(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs


i really envy u. i wished my dog can run freely in sg. unlike yours... running in the woods, so nice! she's not been to obedience school, but i train her myself and she's quite a good gal, though very playful and active at a senior age of 8yrs old. i'm able to recall her anytime. unfortunately in sg, we cannot off leash the dog unless we're in a dog run.


I added the app for RC, But I don't know why I cannot access it.. !@#$


Oh!! No wonder she's been giving me "the eyes" whenever she sees me...XD

Will ask hubby to bring baby clothes home for her to sniff...^^

Any other mummies with FB? Email please? ^^
just booking only...they never collect $$ for my booking...
only need to pay when u admit and the deposit is $1k for 2-bedder...
u afraid of dark and alone?
then why take 1-bedder?

ESH will give a tub, pampers & wet wipes & maternity pads(balance to bring home if any),
a diaper bag(with samples from companies eg.bb wash, magazine etc..)
all these are inclusive in our bill ...

Not only RC is giving me problems... Pet society too!

I have no idea why my page goes blank whenever I click on the app...

Kinda pisses me off... T^T
MT A also give the GREEN tub and balances of pampers, wipes etc... only need to bring own pyjamas and bb discharge home wear...
the rest is personal usage such as ur own facial wash etc...Bring extra pads this is subjective coz mine use up very fast.. they only provide 1pack i think 10pc then finish abt in a day...
Because 1 bedder my hb can stay right?????? I have a big family.. and my dad and FIL always TALK until SUPER LOUD as if everyone is DEAF. So i don't want to get unnecessary complaints from the other bed.
pamelia - have u update ur latest flash player
Then also this 2 games need a good ram to run otherwise it takes ages to run these two programs!
Nothing is free actually... hahaa.. they say FREE but the other side of the bill increase.. so same.

u have any idea roughly how much the bill will be like say 3D2N 1-bedder Normal Delivery? I wanna know the estimated...
Princess - oic... i had instruct no one to visit me unless is necessary to bring me things... wahahahahah i prefer my peace... even my hubby i also ask him not to come but stay home to prepare for bb return like their bed and necessities... and get my hubby to rest as much as possible during that few days and once i return heehee he had to do all the washing and changing........That what i think lar.. coz at hospital u dun need much to do except rest and rest and rest, sleep and sleep and sleep, bf and bf and bf... But once u got home u must carry bb urself change the diaper and change the clothing and bath bb... in hospital FOOD serve to ur BED!!!!
Agree with you. It's really tough to find places to let your dog run freely in Sg and there are quite a lot of people who are afraid of dogs. It's probably dog paradise here, in fact dogs are more welcomed than children.. haha. They can take trains and buses, stay in hotels and go shopping with you too. Quite cool for dog lovers!

Downside to all this.. I have watch out for aggressive dogs owned by psycho people. My dog got bitten by an American bulldog (owner looked like a drug dealer) when he was young and that dog broke my dog's arm into HALF! By the time we got there, my dog's ass was in that 60kg dog's mouth. He went through 2 surgeries (were super expensive) and luckily he is fine now.

My dog is very ting tong one.. so has to go to school!
He's starting to calm down a bit now that he has passed puppyhood.

What type of dog do you have? She seems so intuitive!
it's IMPOSSIBLE for me to INSTRUCT people not to come especially my in laws and family. I know i want to rest but i know very hard. But i will tell my hb that each time i BF... i just want EVERYONE except HIM to be out of the room. It's my PRIVACY. My hb is to keep me company and help me. I also want peace but it's really IMPOSSIBLE.
How come she only needs to stay for 2D1N? I know here I can actually do outpatient delivery. Just go to hospital to give birth, then after that, check out and go home! Crazy hor!
3 Days $1,920(mum) $390(bb) $2,310(total)

this is what i get from the package list...
this is not inclusive of gynae fees...
my hb knws that especially now i am pregnant...i don't want to be disturbed means don't want to be disturbed.. i told him that durin confinement and pregnancy, i don't want to flare up for nothing.. so i just hope they don't come and disturb me iritate me unnecessarily. I just want to rest and enjoy as much as i can. LOLS. cos some peopl always deliberately want to make me angry.....

hmm... cos her gynae says she is fine.. so what for waste another day money.... my this gynae is the same as hers... always help us to save money...
Pamelia - ops ... suppose not the flash drive issue... i run at home also slow but run in office very fast...

Princess - suppose the gynae fees is subjective, my gynae charges me onli $250 for 4days of visits but when i visit him no packages de...
Hmmm when come to irrate me things even my mum nor my dad also cannot stand me i juz say straight at their face and tell them back off.. but still they are my parents so they still show tons of concern still... relative who come and give me tons of irrating SUGGUESTION will get it from me wahahahaha suppose that y i got lesser and lesser friends !!!!

oh, yours also 8 yrs old? hehe.. dun let my gal hear u say 8 yrs old is old obachan. i suspect she still thinks she's cute and sexy.


gosh! that sounds like a very nightmarish situation your dog got into. i think i would have totally freaked out, screamed and probably cry if another dog broke my dog's arm in half. :/ mines a cocker spaniel. she's my hubs darling... sometimes i suspect he loves the dog more then me. ahhaa.. if i let him have his way, he'd even put her up on the bed to sleep with us.

yes, it says include gynae's professional fees. but remember, this is juz an average guide. some gynaes differ alot in pricing.

earlier the link is for Csec, u can click below for other procedures such as normal delivery etc.


for medisave, if i remember correctly, can claim up to $3200.

You have mail. =)


I've checked forums and there are actually many people having this problem... Dang..

My dog thinks she's cute and still pretty and young...

She still acts like a clown at times.. Just like when I just had her as a pup.

Just this morning she skidded on the wet patio and gave me a scare... She looked like she was Ice skating!

Old already.. She can't afford to break any bones... And she's too heavy for me to carry to the doctors too!
Hahah Talking abt dogs.. i be one of those that will run far far away... phobia of dogs.. fury and almost all animals... including fish... i such useless...

without friends and family (other than hub) with u, ur ding dong doggie sounds like someone fun to be with...without him, think u muz be very bored right??

lucky he is fine...no wonder he didn't chase those wild boars, once bitten twice shy, his butt in another doggie's mouth muz haf scared him out of his wit...scared butt might ended up in wild boars' mouth....

anyway, i always think its fun and relaxing with someone ding dong, be it pet or friends...
corsage> oh pls... i was never tht slim. u're definitely smaller.

Delfine> i also been flying around. whtever la.

anyway i found this, it's also part of the Rock Your Baby series, but from another website. SO CUTE!!!!!! i have to have it!

Oh my I can't keep track of this thread already =P

I have to keep this series in mind if I ever have a son in the future!!

OOO by the way which mummies work in raffles place or tanjong pagar har?? Next Wednesay i'm free for lunch ler...

My dog thinks she's cute and still pretty and young...

She still acts like a clown at times.. Just like when I just had her as a pup.

Just this morning she skidded on the wet patio and gave me a scare... She looked like she was Ice skating!

Old already.. She can't afford to break any bones... And she's too heavy for me to carry to the doctors too!
i stay clear of animals too, whether it's dogs, cats, hamsters, tortoises or anything, yes even fish.

i must take breakfast everyday, else i'll feel "wrong". i start with a cup of milk in the morning. then for breakfast proper, sometimes i take bread: 4-5 slices of either raisin bread or tuna sandwich. if i can't get bread for the day, i'll buy bee hoon/noodles and add 1-2 side ingredients. weekends i'll take fishball noodles.

realized i gained 8+kg already, when i weighed myself in the clinic today. hahaa, all the while, i thought i gained 4+kg only. but it's okay, i feel pretty healthy still.

detailed scan,
had mine today. baby weighs 387g at 21weeks+, sonographer said it's on the low-medium end. but i'm not worrying lah, cos all these measurements are just estimations. i'm sure bb's weight gain will pick up in time to come. i had my digicam, and took a 14sec short clip of the bb on the screen! compared to #1, this bb is a wee bit shy-er.

detailed scan - woah. like that consider low-medium end? meaning a littl light? Like that mine low end le. Really hope everything is fine.

Your gynae allows u to take video of the screen???? so good.... wanted to try doing that... but KKH sonographer so FIerce.
will add u when i go home k... no access to email in office

i work in raffles place, can meet u for lunch next wed... i've met huishan too.. see if she wanna join us..

so u still dont know ur bb's gender ar..
sandwich> i think i may be understating the 8kg. truth is i don't know how many kilo i gain already. but happy and healthy can la...

corsage> actually got female range also... so cute right! i will order it.

My hubby keeps asking all you mummies to patronize our salon... XD

He always asks me, " Why you so active here? "

I told him " Make more friends and learn more things Plus share information! "

We're shifting out of our old shop in Toa Payoh soon, And we're also scouting for a new area...

Would you mummies give us a shot?

I promise I won't make you look old.. =3

( I hope that after delivery, 1 month of rest is all I need to get back to work. XD )

Yes we're a salon.

We're currently looking into a few areas to relocate to. Hopefully accessible to all.

And if the area is big enough, we will have a nail spa corner too~

I will keep everyone posted on our whereabouts~ ^^

no prob, will sms back after i check my email k..

are ur charges high? i'm very cheapskate one.. been patronising this neighbourhood salon since young and cheap and gd. so far result still not bad, haven't end up like auntie yet.. but then, most of the time i do rebonding cos lazy to manage my hair.. haha

my hb also ask me come in forum so active for wat.. i say make frens lor and get some knowledge from experienced mummies here.. hehe
