(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

It's low grade n he still running ard

Yeah I hope so!! I want him to be like M&K
Hee...but he doesn't like the taste
Wondering if the well kid one tastes better?
sharon:: huh? wat ting like M&K????
choi.. mine r girls can! LOL~

aiya.. my girls oso hv been sick leh. sigh... we were supposed to start CC on mon.. but postponed (back) to 4/4 nw le.. cos they sick mah. since last dec.. they really hv been sick alot of times oso leh! sigh.

i tink my girls prefer the one u bought to well kid de. cm to tink of it... prolly this well kid de not so good leh. like..ya.. prolly i go n try others!

then it shld still okie.. could be really the teethin tat affect the immunity level..

as compared, denson's fever is always few days kind.. more stressful..
random:: looking at my older post..n cm across my honeymoon pics.....
-_____-" so depressing! although not very slim n sexy before....but at least... not like so out-of-shape now!!! ):
morning mummies!

am very happy now just received a call from SJCK that they confirmed my boy for Prenursery Playgroup next year so I dun have to go around looking for any CC/PG anymore! YEAH!
sharon:: hw? your today's assignment gao dim already not? lol~

wah.. i look back at those post... quite sad really....quite pretty at some point... but now, really..not oni figure gone case..the look oso different liao! had some good laughs thou..
hehehe.. that's your agenda today. your colleagues must be tinking y ur so busy today! haha.

random: saw this post.. hahaha~
the lady caller : hello..shirley, it's auntie...

ME : (didn't hear clearly..) sorry?

the lady caller : it's auntie.. you can't recognise my voice?

ME : errrrrrrrrrrrrh.. no! sorry, who's that???

the lady caller : auntie. it's auntie arh.....

ME : (huh) WHICH auntie??????

the lady caller : (-.-|||) AUNTIE arrh.. your mother-in-law!!

ME : (still trying to make that up...) (FAINT!!!) OH!!!!!! Auntie~~~~~ sorry sorry! i really couldn't recognise your voice!!!! (wuehehehehehe..)

the lady caller : .....
I pray for shayna to get a slot for that kindy asap too!!

I understand the anxiety of on the waitlist...damn sianz!
oh.. ya.. the ting.. she called from her offc landline... hw wld i noe her no arh!!! lol~ really damn paiseh la... but at the point when i asked "which auntie".. i was abit impatient n buey song tone..hahhahahaha...
sharon:: smtimes those pasar malam or kiosk in shopping mall might hv. last time my sis bought 2 pairs for M&K.. with a strap at the back de.... let me go ask her whr she got it frm.
Kiki : you use the packet roti prata with what sauce ? in supermarket any brand I can buy and how u prepare it ?

Need advise

Normally if teething need how long
haha..jst sms her and she said labour 5hrs only.
and yes its early april.
so its a aries boy. very clever and attractive one for aries.
Hi all, I also pergt with #2, edd 22 sep.already Plan to let alyn attend cc on may.Btw any ladies have lobbing to get cheap milk powder? E store I freqt close down le.
any brand will do. I tried most brand and they are about the same.
Just take out from the freezer and straight away put onto a heated flat pan or wok without oil over medium/low heat (must take out the plastic first lah!) wait until you see one side is brown then turn over and cook the other side until brown. Will turn out to be very crispy!
I just tear into pieces and most of the time he just eat plain or with milk during tea time. I tried to cook it and then add eggs. so it's like roti prata with egg. A bit more troublesome to make. Dinner time I just put a bit of sauce or cut some veggie/meat on it from my own dinner or just cheese.

My 2.5 yr old nephew will eat 2 pieces each time.
kiki , look nice , ok I will try roti prata to replace rice . Do you cut into very small pcs ? as I scare he cant digest well . He currently have 8 -9 teeth
Thanks all, hee, hope to hv a bb boi this time.
3weeks later should b able to see gender if bb co-operate. ;)
Hopefully this time hv breast milk, else I need to buy 2 type of milk when time come
You try yishun blk 425 the Chinese medical hall.
My hubby bought the karihome powder very cheap.
Than yishun chong pang got one I think call Unity shop (where they got sell wheel chair) they also sell quite cheap karihome powder.
About 3-4 bucks difference.

So maybe other brands also got??
who else on the list to give birth? haha...

i haven even try 2nd one yet. scared cos too much cost. haha.. if can share maid better.
about 1/2 inch. My boy had been eating prata for a few months already. outside ones are abit oily but he still eat. when I made at home, I dont add oil at all. he can finish about 1/2 to 3/4

sometimes when we're outside and he dont want to eat rice, I will buy bao for me. Just tear the outside layer away.

basically my boy eat all sorts of outside food already.
so far its one of the cheapest I can find with free delivery. Plus its from Kim Seng medical hall so the stock is from approved distributor in Singapore, not direct import from malaysia or some other country
milkpowder, for those in sengkang, rivervale plaza there got medical hall too selling enfagrow at $57.90 i thnk..buy 3 get $1 off.

anyone tried fresh milk? any good brands to give baby? i no idea which brand is good. also need to heat up before giving baby? any advice..thanks.
Jeni, now Enfa has a promotion. $57.90 per can, buy 3 get $1off and if you have empty cans, each can $1 off. Meaning, 3 cans total $4 off. Cool. Dryper also. XL $15.50. Keep the empty bag, each $15.
