(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font color="ff3399">Hi nightshift moms!</font>

Today was a sad day for me. My uncle (mom's younger brother) whom I'm very close to, has flown off to HK for work.

Then my friend suddenly smsed and said her dad passed away. 47 yrs old, always been healthy, then suddenly heart attack and died. I don't know why I'm very affected by it, but I guess it's cos my mother also passed away very suddenly when I was 21. Also cos my friend is going thru a rough patch in her 3-yr long relationship, and her small business recently collapsed. She's alrdy having it tough, then suddenly her dad pass away.

Suddenly i feel life is so fragile. I went to attend the wake from 8pm, only got home ard midnight. First thing I went to sniff my boys and kiss them. Big one was still awake (wtf!) and he said he missed me. *sigh* What will happen to my babies if I die??

Then I went to pump lor. 125+135, which seems quite low considering I didn't pump or latch since 8pm. Next pumping at 3am!

<font color="ff3399">bernice</font>
I bought the Pupsik from their booth @ Motherhood Expo. The MIM I bought over from Ling cos she found it troublesome to use cos of the buckle. I got it from her cos my silly hubs suddenly became protective of me showing nehneh while BFing outside, and I'm quite appalled at the idea of wearing nursing shawl/apron/poncho and walking ard the mall lor! Will look crazy, man. So got the MIM sling to try, see if the extra cloth can provide enough coverage for my boobs or not lor.
<font color="aa00aa">shelled</font> - Hugz, yes life is very fragile and I'm constantly worried about how hubz will cope if I'm not around cause everything at home is I settle one.. from $ to paying bills for home, to kiddos, even to repairs of stuffs and changing of furniture and etc.... He knows nothing loh...

I have learnt that life and death is part and parcel of life and one cannot be too persistent about it cause we have no control. Just let go and let God..

He will grant peace in us.
Good morning everyone. Is it normal that our babies feel warm and yet the temp is below 37.6? I just brought them for jab.
<font color="ff3399">bbq98</font>
Actually they will feel warm once they go over 37.2 deg. Even for myself, my body will feel warm to the touch once I cross over 37. But pls give them paracetamol. Not sure if your doc did advise you on that, but my doc always says to give the kids paracetamol the moment we get home. Prevents the fever from even coming.

If I had known earlier that your boys were going in for jab, I would have told you to boil 羚羊 and mix some in their milk abt 2-3hrs before they go for jab. Really helps prevent fever by "cooling" down their bodies first.

<font color="ff3399">Steph</font>
I know it's part and parcel, but saying goodbye is never easy even if we are going back home to our heavenly Father. Thanks for the encouraging words though. It'll be a long time til I go anyway, I just i'm just... paranoid abt the kids.
Heheh yea taking more fenugreek now. Enjoy your twosome time, I am also counting down to the day my hubby returns.

Still training my girl to latch on. Arghh.

What is it about your hubby that makes u frustrated?

GD MORNING, reporting…slpy.
Ok, Done pumping. Going to sleep now. Hope that bugger can let me sleep for at least 2 hours and dun ee ee eh eh in bed non-stop.

<font color="119911">Shelled, Stephanie Goh and flower4</font>
I tried latching lying down but not very successful cos breast tends to slipped out of bb's mouth and he ends up sucking nipple, very pain. Furthermore, I sleep on left side of the bed, so if latch left boob, bb will be sleeping on outer side of the bed and if latch right side, he'll be between me adn hubby. Not good idea, my hubby sleeps with arms and legs all over, might elbow BB loh.
Shelled, the thing is, their temp is below 37, around 36.7 n yet they feel warmer than usual maybe my pigeon thermometre is spoilt. ;-p. Thanks 4 the advice. Will do that for next jab.
Good morning all, my bb slept from......11plus pm till now for a feed..and she's back to sleep.. hehe.. :p
hope she wake up only at 9am...

<font color="ff0000">Steph</font>
ahh...that one is for pregnant mums..not breastfeeding leh...
Its Anmum Materna.. hehehe. :p

<font color="ff0000">milkyway</font>
same... my bb can sleep the whole day outside...sometiems even refusing to wake up for feed.. but the moment we reach home..her eyes big as goli!

Mmm..my gal put on 1.4kg.. thats 175g a week... ok leh.. hehe...
ur gal born small ma.. hahha.. 4.8kg still a very decent weight..

<font color="ff0000">bernice</font>
not just my supplier... u go to BP thread/overseas spree.. many people selling at $469. $480, $520 etc..
US set is seling about US$270 i think... any amount higher than that.. the BP sellers are making the profits..
if u have a fren residing in US, u can get the fren to buy at US$270 or US$300 the most i think..
US website put US$300++.. so somehow those Spree sites can get cheaper price from the supplier in US..

and Local IS selling at $988... siao one rite?? haha..
just like how Lansinoh Milk Bag we can get at $18-$22 from BP.. but Mothercare selling $30++??
And how we get Desitin 4oz at $9... but Kiddy Palace sells $12++ for a 2 oz..
same theory...same way it works..

my supplier no sell MIM sling... only Pupsik..

Pupsil retail price is $45.90... PM me for the pUpsik price.. we dun post on forum de la...

<font color="ff0000">shelled</font>
ooh..so if going for jab, will give bottle feed EBM??
does it work if we take the ling yang before feeding them? ahah.. does our milk become liang-ner...??hahaha..
how much ling yang to give??

<font color="ff0000">itsy</font>
Is ur body close enough to the bb when u are lying down... after i lie down,usually i need to check my position and see where her mouth is,
and if my breast covering her nose, i'll shift my body so that it doesnt... need to trial and error a bit. if he's only sucking nipple means u are too far from him i feel..
ur body should be touching his body as well..or at least very very close.. :p hehe...

BO LANG liaoz again?? i'm alone???
rach-shelled &amp; jul r rite, yellow is value white is membrane. i mistakenly thot the whole thing is called membrane..keke paisay. i using medela PISA. my membrane is 7wks old but still ok leh. i sterilize it after every pump somemore.

shelled &amp; rach tks for all ur info on my nursing wear queries!

rach-still in time to help me place order?? if so, i want 1 Original Nursing Bra - Basic Style (size S, Butterscotch color). 1 black &amp; 1 berry flora Glamourmom Nursing Bra Long Tank (size S). i quite petite, now bust is 34C. size S ok lah hor?

gina-mampoko or mamypoko oso can lah..keke. enjoy ur gal's 1st mth celebration! i m sure u will like the cake package fm SM.

steph-u still cook on wkends!! i stopped cooking after my 1st boy was born not long. :p ya..we are always RUSHING RUSHING &amp; RUSHING for time!
ur method is correct but calculation a bit off is it? cos 1ml of bm = 1g. so if b4 weighs 4200g and after feed weighs 5200g which means baby weight diff is 1kg = 1000g = 1000ml = 1L of bm ??? u sure our babies can take so much per feed ah??? LOL

i think its more like b4 feed its 4200g n after feed its 4300g. diff is 100g = 100ml of bm. am i right? but nt possible to use this mthod unless u hv a baby digital weighing scale la.
Sorry to hear you had a bad day. Life is very unpredictable isnt it. Quite rarely do you hear of people our age losing parents because most of our parents are still quite young.

Mamato6 / Steph,
You're right, Mama, I was puzzled too like isnt 90ml only 0.090kg, not 0.9kg?

Babies take about 4-6 months to double birth weight, according to most websites I've checked. So yuor baby's weight gain is considered very good liao. Mine was born 2.6kg, now only 4.5kg, one of the smallest babies on this thread at 8 weeks! But I'm not too bothered coz she is putting on weight well, on average 200g a week.

My 2-year-old and my baby were baptized in church yesterday. The ceremony was supposed to be very solemn but my toddler was a riot. He kept digging his nose when prayers were said on him and couldnt stop talking. HE had to comment on everything and kept pointing to the candle going "Fire! hot!" Everybody had a hard time keeping a straight face. Dont think the pastor was too happy that he had to shout to be heard but I guess he must be used to baptizing kids now.

Hubby's started work in Wellington and now only copmes back on weekends. I feel like a single parent.
Sighh.... thank god at least still have you ladies to chit chat with about mummyhood.
I didn't pump for 7-8hrs! OMG!!! I slept like a dead fish!!! ( With Kairi sleeping on me!!!)

God PLEASE PLEASE PUH-LEASE don't let my supply dip!
Hi All who bot Glamourmum

Need ur advice on the Glamourmom Nursing Bra Tops.
What is the length of the top. Im 170cm tall scared the top too short for me then no need to wear le. BTW is it tummy hugging.... my tummy is big, too tight i uncomfortable then dont wear, paisay so many qns.
wow its always so happening here at nite huh! u will definitely not see me at nite cos im just too lazy to wake up! after latching baby i konk out myself again! thank God nowadays only wake up twice at nite.

parting is never easy. ur mom passed away when she was very young too? now my mom is just a phone call away if i need her. i also cant imagine the day she is gone. my kids are all very attached to her. she is gg back to indo today and last nite all of them r complaining n asking when she is coming back. she also had a near death scare end last yr when she had a brain tumour and her surgeon highly suspected its late stage brain cancer but when opened up her skull, it was just a benign tumour. we were all so thankful to God for this miracle. and now she is back to her normal healthy self, she was so sickly last yr b4 her brain op. now i will never take her or health for granted again.

hub also v scared one day he may just leave us and that i cant cope (financially) with all the kids! he bought so much insurance for himself and for us. he said at least he go, i have some money to bring up the kids!!! seriously, we never know what will happen tomo. just be thankful for each day and treasure all the loved ones ard us.

u dun latch baby at nite? or ur baby doesnt wake up anymore at nite? actually u dun worry abt ur supply dipping as long as each pump session u make sure u empty ur boobs. as long as ur boobs r emptied ur brain will send signal to the boobs to make the same amt of milk each time. unless u thinking of increasing ur milk supply, if not no need pump at nite lor. this is what i feel la. cos all the while last time when my babies slept thru the nite, i never bother to wake up to pump. im a lazy mom, just live and sleep with engorged breasts lor but must make sure when u wake up u empty ur boobs
shelled - hugs!! life is short, though we do not know how short so let's live to the fullest! sometimes when i m in pms-mood, i will think abt these stuff until i cry and the next min feel tt i m so stupid!

but it sure benefits if we learn to appreciate the impt ppl in our lives, from the simple stuff such as saying thank u or sorry.

lina - we can be ur husband till he returns! haha i know not very suitable but no fish, got prawn good liao!
sold the top to flower4 already.

i thought you and the children moving over to wellington? so you've decided to stay put instead?
Hugs! Life is really unpredictable. My dad passed away when I was 10 years old due to heart attack and tat day is my mum's birthday somemore. It was a real shock to us at that time. So like what cookiezz said "Let's live our lifes to the fullest!"

I also same as you, Still using the Ameda pump simply cos I no $ to buy new pump liao. I'm returning to work in dec and my office dun have nursing room so have to pump in toilet. So dun know how long I will continue to bf although I hope to do it for at least 8mhts to a yr. If I tell my hub that I wana buy new pump now, he'll sure nag at me and if I tell him I not breastfeeding very soon, he'll sure kill me!! :p
flower4> ya. i oso nv sterilise before every pump. one sterilisation can last me 12hrs. after 12hrs i sterilise again.

bernice> new packaging? wow. i din know. think mine is de old version one =p but i oso bought recently. think end aug =p

shelled> dun be too affected. life n death is all predestined i olways believe. nothing we can do to change things tat is going to happen. so juz live everyday at its fullest so there will be no regrets when u go or pple ard us go =p

haha. my hubby oso wor. i oredi use nursing cover, but sometimes bb pull here n there, some part of my body gets exposed n hubby will keep naggin here n there ask me cover up, or pull de cloth for me. gets me so irritated -_-"

even before i give my boy his 6in1 jab. his temp have been hovering btw 36.8-37.2 leh. how ah. btw, how u shove de paracetomol down his throat? o no, my boy going for 6in1 nxt wk. shuld i give them de chinese medicine?

i din wake up for my shift at 5am =x

lina> keke. jiayou. someday u girl will be able to latch on

angeline> haha. i will somehow find a room out to pump la. dun think i will go toilet pump =p but must tok to my mgr abt it. but oso cannot buy new pump first, in case my negotiation with mgr fails =x
mampoko: hahaa later see got leftovers for me to try not hehee :x Forgot who i ordered for :x hahaha

Karen: I guess it depends on which type you order.. i've seen long top on their catalog. Maybe you wanna search their webby see? https://www.glamourmom.com/index.asp

By the way, for me, i got the L size turquoise nursing tank. I got eh hmm huge boobs (always been heavy top) and it turns out tummy area quite loose haha..

Shelled: *hugs* it's ok to feel down..I always believe that: What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger!
Hope your friend can pull through this rough period!
<font color="aa00aa">Lina</font> - He is a super selfish MCP loh... and its getting from bad to worse.. also he puts himself before the kids...

Then his bad temper is getting worse also.. Like yesterday, bb puked milk on my clothes on the way back but I still had to do a lot of things... knowing that he back pain, I let him come up with baby while me and the helper bring the monthly marketing up. Then once home, I immediately cook dinner for everyone cause my #1 needs to sleep at 8:30pm on school days. Then baby started fussing and I had to bath before carrying him... then he vented his anger on me asking me to hurry up and say I'm wasting time.. I'm like WTF, I've never stopped a moment loh... I know bb fussing but can't he carry him and look after him for a while? At least when I cooking time, even though he was looking after bb but that's still in a relax mode loh.. can sit on sofa and watch tv.. but I was running here and there loh... !@#$%R

Then backache cause Saturday we moved some furniture wants me to massage for him and I was like @@, he move furniture but I was carrying bb all the while, shoulder all ache, then I still need to look after bb the whole day, carry him throughout at the NTUC and buy marketing stuffs and he still expect me to massage for him...

He's always like that one... ask him do something like look after kids or do things for them, he always behaves as if he's doing me a favour... WTF, what happened to your responsibility as a father... if you cannot fulfil your responsibility or don't want to shoulder responsibility then dun have kids lah... *super angry*

<font color="aa00aa">itsy</font> - I now actually learnt how to latch both breast just lying down on one side.. heheh maybe you can adjust a bit and see if you can do that? Cause I lazy to switch baby to the other side lah.. heheh or sometimes I dun wan to wake him up totally so I just give him the other breast without changing sides.. just turn a bit more to give him the other breast.

<font color="aa00aa">rach</font> - Oh.. its pregnant mummy milk ah.. eh.. thought the last time u ask this thread mummies if anyone wants to buy the dunno what chocolate flavour milk? so I thought it was for breastfeeding mums too... heheh

<font color="aa00aa">mampoko</font> - Yah... but normally only dinner... cook like one pot style noodles, meatball spag for the kids loh.. else how? Hubby also tired, ask him go buy also not right...

<font color="aa00aa">mamato6Js</font> - Come to think about it... hahaha yah hor.. how can weight gain so much.. hahah silly me... lack of sleep confirm affects brain.. hahah Sorry... it should be 4.2kg and 4.3kg makes 100ml...
Hi Gina

Im a F cup now. Yah hor... Really heavy. Sometimes it can b quite hard to buy nice clothing too. Is the length ok. cos i am looking at the nursing bra long tanks and wonder which one I shd get
hi mommies,

I have half tin of similac mom n a few sample pack of annum n similac mom milk powder to give away free. Self collect at Jurong West. Anyone interested?

The doc ask me to avoid milk due to my gal collic issue. I tried drink once and she vomit. So I guess I need to avoid milk for the time being. I drinking a lot of milo hoping it can boost the calcium lost.
why don't you take calcium pills? they're available off the shelf at pharmacies. i dun think milo has a lot of calcium if you're just drinking 1-2 cups a day.
Glamourmom Nursing Top

Oh dear, me same as mampoko, petite size, but bust 34. Should I order S or M huh? Already placed my order for M cos of my bust size. But should I take size S instead?
Im not sure what version mine is..I bought it 2years ago...Y dont u try changing the valves? it helps
But for mine when my funnel broke (can't remember how) and I had to but a replacement funnel from Infantree, they gave me one that was of a different material..cos the say they dont have the original funnels and that new funnel was terrible!! whichever boob that used that funnel basically didnt have much milk coming out..so in the end I always used one pump only..hahah!!

wow! 27min have 125ml..thats so good!! U give me 27mins I think only have 30ml...but I learn how to accept my fate liao...as long as Mikayla have enough to drink..then I should'nt complain...

*shake hands* My yield and yours same leh!! How much does your bb drink p/feed? mine drinks about 65ml only..so still enough for her...

Serious! Even when I hubby saw he thought it was our kids pic leh...but at a very quick glance lah! My hubby punjabi, me chinese mix filipino so mine is cham ga liao! until dunno what race to call them..hahah!! btw, u really supermom..I salute u man!!

I think your baby's weight gain should be ok. My girl was born 3.795kg and now coming to 8 weeks she's 4.965kg but PD say its ok leh..your's put on even more weight than mine so should be more than ok..hehe!!
Hi mummies,

I have a tin of newly opened Similac 1 for sale. Opened for 1 week cos bb not suitable. Selling at $30. Self collect at CCK crescent. PM me if u are interested.
<font color="ff0000">cookiezz</font>
Hehehe.. Another 20 over days he will be back !! Well cant compare you girls with him, so comforting to have you girls around to talk to. On top of that, I get to learn so much from all the experience mummies here. Salute to Shelled + mama26 for replying to all our worries / queries.

<font color="ff0000">Michelle</font>
Thanks ! In fact just now I have managed to latch her on for 1 full meal, suckle for about 30mins. Now sleeping peacefully.

<font color="ff0000">Steph</font>
Maybe have a good talk with him, explain to him that its not easy to deal with a bb not to mention 4 kids in the house + cooking etc. You are doing a great job even he is not helping much, if he doesn’t get better then try not to be affected by him. You are managing just fine without him !!

<font color="ff0000">Mel</font>
My bb drinks about 80ml for EBM, up to 100ml for FM (only these 2 days, previously was 60ml for FM). My hubby also Punjabi.
<font color="ff0000">mampoko</font>
haiyo..this is not a BP thread..please dun post anything here..later get banned...
anyway.. the subsequent ordering may or may not happen anymore..
as someone.. who's super nosey-p*ker complained and my supplier, prob wont be doing us the favor anymore..
out of goodwill and friendship, she help us to get better deals...and she ends up getting complains all the time..
and i already mentioned dun mention anything abt orders &amp; payments here..coz we are NOT doing a BP...
BPs has to be registered with the moderator and anything of the nature not registered is considered "illegal" in the forum...

so we shall see how in future.. but nosey p*kers has wreck our lobangs for cheaper deals...

<font color="ff0000">Karen</font>
ermmm...the length differs for different designs leh...
and different size also different... haha..so hard to say...
u can get Long Tank loh..sure can cover de.. hehehe.. i have long and normal ones...

ermm.. u ordering L size???
how's ur built like?? I wore the black glamourmom with pink logo yest.. it can cover half my jean's zip...
that length lo. i'm 1.65...
the shoulder strap is adjustable.. as long as u dun expose ur breasts.. u can have it low cut to reach ur torso??
mMmm... i dunno.. ask shelled the expert shopping queen.. hehehe..

<font color="ff0000">Michelle</font>
hahaha..if u have a nursing poncho..then no matter how bb pull also wont see anything lo. keke.. :p

<font color="ff0000">Steph</font>
har??? turn a bit more to give the other breast then ur correct breast will be pressed by ur body???
u lie tummy half down to give the other breast?? can meh? too high up wor... how?? teach me!!!

hahaha...that is Anmum Materna... haha.. i think not much diff..only in the concentration of the vitamins.. but i prefer Enfamama's flavor..
if u want, i can give u la..sit there 2 weeks liaoz. u want bo?? one whole tin... only that i drink 2 cups...

<font color="ff0000">Connie</font>
colic cannot drink milk ah????
My girl got alot of wind... dunno colic or not.. but she dun cry nowadays..dunno due to unwell or she just pampered enough...
i drink Enfamama leh... dunno can or not...

<font color="ff0000">joopz</font>
do u mean ur underbust is 34" or ur widest 34"..
U can take M for comfort at the bust area... but below a bit loose loh.. coz its kindda fitting one..
so when its worn just nice, it actually expose all the tummy and fats.. like mine.. wahhaha...

<font color="ff0000">Mel</font>
jiayou!! hehe..my girl latched today too..so i think i can go back to pump once a day routine..wont go ki siao..
salute all the mommies who pump whole day.. >.<'
Hi mummies,
Just came back from a short trip to Penang, didn't bring baby along, only brought our #1. So have 2 nights of long uninterrupted sleep, very nice :) Luckily I have just enough EBM (with only 1 bottle of 120ml left) for my gal when we were away cos the trip was last minute and unplanned :) Continued to pump when I was at Penang, but only pumped every 6 hours or so instead of 3 hours. Everything was well and we had a good time eating and shopping.

It doesn't bother me at all how much I can pump a day. Just like many things of our life, things go up and down, so it's our supply :) I just pump 15-20min then pour it into bottle for storage. So far I have enough for my gal, thankfully. I know giving BM to our baby is the one of the best things that we can give to our baby, but it's not the only thing. Don't remember motherhood should be enjoyable. Relax, relax and relax. 一却随缘!

I mean my widest is 34". Glamourmom website states bust 34 is M. So I can choose size S, just that bust area more tight huh?
What a coincidence our hubby same race. Maybe they know each other.Haha! So what r u n bb's religion? For me hubby sikh but me n kiddos Catholic..btw,how come if FM ur bb drink more? Thought FM more filling?
joopz> i suggest taking M. cos according to bust size i shuld take L, but i went n order M. in de end, bust very tight, den waist area juz nice. but becos it's so tight, it makes de top so revealing, my hubby refuse to let me wear it. so basically it's lying in my wardrobe -_-

mel> huh? new funnels useless? gees. den i still went to spree it from us -_-

lina> keke. tat's good. slowly ba. as our nipple gets more immune to the torture, it wun be so hard to latch bb liao =p

rach> but nursing poncho i cant c wat bb doing inside. n sometimes he very dumb one. he keep finding nipple, but pushes my breast away -_-" like tat forever cant latch on. so i need de bebe au lait to c wat he tryin to do =p
u win liao..bring bb watch movie...

Re: Glamourmom tops
How much is it? Who's the one getting huh? I see it mentioned so much until my backside itchy want to buy..hahah!! Can PM me to let me know if still can buy?

Wah..ur hubby...hmmm...He's those old fashioned type hor? if its me I think I surely break dow.. but if he like that then y continue having kids? If its me I will surely close factory liao..cos if want to have 4 kids..really should help u abit mah..he see u like that don't pity you meh? For me now 2nd one only...her colic was driving me crazy until I cry with her then hubby make it a point to take over whenever he's around cos he's perpetually working all the time...so he knows that when he's not around I 1 person take care of 2 really dying... Maybe your hubby think that since u have maid so he shouldnt be asked to do anything...there are some ppl who are like that..u SAHM right? if thats the case even worse..cos SAHM are the most under appreciated in their hubby's eyes sometimes...cos they think they go out to work whereas u just stay at home..for me I doing flexi hours at the moment for the past 2 years since I had #1..so I only work 2.5 days a week then rest of the week Im SAHM..wah..I tell u...staying at home is 100times more tiring..but I'm happy being at home cos I see my boy grow and it makes me forget how tiring it is..hahah!!but I also notice that once I started being p/time SAHM my hubby also slack already..become very lazy in terms of housework not like when i was working full-time...but 1 good thing about him is that he's very pro-active when it comes to taking care of the kids..
I dont know about the funnel u got from spree but the one I got from infantree to replace my broken one was an opaque funnel instead of transparent and the plastic material was diffrent also..I think the reason y it affected the suction was because the rubber cups (cant remember what its called..Diaphragm huh?? ) Are taller than the space allocated...
Hi Sept mums, finally after the confinement?

Recommended to wear Micro-massage Slimming Undergarment or Slimming Pant to <font color="0000ff">Flatten Tummy, Reduce Cellulite, Trim and Tone Hip &amp; Thigh now!</font>

Product information can be found at: <font color="0000ff">www.itsi.com.sg.</font>

the opaque one wun break just like the medela funnel material.

haha.. think its more useful for me.. me clumpsy.. always drop it haha.

i remember i bought the funnel from robinson at 40+ *faintz*

<font color="aa00aa">mwerkz</font> - Yah man.. I already ki siao now... And I'm dumb enough to have 4 kids with him... sometimes he's really sweet loh.. but think recent years many things happened and his ego is just one big problem too... Also cause his dad was not a fatherly figure to him and so he doesn;t know how to be a dad..

<font color="aa00aa">Mel</font> - Hehehe I want to see ur bb's pic too man!!!

<font color="aa00aa">Lina</font> - talk liao... will be nice for 1 or max 2 days, then if he lack of sleep will talk nonsence and angry again.. sigh... lucky I got maid at home.. I really feel hor, some things hor got maid better than got hubby leh.. cause my hb really *shake head* at times...

<font color="aa00aa">rach</font> - Maybe cause I got saggy boobs.. hahahah that's why can... I will turn and use one hand support boobs.. hahah maybe will end up with more saggy boobs.. sharks...

<font color="aa00aa">Mel</font> - Me FTWM... hahah so not only have to settle things at home.. also need to earn money for the family loh... he last time not like that one.. maybe like u say, got maid liao then everything also ask maid to do.. I always tell him, maid also human.. cannot everything ask maid do.. its his responsibility loh.. He thinks that he's only in charge of play... Kaoz...

Then cause this new helper cannot look after bb so bb's things all I do... Hubby jia lat is jia lat lah but sometimes he will do something good like last night while I cook, he also got quickly bath baby cause baby puke milk... but after that kao peh me... he just cannot be tired or backache.. he is like a kid loh.. if tired will be cranky then will anyhow snap at ppl.. sometimes even the kids...
