end of the day of what's impt to you, and be really miserable. Likewise, in so doing, you'll be able to appreciate how others too need time for themselves and need room to develop themselves.

Being an individual doesn't mean being irresponsible; conversely it's being more responsible. If you need sleep, you have to get it else your husband, kids and loved ones will suffer your wrath.. mood swings.

Married couples more than anybody else, need to understand that each person needs a space for themselves. You'll hate your husband if he throws his underwear in your cosmetic drawer! That's your space! That's the general idea.

Have a good week all. See you guys (gals) tmr!

like that ur girl better than mine.. as i am typing this i am carrying her!! seeing me in sight is not enough... have to carry!!! only when she sleep can i do household chores.........
I agree with what Gerald say.. Its actually what counsellors advise too...

But unfortunately, sometimes one just gets too individualistic that he/she neglects the other.. it must have a healthy balance
For Fenugreek , any idea need to take how many per day in order to increase the suppy?

For Gathering , im interested.. but no confident to bring my gal alone.. how you all do it?

Can i check will i be able to increase my milk supply just by expressing??
<font color="dc143c"><font size="+1">Mrs Yang</font></font>
dun think u can increase by just purely expressing... latching is the best stimulant.

After u've done it once, you can do it again &amp; again!!
start somewhere.

as long as u know ur kid's pattern.. it'll be okay..

<font color="dc143c"><font size="+1">Gerald</font></font>
Angela is soo blessed to have a HB like u.. wahhaha.. :p
Mrs Yang:
come and join us!
think latching is more effective than pumping

agree with Rach, Angel is blessed to have a hb like u. can see that u are very hands-on with Marc

erm, your PM not activated so i can't PM u my contact. can u PM me your contact?
Hola Mummies

WOW...i want to go Swensen too!!!But me working!!!!Regrets to start work so early!!!

rach> how much is the sleepy wrap???
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">waiwai...</font>

u gt appt to se dr adrian today oso ah? me too! but i gotta skip it till hb is back...
rach> ya lo. pretty high. nvm. nxt time must c properly

bbq98> u mean at xmas de mat got more discount? i got no real urgent need for it =p

i will check ur pm

shanice> keke. it's ok. i'll oso most likely be working on 1st dec liao =p
which age did u jab baby with the pneumoccal ah? i'm wondering if i should jab later. PD asked to bring baby in to jab this sat.

did anyone NOT do the rotavirus for their bb?
Dr Adrian's clinic now change to number system liao, the staff not calling liao. Today i bought baby in sling, he is very nice, ask his staff to help me carry baby so can do ultrasound scan
<font color="119911">Gerald</font>
agree with Rach, Wai wai and Step. Angel is blessed to have a hb like u. Keep it up!

<font color="119911">Step</font>
Dunno if this will make u feel better. I realised that my hubby will avoid entering the room when I'm there with bb too cos then he won't need to help. So your hubby is not the only man doing this. I was also very upset with him recently cos initially I didn't want a child, I told him I'm not sure if I can handle a kid and he gave me his words that he'll help. I do not have help from mum or MIL. I'm home alone most of the time as he returned from work at abt 8pm. He promised that after bb is born, he'll try to be home earlier and he'll help with the nite feed and put bb to sleep so I can rest. He'll also do all the housework during weekends. Now that bb is born, he returns from work even later, saying there's too much work to do. Now even worse, his company sent him on course so he returns at about 11pm. After dinner, he'll do paper work so no help on the feeding and putting bb to sleep.. Weekends, I have to ask b4 he starts cleaning the house. And if I 'ask' too much, he'll say I'm being demanding. Sigh... fortunately my mum came over to stay and tho' she works, at least she return home at 6pm. Else I sure go crazy. I talked to my hubby too and he is slowly changing, hope the change will stay. On my part, I have to remind myself that maybe cos he's a man so can't handle bb well. Being SAHM and simply being a women, I 任命 take care of bb lor. If he can take care of Ian on weekends, long enough for me to take bathe, I take it as a bonus. You have 4 kids to handle, so I guess the stress is 4x more, maybe you can get your maid to handle more work, like teach her, if food is left on table, ask her to auto clear or keep it without being told. Hang in there, I'm sure life will get easier when your kids are older and can take care of themselves.

<font color="119911">Angel</font>
I see if I can handle bb in sling tomorrow then I decide if I can make longer journey to ION. :p
Eh Eh! Sorry I must quantify before my wife protests!

I'm not some 'Xin Hao Nan Ren'. I'm just talking you know... talk is cheap like they say! hahaha...

I'm not very hands on with my son la. Like I mentioned, I just try la... but sure fall short u know?
<font face="comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Mrs Yang</font>

You can actually increase your supply via expressing but it's a lot more effort as compared to latching. You can start by expressing 2hrly for about 1 to 2 weeks then reduce to every 3hrly. You have to wake up to express even in the middle of the night when you are trying to increase your supply. I only skipped the night session after the 4th mths. Make sure you really clear yr breast.

My supply is quite good even though I did sole expressing for the 1st few mths. My baby only started to latch recently.</font>
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">waiwai...</font>

really ah?
I was wondering who can help me carry baby while he do the U/S for me wor.. their staff always so so bz.. Anyway, hb should be back end of the week; i suppose~, so prob wait till next week to see him ba.. else i will try bring bb on my own.. must first refix the carseat in the car...
Have to agree with Jenifur's post on emptying the breast.

Based solely on literature (can only be the case since I don't breastfeed for obvious reasons), the best way of stimulating milk supply is by total emptying of the breast regularly. Apparently, this triggers a reaction telling your brain that more milk is needed and hence supply is increased.

That said, in reality, the constant tugging on one's nipples and breast is painful to say the least.

Hi Stephanie,

Tks for the information. You are still buying from them? Is it effective and isn't that very expensive if you buy long term? Glad that you have sorted things out with your hubby. I believe communication is still the most important.

Hi Rach,

Tks for your information too.

Hi all,
I am now expressing 3hourly. Will let my son latch on once or twice in the morning. Just wondering if I can increase my supply if I start to express every 2 hour? But that means I must be v hardworking.

I've activated my PM. =)

What a coincidence! I was at Dr. Adrian's clinic this afternoon too! Wanted to let my boy take a photo with Dr. Woody but he was asleep. Hehe...
LOL @ your ".....since I don't breastfeed for obvious reasons" - thought only ONE obvious reason :)

Honestly, your support to Angel is great. And so, yes, agree with others, you are a good dad/hubby.
bbq98> ok. let me check with hubby's colleague if she using parklon or lg prime first. cos parklon prices abt 100bucks cheaper den lg prime.

hee. seems like hubby dunno de price yet. he got a shock when i told him 278. lol. but he say he ask his colleague tml. she on leave today =p

kiki> i intend to do pneumococcal later. can do lesser jab. i did rotavirus n 6in1 at 2mths. 4th mth oso doing both agn, den 6in1 at 6th mth. den after 6th mth den do pneumococcal.

shanice> wow. 1nov? i still contemplating 1dec or 7dec, no one force me go back yet. but i auto say i go back. cos new proj starting n i dun wan to have to make everyone share de requirements gathering with me again, waste pple's time, so i say i go back lo. my mgr is so far pretty understanding

gerald> at least u bother to try. keke. my hubby is oso not bad. but he juz refuse to change bb's diapers. but now dat my wrist are injured, he is nicer, when he is at hm, he try to carry bb, leaving me to do my stuffs when bb cries. only at nite he sleep n cant wake up. so bo bian i carry bb out to feed n put bb back when i'm done.

but good thing is he knows i expect him to be in de room with me n bb, n not stay in his study room. he actually changed quite alot since bb was born. very glad too. last time he will stay in living till at least 11pm, shower den come in room rest. now we go hm at 8pm, straight away we go room, he play with bb, put bb to sleep, rest, shower n den come sleep =p

jenn> wat pump u using? my pump dun seem to be able to empty my breast. sad
<font color="9264ff00"> Itsy</font> - Hugz... yeh.. that's what I'm going through... he avoids entering the room... but weekends he no need do housework, in fact, he doesn't do anything except his work... sigh...

I too hope that now he stays good...

<font color="9264ff00"> Jen </font> - welcome back.. I hope u are better? cause heard u were hospitalised..

<font color="9264"> Corinne</font> - Yes, I'm still buying from them... It costs me $50 a week on soup loh... Effective wise... not sure leh.. just take it as nice soup to drink loh.. lol
Sometimes its very difficult if you want to communicate but the other party doesn't... but I'm glad its better now.

<font color="9264"> Gerald</font> - Hehehe did Angela really try the Freestyle Level 10 on you.. hahahah that's why there are many obvious reasons.. eheheh
hmm actually I don't know if my breasts r cleared. when in let down mode and there is no milk, I'll change to stimulation there will b some droplets then no more after awhile. Then stimulation mode again then still have droplets then no more.. So are my breast cleared? Normally I stop pumping when this happen. Not sure if they r really emptied as I don't feel supply increasing..

went to rebond my hair at Pam's shop today
wake up n decide to get my hair done so went down tpy and drop by pam's shop.. Too bad she's away.. But i met get hubby and jul who went to pass something to Pam.

today up my gal's intake of ebm to 120ml from 100ml as the milksticks r in multplies of 30ml. And she still finish up and also still on 3hr interval.. My frozen ebm accumulated over 1month can only last her less than a wk!! Need to jia-nai on my pumping and up my supply b4 I go back to work man.. *jia-nai* *jia-nai*
it seems like the light will go off after ~30s, then sometimes the water like not warm. I tot the light should go off after 40deg is reached, thermostat mah.. no?
Tried finding a number to call on the pigeon website, not even an email was found! *faintz*
wanted to ask how should this thing work.

momoteh, the light will go off once the water is slightly warmed, then will come on again when the temperature of the water drops. you monitor a few mins to see if the light comes back on again. if not, then it could be spoilt.
