(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs




Hiaz that's y i went back to work lor. Cannot face sam 24/7. Will go mad altho i love him so much. It's a love-hate reln between us haha

He still calls me jiejie! Faint


Er.. That i dun quite agree lah. Hubs is very very helpful ard the hse. He dashes off work to come home n relieve me of sam when i was a sahm. Now that he's back from overseas, he tries hard to keep sam away from me too so i can 'recuperate'.

He's the one to put sam to bed n wakes up in the nite too. I really feel very blessed altho he's not rich, not ambitious, too honest... But he's a 'good man'. At the end of the day, guess that's who i'd wanna marry.

Aiyoh.. What a long story. I really 老 liao!
it was a good trip... got a lot of good deals... hehe... i have to cut down my shopping now man...

El-Nino: where are you staying now?

Jul: actually having fever is sort of a good thing cos it shows that the baby is fighting the virus... as long as its lower than 39 is pretty ok... just have to sponge him regularly and feed med every 4/7 hourly. My #1 used to get fever very frequent too...

I think SAHM has its up and down... i used to be against the idea of being one cos i feel that i will lost the desire to see them cos i will be seeing them all the time. it would turn into a routine and not something you will look forward to... but now, i feel that its actually a blessing to be able to watch their growth... but having additional help is important to keep our sanity. I think if i dont have any help, i will prob lose it already... haha

Shall we start organising the first playdate for 2011? :D

I agree that a sahm must have help. I was having a pretty gd time when my helper came before i went back to work.

But not working n having a helper seems so frivolous (not to mention out of my means!).

I do enjoy being there for sam's 'moments' but it's like a love-hate reln. Think i personally have to get out of the hse n do my own things once in a while. Part time work would be gd? Haha
Hi mummies!

Our 'big sister' weishy will be back in sin ard end Jan for a month. Would like to organise a zoo outing on 31 Jan for mummies and toddlers to catch up. Those who are keen, pls put your name down.

1) weishy
2) eboey
Hi Sorry to disturb your thread.
Would like to check if there are any mummies staying at Tampines st 44 or nearby? I'm a march 2009 sahm mummy and I'm looking for playdates for my boy. Pls email me at [email protected]

You really cried ah.
Actually my son quite sometimes never bite ppl liao le. I jst told my mum yesterday morning than at night time he starts to bite ppl. Never should have said.
He bit me real painful than I pretend cry. He jst ooo… than heheh.. alamak…


Pegsfur / El Nino

Actually my hubby still quite good.
He never stops me where I go. If I wan go watch movie, shopping and etc, I jst go and leave the bb with him.
Than if he wans go out with his friend I also let him go while I see bb.

Mostly, the hse cleaning stuff is he do ones. I seldom touch. I’m not a good house keeper. Haha..

yes, my boy got about 3 soft toys. but he also play my 3 dog soft toys. i think its still okie ba..
shayna doesnt hit me with items or bites.. but she'll head butt me (pain ah!) or scratch! (recent)

she'll head butt me when she is trying to get to sleep, next to me... she'll get up then suddenly fall back then always hit my face.. painful ah! then only recently, dunnowhy she'll run her nails down my hand or leg and look at her hands doing it or look at me.. and she only does it when her nails are long. when i cut, she doesnt do it. when she headbutts, i'll just be in so much pain i got no time to pretend anything..i am really in pain. She'll see then do her "ooo" sound then come and sayang me. but the scratching thing ah, after i tell her no, she'll continue to scratch leh. UNtl i hold her hands and restrain her hands for 1 min (she hates this) and then will stop..

sorry for a silly question here. does new born bb (first - third day new born baby) needs a lot of milk? says 3pm drink milk, if baby still not hungry by 9pm, is it normal?

my friend's bb is like that. i remember reading somewhere that bb has their own reserve liquid in their body and does not require a lot of milk on the first few days. am i right or wrong?
hee i tink our HB same.. if i go meet friend shoppin etc he look after den if he go out i look after

My boi like to knock his head on mine den tell me ko ko like v fun~

for the 1st few day usu they dun need alot of milk cos they got reserve "food" in their body.. after i discharge my boi start his 3 hrly feed routine...
Ryan head butts me too...Kenna my lips quite a few times
My colleagues Tot I had a fight or something....Hahaa

My boy is now v active n dunno Wat is danger
Everyday give me heart attack
Just cut his head on Xmas day cos he attempted to climb window n fell
piggy, so it is ok right it bb don't really drink on the first two days? so meaning one or two feeding on the first or second day are perfectly fine?
yup dun worry..1st 2 day they drink v little...
if they r hungry they will make sure u know keke...

btw any mummies still remember where to get the raspberry tea leaves?
babys / sharon

My son likes kok kok. when we say that than he will kok kok us. now when the car/lorry door close, he will say bom. haha..

also, he likes to scratch or poke my hubby nipple and also our belly button. when we lie down, he will lift up our shirt.



i tot bb requires milk around 2-3 hrs. than if tabian more fast hungry. only when bb about 3-4mths than at night 6-8hrs eat one time? that is what i roughly remembers



yeah.. i think that is better right. no reserve.
that time i not at home for 3 days, my hubby take care bb fm friday night - sun night till i came back. haha...i jst buy whatever vege is requires for cooking during the weekend than he will cook himself.
orh ok. my friend is worry so much. i myself also not sure.. but i remember reading it somewhere. so check before i give her the wrong info. thanks for responding
I got it fr moms in mind the previous time

Yup u r right
My milk only came in like 4th day...first 3 days my boy just latch that little tiny bit..no supplement, no water
piggy, moms in mind have..

sharon: i think up till now (16 months later) my milk supply still havent kick in.. hahah!! fatbobo one recently kick in.. hahahah
ya better at least we get our personal time while bb taken care by our HB than IL/others but cookin my HB cannot la usu if need him take care full day he will bring him to my IIL place lol~

now MIM now no more sellin wor i go their webbie only nursin bra/wears n carrier etc.. nvm thanks ya..

I can't cfm if I can take leave on 31 Jan yet. If I can join, I'll let u know


Sam doesn't like soft toys. I give him but he'll usu just squeeze for 3 seconds then throw aside!

babys, sharon

Sam will head butt me on the chin or mouth or cheek with the back of his head when he's throwing a tantrum. Then I'll either get a bruise or an ulcer

He likes to dig his nail into my flesh or pinch my flesh very hard when he's watching tv sometimes. Sadist!


Hmm.. I got diff experience. Milk came in on 3rd day but baby was sleeping & sleeping & sleeping due to jaundice. I stupidly let him sleep for 7hrs. Then I realised he was 'tired' and my boobs were bursting!
Ethan headbutts me & everyone at home when he doesnt get what he wants, he will slap his own head at times. bite when flesh is near him. still doesnt know how to manage anger. he sometimes will slap and I will smack his hands and tell him NO. dunno how to teach, if i hit him back, he thinks i'm playing with him.

Sharon, mines is equally active and like to pull cabinets and everything he can open. such a headache. especially when i'm back and have to handle him alone. looks like have to reschedule a meet up.

sbb, i stay in the land of smiles & full of red shirts.

Same lor. Sam is also like that. Will hit out & throw tantrums to the extent of hurting those ard him & himself. Hiaz..

baby just take about 10-20 ml milk every 2-3hrly for the first few days. Just latch. First few days it's colostrum. Latching Often helps the milk to come in faster. If take too long, the brain will tell the breasts, hey no need milk and won't produce as much as fast.

doesn't sound right. Even with fm, they are usually hungry every 3 hrs. Unless he has a big big stomach and takes a lot of fm at each go. How much is he drinking?
Soft toy: my boi he will kiss sayang the soft toy but he also like to suck the toy! That's why I don't get for him wait the germs goes into his body
morning ladies..

but u say it the 1st 2 day rite? if 1st 1-2 day it ok bah... cos tt time in hosp the nurse also din bring the bb to me so freq but after discharge ard 3rd/4th day bb shd be askin for milk 3hrly.. but i do have friend their bb sleep more ....

i also keen in the gatherin but wkday again tink i cant join again
good morning everyone,
been missing for a while, damn busy at work!
today i feel veri sian, pop in here to destress myself.

count me in, is 31 Jan? I shall take leave.

Hi mummies!

Our 'big sister' weishy will be back in sin ard end Jan for a month. Would like to organise a zoo outing on 31 Jan for mummies and toddlers to catch up. Those who are keen, pls put your name down.

1) weishy
2) eboey
3) April

Is there Isetan Pte sale today ???
Strange how come i didnt receive anything ? oh which reminds me, ive not open my mail box for the longest time, perhaps thats y...

Nat just recovered from her fever too..tiring 3 days, got it on xmas day itself and recovered only yday...
Nice timing cos I was on leave..hahaha
April, yeah billy told me. I cant cos its on sunday morning and we will be in church. They need about 2 more families, anyone interested i can give u the number to call her.
Hi babys and april,
I got the email from NTUC regarding the corporate video shoot too...but not keen to participate because its far away from our place :p
yup the pte sales is today i heard v long q...

i received a call from NTUC this morning but too far for me n it this wkend so will gave it a miss.. think they only need 4 family..
those who got the email.. did u see the script for the voice over? not quite accurate right.. we knew each other and had our own group b4 the baby's day out what... hahahah
hello, on leave today and went out to run errand. seems very quite today in the forum.

mashy, piggy
yes, my friend's bb did not seems hungry on the second day. bb was born on sun, on mon when i visited her, she broke out. so i don't know how to console but i do remember bb has reserve.

her bb drank milk at 3pm, i was there until 9pm, her bb still wasn't hungry. zzz so soundly. but thank God on the next day bb cried for milk.

so i have a debate we another friend, she said be it first or second day, bb has to drink milk else bb will dehydrate.

i got a call from Ufamily too. not going, friend's wedding on sat, so will be v v tired the next day. haha..enjoy for those who are going

Sweetmama then maybe ur friend should wake baby to feed. Maybe jaundice, so tired. If baby doesnt drink, jaundice increases and may make baby even more sleepy.
