(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

Cut & copy from website - can someone translate?




床单:20元(规格95*145) - bedsheet? - fitted?

枕套:8元(规格25*40)- pillow case?

枕心:8元(填充上好珍珠棉)- bolster case?

被套:40元(规格100*120)- comforter? or quilt? cover removable?

请买家仔细看完以下介绍 再拍哦

所有定做价格的价格 只限120*70范围内的小床 超过此规格 需另付加大费用

床围床靠的高度是统一的 床围26cm 床靠36cm 一般的床都适合的 如需加高 需另加费用

买家拍下后在留言里写上需要的产品, 我们会修改相应的价格,并通知您付款哦

本店以定制床品为主,所有东西都是手工制作,尺寸上有1-2cm误差在所难免的 这个请各位买家能谅解.


what about other items like bumper? measurements? thickeness? covers removeable?

Babymaking:me not sure le....btu friend's toddler had cough syrup yesterday and really active.......(she told me her PD did mentioned looo )

Also any body knows how to calculate how much medication to bbs/toddlers...cso now then i know is go by weight.....usually outside medication bottle will hv like 2.5ml every 4 hours etc.....but actually its go by weight.

Hayley's friend admitted to KKH and found out...b4 they went PD and when called PD to ask......he say he's nto responsible
very bad......so hv to seek fro 2nd opinion sometimes

this link - the same set cost $228 RMB


1.床围 - cot bumper?



2.床靠 - ??


3.床单- another type of bedsheet?


(全棉斜纹规格:95*145 尺寸已经放大了 多余的方便塞在床垫下)

4.被套 - quilt cover?



5.被心 - quilt?



6.枕心 - pillow? bolster?



7.枕套 - pillow/bolster cover?



8.床垫/褥子 -??



yeah medicine go by weight - usually PD will advise and give dosage accordingly, cos every medicine (depending on it's strength) has different tolerance levels. They go by mg/kg.

Even for adult medicine, hospitals will factor in patient's weight esp those by IV or potent type.
Morning ladies! Went for my 7mths gynea checkup this morning,offically stepping into third tri le! Took the glucose test, hope I don't get any calls from the clinic, no calls means gd news! *cross fingers and toes*

total weight gain till date is 8-9kg, gynea mentioned I shouldn't be worried about weight and ask hubby if he is worried abt my weight and that I will be happy at the end of the day??? Wonder what he means..hehe..maybe I can lose all the weight gain once I give birth? LOL... *dreams on*

just wondering how much have you all gained so far?
babymaking:床单:20元(规格95*145) - bedsheet? - fitted? dun think would be fitted ( so far i saw mothercare ones are.

枕套:8元(规格25*40)- pillow case? yup yup

枕心:8元(填充上好珍珠棉)- bolster case? the pillow itself ~cotton

被套:40元(规格100*120)- comforter? or quilt? cover removable? should be the quilt cover

HUmmmm actually if bb not sleeping in aircon room.......no need quilt la.

cherrios:congrats on ur tests

still 8kgs le.....hope wont raise too much though :p
babymaking :ya tats why my friend tot PD will advice on dosage but not hers le....so ended up go KKH loooo and did a couple of tests
Till now i am clueless about their measurement. have to ask kikilala too @_@ i think it says only 120 x 70cm. best is to go to kiddy palace to find the biggest measurement then order according that?

I will prolly follow their measurement for bumper and bed sheet. pillow case... I can forget about it cos i wanna buy those latex one in kiddy palace and there are way too many measurements!!!

what is diaper stackers?

上图照片为本店自己加工实物拍摄--宝宝床品四件套(售价100元,包括床单,枕套,床围,床靠) - photo above include bed sheet, pillow case, bumpers (1 for side, 1 for the head part)

床围,床靠 = bumpers. 床围 = bumper for side, 床靠 = bumper for head part

可另外配套购买的同款商品 (you can purchase other items which have the same design)

床单:20元(规格95*145) - bedsheet (donno why it is here again)

枕套:8元(规格25*40)- pillow case (donno why it is here again)

枕心:8元(填充上好珍珠棉)- pillow protector?

被套:40元(规格100*120)- quilt cover

请买家仔细看完以下介绍 再拍哦 (please read the following then order)

所有定做价格的价格 只限120*70范围内的小床 超过此规格 需另付加大费用 (the price is only for small bed at 120 x 70cm

床围床靠的高度是统一的 床围26cm 床靠36cm 一般的床都适合的 如需加高 需另加费用 (Height: bumper - side = 26cm, bumper - head = 36cm)

买家拍下后在留言里写上需要的产品, 我们会修改相应的价格,并通知您付款哦 (when you order, write in the memo which item u want and the measurement, then seller will contact u to pay and if there is any price difference)

本店以定制床品为主,所有东西都是手工制作,尺寸上有1-2cm误差在所难免的 这个请各位买家能谅解. (everything are handmade, there might be a 1-2cm difference in measurement)

Are you coming with your hubby later?


I'm feeling much after after 2 doses of ventolin yesterday. Yah, that's the side effects of ventolin. For me, I only feel it if i'm on the resting on the bed. Then i'll feel my heart pumping like mad and my tummy pulsating like crazy too. Other than that it's ok.
joann.... i received mine last week... seems as authentic as it can get =) very happy with it.

anyhow i am not affiliated to them, just one pretty satisfied customer.
weishy, you also never gain much! hehe... hope we maintain this ya?

Reira, diaper stackers are for you to hold your diapers in 1 big stack and can hang at the cot or places you want..

mashy, you better take lotsa care! Rest more ok?
8-9kg sounds reasonable - i just hit 24 weeks and already 8kg on. BF the way to go if want to lose weight fast after delivery.

that PD is irresponsible - which PD is that? thks for the corrections.

glad u're feeling better. Does ventolin also makes you feel very edgy - like restless? and breathless?

the beddings you buy must fit the cot you have, so measure yr cot, not what kiddy palace have. Cot sold in Singapore usually comes in these 2 standard sizes.

120cm x 60cm OR 140cm x 70cm

Re: Bumpers
you will need 2 pieces - each piece length around 180cm minimum (bigger if your cot is bigger) so that can go round the cot with no gaps.

what's the difference with the RMB 100 & the RMB 288 one? both also never state how long is the bumper.

on the way to your place, shd reach in 20min.
Bbmaking, cherrios
I in my 25th week, going on to 26th, but already gain 10kg.

I think I am one of those who prob will gain like 20kg or so when I hit full term.
cherrios:me hope so le......very sad when i see my weight go up and up the last time la

babymakign :will go chk with my friend and let u knwo
kaka.. talking abt weight gained again?
so far i hav not measured.. but i guess it is not much... last weight in 2 weeks ago i gain 1.4kg.. so stlll got more to go? eeeeks

which coughing syrup makes kiddo more active? mine drink liao KO ley...
u mean her boy was super active?? lol.. when i went off to birng ger go cut hair.. he wanted to follow woh... then was crying buckets? paiseh forgotten her boy boy's name.. was it cayden?
all the kiddos were very active ydae... but he was the extra active one.. muahaha

at last measure i gain 1.4kg lar.. now i dunno liao.. never go n weigh
haha..mayb i not light to start off with? I m like 55-56kg before preggy lo..so my ideal weight gain is 12-16kg...must make sure i m gaining properly and not over eating! Haha..cos i m stuffing myself silly everytime i get hungry so i m worry abt the weight gain lo...scared unhealthy..
Oh dear!
As most children's medicines are actually sweet.
I always give her the cold and flu drop from Vitakids instead (made from natural herbs).
But thank God that she seldom falls sick.

I have gained 7.7kgs. Now into 28weeks.
For my 1st pregnancy, I gained 12kgs till full term at week 40, bb at birth was 3.14kgs.

Best to get longer cot, 28in x 52in.
precious, thats so ideal! I hope to gain a total of 12kg too! But doubt i can stop at that based on the rate i m gaining..how long did you take to get back to pre preg weight? Btw u BF ur daughter for how long? Heard BF bb immune system r stronger? Isit true?

Pegsfur, i also agree with precious to get bigger cot, so that can last longer

Btw anyone getting 2 breast pumps instead of 1? I m thinking of getting a manual(for standby) plus an electric one....will it b a waste of money?
Cherrios, I gained about 5.2kg at 27 weeks 2 days, bb was at 1.1plus kg. Gynae commented I did not gained alot consider that bb is on a higher percentile with long limbs. Hope that it will continue like that coz back here lots of temptations for yummy food haahaa.

Breastfeeding usually helps mothers to reduce weight but diet also plays a part. If breastfeeding but taking lots of fatty food or fried food, some mummies do not lost weight at all. It all boils down to a proper diet - balance with all the nutrients, exercise etc.

Weishy, usually paed will give the dosage of medication according to babies or children's weight, that's why Kai is still with paed. Thankfully, Kai does not fall sick easily and when unwell, it is usually like a day or 2 he will recover, so I could also credit these to breastfeeding haahaa.
i think i am like you also, nowadays appetite is uncontrollable - see what, want to eat what. Hope to lose the weight after delivery, now just satisfy whatever craving. :p

yeah i remb we discuss this before, but my questions still not answered - so still dun know what the 4pc or 8pc set comes with. Also think no one manage to figure out what's the length of the bumpers as well. did you manage to get that info?

That looks cute also, was looking at that easlier too. so what does the RMB85 set comes with? just the bumper?

yeah breathless and edgy and also short tempered..dun know whether should highlight to gynae ..cos the other med available is not suitable for me either. so will just wait and see how it goes.

thks for meeting up today to pass over the babymallonline stuff - hubby loves the rompers that said "K_ss My _ass" - Would you like to buy a vowel?"
I am trying to reduce my carbo intake but find it difficult...all the food I like all carbo based.

I am getting a friend to get nursing bras from UK as I think I will have a problem with the sizes here. Any idea how to estimate the nursing bra size? I am now in my 25th going to 26th week & I am already a 38D or 40C. Think 42E safe??? Gosh...sounds obsence hor
it's the ventolin causing all the physical side effects.

guess to control GD, must really control carbo intake, or else will spiral out of control. my cravings is more for savory stuff, salty stuff....which doesn't help with the oedema. hiaks, food is always a challenge.

re: nursing bra
one band size should be enough, as for cup size, 2 cup size will be better cause u still need to factor in breast pads when you are lactating.

btw if you planning to use nursing bras for maternity now, get lightly padded nursing bras, ..cos nipples are more obvious now.

btw i'm wearing 40D-40DD now, and manage to get some nursing bras for night use (sleeping bras) locally, cost me less than $20 each.

still have not found nice padded underwire nursing bras in 40DD or 40E yet...if you manage to see any, do let me know.
$20 is cheap. Where did u get them? Do they come in bigger size?
Right now I am using the non wire ones from mark &spencer.
They have nursing bras but the biggest size is 40d, I think.
Babymaking, yep, one thing is to take it slowly and remain calm. Taking too many medication is also not very good for bb.

Pink, take more vegetables and fish. If you take carbo, try brown rice and brown rice bee hoon. You can also take cereals and wholemeal or multi-grains for breakfast. In between hungry, try taking yogurt or a slice of fruit.
Thks pris,
Am already on wholemeal bread & cerals for breakfast.... It's the in between meals hunger/cravings that I dun know what to eat. I tried yourgurt, but find that it doesn't ease the hunger.

How r u ? Got a chance to eat all the local food that u missed?
Username: cactusnah

Post Number: 1134
Registered: 3-2007
Posted on Friday, May 08, 2009 - 11:10 am:

Thank u so much. E was discharged yesterday morning. All result for the test taken was negative, merely normal flu and fever just that the dosage given by my PD was not right. I called my PD the other day to "confront" him. He still has the cheek to tell me that the dosage is depend on the severity of the problem, it can be 3.5ml, 5ml or even 10ml. What a F***, it shld always be based on a child's weight, not severity. I din bother to argue much, but i just wanna share this info with mummy here for yr knowledge. KKH doc will always have a small calculator with them to count the dosage for the prescription, my PD never calculate anything before

ladies this is y friend's msg
weishy, so far, Dr Ong has been giving medication to Kai based on Kai's weight so it depends on how reliable the paed is. I personally have encounter a very irresponsible paed which caused Kai to experience an episode of bronchitis, so we always stick with Dr Ong or any of the Paed at SBCC no matter what after the bad experience with a paed near my place.

pink, I cut down on carbo but takes lots of veg, fish, etc. Sometimes, I also take some agar-agar homemade with reduced sugar and it can be filling too.

I took alot of spicy seafood and durians till I had a really bad sore throat. Now taking in alot of fish porridge, soup noodles. And my mum has been dishing out steamed crab and stuff for me haahaa.

Also been busy settling Kai into his Sg kindy with lots of homework, spelling and tingxie as well as getting him to complete his homeschooling work and lots of packing. Catching up with a couple of khakis who came all the way to JP to see Kai haahaa.

How about try sesame paste? I am starting to take papaya milkshake and heard from Baby S that it can help to boost up milk supply from 3rd trim onward. Dun overstuff yourself with carbo.

I also take smaller meal, so I break my lunch into 2 meals and dinner into 2 meals.
I havent bought cot yet! thought i will just order the biggest measurement there is haha

difference between RMB 100 is it is 4 piece bedding set, the RMB 288 is 8 pieces one. I am not sure what other 3 pieces are for tho

haha glad that you and your hubby like the babymallonline stuffs =) what does vowel means? I only understand the K_ss My _SS haha very punk! Good deal for US$1.20 each!

for the bedding set, what size did you get?

my weight is maintaining. it is not as if i never eat or anything. infact i like to eat fried food!! I measure my weight everyday right after I wake up (so that the weight will be stable) and it range from 71.3 - 71.5kg. So roughly -0.5kg from before preggie (72kg).

Everyday when I told hubby my weight, he will joke and say "your slimming plan seems to be working!". I think my baby took those nutrients/fats from me, so instead i gain weight, Zachary is the one growing.

Currently 26 weeks 4 days. Hehe recently I've been skipping supplement. *lazy to eat*

what kind of cereal should i get and which brand of milk to go with it?
I got from these 2 websites

they only have white though for this design, very comfy and very good after service by Elnie.

2) http://mum-indulgence.blogspot.com/2009/04/fm-sarah-nursing-maternity-sleep-bra.html
this one has black + 15% discount if SMH member.

try nuts instead...or unsweetened muesli bars, or any low GI foods.

yeah, i'm worried abt the effects of ventolin on bb, was told by gynae that the med is good for bb as it works to prevent pre term labour. classic case of benefit outweigh risk type of logic.

still no PD name? hehe
Babymaking, well, as your case might be more complicated so gynae will want to make sure both you and bb are well and that you can carry bb till at least week 37 (consider full term).

Reira, it depends on wat type of cereal you like. I am taking those wholemeal cereal with yogurt and berries. As I am lactose intolerate, I take it dry.
buy a vowel is a "wheel of fortune" thingy - maybe not yr generation (definitely my generation - shows how old i am..lol). it's a game show where you chose consonants and buy vowels (AEIOU) to to fill in the blanks and contestants have to guess the whole phrase to win the $$.

re: bedding from taobao
I want to get but arghs..my chinese sucks lah...and it's getting very pek chek to go figure out what the difference between the 4pc and 8pc is all about.

the website also never state how long is the bumper pieces. if not long enuff, got gaps, will be dangerous for bb. when someone figures it out for me, then i will buy. :p

lucky you, never gain weight - same with Tas who only gain minimal weight - means can really slim down after birth. *envies*

cereal, get something non sweetened, muesli, oats, granola type. and milk..use low fat/high calcium type, pref fresh one. brand - i guess depends on yr taste.
I like kellogs rice crispie or special k. Normally I buy California sunshine milk ( from US).

Thks bbmaking for the website. Will chk it out.

Payaya milkshake good idea. Just now I just had almond cream with steamed papaya for dessert.
Babymaking, think some only has the bedding - like sheets, pillow, bolster cases and etc. I think the 8 pcs one is the one with the bumpers if I am not wrong.

Pink, I know that if you break the meal into smaller portion, you will not consume as much carbo.
