(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs


his dietitician sugg that we give him cereals for carbo, beans and peanuts for protein and carrot for vege. Coz that's the few things my boy eats. Imagine that for a meal. We haven't done that but will prob try it out when we're back.

my boy 5YO already

ya thats why give me more headache

i think yr boy and my boy can be friends. My boy can eat white rice as a meal. I keep telling my husband if ppl dunno thot we ill treat our boy leh we eat so much in restaurant but he only eat white rice. :p

That's ovann's weight lor .. just weighed him at the PD's 2 weeks ago. I know why u said he looks big ... becos he's like me, look fat on photos!
But ya, the PD showed me the chart and said he's considered average, but slightly to the small side.

Btw, i remembered your green omelette .... if my mum cooked something like tat, no one is going to touch it cos we all hated vege .. hahah ... At least yr boy likes it
then can u reason with him or use exchange system? he gets to eat macs, provided he fulfils ur terms and conditions: eg, eat a bit of vege 3 times a week, etc.....

if he does it, then he is rewarded with macs..
celine: "I nearly cried when my #2 eat those normal bee hoon that I fried. :

i can really feel ur joy man... i would cry too!@

not too bad already. My boy is 95cm and 13kg. Sad right? Even those 2 years younger than him are taller. Think mich's younger daughter is almost or taller than him already. And she's 2 yrs younger. Some of the babies here are also going to be heavier than him soon.

I celebrate when I get to buy new bigger clothes for my boy. Hahaha. Coz he never outgrows them. Only wore them out. He can still wear the same clothes he wore 3 yrs ago. Sigh. Anyway, going for the therapy and I can't wait to buy clothes for him. Think I'll go japan and stock up all the bigger size ones.
celine, 18.6kg? wow! That's quite impressive leh... my 5 yr old can also eat nothing but white rice for a meal

mashy, actually 13kg seems ok leh, cos Serene is only 15kg... this Isaac also so small size, I wonder if I need to send him for growth hormone check also?

I thought C eats more things than those few you listed in school? Serene says he eats everything.

Sharon, have you tried the Bananas, Rice, Apples and Toast diet for Ryan? Supposed to stop LS...
if I dun give him those food he eat, he rather dun eat leh. I encourage him to try new food by rewarding toys/sweets/etc but he took a bite of the new food then vomit out

i saw the food that you cooked for shayna on FB really u are blessed. If you see my boy you sure faint. :p

your boy really lightweighted. But his height ok lah. when did you realize your boy is low growth hormones? I must monitor too...

same same! I understand your feeling totally! Buy the clothes can wear for very LONG. My SIL's twin wearing 5YO clothing thou they are not yet 4 :p but 5YO clothing for my boy fit just nice some are still loose leh
wow your #1 too? Then 3 of them can finish 1 bucket of white rice? haha..

ya i think becoz he can eat 2 bowl of white rice for a meal? :p And somemore this fussy boy very funny he said the white rice of the jap rest near my hse is nice but REFUSED to eat the white rice that we cooked at home!!
celine/mashy, talking about clothes, Serene is still wearing size 2T gymboree shorts! Can really faint... and all her 4T shorts cannot wear cos too loose and will drop out. How to force her to eat more
celine, think we should get them together for a playgroup and watch them eat one bucket of rice ha ha...

SL, wow 16.5kg!!! I'm really impressed leh... I remember your girl eats very well.
celine: haha... jap food nicer than ur place one ah.. so do u think its more of a environment thing than him rejecting ur food? maybe he likes going out?

yes I am very grateful that my prayers were answered.. i remember i just casually prayed during my pregnancy that shayna will not be a fussy baby and will eat anything..

actually, i think its quite common right, for kids around 4 or 5 to just love eating rice?
his height ok meh? weight I think ok because he eat ALOT of carbohydrate food. Our PD said he is having carbohydrate diet wor...

i understand you! how to force her to eat...cannot lor.
Just have to pray they will SUDDENLy like to eat food. I see ppl's children can eat so many food really very fortunate.

haha The white rice playgroup hah?
babyS, I forgot to pray when I was pregnant with Isaac!
I pray that God will hear my prayers now then! Actually I think the love eating rice thing is more a personality thing, cos my 2nd one is not a rice person. She prefers noodles and other funny things.

celine, are his classmates taller than him? But I imagine that if he eats alot of carbo, he will grow taller too.
ur HB short meh?? did he went for the kindermusik trial.. or did i see wrongly? i definitely hope javier will follow my HB's gene.. tall and big size enough.. last measured his height was abt 85/86cm..
Coz my pil keep commenting his short since birth, and say wun be as tall like my HB.. he was 42cm when borned.. so i hope he can grow tall enough, dun be like me loh.. hee..
i plot the graph in the health booklet and he is slightly less than 50%.. his weight and height dun justify..hee..

will start next yr after his birthday. Serene looks tall leh. Then again that is compared to my boy. And gals follow a different chart so should be better. How's Issac now? Does he like to eat?

I sent him to kkh when he was abt 3.5. So u still hv time to check his progress esp during toddlerhood.
baby ja,
Erm ... ya, my hubby is short :p He went for the kindermusik trial leh, did u see wrongly then?

Anyway, just back from bringing ovann to the playground downstairs to burn his energy cos for the past few nites, he slept very late, at about 11+, 12+, and i was all tired out! Dunno why he suddenly have this bundle of energy ...

But i think it also burned my energy cos i was running after him ... tired!
Thanks shall try all the methods dunno y can LS so long..10days le
But thank god still v active n eating

He is only 9.3kg n bout 72cm...me n my hb considered average but he v short...oh no must be lack of milk!
8 teeth n I think teething now
My boy is 9.4kg and bet 78-80cm. His no. 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th teeth all coming out at the same time now. can see all 5 almost half way liao. think he's feeling terrible cos he really has no appetite to eat these few days.

ethan eats yoghurt every day. he loves it! but now he's teething, he only finishes half.
hi sharon,

both ryan & ethan still v alike!
i thot ryan catches up on his weight already? i remember there was a period tat ryan weighed much more than ethan.
read that ur kids r fussy eaters. how is their poo poo arr? argg i got a problem w my #1 poo poo coz he dun take enough veges
my gal eyes' grow 2 big sty (ba chiam)... one on the upper right eye lid, the other at the bottom left eyes lid.. it's worrying me a lot now, applying sick leave to bring her to PD.

anyone encounter this before????
Hullo everyone!

Been missing a week coz I just did Lasik last Sat. And I'm back at work.

Anything exciting happening?
BB alva

What's the different between Blepharitis and Sty?
her first sty grow 2 weeks ago and i though it would go away by itself, but it didn't. then 2 days ago, another one grow on the other eyelid.
Hi sweetmama,
Blepharitis and stye think same lah (one is condition another is the swollen eyelid). Best to see PD and get some eye drop or antibiotics. Very likely contagious so have to avoid rubbing both eyes. Take note of the personal hygiene too. Dont worry lah.
smurfy, my oldest girl is ok leh... its my #2 who has poo poo problems... the PD says she has lazy intestines! remember we were talking about this a long time ago right, about kids not pooing for a long time. Well, she is now 3 yrs old, and still like that!

sweetmama, I'm sure she'll be ok after some medicine.
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Re: polliwogs playdate
Any more mummies interested?
coming wed 3rd nov afternoon
is 3pm good or 4pm?
Any more mummies interested?

Baby ja
Sharon Teo
Karen Toh

Everyday posb card has 1for1 entrance fee promo
i called to check.....1 for 1 only with coupon, so means one coupon admits 2 babies
normal charges is $8 unlimited play for below 2yr old
those mummies without card ok with it?

they even have outdoor bouncy! havent seen it at other indoor playgrounds
i am ok with the price. $8 unlimited play for playhouse is quite normal.

polliwogs playdate
anyone staying near woodlands want to share cab there? Quite far if taking public transport! i am not bringing stroller.
Sharon: I'm fine with the price...

Baby ja: I still thinking if should bring my helper along... Will bring her if I'm not driving...

Any mommies going from kovan or Hougang area?
I'm fine with the price as well. My mum might be joining us

Baby sleep pattern
I'm really headache over ovann's bedtime recently. He naps twice a day, at 11+ and 4+, each lasting abt an hour. Recently, he's been sleeping very late at 12am and on saturday, 1am!!! I was so fed up and irritated and tired out trying to make him sleep, it always ends up with me very angry with him cos he just won't sleep ... keeps on wanting to play.

Told my mum and she said it's baby moving on to sleeping lesser and suggested to skip the 4pm nap. I tried that yesterday and by 7+ in the evening, he's getting cranky already. Although he slept early last nite, at about 9 (and i was VERY happy .. hahaa), but i dun think i want him to be cranky and cry at every little thing from 7-9pm leh.

Hiaz .. wat shld i do? Skip his nap or dun skip?


Hmm how abt pushing the morning nap to early afternoon? Then maybe he'll sleep for 1.5h &amp; be able to last till 9pm?

Normally Sam's schedule is to nap at 1030am or so &amp; again at 4+ or 5pm. Total abt 2h or 2.5h if I'm lucky. Sometimes Sam also doesn't wanna take his morning nap till 11+ or even 12+. Then he'll nap till 1+ or 2. THEN cannot nap &amp; will be super cranky till he knocks out at 8pm+. But I'll have to squeeze milk into him b4 he sleeps &amp; if he refuses to drink he will wake up in the middle of the nite &amp; cry. Grr!
