(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font color="ff3399">bbq98</font>
I thought I blur leh, but it wasn't me! You typed "below 37.6 deg" leh!

<font color="ff3399">Twiggy</font>
Yah, most of our parents shouldn't be passing away yet. But mine left without even saying goodbye when she was 41. I hope I'll be ard for my kids until i'm at least 50?

Hahahaha my boy also has thing for going "hot hot!" whenever there's an open flame somewhere. Either from a stove or candles. I wonder what that's about.

<font color="ff3399">Karen Toh</font>
Actually very hard to advise you on the top's length because even though I'm 1.68m tall, my body could be shorter than yours wor. I wear the regular tank adjusted to the maximum length, and it touches the top of my hipbone. Not sure if it'll help. If you need I can go measure the max length of the tank?

<font color="ff3399"> karen / joopz</font>
Maybe you girls can consider the Glamourmom Nursing Bra Full Bust Long Top? It's specially made for nursing moms with *ahem* ample bosoms. I'm sooo in love with the color "Grape Galore" but my nehneh not big enough to fit into this design!!

stephanie - haha so do u feel u have 5 kids instead? men sometimes do behave like kids, so muz coax, con, confuse them a bit haha! just kidding! dun so stress k? at the end of the day u muz have loved him lotsa cos u bore him 4 kiddos lo!

sterilising pill - dun need to rinse bottles after soaking them? but need to wait fir bottles to dry or have to wipe dry before use?

glass bottles - those who are using the bottles from hospitals, how to remove the labels ah? my cl boiled them and peeled off the labels but after tt will become sticky leh
<font color="aa00aa">cookiezz</font> - Yes I do... when I had only 3 kids I already telling my hubby that I feel like I have 4! hahaha

I always coax him and nice to him loh.. but he always !@%^$... can you believe that I've been with him for a decade... hahaha I can't believe it myself leh...

Think I'm just dumb enough... hahaha
<font color="ff3399">cookiezz</font>
Today both my boys very 自动, ownself went to nap!! Wahahahahaha! I is one very happy mommy today.

<font color="ff3399">bbq98</font>
Maybe this is what they mean by "heaty" lor. I notice my boys also get that after jabs. Thus the 羚羊 and paracetamol. Before the temp really hits fever range.

How and where are you taking their temp? Forehead? Ear?
We are all moving to Wellington but only mid dec onwards. Haven't found a house there and also at the moment I have mil to help with the toddler. Once move there I'm really on my own when hubby is at work. Quite worried I cAn't cope.

Sorry missed a message from you eArlier about my sling. I bought from a thread on this website. Brand is littlepods. It's an m size, maroon color. Have a look at website www.littlepods.com and pm me if interested.
Not sure abt ur case cos the doc ask me to avoid, then that day went TMC deli for meal, the sales cannot let me change to hot chocolate but he change to milk for me. That nite, bb vomit out again.
My gal got a lot of wind inside, big hard stomach lor. Need to apply the oil frequently. Too much wind, bb will not take much milk. Now she need to take the colic medi every morning. 5 drops per day.
<font color="Ff3399">bbq98</font>
The thing about taking their armpit temp is that sometimes cannot kiap properly to get an accurate reading. If they feel warm to the touch (and your hands are not cold), it's recommended you give them paracetamol lah. There are virtually no side effects to paracetamol, so it's really ok to just give some to them.

That day bought the PISA from ParentCraft, they gave this free forehead thermometer. Quite cool. Just hold to bb's forehead, press the button, and immed get the reading. Even has computerised voice to read out the temperature to you in case you're using it at night. Maybe you should consider getting one of those. Faster and easier.
<font color="ff0000">Mel</font>
Yea, previously was 60ml for FM, 80ml for EBM but recently she takes 100ml for FM. My hubby is Catholic.

<font color="ff0000">Twiggy</font>,
Thanks, will check it out &amp; let you know. I will be going off with bb alone too. Jia you jia you !! But of course you got 2, alitle more work compared to me just one bb.

<font color="ff0000">Shelled, Michelle</font>
I dont mind the bb latching on, actually the feeling is better than the pump. Pump is more painful than my bb Amber. Provided she dont bite me like what she did previously. For the past 2 feeds, she latched on for about 30mins or so before sleeping. I remembered you girls saying that, after latching on we must pump to empty our breasts issit ? Pump for how long ? 15mins also ? Or till it drip ? Just now fed at 1pm, now its 4pm,she is still sleeping, i am worried if I pump then she wont have anything to suckle ??
<font color="ff0000">Mel</font>
Yea, previously was 60ml for FM, 80ml for EBM but recently she takes 100ml for FM. My hubby is Catholic.

<font color="ff0000">Twiggy</font>,
Thanks, will check it out &amp; let you know. I will be going off with bb alone too. Jia you jia you !! But of course you got 2, alitle more work compared to me just one bb.

<font color="ff0000">Shelled, Michelle</font>
I dont mind the bb latching on, actually the feeling is better than the pump. Pump is more painful than my bb Amber. Provided she dont bite me like what she did previously. For the past 2 feeds, she latched on for about 30mins or so before sleeping. I remembered you girls saying that, after latching on we must pump to empty our breasts issit ? Pump for how long ? 15mins also ? Or till it drip ? Just now fed at 1pm, now its 4pm,she is still sleeping, i am worried if I pump then she wont have anything to suckle ??
<font color="0000ff">pumping BM</font>
Wow! you girls have been really diligently pumping away, huh? I think I'm the only mum here who is NOT pumping...so fun hor, can have pumping buddies...

<font color="0000ff">shelled</font> - just when I was ya-ya-ing about breast not engorged and not leaky, my breast started to LEAK and SWELL! arghh!...back to the cold and wet PJ top every morning...last night she slept from 9am until 6:30am!! 9.5 hours >faint< breast super hard like rock this morning!

<font color="0000ff">Rach</font> - re:glamourmum Oh no...next time maybe we must have secret code...then no one other than sept mum will know what's going on...I'll send you the list as soon as I get the top...I hope its still on

<font color="0000ff">mixed race babies</font> - my neighbour is from india, she's quite the tanned type and her husband super fair type, i think also northern indian, wahlau their baby daughter has BLUE eyes, super angmoh kinda skin and super curly hair...soooo pretty!!! She told me ppl always wonder whether she is the baby's MAID!
<font color="0077aa">shelled</font>
the free thermometer not accurate one...
i was having high fever during confinement and I used tat one to read my temp.. all at the "normal" range temp.. i use oral thermometer then it accurate that im having high fever..
the "normal" range reading is too wide...

I bought the thermometer from Watsons. The pharmacist recommended it to me... Watsons own brand. It's digital, flexible, and I "Kiap" it at BB's armpit. So no matter how much she wriggles, it will stay "Kiaped"

Had my appt with my Gynae today and just got back... I think she is damn accurate or lucky... She predicted my EDD to be 16th of Sept and I was having contractions on the 16th. My appt with her for pap smear was today and my lochia ended yesterday... Just imagine.. I've been wearing the sick sanitary pads for more than a month! Imagine the abrasions I've been having down there! XD
<font color="Ff3399">bbq98</font>
It's apparently locally manufactured by Equip Medical. It's called the DIGITAL FOREHEAD THERMOMETER. (Like so DUH, right?)

ParentCraft don't sell it, but said can buy from United Square's Mums &amp; Babes. I took the liberty to call and check price for you. $69.90.
<font color="ff3399">Paige</font>
See lah! Cannot count your chickens before they're hatched!!

<font color="ff3399">Jess</font>
Is it? Quite accurate for me leh. Cos so happened that on the same day Hubs bought the PISA, J was having fever mah. So we used it on him immediately. Then we took our own temp also, just to verify. Very zhun leh! And he very happy that he don't have to sit still like gong toot while we kiap thermometer in his armpit.
crystalz> haha. so far haven drop it. so ez to spoil one meh? =p

lina> i oso dun pump after bb latch in de day. only at nite. cos at nite he oso sleeping. so wake up timing is more within my expectation.

paige> haha. so fun?? u wake up n pump lo. so tired =p

thermometer> i bought de braun digital thermometer where u insert into ears in online spree oso. much cheaper den shops. selling 149 or so. but i bought ard 75bucks or so. fast reading.
Oh yes...

Anyone took doctors prescription for milk supply? I am one "kiasu" mommy, I asked for pills.. And she gave me Primperan... Anyone took it? Just eat for 10days 1pill 2 times a day and then the supply will be maintained...
You all receive the glamourmum tops from the last spree??? wanted to order the long tanks this time round but so long wait leh... hehe... I abit impatient cuz I only have one to wear(let go to me by rach)
Shelled, thanks for the info. You are the best! Will check it out.

Michelle, not sure abt using those ear thermometer. My previous PD uses it but this current one doesn't recommend coz may damage the babies' delicate ear drums.
I seldom latch. only pump. water not really alot.

fenugreek really help? which brand? Papaya fish soup how to cook?

last time i used to pump 200ml in 15mins. suddenly drop so much. so u mean i got to latch and pump every 3 hrs even the BM is lesser now?
bbq98> huh? will damage meh? wun la. juz put outside de ear only ma. not like i pry open his ears =p moreover no loud noises?
Michelle, the beep sound can be quite high pitch. Well, up to individual. Some PD uses that too so could be ok but the two hospitals I went to use the armpit method for babies.
Mommies need advise again...
Im selling my BN disposable breast pad to 1 of the mommy. she have not arrange to collect the item for few days le so i requested to pay deposit so i can reserve the item for her and she have just transfered this morning. just receive her sms told me her hb went to buy it so ask for refund. Do u all think i should refund to her?
Yah, the pain in the boob dunno how to describe the feeling. 怪怪 feeling. Only recently then I get this pain, if it means more milk is generating, then I gotta tolerate lor.

I finally got my boy into the sling pouch but with the help of hubby. It's really snug. Just worried about his feet being cramped into weird position. Will they get leg cramp huh? Oh yes, he's in a slight upright position. Hurhur.. cos he's kinda sleepy, he stayed very still and quiet in there and then dozed off. Getting him out is tough also. He woke up but luckily tired enough to continue sleeping after we got him out. But cannot continue like this, I need to know how to place him in myself.

I not suitable for long tanks/tee cos got pear shape, big hip lar. So long tight tee covers my bottom, very ugly leh. Already ordered M size, hope can fit.

Mouldy me went out yesterday with bb. Haha.. so troublesome leh with a pram. And he don't want to stay in the pram. Faint.

So it's the letdown feeling? But I don't get that last time leh.

If S is super tight and will show my flabby tummy, I won't wanna wear also. Hehe.. Hope can fit me. Else gotta sell them off, then troublesome and still have to re-order again. Argh...

ya.. the funnel quite fragile leh... if tighten the bottle too tight to the funnel... soon the funnel will crack too! i drop few times and the funnel crack liao.. haha it crack at the valve area.
bbq98> oo. de beep sound ha. keke. but even with de ear thermometer, my boy oredi so impatient for me to take his temp. not sure if i use de armpit thermometer, will he be even more frustrated. i have both actually =p

sarah> is up to u le wor. u can choose not to refund =p cos afterall dat's wat a deposit is for. to prevent either party from backing out =p but some pple out of goodwill will still refund. so depends on u lo =)

joopz> i get tat very often. esp when my breast at first were empty, den bb suck on one side. can feel the pain in the other side. like de milk refilling itself =p

glamourmom tops> hey, if u all get it in ur wardrobe, let me know k? cos i lazy open letter box, unless i know got things in them =pq
hey mummies,
is it true that A baby's eyes should be straight and parallel by three or four months of age??

cos almost everyday i can see my BB's eyes a bit cock eyed.
hi wanna ask mommies whom have went to "Philips warehouse sale" last time... do they have avent bottles &amp; cleaning brush on sale during this period?
thanks in advance =D
cookiezz> wah. so many things ah? den might be worth a trip down on sat than =p maybe i go down after bringing bb for his 6in1

karen> haha. den juz get normal nursing bra tank lo =p

sarah> hehe. dun think got any bb fair. actually very long nv c papers. but robinson every now n den got 20% discount. or depends on wat u wanna buy, go philips warehouse sale lo =p
HELP!! i have probs taking out the milk sticks! I can't remove them at all.. do i need to use hands or wat?? i cant even knock them out leh... do i run them under tap water cos that's how i take out ice cubes? cannot rite?
Great that ur hubby convert. Makes thgs so much easier..how did his family take his decision? I think if my hubby ever convert sure have big issue..

When I read ur post abt u w ur hubs for a decade liao n that u r dumb I laughed out loud cos I always tell hubby that I stupid thats y with him for 11yrs n married to him.haha! Then hubby asked me y I was laughing so I read ur post to him n he also found the words so familiar.haha! Btw, u sent me a FB request huh? U send to [email protected] instead can? I dont use the other acc at all..
How cheap are the things at Phillips sale? Is it more than 20%?

My EDD was also 16th Sept (which is also my bday) but my girl decided she want to come out earlier..hahaha!! good also lah..dont have to share bday.
<font color="ff0000">joopz</font>
hehe..u gotta see how M fits u loh.. hehe...

u hold ur baby in the cradle position..with ur left hand (assuming the pouch is on ur left shoulder)
with ur right hand, open the pouch and put in ur baby's butt first....u most likely need to hold ur baby with ur left hand still..and adjust the cloth with ur right hand..
coming in and out from in front and behind the baby...
once the butt is in, i'll put in the legs, with my left hand still holding the baby upper body...
after butt and leg in, then i adjust the cloth and cover her head... then she's in the pouch liaoz...

you can put baby in either with her facing ur body or facing the sky...

<font color="ff0000">Michelle</font>
ya la... i understand y u need be be au lait... hehe..

<font color="ff0000">Mel</font>
hahaha...she enjoyed the show okay.. ehhee..though she weh weh a bit.. i went out and in the theatre a few times. hehe.. :p

<font color="ff0000">Steph</font>
hahaha..really??? mine also quite sag lioaz.. though cant be compared to urs.. u have 4 kids.. i only having my #1.. hahaha..
but.. really cant imagine how it'll look like after i stop BF... duhz...
maybe just like when its EMPTIED after pump... PLAYDOH!!! Grrr...

<font color="ff0000">shelled</font>
neh neh need to be VERY BIG to fit into the new design meh? hahaha...
i tot urs already quite well.. ahem..endowed.. kekeke.. :p
Ur photo on K's bb shower already show.. quite well ahem leh... hehehe. :p

<font color="ff0000">Connie</font>
ooh.. okie.. My girl not so hard la..though when u hit got pom pom pom sound...

<font color="ff0000">bbq</font>
oh ya man...HB was saying the "ti" sound so loud dun use on our girl... now u say damage ear drum....
oh no....
i better go dig out the Pigeon armpit thermometer i bought months ago and use it in future la...grr...

<font color="ff0000">Sarah</font>
suggest that u try to latch..latching will stimulate supply better than pump....
and u need more rest and fluid intake to increase ss ah....

<font color="ff0000">milkyway</font>
no la..cannot run under water.. twist the tray hard... and flip it over and push the milksticks out...

<font color="ff0000">Pumping Buddies</font>
no one ard now???
my gal is not sleeping.... fussing since we home at abt 9pm... i'm getting frustrated... tried means and ways with her..still cranky...grr...
tot Ian hungry so woke up to heat up milk, but when I return to the room, he's sleeping soundly. So come pump 1st. hope he doesn't cry suddenly.
was having light flow when bb turning 1mth old which i thot was abt to end. now 7wks already n suddenly i m having normal flow like usual menses. mummies is tis normal? i thot we won't hv menses when we BF?
