(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs


At least yours is still 30-50ml per pump leh .. mine is total 30-50ml per day. Quite demoralising lor.

Same for me, no engorgement at all ... my breasts dun even feel full.

<font color="0000ff">pegsfur &amp; pink</font>, if you pump must be consistent to pump 3 hrly. For me, I latch on and after nursing bb, I continue to hand express to empty the breasts fully. After a while, you will not feel any engorgement unless you missed a feed (pumping session) or you trying to increase ss by pumping in extra time for a couple of day etc.

<font color="0000ff">Daph</font>, I use the washing machine and put bb's clothing into laundry bag and wash separately.
hi pris, me now week 9 already ... BM like diminishing ... how to increase ? other than latching on. cos i really can't latch on ... very pain and no milk .. after latching, will become sore and makes my pumping session very painful. if i do 3hrly, the milk is so little, at least 4hrly or longer will have a little bit more.
huh... then is it abnormal if i still feel engorgement after a feed &amp; i didnt pump to empty them fully? currently i am pumping so that when Zachary wake up at 3-4am, my breasts wont become rocks.

i also use washing machine. put baby's clothing into a laundry bag. then put that laundry bag with baby's clothing into another laundry bag hahaha. i kiasu scared cat furs get inside ah. also i wash in delicate cycle.

the milk u get might be very little every 3 hrly but it is to tell ur body that ur baby needs more milk. sooner or later, ur body will start producing more de. demand = supply. previously i only pump once a day to relieve engorgement and can only get to store 200ml a day. these few days i pump 3-4 times a day and get to store 700ml a day.

these few days when my baby suckle, donno why sometimes really painful as if he bites on my nipple. then when i pull out, ouch it looks sore!
you have to pump every 3 hrs for 20min to stimulate the brain that you need more milk. my initial milk supply is 30ml per session. and i was taught to pump every 3 hrs including middle of the nite. try this before u give up! jia you!
Reira, 3hrly is very fast. the cycle keep repeating - Feed Milk, Burp, Pat to sleep, Wake up crying, Pump Milk, then repeat cycle again .. sometimes the cycle might take longer than 3hrs .. sigh. then no time to pump .. somemore very sore, everytime i look at the clock, i drag to pump. tats why how i wish i have more milk. just enuff is already good enuff, i dare not even thk abt freezing milk...
dun wait till 4 hrly. pump every 3 hrly, ur supply will go up slowly and steadily.

now, even i miss 1 pump, my supply dun drop but engorge.

ur supply quite a lot. even after latching u have so much. wow! :0
PJPJ/mere mum,
#2 is just treating me better cos she probably know her sis previously is one terrible colic bb.

i think she just too sleepy to wak up. not sure why she is like that. purely luck i guess.
<font color="0000ff">Reira</font>, I will hand express once at night before bed too, if not will be come rock too.

<font color="0000ff">Peg</font>, Agree, think I will start expressing 3 hourly again soon after each feed and one time in the middle of the nite. Have been storing like slightly more than 260ml now. But been lazy haahaa,
How long do you pump? For me, i latch on most of the time so it helps to maintain supply especially my silly boy likes to suckle for comfort. so i just let him suckle 5mins each side every hr if he want.
I can pump for 40 mins .. cos very little so need to pump very long to get at least 40ml before i can stop ...sometimes 30mins lor .. very chiam right ?
ok thanks

hmm... what i think is u can just pump 20mins. then every 3-4 hrly u pump again 20mins. what pump are u using? a good pump will affect also. like i am using freestyle and use their handsfree so i dont feel stress at all when i pump (dont have to hold the bottles).

i think i sprained my wrist leh... now getting more and more painful. what should i do!?
morning ladies!

my baby woke at at 11.30pm for his last feed slept ard 12+ then woke up again at abt 2am all the way till 6am then fell asleep. this morning woke up at 7am. we pat him on &amp; off to sleep then at 8.30am he cried to be fed. dun understand how he can endure and not sleep for so many hours.

pris &amp; reira,
nice meeting u yesterday.
too bad i got to leave early.

any idea how how long does the fitti company take to deliver the diapers after ordering? cos my supply of mamy poko running out. hope to get the fitti diapers next week. do u want me to transfer the $$$ to u first or when i meet u then pass cash to u?
PJPJ: Shayna is now 7 weeks, at 4 weeks she started this pattern liao...

pegafur and pinkmama: my supply also very low, right from the start. by week 2 after expressing for 15 mins on each side, i get.. 2 drops! i use spoon to collect then i force feed to baby.. hahaha..

now its about 15mls per side each expressing (so each time express abou... slightly lesser than 30mls).. it takes me slightly over 24hours to get one feed for baby (about 90mls)

I tried the nursing tea for mothers from Moms in mind... worked for me.. (from 2 drops to 20mls, i consider it a miracle..haha)..

pegsfur: U saw my facebook pics? There are a few shots of shayna in the sling.. she looks all squashed up there, comfy for a while only.In the pupsik sling, also a bit hot, but i put her in it for short trips, not too long.. that day went to ikea with her in it, she fell asleep.. haha...

ML: my routine exactly like urs.. haha.. u forgot to include washing bottles sterilizing it too..

where got time to express... =)
I'm sick and so's H.
So sianzz...

Yesterday sent her poop for lab test coz found some blood in it and PD said it could be samonella, so need to check it out.

Re: BM
My BM has dropped a lot. It's only abt 70-80ml per pump every 2hrs.
But guess it's still enough to feed her coz my gal has a tiny stomach. Drinks little but freqly. She takes in only 50-100ml every 2hrs. And 100ml only if she's very hungry and she'll look totally drunk after that. Now starting my pumping again coz sick will further reduce my milk ss. So better pump it up to prevent that from happening.

no. I use the avent bottles provided. After that i transfer to avent VIA cups or the milk bags. If i'm intending to let her drink from the ebm very soon, i'll pour into her milk bottle.
oh ok ok..cos i heard from some one, they advise not to use glass bottles. COs once got a baby, the mother feed baby using formula in glass bottles. then poo poo got blood.

THey found out later after alot of tests, there was a small piece of glass from the bottle, and baby swallowed it when drinking the milk..

pumping milk
yes.. need to establish 3hrly pump to build supply..

i lazy.. now tht supply somehow established.. i dragged from 3 to 3.5hrly then to 4hrly and now 5hrly.. no more clogged ducts.. finally a light at the end of the tunnel.. just dunno whether i can continue to do so after i go back to wrk.
he doesn't sleep in the day too. sometimes he naps for onli 30mins. the most is 2hours usually frm 3-5pm or 4-6pm. i really dun understand how he can be so energetic.
poor me, even though pumping 3 hourly still get the miserly 30ml. During the first month, I could pump 100 ml. SS just went downhill in the 2nd month. Think it's estb now, cannot increase anymore. Sigh.....

Milk intake
my bb is 8 weeks and 2 days old but he is only taking 90ml every 2 to 3 hourly. Is it too little? I just weigh him yesterday and he is 5.2kg
whoa! then faint ah! who is looking after him yesterday when u came out?

ur boy's weight is ok lah. if he is gaining weight well, then shouldnt be underfed

please provide your email.
PinkMaMa, don't be discouraged. my baby is 8 weeks old and last week i thought my supply was dropping too. had to combine milk from 3 pumps to make 2 feeds.

don't think our supply is established yet, cos these few days have been very good for me. supply increasing. not enough to fill milk bags, but enough to feed my baby.

jia you, everyone!

i think what's made a difference is that i'm making a conscious effort to drink more water.
hey gals

need some advice. I'm feeding Zac mamaex gold step 1 with immufortis (the FM the hospital was using) BUt he doesn't poo regularly, sometimes constipated up to 4-5 days. can see that he's uncomfy &amp; farts a lot but still no poo, how to resolve it?

I tried adding friso comfort starting from 1 scoop from day 1 to 3 scoops by day 4, then he starts to poo A LOT, but then end up with watery stools, so i stop adding friso, but he reverted back to being constipated.

any idea how to regulate his bowels? ding donging between watery stools &amp; constipation can't be good for him! The PD as usual said as long stool is pastelike, dun poo for a few days is ok...but but..poor zac is so uncomfy &amp; bloated if he dun poo more than 2 days.

just started feeding zac 150ml every 4 hrs, he still wakes up in the night for his feed though. MIL insisted that he's hungry so up his feed to 150ml day before yesterday. he seems to take it quite well.

Zac is now 5.1kg @ 8 weeks, almost doubling his weight at birth.
PinkMaMa, btw, i think ur baby is ok weight. my baby is only 4kg and a little bit. her birth weight was 2.395kg though... she could gain a bit more but i think it's ok lah...

she has a new routine, she poops once every 3 days and when she does, it's major poop. but i read that it's ok for babies more than 1 month not to poop everyday, so mummies out there, don't worry too much.
baby s/ML,
Hahaha ... the 3 of us have the same routine!
And now i'm waiting for Ovann to sleep so that i can go pump my miserable 10-30ml. Like dat where got time to pump at 3hrs interval leh?

baby s
Ya, i saw your fb pic with Shayna in the sling. Ovann looks just like tat ... squashed inside

Ovann is 5 wks old and he is already taking between 120ml to 150ml at abt 3hrs interval. I dunno his weight yet cos have not weigh him since his 1st PD check up.

Ovann is taking Friso comfort too but he has no problem with it. Maybe u want to try adding 2 scoops of friso instead of 3 scoops?
To have good milk ss, really must pump every 3 hrs one. Cannot say no time or lazy. 3 hrly... Be it day or night. That's why bfing is not easy and it's difficult to be sucessful.

Latching is easier to maintain or increase ss. But not everyone can do this too.
hey, any idea where to buy bigger cans of friso comfort? so far only see 400gm cans @ $12. 2 scoops no effect, still no poop.

day 1 1 scoop friso + 3 scoops Mamex
Day 2 2 scoops friso + 2 scoops Mamex
Day 3 2 scoops friso + 3 scoops mamex
Day 4 3 scoops friso + 2 scoops mamex - then he finally poop.

The last time 2 weeks ago also the same.

if Zac is not uncomfy, i wldn't be worried abt his poo schedule, but he's really uncomfy &amp; cries all the time and farts if he doesn't poo. I wonder if IBS is heriditary!

once supply established.. can we afford to be lazy? i scared.. coz last time i never reduce my pumping time soooo fast...

me now pumping 5hrly... 4hrly was 200- 220ml.. 5hrly is ard 260ml.. will the amt drop or will it stay there?
