(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs


I was also gonna ask u how u gonna prepare food for you kiddo. U allow them to eat outside food already?

Am planning for a 2D1N stay oso but now thinking how to settle ovann's lunch & dinner.

pegs: we give shayna outside food sometimes.

I prepare her porridge still.. she eats it.. until our food arrives. Then she'll want our food and need to bluff her into eating her porridge instead of my food. Or sometimes when we eat our meals and its not her meal times, i must set aside one smal portion of whatevert i am eating for her, cos she'll demand for it! So now i carry out my Combi scissors and spoon set all the time and always order shayna friendly meals (no spice!!! sob sob)....
baby s,

We do that to ovann too!
Why babies so tam chiak de? Hahaha ... Either me or hubby will oso order chilli/spice-free food.

But the thing is, it's ok if we just give outside food, u know, as a 'treat' cos boh bian and since it's only a little bit, else he will cry. But for his proper meal, i wld like to give him something more suitable lor. So if going for a 2D1N stay, i dunno how to settle wor ... the closest choice is maybe let him eat instant porridge, the one by pigeon .. just add hot water. Anyone has any other ideas? I dun have the tiger jar, so can't cook on the go
yeah not so suitable to have a adults meal as a full meal..

How about reverting to cereal? Or get those heinz bottled food lor.. i let shayna try the veg beef and spaghetti bolognaise ones when we were in malaysia..

or just give milk?

for a 2d 1n trip, leh chey to bring the slow cooker leh.
2D1N means need to give 1 dinner, 1 breakfast, 2 lunches outside right? Usually I will give Heinz mum's recipe bottled food for dinner, the 170g one with soft bits. breakfast/lunch = cereal or bread.

My thinking is that 1-2 days dont eat well is ok de. :p
kiki/ baby s,

Is 1 bottle enough for 1 meal?

Breakfast is ok cos he's not on solid, can settle with milk. Ok, so maybe i can revert to cereal, but tat means i gotta go buy 1 tin just for this trip cos he's not eating cereal anymore. Haiyo ..... really mah fan.

By the way, Ovann has started walking!!!!!! He tried to walk so many times today, and everytime it's 4 or 5 steps and he's so eager to walk! So cute leh
hee ya it really cute to see them walk.. Kyler walk 6-7step last wk... but he still prefer to crawl cos faster lol...

I will be going for 3D2N my plan is pigeon instant porridge.

one box consist of 2 pkts, but 1 pkt is too little for one meal, i think i need one box for one meal.
The heinz: i dunno how big ovann's appetite is. For shayna, one bottle is enough. Then u can top up In the day with bread, biscuits, etc. Plus he will wanna eat yr food. What cereal did he use to eat?

Shirley: got few flavours one huh?

Piggytoh - I am so sorry.....my office has just changed the relocation date to 18 sep, hence i can't make it for the trial class le. So sorry for the trouble....

If happens that the trial class date will be changed to 11 sep, then i can make it....
my boy is small eater, he can hardly finish 1 bottle. Only 1 time he finish all, usually will have left over. ~haiz~

I find the pigeon porridge is too ex. I think its $8.50 per pack of 2 serving? If he eat then ok, but my boy fussy lah, later eat 1 mouth then dont want... I'm not going to eat left-over baby food. :p
Eunice noted.

Anymore mummies wanna join???


Date: 18 Sept
TIme: 2.30pm to 4pm
Price: $45/kid

41 Sunset Way
#01-01 Clementi Arcade
Singapore 597071
Tel: 6465 4481 Fax: 6465 4431

Mini Bubbles : 12 - 21 months
Now it’s time to get mobile! Every new corner needs to be discovered, every toy tested and every new friend explored! I get to squeeze and squelch all sorts of new tactile materials and tell the world all about it (in my own very special way!) Watch me climb and balance, drink from my cup and make my own arty masterpieces! ALL BY MYSELF . . . and a wee bit of help from you !

1) piggytoh - Kyler
2) donkeymami - Jovia
3) fatBobo - Mattea
4) fatBobo - Keona
5) BabyS - Shayna
6) BBnGG - Janessa
7) Pegsfur - Ovann

Fatbobo, checked for u, u r entitled to 10% discount for the second child

for the rest of the mummies:they are not giving discount for the trial class, however, if we wish to sign up for four sessions, we will be giving 5% discount for the term fees.

Kindly bring apron/smock and extra towel for your child to be used for the
art activity. Snack will be provided (we will be serving cereals, dried
and fresh fruit).
If ovann takes nestle, get sample packs? Our goodie bag from baby's day out got alot of that sample. Can give u if i want.
Kiki, taka baby fair having disc for pigeon instant porridge think $6.50 oli.

BabyS i jz bot the combi scissor & spoon set in Taka baby fair...is it good? the scissor can really cut mah?
Donkeymami: if quantity too small cannot cut well..

Sigh i didnt know there was a slope so i fell and sprained my ankle just now while carrying a sleeping shayna. She's fine but my ankle hurts bad. Hope no fracture (paranoid after i previously fractured my small right toe twice) pray that there will be no fracture.

R e sculpting balloons 160Q or 260Q? V slim or e normal thickness?

Dolce n donkeymami,

E wristlet flower is v easy de, in fact those I rmb how to do r e easy ones lah..
baby s,
Aiyoh, lucky shayna is ok. But u must take care too, cos i heard alot of people who kena ankle says it's very hard to heal de.

Ovann used to take frisocreme, and he hasn't eaten cereal ever since i started him on porridge. Oh yes, he tried nestle's porridge oso, but he din exactly detest it, just wasn't as enthusiastic as eating real porridge. Your samples are cereal or rice porridge?

No leh, not going for any more vaccination till he's 15mths old. Never mind, think i can settle for pigeon's porridge, but like u said, it's really ex for a pack of 2.

Ya lor .. very cute to see him taking wobbly steps. He will walk a few steps and start to giggle.
My ankle prone to turning in and spraining but usually not too bad. And i havent fallen since i was pregnant.. This is the first time since nov08!!

Joyful: i should have both kind. I know how to make flower, poodle, bear (but a bit slow).. Wristlet is just flower without stem?i never do b4.

Peg: should be rice cereal. Got pink pkt and green pkt.
hope its just a sprain...take care

ryan is still eating cereal n he loves it
burning a big hole in my pocket

re: baby food
i buy so many types for him to try but ryan hates them all

its ok...i found her thru FB...thanks!
my friend is the couple on the right side....ur pic with GOH but dun haf the other aug babies in it
wow, sculpting balloons also got some much to learn behind it
i would love to learn!
re: iphone
thanks all
i figure out how to copy and paste liao
lousy me.....hahaaa
but dun have arrow up n down in iphone?
after i paste...i cant go back to insert anything? dunno how to edit
see only the last part of the long message i copied
I'm also still serving cereal for breakfast and lunch. I convinced myself that cereal is more nutritious than porridge. haha! ~lazy~
I also bought so many types of food and my boy not so excited about food leh.

tempted to buy the combi scissors also but it looks like no "power"... noodles or soft food should be ok but meat leh?
I'm carrying the smallest scissors from ikea (pack of 3 with different sizes) - cheap & sharp
hi ladies!

long time din post here already. hope you all still remember me. saw quite a few babies start walking already. my boy still doing his spiderman crawl. not walking yet. he stands up longer now though. but still refuse to cruise or walk.
i also tink cereal is more nutritious with the dha n stuff cos he is already drinking so little milk!
enjoy ur trip!!

re: scissors
im using the gino cutter from the BP
seems plastic n can cut quite well
recommended by fat bobo
comes with casing too

hihi...dun worry...ethan will walk v soon
my mum n sis trains ryan alot to encourage him to walk

re: developing photo service
anyone know where i can develop photos cheap n fast in the north area or town area? i rem last time jubilee has one at 15cents 1 hr only but dunno still ard?
ryan's party on sun n i need develop photos!!
i need go thru my emails to see if i deleted it anot
seller is poshpaire from the BP thread
the email u add yahoo.com
but its ex...i paid $21.15 with registered mail
The gino cutter sounds good but ex man..

I decided to go for x ray to rule out fracture. Sigh.. Pls pray that There wouldnt be any fracture.

So sian cos i fracture the same small toe twice in a row about 3yrs back. And i didnt even know its fracture cos can walk and pain was bearable. I walked abt for 6 days b4 i finally decided to go see dr cos the bruising was getting worse.

Oh god, pls dont let it be a fracture!

haha.. me too.. javier still taking cereal for breakfast and lunch.. porridge for dinner.. sometimes he din even wan porridge then got to give cereal again.. got to buy so many kinds of cereal to standby.. found that he actually like Nestle rice and chicken.. tho oni $4+ per box but hor, can oni feed tink 5x nia then finish liao..


usually when we are out, i dun cook his porridge at all.. lazy mum.. i gave him the 110g Heinz creamy banana porridge or other bottled cereal with flavour and i add in somemore plain cereal so equal to 1 bowl loh.. he likes the creamy banana cereal.. let him tried heinz mum's recipe, lentils and vegetable, first time eat, 2nd time dun wan liao..


no worry lah.. my boy still not walking yet tho he likes us to hold him and walk..

i prefer with casing too.. those spoon that we nit to bring out for javier i also bought those with casing.. using the combi wan now.. then the bowl i make sure got cover one.. hee..
Hi Mummies,

I'm from Dec 09 thread & am looking for a gd condition exersaucer/Jumperoo. If u have any to let go, pls PM me pic + price. thanks!
my boy also very tam chiak love to try our food, but we will bring those Nestle instant cereal along. My boy dun like those instant bottled food or pigeon porridgeso I am training my #2 to eat normally now.

Anyway, I just let my #2 eat instant cereal, our foods or just milk for that 2D1N stay lor.

re: scissor with casing
I want to buy it too, love things with casing like kiki! haha..
hi mrng all.....

hv used the cutter for awhile now.. i tink it works alrite for me (so far)... hvnt really tried on tougher food (our adult food) thou!!!!

hehe.. initially i already bot 2 at a go.. cos i tot if the ting is good..n in case i cant find it anymore.. i still hv a spare sitting in the hse! hahaha. KS hor! latr on, i bought few more for my frens oso. lala~
oh mummies, u all are letting ur bb eat outside food already? i'm still bringing cereal & some cooked porridge for my boy when we go out. we're thinkg when to stop and when to stop sterilising the milk bottles also.. hm...
michelle... i did not sterilise my girls' bottle since they were abt 4-6mths old. just wash niah!

i hv not started them on much outside food.. except cakes, sandwiches.. home-cooked (my mum's or mine.. cos MIL's cooking is damn saltish de!) only.. hehe. my girls like not really able to handle too much rice or too tough stuffs yet? i duno. haha.
