(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

pegsfur:eek:ki then order from this seller la cos anyway 60 cents diff
thanks looo
Do u mummies breathe heavily? my colleague noticed that i m breathing louder nowadays... isit normal? i do feel suffocated every now then...
Joann S:u hv heart burn issit????maybe can ea smaller portion???btu it happens la......tummy grow bigger nt much space for our organs too le.
Just now I was taking afternoon nap (very rare) and had a scary dream. >_< I dreamt that I can see my zachary's hands and legs when he stretch from inside my tummy. It was like his whole hands come out stretching my tummy skin. lol Next was his legs and then eventually his whole body. o_o Like got the baby shape and I can hug him but he was still inside my tummy...

Funny thing is I didn't find it creepy in the dream (was hugging him excitedly haha). When I woke up and think about it, i find it creepy!!!

Last time you should be the taobao seller which sells those golden clay that can make baby's hand/food prints? Can I have the url again? Thanks!

nursing bra
Just got the kelly nursing bra. I dont find the support good. Like will sag de lor... unlike the wireless bra i got from VS. T_T Haiz, why dont they sell nursing bra with level 4 support. sad.

sharon (~mimosa~)
jeslyn lee

I've received your Babymall goods. Please check your email and reply. Thanks~
I cant sleep thru the night too... will wake up at least once to the loo. can only sleep on the sides now....

walking abit liked penguin now. can feel the pain at the pelvic bone now.

yaya.. tummy growing bigger... get tired easily. not much space in there.. kekeke

3rd spree is this fri???? i wanna order too.
Hi Ladies

I am a Jan 09 mum.... sorry to interrupt... Just a quick note, I am selling my breast pump - Medela Freestyle, bought in Jan 09 from US, used for one month and stopped as my BM is low. Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested. Thanks.
hehe.. umean the pee pad?? it is super ultra cheap from china!!! cost is ard RMB.60 for 1 big piece 60*45.. tot that will be better than newspaper...
rabbit can use pee pad meh? tot they will chew anything? u better check b4 u let cookie near pee pad.. coz pee pad got the gel inside which will absorb water hor! dangerous for Cookie!
Thanks =) Did you found the family one you wanted?

I told my hubby about the goodwood park hotel durian buffet and he is worried baby might turn out too big if I go to the buffet haha he said i will be eating 10 months worth of durian

how much does only bedsheet cos in SG?
Hello ladies,
Just drop in between my packing.

hehe! just read that you are getting stressed over shopping...

The shipment company just came to do the pre-move survey, confirmed that they will come and collect the cartons on 23May and we should get our stuffs in SG on 20Jun!

taobao spree will close tomorrow. Then I'll place the final orders to the sellers. Need to give some time for delivery to Beijing

Tell you one easy way... just go and see what the others are buying from blog, then you order also lor.
Re : ergo carrier

Is the carrier v complicated? It looks like is so complicated leh. Scare buy liao don't know how to use.


Yr hubby so funny leh. I also scare if really I will to go for the buffet think I will sure eat non-stop. Today brought 3 durian. Still find not enough leh. Hahaha.
weishy... isit heart burn? im not sure it fits the term heartburn..but really getting more difficult to breathe...n the other day i was moving around with my laptop...wah...almost fainted...no oxygen n veri breatheless... cant talk until i rest for 10min
durians will make bb bigger? my bb was only 650g last mth checkup =( i tink its a tab too small for a 25wk bb...i tink i shd try eating more durians
SL:dun think its complicated la just need abit of familiarisation,h vto play wiht it b4 using loooo.its better for the shoulders according to feedbacks.never use one b4 cos i use beco...btu find tat becon is too ht 4 sin weather.

tks again

Joann S:yes le can chk with ur gynae i'm sure he can advice u whether it is or not
weishy: he eas saying normal...but then a few days ago saw u mummies discussing weight of bb...bigger than mine like 100g? sigh...girls smaller? anyway nx gynae visit is nx tues... so will ask more...
Joann S: all bb diff la so dun worry as long as they're healthy

girls generally are lighter

there's alot of other stuffs in our body now too like the placenta
so to confirm.. shipping is to beijing or shanghai? else i tabulate wrong shipping woh..

now mi bio the hand moulding set... hehehe... drooling over them liao...
to beijing...

its ok, for shipment, just give a rough figure, then when I place order with the seller, they will give a final amount. sometimes shown on the website not accurate also.. and if reach a certain amount, they will waive the shipping.
Just read about youe "mishap" with vpost...
Thought they are usually quite professional one wor.

last year my friend also made a shipment by sea and the ship encounter huge storm and all his things got wet!
better keep our fingers crossed that ours will not meet with storm or pirates!
coz some merchants are offering FOC shipping to certain areas.. i read liao oso blur... so dunno if i shld factor in shipping or not... luan ar!
hehehe... nvm shall check those webbie again...

now is not the monsoon period right?? at least for south china sea.. (since redang n all those islands are open at this time.. kakaka) our things shld not get wet.. only worry abt those darn pirates.. which i dun think the route from china to SG hv many bah *cross fingers*
tas, weishy...yeah penguin is the best description!!
i feel like one...hahaa

i tink durians can make baby big...last mth i put on too much weight...doc say no durains for me!
been called a penguin when i had #1 mah.. thats y... just like those penguin u see in documentary where the male penguin "kiap" the egg between his legs n walk... at 3rd tri, we dun walk.. but waddle.. lol

yeah they make bb big v fast... can cause GD too
I'm walking like a penguin now! As I also need to gain balance, Haha!

Sorry to say that your sil is so terrible!
The older generation have this belief that breastfeeding milk is always not enough for babies, but we mummies know best! So just ignore your mil. Most important, seek your husband's support. Breastfeeding is the <font color="0000ff">special bonding</font> which we mummies can have!

Ergo carrier comes with a demo DVD, very easy to use.

Kikilala &amp; Reira
Thanks for organising. Deeply appreciated.

i've no idea. Thought just buy and try lor. Coz really can't tell since the photos are all taken from the ergo website. There's a link that says how close it is to the authentic pc and it says 4.7 out of 5 lor.
kikilala:wet better not le anywya typhoon is from Aug onwards.....should be oki la.

mashy:no harm tryign cos really cheap

oh ya tried the massage lady's sister MAS and was good kekkekek well worth the money :p

there's another website that sells it for abt twice the price at $168. But the seller got a lot of positive comments and buyers also put their comments after receiving the goods. Wonder if it's more reliable to order from her instead...
Hihi.. am new to this thread (kind of) but have been faithfully following it tho not posting all the while. due on aug 9, and expecting no 2 which is a baby boy.

need some help re the taobao orders.. have emailed kikilala my orders, but not sure how to tabulate the shipping? somehow managed to chalk up > 150RMB from ONE seller alone... *guilty* got from this seller - http://store.taobao.com/shop/xshop/wui_page-cat-33483679.htm

re pre-natal massage, does anyone know how it is done? do u lie on ur back or on ur side? got horrible backaches but not sure if it's really safe to have a massage done at this stage leh.

oh i remember someone talking abt ameda pump yesterday.. actually used ameda for my #1.. really not v gd leh. suction weakens after few mths of intensive pumping, and usually requires the whole motor to be changed. the pump motor also v fragile.. was told by infantree that we must carry the pump motor right side up, cannot tilt etc, otw will spoil (???). so this time decided to get the medela freestyle to try.
mashy, can u share the link to the taobao site selling ergo at 168? contemplating getting an ergo cos already have baby bjorn, but so ex to buy in sg!

i think the $168 one looks more authentic. The $75 one wrote a different chinese brand name. I think i'll pay more for that bah. Even includes a demo cd.
Jules;the massage lady ask me lie down o y sides,do my legs,sit up back part of my body,hands,lie down facing up again and facial massage.
mashy, oic, $168 is cheap. I was thinking of getting another sling, love the convenient of sling, I can bfd while shopping haahaa
