(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font color="aa00aa">momoteh</font> - Hahahah Yep... you are right... Everything on my bed.. I even have earphones as you can see.. entertainment... which I very very long time never use liao cause no time for entertainment..
steph &amp; michelle - tks for ur info on fenugreek.

steph- ur hb so funny lor..wrap mouth wif towel haha. same as my hb, carry bb awhile..when bb cry can't handle pass bk to me. so far hb oni carry bb, never bathe bb b4 oso. juz nw 1st time bottle feed bb after 7wks!

gina- ur gal's photocard i knw fm where..sweetest moments rite? i got my son's 1st mth cake package fm them too n i like it! see if i can upload my son's photocard here.

sterilizing pump
me using medela. oso sterilizing all parts including the membranes. membrane is the yellow cap wif a white flip thingy. oni tubings i always keep inside the haversack.

nursing tops &amp; bras
i m actually searching for nursing tops n bras (wif underwire) so tat i can nurse bb outside easily. mummies got any recommendations? bravado..glamourmum..etc. me sua ku, r they very popular? rach u bought so many of these stuff leh!! very useful har?

nursing cover
juz to share. i bought mine at mums&amp;babes. find it quite useful..i usually wear it n nurse bb in the car when hb n i r rushing places..keke.

Ok will let you know if i want the freestyle. Gonna give my Ameda pump somemore time. hee. The freestyle need to use an adapter? since its US set?

BTW, that time u organised a spree on MIM sling and Pupsik Pouch, may i know how much each? Which one is better?
Medela Freestyle
I also sterilize the membrane, juz dismantle and throw in sterilizer

How long you been using the parts???
<font color="ff3399">Jul</font>
How come membrane will curl up? (Medela n00b mah.) And I thought you ordered new shields liao?!

<font color="ff3399">bernice</font>
What you're experiencing is like me lor. How long have you been using the Ameda? Mine started out not too bad, then started getting less and less effective over the course of 2wks. Until I was almost tearing my hair out!

I always pull out the valve at the round end instead of following their instructions of pulling on the "thick sides". That way, CONFIRM won't tear it, cos I'm not even touching the valve!

Just kaypoh-ing abt the slings... Pupsik for the win!! MIM's buckle really takes quite some practising to get used to it. But it does have more cloth for boob coverage if you intend to BF bb in the sling. Hope this helps.

<font color="ff3399">rach</font>


The white piece is the membrane lah! It's yellow meh?? Why you all say yellow huh?? The yellow piece is called the VALVE.

Seriously if you wanna count BF needs/accessories then I think..... ok, i dunwan to think.
Otherwise later I feel guilty sia. The total cost surely already dunno how much liao!

<font color="ff3399">Pamelia</font>
This time you ask wrong person liao. I am pumping n00b, remember?? But personally what I think is, maybe don't need to sterilise lah, but at least also must wash?? After pumping all the BM dried up inside the funnel, not gross meh?? Will turn crusty leh!

<font color="ff3399">Steph</font>
Pok gai is sibei jialat liao. It's the ULTIMATE pok!

<font color="ff3399">bbq98</font>
Hope you're not offended.
But mine hor... when I didn't need it then it made so much milk until it gave me so much agony. Now I need more then it LL only gimme this kind of amt. Not sia suay meh?

<font color="ff3399">momoteh</font>
I don't believe so. Don't think it refers to breast size specifically, but more of the number of efficient milk ducts and possibly the size of milk ducts? Cos I do know of mommies who have very small boobs (and I mean VERY small) who have tons of milk, and mommies who have boobs larger than their heads but can't up supply regardless of what they do.

<font color="ff3399">mampoko</font>
Underwire not really advisable for early BFing moms? Maybe when bb turns 4-5 mths then it's more ok to use. Cos if your boobs swell up while you're wearing the bra, the underwire will press against your ducts and cause bruising. Thereby leading to higher risk of blocked ducts, mastitis, etc. Just FYI.

I personally endorse Glamourmom nursing tanks and Bravado nursing bras (especially the Original Nursing Bra). Mothers En Vogue also quite affordable and comes in various designs if you're looking for non-tanks.
<font color="Ff3399">Today weekend, no mark attendance hor!! I think we all deserve a break if we want to.

Have a blessed Sunday, babes!</font>

the manchester united - blackburn football game at 130am lor haha

bernice, michelle, milkyway

the medela membrane is worse than the ameda membrane! lagi easier to spoil. mine kaputs after 3 weeks.

btw medela also doesn't clear my boobs leh. porb not possible for pump to clear boobs. bb supposed to be the best.


the white membrane lor. so soft n delicate. curls up easily, n once it curls, no more suction liao.

er.. spare parts not from spree meh?


parentcraft consultant advised to sterilise every time when bb is below 3 mths old. but guess lots of mummies dun do that, n it seems ok.

how abt u get a tub n use sterilising tablets?
oh yeah, dunno whether sam was tired out from gog out today.. poor fellow only managed to catch 10min naps here n there

he fell asleep ard 930pm n only asked for his next feed at 330am! last feed was 830pm! but before that, he was rather cranky lah. scream-cry at 8plus n again at 9pm. wah bliss! is this the sign of gd times to come?
how much and how regular u feed sam? So good to slep 4 so long... Ian's last feed was 12mn, woke at 2am to feed and now, I think he's waking soon.

I used to feed him every 90ml every 2h to control his reflux.

Then I progressed to 100ml (sometimes 105ml, 95ml) coz I lazy to measure properly n to try to stretch timing..

These 3 days, he has been taking 110 - 115ml (sometimes 120ml) every 2.5h, or 3h is he's asleep.

Just these few days only, I notice he has been taking less n less at nite. Tdy's the first day he stretched 7h wor!

I shall try to give him 120ml starting from Mon, see if he can take it without puking

Btw he din totally concuss from 930pm to 330am lah. He woke up at least twice, blink blink, look ard, then fell asleep by himself again
Shelled,not offended lah. I think u are too stressed now that's why lesser milk. I used to think I have to produce for two and I had miserable output. Now that I pump for leisure and only 4 times a day, my total output for the day is about 2 to 3 times more. Was telling husband, the milk comes just I was intending to stop bfeeding. Argh!
Reporting for duty.

But 15mins only... Pump finish I will KO.

HB took over the whole night... When she cried, I almost pulled my hair out trying to pacify her when I'm so DEAD TIRED.

me too. When I was trying so hard to BF, I has pathetic milk supply. Then when I gave up on latching, intending to just pump n supplement with FM, the milk increases.
Jul, sam was born quite light right? How old is he now n how heavy? He is looking very good. Another handsome boy.

Yup, he was 2.6kg at birth, n 5.5kg at 8 weeks. Now he's 11 weeks n he's 6.xkg liao. Arms can break from carrying him

Thanks for the compliments
I think he's just very round. Round eyes, roung nose, round mouth, round body :p


Hmm.. true lah, but seriously hor, I pump abt 5-6 times a day, but my supply doesn't dip. In fact, it seems to be increasing a little bit bit *strange*


Harlow! Me waiting a while for my pumpset to sterilise &amp; to warm up EBM for Sam.
<font color="ff0000">Steph</font>
LOL!! u made me LOL at 5am la... i almost woke up my gal... pok gai............ wahahhaha....

<font color="ff0000">milkyway</font>
hahaha..okie..then i got sterilize the membrane..only the tubing i dun.. kekeke..:p

<font color="ff0000">momoteh</font>
hahah.. u very observant..ahhaa...i only notice Pigeon wipes.. keke..:p

<font color="ff0000">mampoko</font>
huh?? membrane got white flip thing?? i dun have any white leh..whole piece is yellow??

Shelled intro all the nursing wear de...
Bravado is without underwire and its VERY comfortable..and u dun sag one okay...
unless u are F cup..then maybe..ermm.. ahaha..
check out www.bravadodesigns.com and check out Original Nursing Bra and Body seamless Silk..
thats what MOST of us here who brought Bravado has.. wahhha...

I think Shelled has more...
I love Glamourmom..coz its a tank, its a bra, its an undershirt!!!!! hahahhaha....
easy to layer on to go out..or u can wear it just on its own...
check out www.glamourmom.com for it...

Mmm..bravado batch 3 just closed orders.. but i think supplier ordering tonite..
so if u want...let me know FAST!! then can add in ur order...

Glamourmom, collected 2nd batch..anyone still want ur glamourmom??

ehhehe.. I bought the black with pink logo! and i love it..very nice leh.. dun look so plain.. kekekek...
I have the nursing tank long too..and covers all the way to my butt... hehehe..nice to wear with those leggings..and wont show our protuding pet pet..
kekeke... mum always say never cover look ugly.. wahhaa...

ooh.. a quarter of us here has Monpetitjardin Nursing Poncho..


<font color="ff0000">bernice</font>
for PISA u need a BIG adaptor which is bulky... for freestyle, u only need an international plug that u plug into the socket..
i bought the plug for $1.80 at those japalang shop selling batteries, power cord, etc.. those le long lelong shop u know??
yah..cheap cheap.. and can plug almost anything too...

<font color="ff0000">what u use to plug Pigeon Food WArmer</font>
the power cord is 2 round pin.. u all have the round pin plug huh?
i use the same plug for my US Freestyle to plug it in..else 2 round pin cant plug anywhere...
stupid manufacture fault..

<font color="ff0000">shelled</font>
hahaha...pupsik has to win of coz.. i'm owning 2 now loh.. the XL i changed became too big!
i dunno i slimmed down over the 3 weeks taken to change it or what.. so i bought another L from supplier. hur hur..
at least its cheaper than my original one that i got at motherhood fair for $39?? or was it $45.. cant rem.. but i know its at discounted price then..

Freestyle dun have the white thing....so its different.. hehehe...

this is what i'll sterilise with the funnel and bottle.. the whole 3 piece will be dismantled, washed and sterilized..


<font color="ff0000">Jul</font>
huh?? u using PIS or Freestyle???
we no have white membrane leh.. kekeke..:p

no no no..not from spree....MY supplier has it la...ready stock!!
hehehhehe.... :p

Jul, Great job! Sam is so chubby now!! hehhee.. :p

i hope u still ard.. i just finishe reading all the posts.. hehee...
bo lang liaoz?????????????

shelled really taking a break today ah???

i cant go church liaoz.. the air con too cold for Rayanne's blocked nose..even at home with windows opened and fan, she already heeh heeh hoorr hooro the whole nite....

cant imagine with the strong air con at expo, what'll happen to her...

no see kiki these 2 days??

anyone knows what happened to jenifur??
waiting to collect my CB loot...
momoteh reporting too!

oh, the breast capacity i'm referring to got nothing to do with breast size (or cup size). It says something like the mummy with bigger breast capacity takes a longer time for the breast to get filled up and to feel the same engorgement as the smaller capacity mummy. So it's not accurate to compare output per Xhrs basis??
<font color="ff0000">Jul</font>
ooh..okie..thats why.. hahhaa... but..yah.. u can get spare parts from my supplier lo..cheaper i think.. or i can get a cheaper price for u all maybe.. wahahahaa...

<font color="ff0000">momoteh</font>
good morning!!!

<font color="ff0000">PAMPERS LEAKED</font>
on my girl TWICE last nite..
once before she abt to sleep... she was latching on from 10.10 - 1045pm and suddenly she was struggling and stretching and finally she screamed...
i tot what happened..my boobs again??
then i lift her up, my NEW BEDSHEETS ( i just changed yest morning.........) has a patch wet wet... kaoz!! then i changed her..and her pyjamas all wet too!!!

this morning when i was trying to latch her at 4am, same thing..she cried..lift her up...her pants wet again...........
but i discovered early.. no wet patch on bedsheets....

but...why Pampers leaked???
I was using the 12pcs of sample packs (4pcs x 3 pkts)..and that was the last few pcs left...this morning i changed her to Huggies M liaoz..

My girl is officially on Huggies M size on 7 weeks 6 days.. tmr is 8th weeks liaoz...

And Pampers S is soo huge for her can....
now i understnad why those using Pampers still using S...
i compared Pampers S and Huggies M..they are almost same "height" when u dun open it... in fact, Pampers S a bit longer than Huggies M..
But after i changed her to Huggies M... i felt more secured, though the tapes overlapped...means her waist still slim and small la. hahaha.. but the thigh area looks snug and good... but makes me worry too..if she'll outgrow M soon as well when her thigh gets bigger..
Pampers no have thigh prob coz its so wide and big....
like the salesperson says, Huggies is Bikini cutting, high up on the thigh.. Pampers is old grandma panty cutting..wahahhahaha.........

okay.. i'm being bo liao here...

<font color="ff0000">Pumping Yield</font>
kaoz.. i last latched my girl at 1010pm.. i pumpede at 5am, after 7 hours..and with at least 5 hrs sleep.. i only have 100ml!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??

Shelled, my boobs took a break on sunday too.. sob sob...
Good morning!

I think the samples are "old stock" leow.. i compared new ones and the samples i had, the yellow indicator lines are much fainter. But... diapers got not expiry date de hor???

Yesterday morning my boi while latching gave a loud poooohhhh. After his 'meal', my mum helped to carry him up while i got ready to prepare his bath water. Then i saw 2 small patches on the bed and the position dun seem like leakage from my breast or from his mouth. I bent down to smell and told my mum, "kanna sai". Then.... I looked up and saw the poo stain on my boi's shorts! It's really "sai" ah~!!!!
Hi all,
Good morning!

Think I dozed off in front of my desktop last night ard 10plus. Just woke up ard 5.30am to latch bb and pump.

My bb initially got greenish-yellow mucus. After sucking out for her and latching her more frequently, she got well after 4 or 5 days on her own. Guess breastfeeding helps.

Really hats off to you.. can still work and bf bb. Think I'd have broken down if I were you... Do take good care and take short breaks in between work. My grandma always says a woman will get all sorts of health problems when past 50 if don't take care in the first four months after childbirth.
I'm having e same problem with my supply. Dunno what happen. Last time i pump half an hr can get 80ml but these few days i pump almost 1hr only 40ml n I see like only have 1 or 2 sprays of milk coming out when i pump instead of 4-5 sprays. Yesterday I drank ALOT of fluids n let my daughter latch more then pump every 3hrs..so far for e past 2 pump sessions can get abt 55-60ml..

Wow! U r a hairstylist? I havent had my hair done since i got pregnant with my 1st kid..now seriously in need of a haircut.. Where's ur salon?

U know what? When i saw e pic of ur baby I tot it was a pic of my kids leh! Seriously! U're kids r mix race huh?
jul> wow. heng i ko-ed early. cos was tortured by bb after tat. 3am, 4am, 5am, 7am -_-" sometimes he not wanna feed, but i dunno wat he wan. he ee-oo de whole nite thru. i have to wake up every 5mins to stuff de pacifier into his mouth. think he's at it again now. n his dd is sleeping, ignoring him, while i'm out here pumping after latching him at 8am -_-"

all> keke. yesterday is sat, so nite shift. so tired whole nite after going out de whole day. early morning went airport to send pple overseas, den when vivo shopping =p my boy simply love going out n staring at new things

Haha.. That's what everyone says. Never take care now... Health problem in future... I already foresee major aches everywhere. XD


Yes, Me and HB run a salon in TPY Central called Hair Addicts Styling Studio. Opposite Ya Kun Kaya Toast.
<font color="ff0000">Rach,</font>
Do you still have special deal for glasmourmom?

<font color="ff0000">Sandwich</font>
Is flower4 buying glamourmom over from you?

<font color="ff0000">Pam,</font>
You take good care of yourself. Well done with the work in the saloon.
I used Ameda for my 1st child. Initially it was gd but after 4mths,I felt e suction was not strong enough 4 me..e valves tear very easily. Infantree says that e valves shouldnt b sterilised.. N if u do,u gotta chg ur valves regularly..

Ur hubby never let u take ML ah? Poor thing.. Rest whenever possible..
I also feel tat my ameda suction not gd for me liao. I only used 2mth+. Previously got a letdown in 5mins not letdown only come aft about 20mins. The 1st 20mins is like vacumming air. Haiz...
Thanks Lina. It's literally war in there. XD


ML is up to me whether or not I want it. I can rest anytime I want. But I have customers to cater to. =3
<font color="ff3399">Jul</font>
Wah! Sam is quite chub also leh!
I intend to make Hubs give K EBM so can slowly reduce his night feeds. Since he latches all the time, also dunno how much he drinking... Just now pumped first thing when I woke up cos right boob ROCK HARD and sibei painful. Then immed ask Hubs to give that to K cos his last feed was 4am. Drank 130ml, wasted 20ml. Oh well.

Sounds like Sam is gonna sleep thru the nite soon! If my bugger wake up hor, he won't just look ard then go back to sleep lor! He skips at least one feed everyday, but it's usually the feed between 6-8am. I'd much rather he skip the one in the middle of the night. Oh welllll.

<font color="ff3399">bbq98</font>
Actually is mai hiam then my supply is not bad liao lah. But I agree, stressed = less milk. In fact, if I try pumping when I'm stressed, my letdowns refuse to come at all! I end up pumping air for ages. So since I found out, I always try to eat some icecream or whatever that makes me happier, then watch tv while I pump so I get distracted. Otherwise sibei jialat!

<font color="ff3399">Rach</font>
Hahahahaha You still can memorise Glamourmom slogan arh!??!

Speaking of Glamourmom, I emailed PrettyMums on my payment for Yummie Tummie and the registered postage for both orders. She don't reply email one??

You mean to say Freestyle has NO MEMBRANE AT ALL?! So does it mean that there's no parts that will break and require replacing? Hmmmm if like that maybe I also want a Freestyle!!
My hubs is gonna kill me.

My uncle stayed over last nite mah, not very convenient for me to pump. He relocating to HK and flying off later today. No place to stay cos he ended his apt rental on 31 Oct, so had to move out and sleep over with us lor. Cos I didn't pump, wake up my boob machiam tio langah. Only left boob was ok cos latched K ard 4am.

<font color="ff3399">Mel / Angeline</font>
So it's not just me?? The Ameda really has weak suction? Are yours all the BPA-free version also?
<font color="ff0000">sonnig</font>
Mmmmm.... i shld really try using the aspirator huh.... she's blocked.. but i dunno how to use.....
she doesnt latch in the day i dunno y..

<font color="ff0000">Lina</font>
yes...collating orders for Glamourmom now.... PM for the price list.
<font color="ff0000">shelled</font>
hahahhaa... i was looking at it 5 times last nite as i was cutting away the tag loh..hahahhahaha....
see how lover of Glamourmom am i.. thanks to u.... :p

hahaha..i think she too busy.... give her some time la.. kekekkee.. she'll reply de.....
i bug her yest to let me go her hosue collect the glamourmom lo.. hahah..
and it was nice of her to allow me to go and collect.. kekeke..she save stamp also ma... hehe.. :p

i dun see how any part of Freestyle will break leh... the membrane in between the pic i posted to u is one BIG piece.. how to break?
unless u go and pull it apart and tear it la.. hahaha.. :p

See??? long long ago i tell u freestyle liaoz.. mai tiah la....

huh.. u cant pump in ur room or something???

I'm in dilemma... I am in urgent need of bottoms for work right now... But the Nursing T is making me tempted... I don't wanna overspend!!! T^T~
I'm a naughty mum who likes to disturb bb when she's asleep.
I'll use corners of hanky or facial cotton to tickle her nose till she sneezes. That's when the mucus will show and can use the aspirator to suck it out. At least, this'll clear the block and won't damage her nose.

Get the bottoms first lah.. If still have spare $$, then buy the nursing T. I've also spent more than $3k recently buying lots of stuff, such as clothes, grocery and baby's things. So, don't wanna end up broke, have to consider carefully.

Okie. Me gonna catch my noon nap after pumping. Going to Centrepoint tonight to shop and eat.
Got to have a booster nap. See lah.. think I'm a bad example... Talk about budgetting and I'm going to spend some more. Hehe. Think I'll be like Stephanie soon - pok gai. Haha.
<font color="ff0000">Pumping</font>
sibei stressed......... my girl dun wan to latch at 4am...finished my EBM... yest i went facial and got my mum to warm up the EBM with Pigeon...
she geh kiang go and tune up to 100degrees.. then tell me very boiling hot she dun dare to give...
of coz cannot give la.. i already told her..plug in can liaoz..she go and adjust..she say.. plug in no light leh............

WAIT la....
so whole bottle of EBM thrown away........
then used another bottle..she warmed it with hot water to give my girl.....

last feed she drink 50ml out of 100ml in the bottle..throw away...

initially i have 2 feeds in advance in the fridge to feed....

now after she finish this one no more liaoz.....
unless i resort to the freezer ones.. but since she not feeling well i dun wanna give her frozen ones.. fresh ones better...

okie..yield 125ml after 27min.... i shall rest... pump again later... grrr...
<font color="ff0000">rach</font>
125ml after 27mins, thats alot...
Do you happen to know the difference between Nursing Bra Tank Basic VS Glamourmom® Nursing Bra Tanks ??

<font color="ff3399">rach</font>
Long long ago I also told you liao, I can't wait that long for a pump lah!! Wait until my nehneh explode and supply drop meh?? Told you, you also boh tiah...

K was sleeping in my room mah, if I go in and pump, he sure wake up and ask me to play with him! You think can?? It's also not nice to go hide in your room when you're having guests lor...
