(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

OT, went to book the Universal Studio package online and saw this Xiao Xiao Bin visit to Universal studio pix too, sooo cute!!!! And Xiao Xiao Bin got a younger bro looked very cute and alike too! Wow then he is called Xiao Xiao Xiao Bin? :p
i tink he is called mini bin or smting.. they all very cute la... xiao bin bin last time oso very cute! haha.

donkey.. hw much budget we hv left aft the catering agn arh?
xiao xiao bin's brother is mini bin.

They are the sons of a famous taiwan child star
xiao bin bin... those born in the 70's should know who he is... acted in alot of movies last time
I booked the 2D1N package for $468 with Festive Hotel Family room.

haiyo even the name so cute, called mini bin!! haha... Buay tahan leh! :p

yes kiki, I remember xiao bin bin my time one lah :p
wow fat bobo, u checked till so detailed how old is xiao bin bin? But he divorced already right?

If got 3rd one call what? tiny bin? haha..
haha. no la.. din go n check la.. hahaha. i tink i got to noe frm a duno-wat tv prog de. haha. div le? oh..that i duno.. lalala~
then 4th one call dust bin lah... since dust particles so small... heee...

i remember he used to act with that baldy HK actor, etc...
babys:: HAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHAAA.. oh perhaps xiao xiao bin's son will call dat.. LOL~

i love his "maaaaaaaaaaaaamiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"...very very sai nai de..... haha.
n his "放学了,放学了, 关我屁事了....."
fatbobo, we hv 54pax if weishy not joining & i thk we will cater 38pax buffet so ($12x38)+$50 delivery =$506 so we left wif $34 from the budget
fatbobo, u got something in ur mind? wat kind balloons we shd buy ah? need to get the stick as well? anyone knw will cost how much?

Btw do need panel to deco the function room? can reuse back the one we used for our bb de..
i tink we cant afford much wv this amt of money for the kids.....

how abt we use the balance money to rent extra tables n esp chairs??
i was checking out that same package
but hor, dun u find it wasteful?

if u are going to spend one day at the universal studio.. then the hotel room is like added compliment wh ich is so expensive? :p

in the end , thinking of doing both separate .
fatbobo u mean from the caterer? extra tables & chairs for us or for kids?

I can check wif regg her function room got how many tables & chairs.
i was tinking.. else we order for 35pax (35x$12)+$50..we hv bal of $70. den order 2 extra dishes (35X$1)x2... everything hoot into food! bahaha~
hehe.. prolly we shld allocate some $ for chairs... guess another 30pcs? enuff? or too many? occupy too much space?

30 chairs + 3 tables?

wonder can 'borrow' some space outside the function rm if it's too cramp inside boh. sm daddy might wana sit out to chat or wat...?
u are so funny! ahaha...dustbin :p

heehee...I booked the package - check in on monday walk ard there then check out on tuesday and visit Universal studio that day then I dun have to pay so much for carpark :p
so meaning to say.. ur hotel stay is monday.. universal studio is tuesday? whahaha u clever leh.. but then how are u going to prepare the food for ur lil one? initially i even tot to bring slow cooker there kekekek
because i thot the same as you too... if spend so much $$ on the hotel room yet we are in Universal studio the whole day. But we dun want to do it separately as we are celebrating my #1 birthday.

Food for my lil one? He can eat japanese food or chinese food outside or drink milk? :p
fatbobo, can rent somemore chairs think table no need..since alr got 4 there...

we got 54 adult le..hvnt count toddlers so starting thinking to order 40 abit tight on budget...so cut to 38 lo. if u all ok wif 35pax to save cost also can la..dun blame me if not enuf food kekekeke

Food ($12x38)= $456+$50=$506
30 chairs ($0.50x30)=$15
Balloons wif stick = $19

Total $540

FYI, the cupcake is $4 each so no extra cost from there. if i'm not wrong it's with individual packaging..if not need then we hv extra budget lo. need to chk wif piggy.
I still have 2 packs of balloon sticks left over.
So I can bring those over and save abit ? though they are pretty cheap..heehee..hw many sticks do we need? I can sponsor those too.

I also have balloon left over and I have a tank of helium in Davis office but problem is hw do we transport all the blown up balloons over ?
The tank is too heavy for transport as we have the big one....
Otherwise we can get a manual pump for the balloons on the stick

Like what donkeymami mentioned, we can recycle our bday party banner or those "happy bday" wordings etc...
i got a few manual pumps..i can bring.. anyway i am tinking of poppin to Bugis to get some balloons for the deco..

will need mums to help with the pumping of balloons so that i can do up some simple deco...

i can do some sculpture like swords, bear, dogs, wristlet flower, handheld flowers..

can mah??
dolce, thanks for sponsoring the sticks & balloons..let me count..cos i think need to standby for toddler too else they feel left out..balloons young kids older kids all luv de.

save the trouble jz pump & put on the stick bah.
dolce, we hv ard 35 children in total u chk how many balloons & sticks u hv if not enuf the we buy.

joyful, tat's great...i think mayb we save on the cupcake packaging then spent on balloons instead..more practical right? at least the kids will enjoy more.
Think i have enough balloons bah, gotta go back to check, will need to prepare spare ones for deco.
I will buy another two packs of sticks since the bugis store selling all these are near to my office.

Perhaps we can give out paper lantern too ? cos now these stores are already selling all sorts of lanterns...


For scupture type of balloons, u need those long type right ? Roughly how many do you think is enough ?
I like those wristlet flower, must learn from you how to do those =)
dolce, u go back check if not enuf jz buy i pay u back later.we need to cater extra later i cal wrongly then jialat..

joyful, I wan to learn too. Is it difficult?
dolce.. i was oso tinking of lantern earlier when i asked abt our balance outstanding... hehehe... but then.. i scared those paper de too dangerous for them since they really duno hw to handle... but those battery operated de abit pricey le.
I did check on SKP on the packaging but din find suitable 1.. and we alr pay Yan for the cupcake so i will need to let her know if she can refund.. if any1 can find suit m cheaper packagin do let us know...
btw for chairs the rentin is at $0.50 per pcs.

i agree with bobo with tt kind of budget diff to get much for the kiddo maybe the extras $70 we spend on chairs (30 x $0.5=$15) the balance we order other food? agar agar? cream puff?

banner can re-use see who got nice n w/o name 1?
piggy, ya hor..forgot alr paid Yan for the cupcake.

paper lantern probably probably they r too young to appreciate that instead they will tear it apart lolx
ya i was thinkin of the agar cake:p

i can ask can refund anot but i din see anythng suit from SKP maybe i miss it also so any1 know can still let us know.
duh.. even if the agar agar not too sweet... our 1yo can eat? older siblings can la.. n im sure dad..n mum can eat..hahaha...

my aunt can make agar agar... she made 1 for my girls' bday.... if wan.. i ask her c hw much? else, can juz go to mrs chan?
I thought we can buy paper lantern n give them each one to play with, not to really light it up though..hehehe..just to play up with the mood...


I will see how, if its not too much $, its ok for me to sponsor =)
oh.. cupcakes arh.. hehehe.. i still blur blur tot is cuppies...

gosh.. goin to hv heavy downpour le.. i tink i better run!!!!

joyful: I can help u with the initialy sculpting.. but i am alone with shayna so may not be able to help out for very long.

I have sculpting ballooons at home too but very long no use liao. let me go home and test test the integrity, if still can use, i can give that to u for the party, then we no need to buy more.
