(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font color="0000ff">check up</font>
Hmm... is it after few weeks from delivery we will have check up by our gynae so see if everything is back to normal etc? Something like that???

Congrats Gina! Finally ya hehehe

shelled.. PUPSIK pouch looks so pretty! but abit exp ley.. but looks pretty.. maybe i'll order one.. thks!
<font color="ff0000">Sarah></font>
i mean.. u have got mail! i emailed u already.

<font color="ff0000">Pam, Jul></font>
yah... when my girl sometimes push my nipple away.. i'll ouch in pain loh.. hahaha.

<font color="ff0000">shelled></font>
hahaha... i dunno how long it'll take to be same temp...so 2-3 hours is sure same temp liaoz.

<font color="ff0000">Kat></font>
i use the pupsilk sling..

<font color="ff0000">Gina></font>

<font color="ff0000">LIL Jade></font>
isnt it easier for u to PM me?? then i can fwd u the file...

<font color="ff0000">Princess></font>
i went back for 1st check up after 2 weeks...then again another 4 weeks later... :p
<font color="aa00aa">rach</font>
Eh how come my gynae never check on me... few days after delivery only check on my baby never check on me leh... and never ask me come back for check up how many weeks later leh.. how come ah?? But i will be going back on 6th week for baby's injection..
i'll have gynae appointment 6 weeks after delivery. it is to check the womb and do pap smear

your nipples will "harden" after a while... mine took 1+ week to become "on form". tahan and the sore will be gone soon

congrats! wow, without epi!!

at least your tummy is back to pre-preg size. my whole body has up-sized after delivery of #1, now more up-sized after #2
thanks everyone! LOL

i got ask for this n that but was "denied" or discouraged lo!! but have episiotomy with 4 stitch i think... ouch..

will update birth story at a later time... hehe now go zzz before more ppl come...
post natal massage

mummies...ask u all something. what is done during post natal massage ah? is it like a whole body massage or only massage the tummy area?

baby lips peeling
does your bb's lips peel? my gal's lips sometimes peel after breastfeeding. see already very heartpain.

u got apply the nipple cream or not? i have soar nipples on my right breast. my left is fine. and yes, over time it will toughen. sometimes i pump until "no feeling". :p will only feel the soarness when she latches on. nowadays its more bearable.
How to get back pre pregnancy waist?I just tried on my old bottoms, can pull up but can't button. I think my waist expanded like 5inch. How? Will slimming pills help?
<font color="ff0000">Sarah></font>
ops..actually its to enxuan. hahahaa....
coz her email also got sarah... hahahhaa.. so i tot its u.. blur.. hehehe...

<font color="ff0000">Ktherine></font>
that one a bit hard.. coz hor... pupsilk abit tao one.. its local shop.. only during fair then cheaper... unless u wanna wait till the next time they have fair at expo or mother's fair...
i bought mine at Motherhood fair at Expo.. :p

<font color="ff0000">princess></font>
mine is check up at 2nd week to see how stitches and womb..and 6th week is to ensure its all recovered and to do pap smear...

<font color="ff0000">kiki></font>
its whole body.. from legs to back to tummy and thats abt it loh...
breast upon requests...coz some mummy dun like..

sore is sore leh.. hehe.. not soar... kekekke.. :p
Poopoo pattern,

I noticed that my BB will cry sometime she needs to poo... Is it because she is constipated??? My Handbook doesn't say anything about this. XD

It seems every time after she poo's she stops wailing? The crying can sound like she's in pain >.<

Anyone experience this? Do I need to bring her to the doc or sth?
<font color="aa00aa">Gina</font> - Congrats!!!! Princess finally decided to come out.. lol... Wah.. u very brave leh.. without Epi...

<font color="aa00aa">Pamelia</font> - Yes, nipples will be elongated...

<font color="aa00aa">Sarah</font> - I'm drinking Nursing tea and Goat's Rue to increase my milk supply since its been pathetic

<font color="aa00aa">princessxiaomei</font> - My doc's practice is to have a check 1 week after delivery to check wound then 1 month later for pap's smear (but must be after menses, if still got bleeding then have to postpone).
*waves* hello! I've finally resurfaced from the haze of the last 12 days! Congrats Gina! I'm too tired to read all the previous posts, but good to see everyone planning the next step! Man Yue!

Shelled : Thanks so much girl! you're a sanity-saver. I swear I was going to have a breakdown! Hope your day with K was better than yesterday!
I went to Parentcraft earlier and really feel that the money is very worth spending... Initially I had lumps in my breasts so called them up on Wednesday and made the appointment.. but think yesterday I cleared the ducts myself after massage.. ahhahah but supply still low..

The amazing thing is today the consultant guided me to latch on using another method and I think this time baby manage to clear all the milk. So all these happened between 11:15am to 12pm.

Consultant confirmed that my supply is low
and gave me advise. When I came back and expressed milk at about 3 since baby was asleep, I could get 80ml of EBM!!! Which I normally need to struggle in order to get this amount.

Its amazing isn't it? I hope the supply will just go up, up, up and UP!!!

<font color="aa00aa">stephanie</font>
HUr. Okok... so far my gynae never mention anything to me leh..... -.-" Wierd hor. He last check on my wound was before i was discharge! Have to do papsmear after deliver ah? :)

<font color="aa00aa">pamelia</font>
My baby at times will cry while trying to poo.. after all out, he stops too. Think it's normal? Unless you notice the poo a little different?? I also no idea..... LOL! But mine at times really do cries while trying la...

<font color="aa00aa">rach</font>
Aiyo.. mine haven't check on me yet leh..... must find <font color="aa00aa">xueli</font> and check with her....... how they check on our womb??

<font color="aa00aa">bbq98</font>
I also want to know lor... i until now haven't really try to wear my pre-pregnancy bottoms!!!! Cos i was really small in size that time.. now i think my hips all expand liao... and i have few pretty dresses which i HAVE NOT WORN yet!!!! wonder if i can still wear cos i think my chest also expand...................... i will only be able to try them on after my confinement when i go back ils home which is end october!!!! I hope i can put all of them on.................... else i think i will be so sad.....

<font color="aa00aa">waiwai</font>
Hmmmm.. seemed more or less you all gone back to gynae 6th week after delivery... maybe when i go back for baby's injection, just nice it's 6th week... he might check for me and do papsmear? But what if he doesn't?? How to ask?? LOLS.

<font color="aa00aa">enxuan</font>
Your tummy back to pre-preg liao?? *envy!* BUt is it still flabby?? I lose 10kg and still have another 2kg to lose to back to pre-pregnancy weight.. but my tummy still flabby... so ugly.. wear those tight tops, one layer one layer.. machiam DOUGH lah... ): sad ah!

told u i'm zombiefied these days... can't even spell right!


give water? hmm... ok, maybe i'd try. but my gal doesn't like water at all. i tried to give her some when she was hicupping for more then 15mins, but she pui out at me.

my bb opposite from yours, will cry after she poos! once her diaper is soiled or wet, she will 'tell' me by producing a ehhh-a-ehhh sort-of cry (doesn't sound like a full blown cry yet) to inform me she needs diaper change. if i'm slow or take more then 10 mins or so to attend to her, it will become a full blown cry!
<font color="ff0099">bbq98</font>
I don't think there are any slimming pills that are safe to take while BFing leh.
On the bright side, your waist will shrink over time with proper diet lah. If you exercise then even better lor.
Although I really have no idea how a new mom can find time to exercise on top of dealing with the baby and regular house chores.
While I may only have 1kg left to go til pre-preg weight, my tummy is undeniably (and very disgustingly) flabby. There's almost no muscle tone at all. So even though I can wear back my old bottoms and button them up, there's no way in bloody hell I can wear them out without looking disgusting with my flab spilling over the top of my pants. *URGH*
But there's this saying lah, 9 months up 9 months down. So we shouldn't really aim to be exactly back to pre-preg any sooner than 9 mths. But I guess most of us just can't bear to look at ourselves when it's so different.

<font color="ff0099">angel</font>
You are most welcomed.

Today K is better, while J is ridiculously pushing all my buttons the wrong way. I just give him one huge whacking, and am now feeling bad for doing it.

*sigh* I guess I'm just tired to deal with that much bullshit from him today.

<font color="ff0099">Stephanie</font>
That's really good!! Money well spent eh?
Hope your supply really goes up up up!
<font color="aa00aa">princessxiaomei</font> - actually my gynae also never mention anything to me.. before I discharge, the nurses at TMC say my gynae never give instructions on when to go back so ask me call them myself. Then when Gynae came to check on my at my room, I also forgot to ask..

Then 2 weeks after delivery I still haven't called.. hahaha

So today since going to Parentcraft, I thought to pop by (any way its just next door) to ask and the nurses say its supposed to be one week after delivery...

Since Dr Tseng was available, I went in to see him so he did a check on my stomach and wound then say very good cause its healed and stitches also gone already... Hahah anyway its just 1 stitch lah.. so heal very fast..

Then I finally took a picture with him... hahah all the while, I never took any pics with him and baby cause I was always busy with baby when he came to check on me.. so finally today took a picture and I'll do something for him to thank him for this painless delivery...
congrats!! u did it gal! eh u put on so lil weight yet ur baby good size wor! jealous!!

so what advice consultant give u? why suddenly bm can shoot up to 80ml?
when i was hvg blocked ducts, the LC also make me latch my baby in different positions to make sure that all the blockages are cleared. while i always nurse my baby with only 1 or 2 position. a baby's sucking is really amazing lor, works wonders, much more effecient than the best pump!
Shelled,so good. U can fit into your normal clothes. I dun really care abt the loose skin coz I don't swim. I just want my waist back asap. Sob sob. You seen me b4 - at my build and ht, I can't afford to have a 30inch waist. Are those clarins toning pdts safe to use while bfeeding? Any one knows?

er.. where got free? just that hubs is home tdy n helping me so i can pump in peace.

pam, waiwai

my nipples haven't hardened after 7 weeks lor!


i scary meh? make me sound like a perv hee

issit? okie i try to vary the suction power.


congrats! finally!
<font color="aa00aa">Shelled</font>
The way you describe tummy is damn hilarious! But it's really true lor... before pregnant, most of my tops are those like spag kind... now i dont know how to wear it without covering the tummy! So disgusting right... siansssss.... ): I also dont know how to find time to exercise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Walking doesn't help to tone lor... sian sian sian.... ): Or put binder? Some of my friends say put binder?? But usually if i put, i feel itchy and i get red patches all over.. so i dread putting... ):

<font color="aa00aa">stephanie</font>
HUr. Maybe 6th week i go back for baby's injection, i ask him IF THERE's ANYTHING FOR HIM TO CHECK ON ME OR NOT? Sounds funny right... wahahahhaa... asking such a question! :)

Me too, haven't got the chance to take a photo with my gynae :) Perhaps should take one on 6th week! HAHA!
<font color="ff0000">Pam></font>
hahah..my girl cries before she poos and pees.. i think for poo..maybe the tummy will ache like us??
then poo???
coz she will cry cry then we wonder what happend..then we hear pppuuuttt.....
so we realised her pattern a bit...

yah..she cry like in pain kind too..

<font color="ff0000">Sarah></font>
oooh..okie... face also...ee...oily... ahhahaa.

<font color="ff0000">princess></font>
scan loh... the ultrasound..can see whats inside the uterus..

mainly for blood clots if any... (shouldnt have any..)

Binder can only be put on for 3 hours...after which need to remove for a few hours and put again for max 3 hours..

my ML says de..

I also waiting to take photo with my gynae at 6th week... coz bb wasnt with me when he came to check on me daily in the hosp...and when i went for the 2nd week check up.. i didnt bring bb along..... finally 6th week is after full month liaoz.can bring her out.. kekke...

<font color="ff0000">kiki></font>
hahaha..its okay..jsut saw it a few times..and kinnda get on my nerves.. wahhahaha...
so i just tell u la... i'm not expert in spelling... but when i see one.. i'll just point it out..
hope i not too KPO hor.. hehehe..:p
red{Glamourmom Nursing Tanks>}
anyone still interesteed?

i very curious as to what reply u were typing to me the last round when i told u about the lobang on glamourmom..which u deleted after i asked u to pretend i never say anything..
coz u have not responded this time round.. whhahaha....
just ask your gynae "need to do pap smear or not ah?" kekeke

how about lower the suction power of your pump? or try other latching position?
wow u all comparing weight loss ar.. i still got 5kg to go leh.. so sticky just refused to go away.. and my waist still not back to pre-preg also.. sad lah
my gynae told me no exercise for the 1st month so i dont dare to do crutches.. and with the amt of food my mum keep feeding me.. tough man.. i give myself another month then i try to fit into my jeans.. dont dare to think if i can wear back pre-preg clothes now lor.. LP

any idea when this will go away?? just when i tot it's getting lesser, i got heavier again.. argghh.. so irritating lor.. and wearing the pads whole day for 3wks already makes me itch also.. so tempted to use desitin on myself.. lol
sore nipples
yes yes ihave that after latching and after pumping... so vulnerable now.. need to *handle with care*... even running water also makes it hurt lor... wonder when it will *toughen up*??
i feel so relaxed now!!!!! had a rather busy day cos went out for lunch with colleagues, then went to fetch my toddler from school to bring to my mum's place. waited 1/2 for a taxi and there was none at NUS. so me and baby and toddler took a 45min bus ride to my mum's house. and halfway in the ride my baby wailed for milk. i had to feed baby on the bus inside the pupsik pouch and read to my toddler at the same time to occupy him on the bus. after that i had to rush home with dinner my mum prepared for my sick husband and put baby to sleep. luckily this time round could get a cab. baby has been sleeping since 7pm+, which is his usual stipulated bedtime. and since there's no toddler at home now, everything seems so peaceful!! shall enjoy two days of bliss with the baby before i pick toddler up on sunday.
hi stephanie,

What method to latch on did they guide u?
Able to share?
My gal always didn't complete one side, halfway thru, she will poo. not sure to cont. or latch the other side.
The other side usually start leaking when latching start.
congrats on the arrival of your girl! woah, i think age really makes a difference. you and pamelia and princess - the youngest mummies on our thread - have all gone natural w/out epi.

i just dropped you a mail. interested to find out abt the glamourmom lobang, even though 3-4 weeks away sounds quite long

i gained 19kg and lost 9kg already. so 10kg more to go. don't worry lah, you continue to breastfeed and the weight will be gone in a jiffy.
received the glamourmom tank from shelled! thanks!!

And the purple is really nice...but i still look so fat in it..now i wonder if i should wear it for full month..faint.... my tummy is like 5 months pregnant still! gosh!

tummy not that flabby leh. But I don't really have a flat or toned tummy to begin with. Always had a little flab one... now it's back to the little flab... But I guess the fats have went to my butt and thighs instead lor.. Still have 3kg to pre-pregnancy weight. Haiz..agree, at this rate that my MIL is feeding me, I find it really difficult to lose it.. Will definitely take some time. Also, juggling with bb equates to no time for quality rest and exercise. I just hope it will disappear by itself.. hehe...
<font color="ff0099">bbq98</font>
Exactly because I've seen you before that's why I'm going to say this again – YOU ARE GORGEOUS. And despite having a 30" waist for now, you are still going to look gorgeous.
Just give it a couple more months and the waistline will naturally shrink back even if you don't put in any effort to watch diet or exercise.

I know it sucks to be that much bigger than before, and to not be able to wear back your pre-preg clothes. But hey, great excuse to buy new clothes that fit your new body!!

<font color="ff0099">princessxiaomei</font>
Actually you didn't even put on much weight during preg right? Your tummy was so small! So I think your tummy can't be as gross as mine lor. My tummy was HUGEEEEE. Now alot of loose skin lor. So gross.

I think binder works mostly to "fuse" the abdominal muscles together after 9 mths of being stretched out. Can help with loose skin a bit lah, but I guess still have to give it some time to regain elasticity and shrink back. Then next thing will be to work on stomach muscles to improve on muscle tone to remove that "一大粒" look.

I'm thinking of buying Wii Fit to do yoga for toning leh. But this week's been soooo crazy, I wonder where I can find time to do!!

For me I know I will only start to look decent again somewhere ard the time bb turns 4 mths old. I was hoping if I jiayou jiayou a bit and do situps and all, maybe can look human again by the time K turns 3 mths old. But currently my tummy still looks sibei erxin, so maybe 3mths is a bit unachievable...

<font color="ff0099">Rach</font>
Oh!! I was typing out like how come cannot ship directly, how much ur supplier will sell it, include the nursing pajamas or not... etc etc lah! Then u said your supplier no want to do, then i ask for what lor!

So now I ask again arh...

Your supplier going to take the pajamas, and dresses or not? I gian the nightgown leh.
Then the Colors Of the Month, how much will your supplier be selling it? Cos you told me the price for limited stock items &amp; regular price tanks, then colors of the month leh? Or is it also the same price as the regular price tanks?

Thanks arh! I'm addicted to Glamourmom, so if it's cheap I'll surely buy more one lor!
KNS, at the rate I'm buying nursingwear, I better BF for at least 1 year...

<font color="ff0099">Re: Sore Nipples</font>
I'm just curious hor, why so many of you suffering from sore nipples huh?
Do you guys think it has anything to do with the fact that most of you are latching and pumping most of the time, while I hardly pump for both my boys??
Both times I only had sore nipples for the first 1-2 wks, thereafter never feel soreness anymore liao. I dunno is it cos "toughen up" or not, cos I always thought "toughen up" means my nipples will be desensitized. Yet, my nipples sensitive to touch leh (in the ahem ahem kind of way), so it wouldn't be toughened right??! *confused*

<font color="ff0099">Giving J my EBM</font>
I'm starting to tandem pump for every feeding session, cos Joshua is drinking my EBM leh. That day I warm up EBM for K, end up he didn't drink it cos he was sleeping, and by the time he woke up, my boobs wanna explode liao, so I let him latch. So we tikam tikam ask Joshua to drink the EBM lah, don't waste mah! And Joshua said very nice leh. Eversince then he keeps asking for BM liao.

Is 70-75ml for a 2 weeker okay? My MIL calls me siao... Saying it's too much? But BB doesn't puke it out...>.<

<font color="ff0000">shelled></font>
okie... yes...everything on the website can be shipped in..just that we all were gianing the only 2 designs previously..
so i only got her t quote me for that 2 models...
tell me what u want, then i ask her for the price..

colors of the month same price as regular priced tanks... so its still cheaper leh..
Colors of the month already $24USD... u count to SGD how much liaoz.. hehhee...
so its a la chang bu duan kind of thing.. flat rate for ALL COLORS.. :p

hahhhaa.. i also have the same idea. better BF for a year at the rate i'm buying..
now i have 2ONB, 2BSS, 3 Glamourmom tanks, ordered a Bravao Nursing Tank &amp; 1 more Blush ONB..
that makes it 9 nursing bra + tanks! kaoz.. hahaha...
and i'm still thinking to get a black, pink and ruby red glamourmom!

<font color="ff0000">Pam></font>
i feel thats okay..if bb is full, she wont take it in de...
