(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

i ordered yday...they delivering this evening

re fitti, I emailed them and current promo does not apply to size L and XL. Only NB, S and M are $60 for 6 packs. L and XL are $87 for 6 packs.

sharon/bbS, when baby becomes more wakeful, naps tend to shorten. If all goes well, by 3rd month, their naps should lengthen again. But it depends on the baby, some babies simply insist on short naps no matter what we do.
so its fine if bb dun sleep much?
if we latch fully...i worry dat i cant pump enuff when i go back to work
or shld i start freezing now?
Mich, same as this?
Coupon's Title: Fitti 360 Celebrate with your New Born

Promo Period: August 01, 2009 To October 30, 2009

Description: More than 30% OFF on Fitti New Born Diapers Usual Price: S$89.40 per carton (6 packs) Special Price (GST included): S$60 per carton

Redemption: Present coupon upon purchase.

Terms and Conditions:
Participating sizes are: NB52's, S48's and M44's
Limited to 3 cartons per customer.
anyone's baby keeps crying for attention and to be carried? mine is doing that these few days... once awake will keep crying for attention, non stop!!!

when i go see her. she smiles.. when i walk off without carrying her, she cries!!
pris.... when does this phase end..

Sharon: mine will cry more when i try to latch her on.. hahha... she will cry the whole house down.. haha.. dunno y but she doesnt like to latch on. must be super good happy mood then can.
Jia you!Try pumping more often..if u can.Make soup using slow cooker la,saves time.I realised if i drink more water (2litres a day),i will have more breast milk,u may wanna try.

I also started with 30ml to 50ml per pump and it got better with each day.Jia you too!

Same as u,I pump for 45 mins each session so as to build up supply.So it can be done.

I am using PISA,thanks for the offer tho.Am now thinking whether I shd wait for the next spree or get it from a local supplier with ready stocks but more ex.
I am trying to freeze as much milk as I can for the time when I go back to work that's why concerned about quantity. if not, i dun mind full latching cos I think its less hassle then pumping and bottle feeding.

mine same as yours! and worse it happens middle of the night from 2plus to 6plus.. had no choice but to give her pacifier cos if she latch she will overfeed and vomit out her milk.. i will give her pacifier for few minutes and pull out cos dun wan her to get used to it. she will sleep maybe 10minutes then start crying again. sigh, how long does this phase last?
hi may i noewat is block ducts?
i just notice my right nipple 1of e polelike got milk stuck inside abt sasimissize like pimples leh,,n abit pain.. is tis block duct? how to cure?
ktmum, my girl latch every 3 hrs and each time one side only. So each breast got 6hrs break. I am ok with it as ss = dd and I don't want excess since I am a sahm.

I ordered fitti yesterday but delivering tomorrow late morning to early noon.


You looking for mommies staying in tampines to share fitti premium diapers still?

How long do you allow your boy to suck on pacifier. My baby also likes the NUK pacifier and stops crying when on it but concerned she will get hooked on it leh.

6 hours your breast not engorged by then? yah for me, I want to freeze so need to maintain supply.

btw, for those who freeze your milk in freezer with separate door, do you notice how long it takes for the pack of milk to be frozen rock hard. a couple of times, i realise after many hours, the pack of milk is still in liquid form. shucks, dunno whether is it my freezer not cold enough? and dunno whether it will still keep for the 3 months guideline!
i am wondering if we store more than 180ml, will there be side effect like the bag will split open when thawing. haha

btw, how do u freeze them? i freeze them this way. but like will slide down leh

lansinoh is quite good cos it can freeze laying down. using blue egg, i cannot squeeze it into some spaces in the freezer cos the height is limited.

if you got oversupply, then must pump out else will get block ducts. no choice but to do it. but if u dont want to maintain this supply, try to pump out to relieve engorgement only but not fully empty. thats what i read from a webbie.

the freezer i am using now was spoilt. after a day, the milk wont even freeze! mil call repairman to fix it. u can try search for repairman that fix freezer if ur milk wont freeze even if put there for a day.

start freezing and thawing the milk to let Ryan taste. Else later he reject thawed milk also no point.

dont get from local supplier. super ex! wait for spree better.
once zac poop, i stop the friso, cos the last round when i continued feeding him friso, he ended up with watery stools 4-5 times a day...scary!

then the cycle starts again, after 3-4 days of non friso, he gets constipated again.

already feeding him ridwind from week 3, and gripe water from week 6.it helps to get rid of some air via fart but still no poop.

re cradle cap
anyone tried destinox shampoo? i'm thinking to get it for Zac.
I'm also freeze using lansinoh, lying flat.

I stopped giving frozen ebm to my boy 2 weeks ago. I gave him again yesterday and he rejected it! he used to be able to take it leh...
is that how u freeze it? like zig zag. how many ml do you store in the storage bag?

u need to try again in a few days time to let him taste thawed milk. the 1st time i tried, Zachary dont want. 2nd time i tried, he ok.
the white pimple like thingy on the nipple... is it milk blister? not abit pain, its very pain ah.
the cure is to pump and latch more often.
some websites say to break it with a needle and squeeze out the white stuff BUT i dont recommend cos it is VERY painful and will bleed
sharon, the recommendation is just a guideline... babies don't always conform exactly. Do ur best to encourage naps, but beyond that, there is nothing much one can do.

Its not really a good idea to start freezing now as your milk supply changes to meet babies' growing needs. What you pump out now, may not be suitable for baby 2 months later. Its of course ok for baby to drink but its better to feed baby with more recent batches of milk.

If you have been latching on all this while, you will definitely have enough supply when you go back to work. Infact you will probably pump out more than what baby can drink.

bbS, hopefully by 3 months this will be better... everything becomes better after 3 months overall.

pris, that is current promo you posted. Before August, the promo also included size L and XL. But currently it doesn't.
Hi ktmum,
I use the NUK Orthodontic Pacifier,only let him suckle when it is in between feeds.Read tat bb needs to suckle to soothe themselves.Once he is asleep,I will pull it out gently.Sometimes he will spit it out automatically.
i shall freeze abit to try...but if he reject thawed bm...then v hard for me to bf when i go work

yup im on pure latching...pump once a day cos too full...really hope my ss will b enuff when i go back work...its been a tough 4 weeks, latch on to establish ss...hope i can maintain it
re: cleaning bb eyes
hospital teach us to use sterile cotton balls to clean bb eyes...wondering when can we stop using sterile cotton balls? then use normal cotton? sterile cotton balls r ex
Yah, I thaw the most recently froze milk to let him try try sometimes.

another way is to put yesterday's milk in fridge then today give Ryan to drink. I tasted already, it taste almost the same as fresh de. but thawed milk really when u swallow got weird taste.

i bought one pack of sterile cotton ball from kiddy palace for $4.50 (100g), quite a big pack (like pigeon one). did you buy urs from pharmacy those small small pack de? anyway, i dont use sterile cotton ball to clean his eyes since my CL left cos lazy. i just use his bathing handkerchief. 4 weeks le nothing happen to his eyes and hopefully wont have infection *pray*
oh ya...am also looking for a rocker cum bed for baby to put at mum's place for wkends...anyone got anythg to reco? not gettting a cot cos v big...
Hi Reira,

Me using PISA. Pump very strong lor ... tats why nippe always feel sore ...

Baby S, yes hor, forgot abt sterilising part. My friend taught me to put the used pump into the fridge so that no need to sterilise ... i do that sometimes at night if i really really tired. since we also pour the milk bottle and kept in the fridge.

PJPJ, but 40 mins quite long hor, if 3hrly pump, then we left wif 2hr 20 mins to do other thgs liao

i sent u a pm. One of the forum mommy wanna share with u. she stay at tampines.

u check your pm, my hp# stated there u sms me and i forward her contact to u.

u liase with her, ok?
hi, can share S size n M size for fitti premium is how many kg baby?

Btw, anyone staying near bukit batok wanna share de promo? Still trying to finish my drypers S size, not sure wat size to buy for my boy.


I store them like that...save a lot of space! But I only pour 150-160ml in each bag, can flatten more! So far lansinoh bags are the best leh, I've tried pigeon, blue-eggs and glass bottles..lansinoh's the most space saving!




Blue egg
