(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs


Me gog Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima & suateng areas like Takayama & Kakunodate. Hope I can catch sakura in Kakunodat coz that's in the north & hopefully bloom later.


Thanks! I wun be able to go anywhere on ML, I foresee. HAha the Swensens kids promo lagi too soon for me to get.


Think a lot of mothers have been grabbing sterlisers, bb cots, strollers etc items. I din get those big ticket items coz I have hand me downs.

You drink very frequent? Don't take too often leh. SO far i only drank a total of 3 bottles. My mum bought 2 boxes. I still have lots to drink.. so maybe i drink 2-3 times a month then. LOL!

I also don't really trust the myths all those... haa.. unless i read in somewhere it's like kinda scientic proven then maybe i will believe a little more... wahaha.... but seriously it's really fate lor....
rest well... few days later going for another check, this time maybe can see baby gender liao leh... i am so excited and worried at the same time for tml's check up...
Thks for the pics, haha very cute
I wish my regional dir will shut up & stop bothering me urgh. He is so fake, always act act . :p

Morning everyone TGIF !!!
sandwich.. cannot ley.. it's supposed to be for kids 4-12 yrs old.. our #1 less than one mth diff
Jul> for your case.. will be 10 x 7 + 19 - 31 = 58 ==> girl..
hehe.. so u are born in 1978 one issit??

cloudme> yeah.. u are right.. u are in a way considered to be born in 1979 where most people are goat...
Coz need to use lunar age..using the year of the animal is the most accurate.. hahaha... so last year goats are supposed to be 30.

Kat> but the application form only applies to kids who are already born rite?? hahahaha... too bad.. ours not out till Sept.. hahaha.. :p

Jul> hahah..my mum making maternity dress for me now.. hahaha..she's sewing at the machine... hehehehe.. :p
Reminds me of the times when i was less than 10 yo... mummy always make dresses for me to wear.. so cute ones.. hahahaha....
I hope i wont look too kiddy now.. hahahaha.. with the pokka dots cloth.. hahahah.. :p

Gathering> are we still gonna gather??
mothers.. if you can come for gathering.. at least give me some days or timings that you prefer??? like any particular days preference or cannot make it on particular days???

else how to plan??? hehehe.. :p
rach >

I am available anytime le.. but hv to go budget place ar.. dun go too ex.. if nt hubby complain.. =)

central would be good eh

i stay at pioneer station area .. west side
hi mums, need some advice here on playpens and cot. They seems to serve the same purpose. But a cot is much more expensive than a playpen. Just saw a robinson sale on newspaper, a cot selling for $298.

Thinking whether to go get the cot or not. Hubby don't want to buy anything now yet. Says sure have other promos later, why buy so early.
Sheryn> okok... we'll see the ones coming...and decide where's the most convenient for all..

Any suggestions on place?? hehehe.. budget is how much?? $20??

maybe its i nv go bird park tts y cant see clearly ytd eh!! haha


chen family oredi zi soon man tang lo.. its like everywhere le rite?? =)

some bb cots can convert to playpen also.. so i thk more worthwhile to get cots.. but some bbs dun like to sleep in cot.. so hv to find ways to pian them to sleep in it till they get use to it..

I saw the Rocio cotbed some of us got.. at Kiddy Palace.. but i thk they dun come with the same freebies as wat we got from the taka baby fair.. same price somemore.. then i thk taka bb dept will stl be selling the rocio cotbed.. even after the fair bah.. i thk this model has been selling for many years le.. it must be quite worthwhile tts y stl sold at stores till now.. =)


yeah maybe.. cos my doc say eat what i feel like eating.. so i just eat what i wan lo.. but my sil says cannot eat mac ice cream.. cannot eat those soft ice cream.. then i also nv eat pineapple.. other than that i stl eat alittle of each lo.. i eat alot of fruits.. grapes apples pears watermelon.. usually these few..

Rayanne pronounce as (ray-anne? or Ra-Yanne?) quite nice.. Ryan common.. but i thk nice..so might stl use it..

my prolacta is 60 capsules 60bucks leh.. damn ex rite??

hahah.. the scans blurry this time..so not easy to see also..

anyway, no need to go meternity tour separately.. cos the antenatal class will bring us ard during the last lesson or wat.. so no need to go separately lo..


yeah my gynae damn gao xiao rite!! he very humorous one.


yeah..now i am free from Housework!!! yeah.. for the next few days! yeah.. i shall wait patiently for next sat to come.. tmr its ur turn!!! Hope u get to know!!!!

I might be going to eat meatballs at Ikea later in the evening.. I craving for it now.. hee.. Hubby says see how later.. hahaha
me here lah...

RE:lunar age...
my mum always said i lost out to those born in dec...
cos i go to school later haiz...
ai yah no choice rite...kekeke
rach >

central can go some cafes or wat.. we can go for afternoon tea u noe.. thou we cant drink tea now.. hahaa afternoon snapple also good.. then those who wan to eat cakes got cakes one.. maybe go somewhere got mothercare or wat nearby one. is there one at marina square? quite big one? so after tea can go jalan jalan together n see bb stuff.. or somethg like tt bah..

i totally not interesting hahaha.. sounds like some tai tais drink 下午茶 like tt..
Sheryn> i think pears, watermelon and grapes not so good.. dun eat so much of those... watermelon very liang..thats why maybe the cramps.... safe fruits would be like apples... hahah...
Oranges also very liang..and some say may cause bb to have asthma in future.. so dun take orange or orange juice...

Rayanne we prefer the pronunciation of "ray-yan"
ray-anne very rigid sounding.. ra-yan very rough.. haha.. so ray-yan.. more "yan" feeling so more girl.. hahaha.. :p

If boy we'll name Rayner or Raydon.. ahahhaa.... but thats #2.. hehehehe..

wah.. then my prolacta cheaper.. one day how many u take? box write 1.. gynae says 2.. my fren told me when she see the same doc for #1.. same brand.. also asked to take 1 only.. so now she dun care.. also take 1... can last 2 month instead of 1 month leh.. wah lao... heheh..

oh okay.. u finished the antenatal class already??? when u booked for huh??

My fren at Mt A took pics leh.. she said can take ah.. nobody stop them.. just cannot video.. but i was thinking.. nobody inside would be free to bother we taking video or not also.. hahaahhaa....

cloudme> hahaha. yah.. coz u goat.. but u born in Jan..
Joey is not female's name meh?? Mmmm.....

Sheryn> Mmm.. i dun mind.. not everyone can make it in afternoon u know.. hahahah...

let's set a date... i gg Genting 31st - 2nd April.... so maybe week after next? heheh. :p

Mami clothes gosh.. i didnt know the Alpha processed my 1st order.. i didnt even reply her or pay her.. why would she order?? faint..... i no $$ to pay her liaoz la... and my fav 2 pieces no stock... the rest.. i just choose to make up the numbers.. siaoz....
rach. hehe e swensens promo is for mummies w kids >4yrs old la.. if nt got niece/nephew also can help them apply ma

4 more hrs to wkend for me!!

wah e mami clothes so jia lat one? hmm.. nw i considering if i wanna order from her liao or not.. U tell her u nver confirm lo.. n since u nver pay money tell her u dun wan?

joopz.. i dont think alot of parents will let bb sleep in playpen? esp during the night time.. afternoon nap maybe yes, but night time no ba..

sheryn.. u fortunate gal.. can go out for afternoon tea during wkdays ya.. haiz.. i wish i can be like tai tais drink 下午茶 also but too bad.. can only drink lipton tea in office
Kat> hahahaha.. okie...

Mmm.. ya loh.. i dun think i'll transfer the funds to her... but i did confirm my orders initially.. but she replied back with no stock.. so since no stock of some.. and i happened to not log in for few days. why would i expect her to order??

faint.. now she says arrive.. i faint loh....
wow.. rach .. tt's quite exp compare to NUH's? Cos i remm jul was saying detail scan is only 1/3 of oscar..

anyway to all shopaholics mummies.. 20% storewide @ Metro Paragon 6pm - 11pm.. happy shopping!
Kat> oscar is $380... so detailed scan is $126... it is 1/3 ah.... how much was ur OSCAR??
u did OSCAR or triple blood test?? its different leh..
my oscar at NUH only $214 ley.. errr.. triple blood test is for? hw's e procedure like..no ley.. mine is scan alot then chk for bb's neck.. then got do blood test also.. tt is oscar rite? Or i'm wrong??! Sotong like anything.. haiz..

so i expect my FA to be less than $100 ley
woah you all seems like having some strong cravings.. i don't have lor.. before pregnant i always crave to eat this and that.. now i don't really... ): sometimes think of what to eat think until want to ki siao like that... -.-

I really hope tml i can get to know my gender... hahahaa... really really hope... but i will be wk15 only.... scare the gynae say difficult..
Ai ya, I'm running a slight temperature. I called my gynae, she told me I can take 2 paracetamol tablets (500mg), 3 times a day.

But I read on the internet that it's not too good to take medicine so I'm now trying to drink more fluids to bring my temperature down.

Furthermore, from internet sources, I shouldn't let the temperature exceed 39 degrees celcius else it will be harmful for the baby.

Sigh, I do feel extremely pathetic now.

Yeah me 1978. So the formula sala for me liao.

So good, ur mum can make dress! I cannot even sew button or make hem alterations w/o struggling haha.

Gathering ah.. I am on! Me wun be ard from 17 Apr, so prefeably shd be before that, or in May liao. Me ok with $20 budget. Shd be able to go to places like Crystal Jade, Swensens, Cafe Cartel etc. I wud of course prefer Orchard area if on weekdays haha.
hehe.. glad tt gynae refer me to NUH then..

new mtb.. mayb u try to take one and see if it works? Think one shld be ok ba.. then u drink lots n lots of water..

congrats mamato6s for the gd results..

time seems to pass so slow after lunch.. nw can feel abit of cramp.. dun know what's bb doing inside..

wah rach, u're gd lo.. if i were u.. i think i'll hve faint from hunger.. 10+ till now no food?
new MTB,

Agree with jul, better take panadol before the fever really gets going. Then you'll have a harder time trying to lower it. Maybe take 1 panadol 3 times instead of 2. Do take care!
Jul> okok.. keep u in mind.. so now we have Sheryn & Jul interested it gathering.. haha..

weekdays city hall area can or not?? hehehe.. :p u can make it after what time..

hahaha..my mum gave up..she been on it whole afternoon... i think she rusty liaoz.. she havent been making dresses for me for 10 over years.. she made one... Mmm.. i told her.. maybe wear at home or as pyjamas loh.. hehehe.. its sooo different from the ones she made for me when young..she also laughed at herself for being too ambitious.. hehhehe.. i think she will try to improve and make something decent for me.. hehehe.. :p

Wah.. i love cafe cartel....

Mmmm... Cafe Cartel at PS can or not????
Kat> hahaa.. Mmm.. i think just now dunno what time i did take a few mouthful of carrot cake left over from my mum... maybe 12plus 1plus??? and i dun really feel hungry.. but the most impt thing is.... i very lazy to go down.. dunno what to eat also.. mayeb i go buy Mac... hahahahaha.....

hehheh.. excuses ah.. anyway, I was reading the thread and managed to finish 3 slices of pizza before I realised.. OOPS!
at times i also dun take lunch cos had heavy brunch at 10 plus am but i will eat fruits during tea break and have early dinner. i think my weight gain gettg v rapid these 2 weeks! dunno why, i eat as per normal leh not excessive.
Hey Jul,

Sounds like a plan! But go with PIL..romantic meh? hehheh. You guys doing it free and easy? It's a pity that you have to forgo some Japanese food! You know how crowded the trains are during rush hour. When I was there for exchange, there was a pregnant lady having MS on the train, and the train was packed like sardines..body to body. Suddenly she threw up and being very Japanese, you know what she did? She tried to swallow her puke back leh!! YUCKS lor!!! Well, I guess the other people wouldn't be too happy either to have puke on their suits though..hahah.. but poor thing right?

Hi Rach,

I tried your formula already. LMP:1 Dec, Lunar age: 32. So even.. correct? So girl right? I tell you if it is correct or not next wed..heh
