(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

I'm using the S-size. Think bb will fuss when flow is too slow. My other kids did that when they were babies so I changed accordingly...
I think I am damn 犯贱 lor. When the buggers don't sleep I complain, then when they both sleep so early and so well, I cannot fall asleep cos so used to late nights (or rather, early mornings). Pfffffft!!

<font color="ff3399">rach</font>
You and me 没有缘. Hurhur.
Your 1 boob usually can make 100+ml?! You win liao lor. Mine only ard 150ml per boob leh, so when I pump after latching, I usually only got 200ml in total (50+150). During my low supply hours (5-8pm) I usually only get 120-150ml total.
YOU DAMN GOOD. You feed 2 better lah. Wanna sponsor EBM to my #1??

<font color="ff3399">Lina</font>
Please remember to store your EBM this time round. Otherwise wasted again!

<font color="ff3399">itsy</font>
You also pump very fast hor?

<font color="ff3399">Jul</font>
SMLJ?! This is called "sharing the truth". Or rather MY version lah. Maybe 3mths will really be your magic mark lor. For me, I only look humane, boobs feel more normal, etc etc ard 6 mths mah. Cannot meh?!?! Now I just wanna humtam my own boobs for the hardness and that idiotic stinging/poking pain that I feel almost all day and night. All this only started after I reduce my pumping when my Ameda stopped working for me lor. Oh dear Lord, make it go away!!

What size of "full bottle" you want har? If it's the 250ml kind, don't worry, I also cannot fill up even if I total up 2 sides. Only on very very good days when I get very nice sleep then I will have it. So far only twice, I think. *flips pumping record book* Oh wait, thrice. On 21 Oct's 1pm session, 28 Oct's 11.30am and 6.45pm session. (Yes I have OCD so I record everything down.)

<font color="ff3399">momoteh</font>
Hahah I am back to mark attendance again! So they no need mark themselves. (Psst, I scared they play cheat.)
*whips out attendance booklet*

<font color="ff3399">sonnigt3</font>
Why you still up also?!
sonnig-oic..hehe. got over 200ml oso gd leh. i nv go beyond 200ml b4. oh bb fuss then change har? coz my elder son last time kept fussing even after i change teats n even brands of teats so nw i dunno exactly when to change oso.

momoteh- u can hit ur bb's demand if u pump oni 1-2x a day ar? my supply juz nice for daily consumption oni.

bb making noise liao. gotta go. happy pumping shelled! nitz..
Yup. I'm up cos I've slept since 11pm. Told you I'm not nocturnal, but I'm an early bird.

Usually sleep early, wake up early.
Thinking of going to nearby market for breakfast... but the rain...
I should think so. BB fusses for different reasons so we just have to find out by trial and error.
Me 4th time mummy still none the wiser, I would say.
<font color="ff3399">mampoko</font>
I just pump finish! Go orh-orh lohhhh.


<font size="+1">I now declare today's nightshift over!!</font>
A round of applause for all the hardworking mommies! (Whether by choice or by no choice.)

<font size="+1">For the mommies starting morning shift, <blink><font color="Ff3399">GOOD MORNING!!</font> </blink></font>

<font color="Ff3399">Here's a bunch of Q&amp;A jokes to start (or end) your day with:</font>


Q. My childbirth instructor says it's not pain I'll feel during labor, but pressure. Is she right?
A. Yes, in the same way that a tornado might be called an air current.

Q. When is the best time to get an epidural?
A. Right after you find out you're pregnant.

Q. Is there any reason I have to be in the delivery room while my wife is in labor?
A. Not unless the word "alimony" means anything to you.

Q. I'm modest. Once I'm in the hospital to deliver, who will see me in that delicate position?
A. Authorized personnel only -- doctors, nurses, orderlies, photographers, florists, cleaning crews, journalists, etc.

Q. Does labor cause hemorrhoids?
A. Labor causes anything you want to blame it for.

Q. Where is the best place to store breast milk?
A. In your breasts.

Q. Is there a safe alternative to breast pumps?
A. Yes, baby lips.

Q. What does it mean when a baby is born with teeth?
A. It means that the baby's mother may want to rethink her plans to nurse.

Q. How does one sanitize nipples?
A. Bathe daily and wear a clean bra. It beats boiling them in a saucepan.

Q. What happens to disposable diapers after they're thrown away?
A. They are stored in a silo in the Midwest, in the event of global chemical warfare.

Q: I'm two months pregnant now. When will my baby move?
A: With any luck, right after he finishes college.

Q: How will I know if my vomiting is morning sickness or the flu?
A: If it's the flu, you'll get better.

Q: Should I have a baby after 35?
A: No, 35 children is enough.

Q: Is there anything I should avoid while recovering from childbirth?
A: Yes, pregnancy.

Q: Do I have to have a baby shower?
A: Not if you change the baby's diaper very quickly.

Q: Our baby was born last week. When will my wife begin to feel and act normal again?
A: When the kids are in college.

Hi Mommies! I would like to join this thread b4 I lose my sanity..haha! I have 2 kids. A 26mth old boy n a baby girl born on 9th Sept
My little girl has been crying so much e past one week that I'm going nuts! Any of u facing e same prob? She cries for 6hrs non-stop daily.. N these 2 days my bm supply has decreased..from 80ml p/session to 40ml n nw my boobs have some red spots. Any idea if this n my drop in supply r related?
I'm back! My gal slo fr 1+ am to now! Almost 5hrs and I find it so nice to slp too cos it's raining now. Mayb that's y she slp too. And she kinda skip one mail supposedly at 2/3am. Her last feed was 11.30pm and refused to slp after that. So hard to mke her slp leh sigh... I need slp help!!
Good morning.
U belong to night shift or morning shift?? If I were you, I'll sleep so long as bb doesn't make noise. My bb can stare at me sleeping like a log.

Could your bb be having colic? Why don't you take her to the PD if this has been going on for so long? I have 4 kids so I've to manage them as best I can with my maid's help. Good thing I'm having maternity leave now. They are all having flu and cough, and my 21mth old boy keeps waking at early hours for company.. Lucky not gone nuts yet.
Insufficient rest might lead to dip in bm supply for me, I realise... Maybe, it's similar for you.
I read that most mommies latch bb at nite rather than bottle feed cos no need to wash and pump and sterilize. I tried last nite. Wah piang, cannot make it! Ian will suckle for 10 min and fall asleep ( not to mention I was also struggling to stay awake) and no matter how I tried, he won't wake to carry on feeding so I have to put him to bed. He'll then wake 1 hr later, hungry again! Last nite, he woke at 4:30, 5:50 and 6:40! How you all do it?

<font color="119911">Shelled</font>
I using Ameda duo pump, it works for me leh. 2 let downs in abt 20mins.
Wow! U have 4 kids? Amazing! Last time I also want 4 but now after 2nd one I change my mind liao. #1 was ez 2 tk care of so I was very open 2 having more but after these few weeks of torture Mikayla has put me through i've changed my mind.
Yah,flu bug going around now. My boy was e 1st 2 get it 2 weeks ago then hubs,then me then now baby.. Until now my boy not recovered yet. At nite can cough until vomit.. As for getting rest, I've been getting only 2-3hrs of sleep in total every nite since my confinement was over but only these 2 days boobs kena jam.. *sigh* I actually had 10 cups of Frozen Ebm,nw only left 2..
must rave about my husband. so ultra sweet out of the blue since yesterday. last evening he sent older boy to my mum's place while i was out at borders shopping. then when i came back, he bought me pizza for dinner, offered to bath my younger one, and even hanged the laundry. now he's preparing the water to bath the younger one while i sit here and brush my teeth. feel so "xin fu" this morning.
latch on is like that. i woke up every 1.5 hours last night to feed. fed till i was so frustrated that i stuffed the pacifier into his mouth after the 4 plus feed to keep him quiet. weather was quite cold last night perhaps so bb need for milk/comfort.

sonnigt has 4 children. and so does girly and steph. and mamato6Js has 6 children!
my bb always rub his face very hard and make the rashes harder to cure. so now i have stop his hand from moving upwards or near his face and during sleep i will tie his hand. at times i will see him licking or like wan to sucks his hands. but now i tie him, any good solution for bb not to rub his face real hard on their face?

Can share how you cope with your daily chores alone and at the same time latching, pumping ,sterilizing &amp; chat in forum and amazingly you read all posting.. and replying them....
you mean your hubby sudden change? he dun use to do all these and ytd he sudden doing all this offering.

isit wat you have done to your hubby..heehee....
tat my nite shift latching timing sama your bb..
i never bottle feed at nite.. which got to warm up ebm and wait..

at times while i latching at nite lying on bed,i will fall asleep and duno when my bb finish his feeding one..

you mean bottle feed at nite , bb will sleep longer? if tat the case i would love to bottle feed in the middle of nite..
i very curious,,

Mummies who are pumping &amp; pumping, do you latch bb or pump to bottle feed bb?

if pumping &amp; latching can share estimate how your schedule is

for me i latch &amp; pumping ,rougly my timing are:
4:30am latch,
6:00am latch,
7:00am breakfast &amp; PUMP
7:30am latch (bb sucking hard)
9:30am latch
12:pm latch
12:30 prepare,cook lunch,have lunch,wash dishes,bath
2:00pm latch
2:30 packing house,do laudry
4:00pm latch
5:30pm PUMP
6:00pm rushing cooking dinner&amp; had dinner b4 bb awake.
6:45pm latch
7:15pm Washing &amp; sterilizing.
9:00pm latch
11:00pm latch
1:am latch
1:45 PUMP
3:am latch sleeping....
4:30 latch sleeping...
I guess I'm morn shift?? Cos I missed the 3am one.. Lol

the slp prob I have is my gal is wide awake fr 5pm to 12mn daily and can't slp for long.. Longest slp during that period is 30mins ba.. I want to train her to start slping at 9pm after feed so that I won't b shagged when I return to work.. I can only settle down to do things ard the house after she truly slps at 12mn lor. Otherwise gotta entertain her and can't do anything wor. MIssion failed this wk lor! Gonna keep trying. My mum says I'm nite owl so now my gal also. Sigh...
<font color="aa00aa">rach</font> - Hahah I already say I the evil mother loh.. hahahah Reason to use thumb - No 1, can learn motor skills (hahah self proclaimmed by evil mother), No 2, dirty eat, dirty big... hahahah No 3, Thumb is a part of the body, will never get lost... lol

Now just temporarily use thumb only lah... lol.. cause I also dun wan it to end up as a habit.. this is just so that I can have 30 secs of peace... hahahah

By the way, saw your wedding photos done by Melvin? How you know him? He was my ex colleague... have known him for many years...

<font color="aa00aa">mampoko</font> - Yes, mine from GNC too... I'm taking 9 caps a day. I took this dosage last time when I had #3 and it worked well... I did see slight increase.. I also will forget to eat or forgot if I had eaten... hahaha so now I use the medicine container and ration my day's amount first and eat accordingly.

I'm using Avent bottles and changed to Teat Size 2 when bb was struggling and upset with Avent Size 1 and he's now coping well... My boy at times will drip out milk one so to me its quite normal cause he does that even before changing teat size.

<font color="aa00aa">Mel</font> - Welcome...
For your girl crying nonstop daily, would it be Colic? Does she bring her knees to the chest when crying and nothing seems to calm her down? Maybe its Colic and doctor may give colic med? Think you too stress lah.. dun stress and rest well... (hahah who am I to advise on breastfeeding.. lol) Hugz, my supply also super low type... heheh but I'm trying to get supply up with supplements and latching and expressing...

I did have red spots on one of my breast previously for about 1 day and it disappeared.. How long did you have the spots on your breast? If its very long, then maybe you should see a doc?

<font color="aa00aa">itsy</font> - I give dream feeds to baby in the morning like 6-9am feeds...cause bb sleeps like at least 5 hours at night, sometimes 9... so he sleeps beside me and I just latch him lying down.. most of the time I fall asleep with my boobs exposed only realising when I really wake up... hahaha

<font color="aa00aa">sandwich</font> - Wah.. that's very sweet of him
<font color="ff0000">milkyway</font>
Jia you, jia you !! I am also trying to train my daughter to sleep through the night. So far she didn't sleep through yet but she manage to sleep for 4 hours after the last feed then starts her 2hours routine.
<font color="aa00aa">TMC Fish Soup</font> - just ordered the fish soup for collection tomorrow.. hahah and feedback to them that their Fish soup no QC.. lol
Shelled - i love this one!
Q. How does one sanitize nipples?
A. Bathe daily and wear a clean bra. It beats boiling them in a saucepan.

and i was caught for pontenging!!! haha hubs and i decided to sleep with baby and let CL have her rest so tt was like the 2nd day baby's with us for the night! was much better than the first. i latched (tt's y nv pump!) and only gave one fm! yeah!! so woke up at 7am to pump lor

yeah yeah yeah!! i can start moving stuff to new house!!! hopefully can stay there by next wk! lina, here i come!!
<font color="ff0000">cookiezz</font>
yipppeee then we can go park together walk walk heeheeheh.good luck with the moving. Cant wait to meet Jacob.
sandwich, itsy and milkway,
I'm the laziest around, I guess
I can't wake up in the middle of the night to feed bb after full month each time. So, I express out for bb to bottlefeed near midnight. Usually can get bb to sleep till 4 plus or 5 in the morning before I latch during the day. Don't want bb too attached to me since I'll be working near end Dec. So far, quite ok except for certain nights when it's a bit warm.

When I only had #1 without a maid, my schedule's like latch ard 7am while having simple breakfast of bread and hot drink. When bb finished, sterilize pump and bottles ard 8plus. Wash bb's clothes and clean the house. Catch a nap if possible near 10am while latching bb. Prepare lunch ard 11am and eat quickly before pumping a while and latch bb again while taking noon nap. After nap, bathe before latching bb and pumping every 2 to 3 hourly. Dinner preparation also done fast and simple. but last pumping ard 11plus before bb's hungry so that I can bottlefeed by midnight. That way, bb sleeps longer at night so I don't wake up to pump or latch till 6plus in the morning.
he suddenly helped cos he saw me looking tired yesterday. yah, he doesn't bathe the baby usually. cos when the toddler is around, he has to bathe the toddler and i'll bathe the baby. but i'll be getting him to bathe baby on a full time basis after baby learns how to sit up on his own. cos if you bottlefeed, you actually can determine a fixed amount that bb drinks. if you latch on, chances are (like itsy says), bb keeps falling asleep before finishing a full feed. so end up have to keep waking up to cry for milk before 3 hours is up.

you bringing gal to PD again today? a spot of urine might be an indication of UTI. but hopefully your gal is fine.

yah super sweet. just now at 10am he volunteered babysitting services. so now he and baby napping in the study room. i could take a half an hour nap + get a long bath. going to wake the boys up to go out for lunch now ... i want to go to waraku to eat cha soba!

all the best for the moving. i think you'll have a lot of fun doing up jacob's room.
Yes. Like sandwich mentioned, a few mummies here have 4 kids or more.
Think Girlygirly is the most capable, managing 4 kids on her own.

I envy you leh... my hubby quite lazy like me so he'll rather hire 2 maids to help me now than lift a finger.. only thing he likes to do is play with them.
sandwich - haha i think i will have more fun doing up my wardrobe! bad mummy!!

okie i gotta go pack and prepare for the big MOVE OUTTA my ILs and IN to my house!
Talk about going out... I'm also going out soon. Promised my girls that I'll take them out for grocery-shopping and walk around. Pumped out for my maid to feed bb later when I'm out.
See you all later this evening.

Happy bonding with your bb!
Stephanie, is e fish soup 4rm TMC really very nice? What they put inside? This is e 1st time I heard of someone da pao food from hospital.haha" how much does it cost?
<font color="aa00aa">sandwich</font> - Yah.. I envy you man... My hubby will just fall asleep on the sofa and leave me to look after baby on my own.. Last night I ask him help me change diaper and look after bb for a while cause I want to eat my dinner.. then baby cry, he already want to pass to me say he dunno what baby wan.. win liao loh..

Initially he didn't even want to carry him for me, say he's sick and all sorts of excuse... then I say you go get a mask and wear then carry loh.. then he wrap towel around his mouth.. hahah

No excuses man.. I told him mah, even if I sick, I also have to look after bb and feed him what... just have to be careful to avoid talking or sneezing in front of baby. Then you know what he say? He say I bo pian cause I'm the one born with the (show me in action- boobs)... *faintz
<font color="aa00aa">Mel</font> - Erm... I find it ok loh.. some times no QC lah.. but I think inside got Fenugreek seeds... and maybe got other ingredients I cannot see.. What I can see is Red dates, Papaya, a couple of pcs of fish, wolfberries and sometimes have this seed thing which I believe is Fenugreek.

When nice its really nice but sometimes will have scales inside.. hahah Oh yah.. forgot to feedback about that.. lol

Per serving should be $6.50. I normally buy 7 boxes frozen and costs me about $49++.
<font color="ff0000">mamypoko</font>
cant seem to add u wor.. u add me ba..

[email protected]

<font color="ff0000">momoteh</font>
haha.. u all took the 5am shift... i got up coz bb up.. after latching i pumped...and i slept till 9am this morning..
latched her at 6am and 9am also.. happy that she's latching..
now the challenging part is the next feed.. will she latch?? hur hur hur... she's still sleeping..
but i'll wake her up after i'm done replying.. ehhee.. evil mummy...

<font color="ff0000">shelled</font>
hahaha.. ya.. u left 1min before i came in.. ahhaha...
u have 150ml per boob.. i only 100ml..why i win? dun understand...
if i pump without latching.. i can have 200ml..at abt 3-5hours interval... coz i dun pump religiously every 3 hour..
i dunno how much i have every 3 hours.. but when i do pump, i can get 200ml (100ml each boob) and store them...
but now i dun!!!! after latching last nite.. i only got 100ml in total!! WT??!!??

haha..if ur #1 dun mind my EBM, i can give some... hahha..coz i just threw away 1Litre rem?? wah lao...
and last few days i wasted so much.. i put 100ml into bottle..she finish 50ml..then if within 4 hours i feed..else buang..
then sometimes i give 50ml, not enough.. i give another 50ml, left 20ml.. buang..
bo bian she no appetite.i just give more.. my bottle last few days is fill more than enough..see how much she wanna drink..
sometimes warm liaoz. i try latch she latch, then that bottle also dunno to keep or buang.. aiyah..
alot of pattern la.... so i pray she gets well soon to latch..then i can go back to pump once a day at nite thing... sigh..

but last nite after i finished pumping..she slept till 9am.. fed her once at 6am...then at 9am..
heheh...LATCHED on.. so... like past 3 days..she dun latch at this feed... which is soon..so i'm gonna try try my luck again...
pray she latch...

and dun scream at my breasts. hur hur hur...

<font color="ff0000">sonnig</font>
wah...ur kids having flu and cough too..do u medicate them??

<font color="ff0000">itsy</font>
depends on ur bb..my girl will latch for 8-10min and slp for 2-3hrs or even 4 on good days.

<font color="ff0000">Stephanie</font>
oh really?? melvin is my cousin-in-law.. my cousin's HB..

<font color="ff0000">sandwich</font>
opsss.... i didnt bring her in the end..coz her poo was back to mustard tao suan like for the last 2 poo..and she slept well last nite..
was smiling at us this morning nad everything back to normal... or at least till i latch her again soon...
will UTI further shown up with other symtoms??
<font color="0000ff">girlygirly</font> No worries, I think you will be a forever young mommy! Like my mum, she has me when she as 21 and now when we go shopping together ppl thinks she’s my older sister!

<font color="0000ff">shelled</font> eh, amazingly, my boobs stopped being engorged and stopped leaking furiously 2 nights ago! That’s 3 weeks after my bubs sleeps through the night! Finally no more sore boobies, no more wet PJ tops and bedsheets!

<font color="0000ff">Jul, myfavchoco</font> age catching up stressed lor...3 more years to have no.2 before I have to go for compulsary amnio! I was also constantly worried coz I had a miscarriage before...

<font color="0000ff">yay!! Finally getting our glamourmum tops!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Rach</font> - Oh!!! You mean Gwen is your cousin???

What a small world!

Xavier and Ashlee has grown soooo much since the last time I saw them from his online photo thing...
Send my regards to him... (tell him I'm Steph from Cybermedia) *^_^*
prettymums> after latchin i can express out btw 80-100ml. if nv latch can express maybe 90-150ml. really depends. now supply seems to be dropping, cos i havent been diligently pumping at nite -_-

yeah. finally my glamourmom tops have arrived. =p

jul> really leh. see him lying in de puddle of poo n pee. dunno to laugh or to cry -_-" cos afterall i will be de one to clean up after him

dunno how much my boy drinking, but he seems to be drinking faster n longer. hopefully not my milk supply dip, but rather he's drinking more ba =p

haha. how can bottles be empty after u pump. at least got 150ml? =p

joopz> guess de pain is de letdown feeling we are saying. it's normal. i get tat too. den soon de breast will start leaking =p

shelled> lol. heng pak jiao not 2 eyes in de centre. cos my boy do tat quite often, n i read is tat his eyes muscle not properly develop yet. so cant control his eyes =p

wah. last nite miracle. last feed 1045, finish 11pm, he sleep till 345. hohoo. but pity i only went to bed 1.10am -_-" so far this kinda long rest time only happen twice. when i restrict him from sleeping after 8pm. haha. usually when i bring him out shopping, den i get this kinda good life =p

rach> de blood stain is at de pee area rite? i nv bring de diaper to pd la. tat happened when i was still in hospital. i ask de nursery nurse who asked my pd. n it was concentrated urine =p

lina> cos de weather too good to sleep =p

mamypoko> i dunno if de effect is fenugreek or wat. but i did pump diligently after taking fenugreek. see effect. now pump less diligently n sometimes forget my fenugreek, supply drop. so i dunno wat's causing de supply thing
the 1st thing u check is crossed-eyed, for me, it's birth mark on face...it can be anywhere on the body bt im more concern if it's on the face.

muz give credit to hub oso, coz he does help out alot...

My mom had me when she was 22...erhmm...actually i tot im fated to haf one child only coz i miscarriages 3x after my 1st. YESSS 3 times...so imagine hw devastated i was.

when i had my 3rd miscarriages, my eldest gal was 3yo+. b4 the miscarriage, I told her tat she will going to be a jiejie soon. She was so happy...bt eventually when i told her tat there was no bb in mommy's tummy anymore, she gave me the innocent puzzled face and asked me why?? I told her that coz bb has gone somewhere far far to play...she paused for a moment and said: never mind...it's okay...bb will come back some other days...At that moment, I cldn't control my tears anymore...my gal was my only console during tat period and i was so glad tat i still haf her. anyway, she was so right...those bbs tat i haf lost eventually come back to me when they had enuf fun 'elsewhere...after 3 miscarriages, i haf another 3 bbs...
<font color="ff0000">Paige</font>
yes!! i'm gg over to CCK to pick up my glamourmom later!!! woohooo!! tmr can wear to church liaoz!!

<font color="ff0000">Steph</font>
yes! Gwen has been my cousin for as long as i've lived!! haha..

haha... oki.when i see them again.. i'll send ur regards..

<font color="ff0000">Michelle</font>
ooh...at birth i know is conc urine la... my girl also had on 2nd day..
but now 7 weeks...
fitti diapers> is de diaper too big or too small. realise it leaks pretty often. isit becos de side gathers too long n my boy too active kicking whole day, so de poo leaks fr de side -_-

girlygirly> lol. first thing i check is clef lips =p

yeah. really have to give u a big hug for ur right attitude. n no matter wat. u have so many kids now

rach> lol. actually i shuld go pick up fr cck as well. so near my hm. but lazy. haha. this morning i tried to wear de glamourmom top i got from shelled, my hubby say so low cut. cannot wear. faint. den dat top can throw away liao? -_- if all de glamourmom top same so low cut. than i faint

maybe is de same concentrated urine?
haha..noticed that after all the mummies have popped...they dun show their own photos anymore..now they show their little one's photo.. hehe.. :p

Fenugreek seeds can be bought? Where? I wana buy and give my MIL! Because she cooks fish and papaya soup for me everyday! Will die from Fenugreek overdose anot? XD I eat 9 caps a day...

[Phobia of what our kids may turn out right after delivery.]

I checked for everything! Because I was at the shop the time I was expecting and my HB was doing mini renovations... Drilling, hammering, spraying bla bla... What's more.. I'm a Hairstylist and I cut cut cut! I even forgot and cut a SMALL piece of paper on the bed.

[Leaky Fitti Diapers.]

I used Fitti. No leak if the gathers are pulled out properly... But if there is an EXPLOSION in there.. Tendency to leak is still there despite the precautions I take. My friend bought me Drypers WeeWee dry... I find it not bad.. Fits Kairi well... Will try Fitti again when I'm done with this pack and see if it's Kairi that grew, or the diapers fault. XD
phew..finally home with baby Kylie. But she's not discharged yet, we're on home leave, gotta go back once everyday for her antibiotic IV drip.

Kylie had fever for the entire night, and it came and went, highest peaking at 39 degrees, so the following morning i decided to send her to PD who told me babies below 3 months old with high fever definitely need to admit

At the hospital, they took blood tests, urine test, and drew liquid from the back spinal area to determine cause of fever. She's too young for medication (except antibiotics) so can only stay in hospital to observe until fever is gone, and cause of fever identified, in this case, UTI.

The thing is my elder gal also got UTI, twice somemore. I already keep her very clean, but still kanna. Maybe it's the genes...sigh

Tiring few days for me. now pumping, then gonna knock out after this

Finally got my hands on a second hand fisher price rocker...She was fussing in her cot initially, and I put her in the rocker...... Keeping my fingers cross but she has been lying in it quietly awake for the pass 10 - 15 mins, with the vibration on.. :p
