(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font color="ff0000">mwerks></font>
so in the end u pay her 27 days????????
wah.... but 2 days earlier leh.....faint...

ya...my bb sleeps and stretch and makes alot of noise! hahah..

<font color="ff0000">Feeding during baby shower></font>
do u all intend to continue to latch on during the celebration?
or pump and give EBM?
so just ignore the guests when its time to feed huh??

<font color="ff0000">flower></font>
wah...okie...mmmm... ur baby ok then ok loh..
coz most people say bb before full month shouldnt bring out la.. no good..exactly why i also dunno..
and for u..dun take care and rest, next time old then u'll feel the effects..
very impt to rest and take care of our back...so that wont have backache..
if u having #2, please get a good confinement done to make up....

yah..my CL did tell me that the pigeon bottles are too thick to be warmed up fast..
so she pour into milk bottles and warm it up...

<font color="ff0000">Sarah></font>
hehe..up to u la..its ur breasts.

<font color="ff0000">Pam></font>
ooh.okie..so u actually typed out what the book says ah??
faint...so long... hehe..thanks thanks..

<font color="ff0000">Gina></font>
wah.. u are 5-6cm already...contractions intense???
u still waiting for water bag to burst ah??/
as long ur baby still healthy inside then ok loh. but too long labor will cause baby to be in distress, then dun end up with emer c-sect hor..

<font color="ff0099">rach</font>
I wore a glamourmom tank and just latch bb on lah. Of cos I sit somewhere slightly away from the guests cos the older folk feel uncomfy watching me BF.
I guess they're not used to seeing other ppl's boobs being sucked on.

Although due to the tank, most of them didn't realise I was nursing. They just thought I was cradling the bb to calm him down.
They only found out when they came to talk to me or to see the bb. Hurhurhur.
<font color="ff0000">shelled></font>
wah.. so good ah??? its so ambiguous ah??
hehhe... okok.. then i try this sun.. ho ho ho...

<font color="ff0000">Steph></font>
abt $35 include shipping and local postage...
Hi mommies to-be,

I am a july mummy.
would like to let go 2boxes of pigeon breast pad(36+6) and tollyjoy (40+8) at $15.
I have one PureLan (1.3oz) to let go @$12 (brand new), market price is $19.

Please PM me if you are interested.
Hi everyone!!

Me very long din post liao. Natelie is now on FM. I gave up on BF liao.

Very busy nowadays as need to cook as well. Natelie is a super fussy bb when she not sleeping. After stopping BM then i realise she is just fussy. Daytime will only sleep if i carry her in a sling. Put down she wakes up. Wah liow, no need do hsework liao. :p

Nitetime, she still ok. Now then i realise last time she wants to suckle just for comfort. Urgh!!!
Your case similar to mine. wasted 1 day at delivery suite. my gynae put in half tablet of medicine to soften my cervic. contraction came every 10 mins but bearable. after midnight contraction gone. i understand can insert another half pill after 6 hrs but he din. until next morning he broke my water bag and drip water. contraction came very fast and i delivery within few hrs... sigh...
i'll just shave my boy's hair, don't think will shave his eyebrows

during the full month celebration, i'll just latch. don't care about the guests lah, they can entertain themselves with the food

popped liao?
<font color="119911">flower4</font>
No time to pump. no time to eat. I'm so sleepy. He simply refuses to sleep. Keep wanting to latch, duno if he's hungry or just wanna suck. I found that he's sucking and drinking, but maybe I dun have enuff milk for him ba. My mum insisted on giving him the pacifier last nite. sigh.. I'm v upset, initially dun wanna give pacifier adn FM but now I have to give both. Cos I'm at my wits' ends. Right now, I'm leaving him to cry, see if he'll stop. At nite, when my mum comes over, she'll nag and nag that Ian is crying and wanna give him FM and this and that.. sighh...
Everyone/Anyone> My boy poo poo after almost every feed, including at night! So I'm a zombie now.. night time still feed ar 2 hours interval, and will poo poo sometimes even during the feed! Faintz...

When will baby have a 1-poo/day routine? I'm sick of changing diapers.. he sometimes can poo somemore when I am changing his soiled diaper!

Gina> Hope you've delivered by now? Actually breaking water bag is not that painful... it will hasten the contractions and cervix dilation I think! All the best!

Rach> I've sorted things out with Mona! I sms her to explain why I could not take her the other time, so she understood! :D Hopefully my next baby (if there is gonna be a #3!!!) can use her, but I will definitely be good and book EARLY!

hui chern> It's ok if you can't BF anymore. FM is a good alternative, especially if you find yourself looking after your gal better! :D

By the way, how you sling her? I have both the sling type (ala MIM) and the baby pouch... but afraid the sling I cannot take care of her neck leh... still no support.. so you slot the whole of the baby in?

Shelled> I'm excited to receive my glamormum top from you! :D But I think I will not BF during the full month.. the relatives will freak out big time!

Shelled/mama to 6Js> I also dun wanna my boy to be ciscumcised.. but hubby insists, so well, just go with him.

flower4> I'm also not doing real proper confinement! But my MIL does cook the confinement food for me.. but I drink plain water anyhow! And bathe everyday. :D And have been making short trips to nearby malls, but cannot go far cos my boy poo poo everytime.. very vexing...

As for latching, my boy latches on for about 20 min each breast.. and can tahan for at least 1 hour, but he cannot empty breast cos I can still feel the fullness. So I will take the time to quickly pump out the milk, and there is some milk! I think half the time he is suckling is just for fun, or to go to sleep..
Congrate to all September mummies!

Recommend LipoContour slimming undergarment OR/AND LanaForm Slimming Pants to flatten your Tummy, Reduce Cellulite and to Trim / Tone your Thigh.

Act fast! Don't wait till it becomes stubborn layer.

More product information can be found at www.ITSI.com.sg

Yes, my boy is with me at home these 2 months, didn't send him to school cos hubby can't send him and fetch him from school due to his work schedule, so I might as well save the 1 hour sending him to and fro, and save me $$ too :)

I also don't do cleaning anymore. We used to do it ourselves, but just engaged a part time cleaner few months ago, and it's great, the very precious 4 hours can be better spent with our kids!

Both our families are in Malaysia, and we don't have any relative here. So we have no help at all here. After my mum goes back in 3 weeks time, the real challenge only begins then. Right now, we are doing very well with 1 super active tod and 1 very cooperative baby at home, plus I have a supermom!!! Beside a good cook, my mum is very good with baby. If my baby cries, just pass to her, baby stops crying in a few minutes :) And she is forever patience and never nag, just let me do whatever I want (that's why I can practice my modern confinement :)). My boy was very jealous of his little sis, but has seen improved a lot and he is loving his sister more and more now. Everything just works out fine for us :)
<font color="ff0000">Steph></font>
hahaha..thats order via online.. Shelled was the one who ordered for us previously..
however, i've just managed to get a good deal from my supplier..
only thing is need to wait 3-4 weeks thereabouts coz they dun ship directly to her..and only via vpost..
dunno why...
so.. its a longer wait.. but much much cheaper...
PM me ur number? i've JUST sent those mummies that i haev their contact the good deal..

<font color="ff0000">Chern></font>
so ur milk supply totally gone liaoz?? nothing at all le??

<font color="ff0000">waiwai></font>
okie...coz my CL was asking me to bring alot of EBM there..she was saying "you where got time to feed? no need to entertain guests?"
then i was saying..heck care them la..they can come and entertain themselves.. when i need to feed, i need to feed.. wahhaha...

<font color="ff0000">LIL JADE></font>
thats normal.. i just put in the new diaper and before i can fasten it.. Pppuuutttt....another puddle of shit came out..

hahaha.. u still sms Mona and explain to her ah.. hahaha...she called u back or what??? hehehhee...

<font color="ff0000">Glamourmom Nursing Tanks></font>
those who are interested, pls PM me ur mobile number, i'll sms u the details..
closing date for orders: 4th oct Sunday 10pm.
Hi Mummies,

I had my 1st massage today. not bad, recommended by my my friend @ $600 for 7 sessions.

Lil Jade,
I heard it's normal for bb to poop every yime he was fed especially if bb is on breastfeed.

Any mummies had done bb full mth celebration already and got nice and delicious buffet to recommend?
I'm using Angeli catering. I find their food tasty.. esp. their rendang. I used them for my wedding reception and am also using them for my bb's full month.

Anyone has any nice nursing tops/bra shops/websites to recommend. I seriously need to get some tops.

Very depressed. My tummy has gone down to pre-pregnancy.. But my boobs/chest area and thigh area have expanded. All my pretty pre-pregnancy dresses, can zip till the bust area .. Any idea on whether after breastfeeding, our breast will become smaller or chest area decrease in size? If it won't I would want to clear the old clothes.. But if the chest area can reduce, then i will keep the clothes. cause I understand that during pregnancy, our ribcage expanded...
<font color="ff0099">rach</font>
You try to BF during full month wearing Glamourmom then you come back &amp; report!!

<font color="ff0099">hui chern</font>
You gave BFing your best shot! Don't feel too upset about it.

<font color="ff0099">Lil Jade</font>
Erm... I haven't mailed yours out yet leh. Cos I only received your trf ytd mah. Later I will go drop in mailbox, you should receive it by Tues.

<font color="ff0099">Kam</font>
Your mom sounds fabulous! I wish I also have supermom to help me out sometimes.

<font color="ff0099">enxuan</font>
Boobs should go back down to former size after a few mths of BFing. But sometimes don't go back to exact former size. Could be still slightly bigger than before, sometimes even slightly smaller!
I have friends who swear their boobs are even smaller than pre-preg!
As for me, I went back to exact same size for my chest area, but my tummy... *sigh* You should be very happy that your tummy has gone down to pre-preg!!
<font color="ff0000">enxuan></font>
give me ur email??
i send u the nursing top we are spreeing now....

<font color="ff0000">shelled></font>
how how??
u ordering glamourmom from what i sms u??

i'll wear but think i'll go into the room to latch leh... think old folks will freak out.. hahaha... areola can be seen also leh... paiseh..
it will go back to pre preg size, don't worry.

Mummies who have more than 2 kids now, can you please advise me when the jealousy behaviour will pass? I get quite upset seeing my boy so jealous. Have tried my best to spend time with him whenever the younger one is sleeping or if someone else is tending to her. But my toddler is still very jealous everytime he sees me carrying or nursing her. He tries to hit her head whenever he sees me carrying her! And he keeps asking me to let the maid carry her instead.

On another topic, last night, I finally had a decent night's sleep. My toddler didn't sleep much in the afternoon so by 8pm, he was knocked out. The baby also fell asleep at about 8. I went to bed at 9.30pm. Next feed was 11pm, then 2pm, 4.50pm and 7.15am. Each time, she latched for abt 30min with minimal fussing. That gave me about 7 1/2 hrs of sleep in total! I'm feeling so fresh today!
<font color="Ff0099">mamijoan</font>
Just a suggestion lah, I hope you don't get offended. Maybe you really should pass the baby to the maid instead? After all, the babies have no sense of jealousy and will still be pacified regardless of who carries her. But our older ones... they will feel jealous and they will start to get cranky and all.

Congrats on getting 7.5hrs of sleep!! I've been clocking in about 3-4hrs or so only. Starting to zombify from all the accumulated lack of sleep already. Can't wait for tmr so that my hubs can take over the boys and I can sleep in late!! I've been zombie-ing the whole week since Monday!!

decor.. i cant really remember. But I believe its the standard type of decor. Portion wise, quite alot.. would say got leftovers that type. As for taste, good. All my guest like the taste.

hmm.. in this case, I better keep my clothes first... see if can wear them at a later time not. i am one of those woman who is unsatisfied with with breast.. hehe.
You don't one lah, cos yourself is already a supermum mah :)

I will make you all very jealous, cos since day 1, I have been sleeping almost like usual, cos my baby is very easy at nights, wake up once or twice only for less than 30min and that's it. Once it's passed 7am, after my mum wakes up and done with her chores, I pass my baby to her, and sometime my boy, and I can sleep till 8-9am. And when I am awake, homecook breakfast is ready for me. Isn't my mum a supermum :)

How old is your tod? My boy got over the jealousy stage already. What I did was I make sure his routine was not broken, so that he won't feel left out. And attend to his requests as much as I can. And try to introduce baby to him more often, let him carry, let him kiss, etc. Now my boy even demands to carry his meimei everyday. Good luck with that!
i had the same prob also,my first boy jealous with 2nd one,two days ago he hit my 2nd boy with the small car...i try not to show my temper,i just carry my 2nd boy away..i find the more i show tat i'm angry the more he try to hurt the brother.very stress cant afford to leave my 2nd boy ard when my no.1 is ard.
If im not wrong, u ever mentioned that EBM cannot be mix? eg: pump 50ml at 12pm later 50ml at 2pm. i need to put it in the fridge to have the same temperture 1st then mix? cos my girl need 60ml.
yes. u need to keep the 12pm in the fridge, then 2pm in the fridge.. at 4pm or 5pm, then u mix both together for a feed..
U gals have sore nipples all the time? Not sure if I set the suction on my pump too high. My nipples can't bear to be touched. Not during shower, drying, being brushed by Sam, etc!
Hi mummies!

Hope everyone is doing fine! been reading the thread silently n gaining so much information... thks all for sharing!

So far.. i'm doing fine.. just that didi kept wanting to be carried recently.. saw that he is asleep.. wanna put him down.. only the backside touch e bed onli.. head still in my arms he already cry! Faintz... Can i know what slings u all brought that is suitable for NB? Tot of buying one... in case can use at hme or after confinement go out then use also..

And also... did anyone of u brought waistband extender previously? which brand is gd? asking for my frien..
Jul! today so free ar? hehe actually i hate pumping.. always make my nipples so sore... but nw will try to pump out twice lo.. i will use one hand to massage while pumping so that I wont feel my nipple being 'pulled' but after the pumping still will find them abit sore compare to latching on..

Mine is sensitive too... My cousin actually told me it'll "toughen" in time.

I jump sometimes when I accidentally brush against it when I'm pumping another breast. XD
<font color="ff0099">Sarah</font>
Rach is right. But depending on your fridge, usually chill for about 1hr can mix them together already. No need wait 2-3 hrs lah. You might wanna test how long it takes to chill your BM by putting a glass of water in the fridge, then 1 hr later dip your finger inside see chilled already or not. Cannot test with EBM, otherwise wasted through contamination. :p

<font color="Ff0099">Jul</font>
Xiaojie, welcome back!! So you're still persevering at BFing? *hugs* You're so determined that it's scary, ok? I really 佩服 you lor!

I heard from jenifur if suction set too high, nipples will be sore. She said if using electric pump, should set on the lowest first, then gradually turn up the suction. Otherwise your nipples cannot take it. You try?
<font color="ff0099">Katherine</font>
I have the Lucky Baby and PUPSIK pouch. Both I find quite good. Don't like the MIM type of sling cos I hate fumbling with the buckle and all.
HELLO Mummies, Daddies, jie jies &amp; kor kors! My name is Angelyne! I was born this morning at 0228am..

Mummy had natural delivery without epidural!!! Waterbag burst at 1250 and then everything came very fast!!!

Mummy wonders if the delivery suite is sound-proof... because she was screaming her lungs out...

Anyway, I am on TBF (hungry baby) and weigh 3180g, am 50cm tall, head circumference is 33cm
Hi Mummies
Suppose almost all mummies given birth already and BUSY tending to bbs...
me too exhausted....

those bbs need to carry can try putting them in yaolan, or try step by step in releasing sleep with them then release them on bed then slowly walk away

mummies , jiayou!!

It's normal for the nipples to be slightly elongated after pumping... right?

Everytime I wear back my Nursing bra with the breast pad... I need to "Handle with care" >.<

And... Keep using the breast pad can be such a waste no? Must keep using it so we won't wet our clothes ya?
<font color="aa00aa">GINA</font>
Congrats girl!!! Finally little princess has arrived!!!!! THink your delivery like mine.. after waterbag burst, baby out 2hrs+ later... :) free update your birth story and pix ok! :) CHEERS! Rest well... you managed to do it without epidural.. *claps* You rely on laughing gas only??? She's even heavier and longer than my baby at birth!!!
