(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

good morning!

pegsfur, i have both the carrier kind and the sling kind, much prefer the sling kind (bought from moms in mind) as can also use as a cover when breastfeeding...

carefreelife, think its worth buying cos with the pump you'll be more inspired to breastfeed. I remember having to rush out 1 week after giving birth to get the pump in style cos the mini electric wasn't powerful enough... so xin ku to rush around during confinement

yeah lor... that y i say polyclinic not that cheap... n that was the pricing last yr lar..

i know TMC have package also.. but ard $500-600+ for only 6 in 1... if wanna include the rotovirus and chicken pox n watever not.. total ard 1000+ super EX!
The carrier is $18 from the spree


Oh, u have varicose veins as well? My mum oso complained that it hurts when she walk too much. And when she's having her menses, the veins get swollen as well. So poor thing leh.

Oh, so the mim one is a sling huh ... I thot it's a carrier type. I'd like to have a carrier as i prefer to have the weight on both shoulders.
pegsfur, true that after a long while the MIM sling gives shoulder ache on the side u are carrying... if u use the carrier kind, jus buy a separate breastfeeding cover so u can cover when outside.
morning regg

yeah heard raves abt it.. but i never buy it.. coz of the price tag...

now i got prob coz tummy getting bigger.. tummy already strained.. plus add my ger's weight (9kg) v siong on the back... n sometimes mafan to carry pram out
Hello Mich/ Taslyn

I am having sleeping problem, any of u same as me?
How do u gals sleep now? side way? or flat?
I used to sleep flat but now i feel cant breath, sleep side way put pillow at the tummy there not comfy and i can feel my rib painful
sob sob
hahahi was complaining abt it this morning.. same prob with u.. tried so many position end up din get to sleep well whole nite:p
Ya .. a few of us were complaining abt sleeping problem just now as well. I think we can't sleep flat rite now cos it's making us breathless.

Ya, i heard abt the price on Ergo too, dats why looking for cheaper alternatives
regg ar:
maybe coz i got a bb to take care of.. i just zzzzz... lol... i remember when i was carrying #1, i had so much prob falling asleep and had insomia coz it was so uncomfortable all the time...
now i sleep on my side.. cannot sleep on my back, coz i hv prob turning after lying on my back... b4 tummy got so big, i lie on my chest to sleep.. hahaha
maybe my body is still under "preggy" mode from #1.. so it is not that bad for me..
if i sleep on my side, sometimes the baby will kick me. slept on my back last night, and now i have this terrible ache at my lower back...
pegsfur:me dun notice it if swollen or not during menses le......never bother to look at it liao kakka .ur mum must be in pain....cos me younger aslo buay tahan liao........reflexology helps.....maybe can get ur to go for some sessions....good for her tired legs too ma.

18 quite cheap le...willg o look see later :p

actually i hv the sling ,back pack carriere and Beco.....tot use for diff occasion kkekekekek
sometimes when i lie on the side, babylet starts to kick alot.. so i will lie flat when i bout to doze off then turn to the side.. but even b4 preggy i'm a side sleeper...
Yalor.. now every nite when bed time i scare lah.

At least u still can sleep leh.

Now i also lie flat, after doze off then will turn to side.. rib pain then turn another side.. so dont get to 'yi jiao tou tian liang' anymore.

my bb also kick when i turn to side, i told HB mayb bb dont like to be slanted to 1 side.. but what to do?
it has been wks tt i cant sleep well n i look more n more like a panda keke...
when i turn side way my babay also kick n kick as if not comfy for him lol~
joyful: Swollen? hmm.... is it becos u sleep on ur left too much? If it doesnt subside, please do check with ur dr...
joyful;wow so serious ar......hv to chk with doc if dun subside like wat babys mentioned loooo.

mayeb tonight try sleeping on the right or flat?
it feels painful.. not sure if it is swollen..

i tend to toss n turn during the nite.. cant sleep thru'out on one side oso.. my bed is nt good quality one, but not advisable to buy now oso cos i will b moving to my new hse few mths after bb born..
i also haf problems sleeping at nite...no matter wat position i sleep, still uncomfortable

normally toss n turn until im v tired then can fall asleep...so no energy at work!

i realise the way i walk now is quite ugly too....hahaa...guess its due to the weight...to gain balance, i walk with legs open much wider than pre-pregnancy...hahaa
joyful, since u'll need a bed anyway, how about buying a bed during GSS then just transport over to new house? COs its this period now that u are more tired and need better rest roo....
hehe... u try taking care of my ger lor..
anyway there are some nights which i cannot sleep n only doze off ard 3-4am... so the next night i will be super tired and will sleep... so it really depends de

how come swollen? any visible swelling? better check with dr liao loo

So you do have the patch of numb feeling area too. hmm..then seems like this is a pretty common symptoms. Will check with my gyane tml why is this so.

I also have the Mini Electric pump, pass down from my SIL, dun wana spend $ to buy a new one, think will try to latch on if possible. Ive yet to buy the spare tubes n parts etc. Not sure where is these selling? Most shopping centre does not seem to carry the tubes etc.
I cant sleep well either. Will wake up ard 3-4am and cant get back to sleep. Worse is I get nightmare the moment I doze off and I wake up again. By the time I really get back to sleep, the alarm went off, time to get up for work.
Haiz....so tiring. But is glad that I am not the only one, if most of us are facing this problem, guess its a common symptom for us nearing 3rd trimester.
dolce, go to mumsandbabes.... should have.

i also got one hand me down medela swing. my friend advise me, just bring to service once b4 i use, even though the pump works fine...
most pple order breastpump accessories online.. look at the spree section...

3rd tri sleeping prob will get worse...

sunshineG; yesh there is no escape to penguin-mode
weishy, tas...yeah its penguin!
i really walk like one...hahaaa

re: breast pump
bought freestyle, shld be getting it next week
i think i look like a carebear now... tummy stick out so much..

today i wearing pink so i shall be lovealot bear..

*carebears stare!*
taslyn: hahaa... maybe wearing pink makes me feel bigger and like a carebear!!

*should stop wearing pink*

i dont have many other colours that match the colours of the carebears leh..... no have yellow, if not can be sunshine bear.
actually i dont have many pinks.... mostly are black, dark blues or dark colours.. maybe those more slimming so i dont feel like carebear when i am wearing it.. hee..
will b getting a king size bed for new hse.. current place bed frame is queen size only.. so no choice, but to tahan..

no visible swelling, just tat i feel swollen.. i tink it is normal to have ribcage feeling pain cos we need more oxygen for bb n ourself, so e lungs will expand and take in more air..

nothing tat we can do abt it..
baby s,
I like to wear pink! Cos the colour reflects on our face and has a glowing effect
But my fav pink dress i can't wear le ... tummy area too tight liao

Oooh ... aren't u resourceful!!! Ok, i'm gonna put it in my next order for kiki
pegsfur:hee no la i was just browsing see whether hv or not kkekekekkekek i will get one too :p.....

Dolce:normally is 3rd tri then will hv le....it depends on ur bb too...some dun like side ways etc......will "box" u if they dun like or uncomfortable .my 1st pregnancy my girl never give me any problems bt this time...dunno yet :p .hopefully not

BabyS:i love care bears :p
i like rainbow

Sure, no prob! When r u giving kiki yr order? I still have some shopping to do for my dog
The 3rd order deadline is this fri rite?
