(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs


Wow.. You're having tat bad menstrual cramp feeling and you can still type... If it was me, 'd have a million typo errors man...

My waterbag didn't break... When I was already "dying" from my contractions and the midwife kept asking me to pee... ( squatting on the urinal ) She ask my HB to see this thing... ( HB said it looked like a balloon coming out from my below ) I don't know what is that up till now... XD

Hang in there... We the moomoo mommies can do it! XD

hi mummies!

how's everyone? yes, i'm still alive & thank GOD the baby too! am coping all on my own (and my hb's help but he's back to work a few days back alreadY) and sometimes feel like i'm going to ki siao, esp with night feeds. here's some updates and some questions, hope some experienced mummies can help answer.

my breastfeeding so far seems to be improving, am now able to latch on my left breast (previously had great difficulty, due to left side nipple is smaller n shorter, likely due to a cystic fibrosis surgery i had a few years back). when i pump, the left produces a miserable 5-10ml only.
right side is better, so i latch her more on the right, which until today is still soar especially when she suckles. just grit my teeth and bear with it!

when i pump both sides, i still only yield a pathetic 30ml till today.
i pump for abt 30mins, and usually stop when i see nothing seems to be coming out. the strange thing is that, when i latch my gal, she can latch on for damn long and is suckling. sometimes longer then 1 hr. i'm wondering if she's getting any milk or is she just sucking my breast like a pacifier??? how to tell? if i pull her out, she will open her eyes and start to struggle with open mouth trying to search for nipple. should i try to give her a pacifier?

is it normal for baby to sneeze about 5-6 times a day? my gal seems to sneeze quite a fair bit and i'm a little concerned because there is mucous coming out of her nose sometimes. is this normal? she is not running a fever though, but sometimes the tempreture goes up to 37.3, which i'm told is ok as I'm using a ear thermometre. i wanted to bring my gal to the PD, but my hb thinks she's ok, and its quite normal to sneeze. i use a nasal aspirator to try to extract out the mucous, but not all of it is coming out as i'm afraid to go too deep.

sorry if my post is long and a little disorientated. am quite zombified these days.
shaving off baby's hair at 1st month
hi all... any tots on shaving off baby's hair? i'm quite reluctant but my mil keep insisting.. i dont want to be on her black list like my sil as she also refused to shave off baby's hair... she keep saying bb's hair is dirty and also forehead no hair, shave already then when it grows out will be nice looking.

ok i belongs to the shaved hair - botak generation for my first month... but now still got such thing meh?? so dilemma...
same here, i didn't shave #1's hair and MIL keeps talking about how little hair my gal has for 1+ year... so no choice going to make my #2 botak this sat... dun want to hear unnecessary comments for the next N years

have a smooth delivery
stephanie> ya. u all can call me mwerkz to avoid confusion =p

my tv is those no real button one. but rather juz touch tat spot only. den dunno wat she do la -_-"

keke. since the magnifying glass no use, i guess i shuld juz buy a normal one than.

gina> lol. u haf been lyin there for very long le wor. jiayou!!

sarah> my clean until ki siao not mean she do alot. means she made my tv ki siao =p

btw, they clean oso sub standard la. not their hm. take one cloth wipe here wipe there, to them is clean liao. but when i go c, substandard lo. ended up i clean myself. cos got grease all over de place -_-

kiki> try to alternate btw 2 sides. dun juz latch on one side. this way, will make it even harder for u to latch on de side tat u seldom latch. if dat side got less milk, clear de milk n if not enugh, den latch on de other side again

if ur gal really sucking n drinking, u can actually hear her swallowing the milk. if juz sucking but like nv swallow, most likely juz sucking for fun

my bb dun sneeze so often, only hiccup, so i'm not too sure abt tat. btw, dun worry abt mucus going too deep, cos he cry everything, de mucus will come out on its own. actually dun even haf to dig it out for him one =p

milkyway> really one leh. bb after shaving whole head, de hair dat comes out will be thicker n nicer. i not shaving at first mth itself. maybe after party den i shave off for him =p
like that i'm left with no choice ar... sigh... dont want to keep hearing bb's hair so little leh..

not sure if ur bb is latching on for comfort or really feeding.. did u try to seek help from a lactation consultant?

as for sneezing.. i think it's normal for them to sneeze..my gal makes a lot of coughing sound lor.. dont know if it's normal also.. intend to ask the PD when i bring her for her 1st month jab

Here's a moomoo mummy wishing you a smooth and fast delivery!!!

Going to pump milk now.. Hope I can get a good yield..

The milk sticks looks good leh.. Hehe.. Posted on my facebook.. ask if anyone interested to buy me that as a gift!! wahaha...
- Whips out her NB baby handbook and shares -

Sneezing and phlegm.

Sneezing is the way your baby blows his/her nose. It is a reflex reaction and may occur 10-20 times a day.

Mucus is produced in our nose all the time. This helps to trap the dust and dirt that we breathe in. In adults, we blow our nose several times through the day to keep our nostrils clear. Your baby is too young to do this. He/she has to get rid of the mucus by frequent sneezing. Unfortunately, the sneezing relex is not very effective, so the nose is often partially blocked. The small size of the nostrils at this age makes matter worse. Just a little secretion will cause enough blockage to produce a lot of noises when he/she breathes. They always sound much worse in the night and keep the parents wide awake listening to this unwelcome music.

These loud nasal and throat noises are wrongly taken to mean that the baby has lots of phlegm in the lungs. In fact, they are harmless and do not need treatment.

Medications such as the "pearl powder" will not reduce the noise. Nose drops or flu medication will not help and may make matters worse. The "phlegm" will get much less by the age of 6-8mths. By then, the nostrils have grown much larger in size and the small amount of mucus secretion will not cause as much blockage.

If the nasal congestion is severe and interferes with feeding, you may instil 2-3 drops of warm water or normal saline in each nostril. After 1 min, use a soft rubber suction bulb to suck out, or a cotton swab to wipe out the loosened mucus.

You need to bring your baby to the doctor only if his/her sneezing and noisy breathing is accompanied by frequent cough or fever.

OK! Done.. I better go catch some Z's before this little rascal wakes up... =3

Hope this helps!
steph: i am 40weeks and 2days as of today @_@ huh really ah... how ah... i heard/read if they break the waterbag = more painful labour??

tian ah~ di ah~ shen ah~
Darned sian.. Sam has not been able to drink from bottle well. He keeps holding onto the teat & refuses to release air. Ends up he doesn't get any milk after sucking very hard & he gets angry & frustrated & screams! He just puked out mose of my precious EBM
Engorgement! Very painful... How to soften it? Seems like pump also lesser... help! hope i can clear it b4 my massager come later. if not she massage very painful de. Sob.. sob..
I heard that breaking the water will fasten labour too.. making your cervix dilate faster. Not sure if it makes contraction more unbearable.

it should be less than $10. i've not used scissors before, so i can't compare. but the nail clipper has been working fine for me so far =)

*big wave back*
but your toddler was at home with you for a month after you've given birth right? that's quite tiring loh. i make sure mine gets sent to school daily, so that i have one less thing to worry about from 8am - 6pm. actually shelled and girly are the powerful mummies cos they cook and clean - two major things that i don't do. i have a part time cleaner who comes weekly. we don't iron and don't cook at all at home. my husband wears polo-ts and jeans to work, while my toddler eats whatever we eat - pasta, sandwiches, rice with soup etc. oh, and weekend the toddler goes over to camp at his por por's house, so i get some breathing space. in your case, your parents live overseas right? so it's quite tough on you also lah. how about your in laws?

fastest way to relief engorgement is to get your baby to latch on ...
<font color="aa00aa">Gina</font> - Breaking water bag just makes the pain come earlier.. lol cause when dilate and contractions will also pain mah.. breaking water bag just kindoff shorten the process...

Ur Gynae never stretch ur cervix for you?

My eldest 2 kids are also born at 40weeks +2days so I guess that ur baby will soon be born.. hang in there k?

<font color="aa00aa">Jul</font> - What bottle u using? I am using Avent and it actually can let air in without baby releasing the teat one.. so baby just keeps sucking and dun have to worry

<font color="aa00aa">mwerkz</font> - I have both nail clipper and baby nail scissors, hmmm... actually I find that for infants, scissors are better.. Personal preference lah.. cause I find that having to struggle with baby's tiny hand in one hand, the other hand still need to hold nail clipper carefully is a little difficult for me..

I find use scissors easier. but when baby grow bigger, scissors will not be useful liao.. must use nail clippers. But Parentcraft folks dun recommend nail clippers for infants even after 1 month. I remember the lady was saying that day a father called in to ask for help say he clipped his baby's finger... (eee)

But come to thing about it, baby scissors won't cut finger meh? but its not very sharp lah...
<font color="ff0000">Sarah></font>
nonono.. once u warm up.. u have to finish in 2 hours.. cannot be reheat, refrozen, or rethawed....
once heat up.. finish or throw in 2 hours...

<font color="ff0000">Michelle></font>
ooh..on the contrary, my CL has made my home much cleaner.. wahahha..my mum doesnt bother to clean the kitchen de....

<font color="ff0000">New_MTB></font>
ooh. i tot it says $36.90 online?? ehhe.. dun intend to get from them..see how my supplier says...

<font color="ff0000">milkyway></font>
i had mine shaved at 4th month..and hence i'll be doing it for my bb's 4th month too..dun wanna shave at 1st month...
too young i felt..
but need to get rid of their hair..coz its tai mao...
thats what i was told la..
MIL is fine with not shaving on 1st month...just cut a bit for yi si yi si....

same..my gal has a lot of funny sound when sleeping..like phlegm inside or what...

<font color="ff0000">Pam></font>
wah..thanks for the sharing..... my mum keep saying she has alot of phlegm... Grr...
and i'm really kept awake listening to those noises loh.. i wonder what happened to my precious...

it helps alot!! hehehe.where u get this handbook from huh??

<font color="ff0000">Sarah></font>
its better to let ur massage lady clear it for u la.. ask her to help u unblock...

<font color="ff0000">Stephanie></font>
OMG!! cut baby's finger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<font color="aa00aa">gina</font>
My waterbag was broke by my gynae at 1.30pm and the contractions came in fast and furious after 20mins. Relax, breathe in and out... deep breathe in... use the laughing gas effectively! And you will dilate faster! Trust me! I was like that too... :) Remember what i told you last night??? JIAYOU JIAYOU!

<font color="aa00aa">Stephanie</font>
You using AVENT Bottles? What size teat to use for infant around 7-8wks old? How to see which teat is suitable? I haven't bottle feed my baby yet but will express after my confinement.... so that my hb can help to feed him at least once a day. :)
<font color="aa00aa">milkyway</font>
If i have a choice, i won't want to shave my baby's hair botak cos his hair is so blonde! My FIL even want me to shave his eye brow! Keep telling me.. one day tell me 3 times in 15mins...! see how irritating he is! siansssss....... when you holding your 1st month? I wanted to be on 10th oct.. end up fil wants 11oct.. my baby loh.... not his... asshole la... ):
i think my gal will have her hair shaved lor.. save me the hassle of listening to the old folks grumble..
eye brow also? hmm nv heard b4 leh...

i'm holding it on the 11th oct and 18th oct.. official one on the 11th.. cos cannot do after her first month.. i didnt manage to book my place's function room on the 11th. Will invite my side family and frens on the 18th to my new place so will be housewarming cum bb shower lah. 11th oct will be done at my mil's place lor and invite her relatives since she insist cannot do later :p

end up do 2x lah.. otherwise housewarming also need to do mah.. so troublesome lor..
T_T i waiting to call my gynae...

everyone in my ward have given birth de O_O and always hear the nurse wheel their babies in for them to breastfeed.. T_T when is my turnnnnnnnnnnnnnn? Am the only preggie woman in my ward bleah. come out come out wherever you are~~
hi sept mommies

my edd is oct, recently whenever i have BH contractions, i find mysself breathless, is it supposed to b like that?

when we r close to delivery day, do we experience frequent bowel movement n frequent urination?
<font color="ff0000">Gina></font>
my waterbag was broken at 8:37am but nothing happened till drip was given to hasten the contractions at 1:30pm...
the contractions was more painful due to the drip.. not the waterbag leh.. hehe.. :p

<font color="ff0000">milkyway></font>
my eye brow was shaved too..and mum cut my eyelash, coz it was long, but not curled up..she heard if cut will curl..
but that is nonsense. my lash has never been as long as it was at birth and it hasnt curl too!!! Grrr...
<font color="aa00aa">rach</font>- yah.. scary right... I dunno if she was trying to scare us or what but that was what she said..

<font color="aa00aa">princessxiaomei</font>- I think 7-8 weeks still using Size 1... Unless ur baby struggling cause teat flow too slow.. I normally follow the month information on the Avent Teat tag... think 3 months is Size 2 and 6 months is Size 3... u can confirm at the stores...

<font color="aa00aa">JanJan</font> - yes.. when I had BH, I also felt breathless... You could kindoff feel the tummy tightening and you have to sit up straight. The difference between BH and real contractions is that BH dun come regularly and usually goes off if you say go for a walk or bath.

<font color="aa00aa">Gina</font>-Ur baby too comfortable lah.. lol

Still the same words of encouragement.. JIA YOU!!! soon you will have baby in your arms!
milkway, princess:
my MIL said have to shave baby's eyebrows too... but... where are his eyebrows? too fine to be visible to me :p

why didn't u let Gynae to break waterbag earlier?? think it will fasten the process

baby's nails
i used baby scissors for my #1... think easier to use. it was so easy to cut her nails when she was younger, now gotta quarrel with her when cutting nails
T_T waiwai: coz i read breaking of waterbag will cause more pain during labour =\ Didn't know it will take this long! Now gynae at AMK's kkh clinic... his assistant keep telling me to call back later. Ask her later is what time she very fu1 yan3 never answer me just say ah yar later... hang up. WAH WIN ALREADY. I call back half hour later i ask what time he end there she say 8+ 9pm.. ask me call back around that time -.- Lucky she not the one i always see here, else i sure complain -.-"

Think i will discuss with gynae then break waterbag
The contractions are here with a vengeance -.-""
<font color="aa00aa">milkyway</font>
Yup. You cannot celebrate after.. but can before... :) I'm holding it on 11th at both side lor.. morning at in laws.. evening at my mum's place...

girl botak at 1st month better also lah. cos can grow faster.... :) heeee.. then can doll them up later.....

<font color="aa00aa">gina</font>
Why never break your waterbag?? You like that waste money and time in the ward lor........ omg~

<font color="aa00aa">stephanie</font>
Size 1? Okok... if i notice my baby struggling due to slow flow... then i change to next teat?? is there 0 size teat anot ah? LOL!
i dont care lah... i'm having one b4 and one later.. :p just that the later one is unofficial baby shower and official housewarming.. lol

gotta shave eyebrow too? hmm i dont know if i got mine shaved leh... hope her hair will grow nicer after that lor.. then gotta wear hats to cover her botak head hor..

so far i fed my gal 2x using Avent bottle already. She has no problem with it but i dont know wat teat she's using leh.. i nv check and just use wat's in the box.. lol..

i think u break waterbag lah, maybe will fasten ur labour? jia you k
i do alternate both sides, but normally i latch her longer on the right side, coz there seems like got more milk. my gal sometimes seems to get quite frustrated when latching and she will struggle, pull away (while still holding on to my nipple, yep! ouch!) and turn a quite red. i think probably trying to squeeze the milk out? i can't hear her swallowing the milk, i think my supply is not fast thats why?

what do u do when your bb hiccups? mine hiccups quite often too.

i didn't seek help from a lactation consultant. but when i was at the hospital, the snr nurse assured me that i'm latching on correctly.. juz that my nipples are super sensitive, thats why feel so painful. nowadays its not painful anymore but it is soar only on my right side lor, coz my gal latches on longer on that side.

thanks for the extract fr your NB handbk. at least i'm more relieved now to know that its quite normal. yes, sometimes she sounds like her nose is very blocked, especially during breastfeeding time. her breathing gets heavier too.
<blockquote>I included the postage charge (registered post).</blockquote>

<blockquote>Don't fret. I'm in a similar boat as you. I also haven't popped. I'll be 6 days overdue tomorrow already. Gynae will induce tomorrow if there's still no sign of labour. Then I can join u in the agonising wait. sigh...</blockquote>
Means if cant finish must throw within 2 hours. can got it. nono... very painful... i ask her dont touch. i try to massage and pump myself. see will get better anot.

my baby jus bot feed. can't wait till the next feeding time right?
<font color="ff0000">Sarah></font>
actually..if u bear with the pain let her massage it once..it'l be cleared once and for all....now u gotta tahan for an even longer period... >.<"

<font color="ff0000">baby not sleeping></font>
my baby has been awake since afternoon till now.
dun wanna sleep..carry in arms fall asleep..put down cry..siaoz.... then when is she gonna sleep????? >.<"
sandwich> okie. i'll go get a clipper tml den

stephanie> ops. now i more confused as to which to use. maybe i buy both to try =p

rach> lol. cos my hm very clean one leh. she is gone finally. went back 2days earlier, but insisted we pay her for 27days. she say cl policy dat she leave at 6pm considered at nite, thus need to pay her additional one day -_-

kiki> hiccups happen too often, juz let him be. it will stop by himself. or juz latch him on everytime he hiccup. after awhile will stop too =p

bb sleeping> does ur bb make alot of noisse while sleeping? now tat he is sleeping beside me, i realise he makes quite abit of noise stretchin n dunno doing wat -_-
Do your baby stand? My bb able to hand up without me holding to him, when I sit up straight he close to my body, I never hold him at all, he stand?!! Scary… so fast…

Bb keep licking his mittens, if no wear he will licking his hands.. 1 month can dun wear lioa? Why 1 month after can dun wear ah?

My bb is full month old this coming sat same as michelle :p.. ya bopianz, duno wat to do with sooooo frequent feed.. I do really hope bb will drink more and sleep longer..

I have trimmed bb nails already but its grow soo speedy. And my bb like to move his hands to his face , afraid he scratch his face or poke his own eye, now he already boxing his own head.

Pray &amp; hope, at time, bb will suddenly wan to come out…

Hahaha… my confinement is not confine at home one hahaa…anyway I did have a problem confinement anyway.. so let it be la… I only have my hubby mah and some of the time I oso alone with bb.. my confinement food oso not consistence as my mum keep falling sick or unwell… my this confinement sucks.. and oso my post natal massage oso sucks!!! Sigh… as my confinement already in the mess, so let it be liao lor.. I go eat sushi, dim sum &amp; etc and go JB til Wee hour with bb… I jus simply care less lioa lor.. since hubby oso open minded.. i have nobody to watch over me heee… most of all I oso dun have In Laws :p…. so is like Free &amp; easy confinement… no one knows.. except hubby… hee hee… but one ting I will try to drink Waist tonic everyday &amp; essence of chicken lor.. I still bath &amp; wash hair.. if not I feel very dirty and I need to carry bb if I keep scratching my hair and hold bb.. EERk.. tat why I envy you all have all woks of helpers to care for you…. Cuz im too totally clueless.. when I wan to bath no one there to boil herbs, so I go get warming bathing lotion, but its sucks… bluff pple one. But I lucky I got the confinement lotion from friend which she got it from BP. Its better then the warming bath lotion...rather then noting..

Ya tremors yeserday my doors &amp; ceiling light is swinging. I quickly grap bb and run downstair… hheee…

Im still not quite understand about milk trays.. I oso find tat pigeon storage bottle like taking forever to warm up EBM!!

I got bb nail clipper free from dr wong clinic when I back to clinic after delivery..
YES my bb does plently of noises like wana to fight like tat... sooo tempted to take video.. is like little monster...

my bb like to be carry/cruddle 24/7 even at sleep HELP!!!
just now my massager told me to tear abit of tissue/toilet roll dip abit water and paste on baby forehead. it will stop but not immediately. no harm trying...
when my bb hiccup i give water at times i mix with gripes water.. its stopped faster. or else bb hiccup can last more then 10mins. like very xin ku for bb...
are we breastfeeding mummies, able to use deordorant? i find tat my armpits are very smelly soon after i delivered !!! why ah? i guess i need to use anti BO products when i back to work, but wonder will it affect the BM?

as my bb is so unpredictable and soo frequent feeding , i cant have the chance to pump/sterilize/washing ..

after pump mus sterilize again b4 the next pump?
ya, seems like baby boy are more pro to sucking hahahaa.. maybe their are boys :p.... btw, your Ian can latch for how long? at time i guess they got hungry so fast maybe they did get the fatty BM , rather the watery. then they stopped, so they only urine out &amp; get hungry lor... there two kind of BM when latching..

yours one week younger then my... so strong...

i guess u oso hardly have the chance to pump ba?
my PD oso give baby book, is your Dr Ong EK?

i got so many book, some advise are difference sigh... but most of it are the same...

Yup! E K Ong! =3

Am actually wondering if I should carry on going back to him.. He's a nice doc.. But the waiting time + parking at the hospital is crazy!
i like him too, he even clean my bb cord during our visit by showing us how to clean...

i will do the 2nd jab at nearby my house clinic, which is S$50, as compare to Dr Ong is SGD80.. and the journey and the clinic there so many crying bb....

This is getting frustrating
I am already in here for 2days and the damn waterbag refuse to budge! See la! gey kiang should have insisted on going home instead on first day, now have to pay extra for staying. Last VE only 5-6cm dilated, though waterbag very tense already. WTH.

Also duno why i so stubborn
ANGRY with myself
Cant even ***-damn poo!!! what is wrong with me
