(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

sharon, my gynae everything also okay/normal to him. He is those okay okay type. Hee

i have been thinking abt my maternity leave issues every night cant get to sleep. My boss only allow me to take 10 wks ML and im thinking of how to extend the ML to 16 wks full. Coz I intend to quit aft taking my full ML.

it's my gynae's assistant/nurse who told me if hv bleeding when home dun worry. not my gynae. she hv been working for my gynae for many years liao. so veri experienced. probably a lot of ppl panic & called up the clinic before tat they're bleeding after the VE. but actually my gynae was veri gentle leh. dunno y at nite then bleed. strange.
re: blackheads
i din go and take note if i've more or less blackheads leh. i can't be bothered wif all these things one. cos my complexion also not so good to begin wif. then when i preggy, a lot of pimples pop out.
re: water consumption
i used to drink very little water. i'm like a camel. dun need to drink much & can still survive. haha! last time i can't even finish 500ml of water a day. tats y i'll notice tat i'm drinking more nowadays.
ok, i'm going to sleep liao. tomorrow morning going to the pet farm for my doggie's weekly swim. last week so drama so din get to go.
last check up Zachary was 2.8kg (week 36 day 5). =) coming monday going for week 38 day 5 check up~

wah, so the bleeding is due to VE ah? for blackheads, so yours didnt completely vanish all of a sudden during pregnancy?
congrats KPC,

petrina, come in more often to chat ya!

have a good weekend everyone!
Morning reira!

plan of the weekend is to stay at home - home arrest mah! hehe
i think needa pack hospital bag liao. yet to pack
and clean up bb's bed! :D
morning ladies..

it norm to bleed after VE 1 i read it somewhere:p

maybe becos ur baby haven engage n still high hence not so soon...

hahah my baby not any better alr 2.87kg at wk35+..
BHG baby Fair~~buy bb fair stated bb items for $50 ...will get a free TOy set....(those bb rattles la....x2 only...not so surprising la )

rompers i saw 2 for $9...... nice ones for girls ...boys only 1 design .
Reira:wanna join me for lunch at fusionpolis :p sms me la
8223 7104
Morning gals!

Chintz, how many weeks are you now? I pack half way for my hospital bag.

Yesteday, is my 35+ weeks gynae checkup, he had given me the admission letter & said as long as i have pain in every 5 mins, go straight to hospital. BB is 2.5kg.
Yoohoo everyone, it's Sat!

<font color="aa00aa">Congrats kpc for BB Kenneth</font> Wow, he's big! U went for induction right?


Hehe I guess now that we're very close to term liao, there's less worries abt BB being under-developed or underweight hor? It's gd that u're not panicking.. being at peace is impt coz relaxing helps keep the BB in top condition.


Hey LTNC. Wow ur turn soon. Gd that Baby K has caught up in weight.
I had bleeding too on off for 1 to 2 days after VE test, so i think tt,s normal..

Have been having menses cramps pain every 10-15 mins for these 2 days at the lower adominal... The pain will peak when the contraction comes and goes away when it dies down...does anyone have that feeling
aiya sorry, i just got back from breakfast + shopping from nearby mall

TMC have wireless service.

kpc is c-sect

Oops! Thanks for clarifying. My memory really like goldfish now, only last 4sec one

I have what u describe after I gek too hard in the toilet.
gynae said spotting is normal after VE, dun worry, u may hv VE in the morning and realise bleeding or spotting at night or the next day. normal if it does not accompany with pain or discomfort
Nicole, I do get contractions every 5 mins yesterday but the pain is mild and makes me very breathless.
If its painful, then I think its the real contraction leh.I You wanna go hosp and check? I know you got a few false alarm might you never know if this is the real one unless you are checked.
Nicole, yah..are you dilated? If you are, maybe you can really consider requesting for induce instead of always running in and out of the hosp.

El-nino, everyone has different pain threshold.

Yup a coupld of days ago.


Abt say... every 5min? Abt close to 30min/1h then it will go off. I think I over-exerted. Not just crampy feeling, but also a bit of funny feeling at the vagina opening.
So happy my bb's bed has finally arrived &amp; set up ystday .. not going to 'dress-up' the bed yet since bb hasn't arrived and we wldn't want it to get dusty.

But mmmm ... my dog like not very happy with the change of bed position. In the middle of the nite, I can hear her walking to her old bed position, den stopped, and walked back to the new bed position. Guess she's not used to it

Oh the bed is here!

Haha ur dog finds the arrangement strange.. of course she doesn't like it/. It's like siblings mah, the older one doesn't like it when the younger arrives &amp; disrupts his/her life. Slowly slowly let coalie adjust lah.
i didn't wanna be alarm again cos the interval has been 10-15 mins or even 20 mins for the past 2 days and i'm not dilated...gynae says when it's 5 mins apart and intensity build and interval gets closer then go in..so now i lun lor till the pain builds closer..cos even if i go in, no dilation also have to wait....so might as well wait at home..

got induce thoughts but really want her to come out naturally else later she like come out buay gam guan like that hahhahahha...i know it's silly thoughts but will see how my next appt is next wed and next sun is my EDD, may wanna induce on my EDD..see how much more i can tahan, i started my ML already so can rest at home and monitor.

each pain last for maybe 30 sec or slightly more each time it comes..so still bearable

i also have the farnie feelg at the vagina opening..suan suan de right?

The bed looks so big when put inside the room! It doesn't look so big when we saw them at the showroom. Now my bedroom abit squeezy ... hahaa. .. sleep 4 persons ... me &amp; hub, bb &amp; coalie

Ya lor ... i think she will get used to it gradually lah ... but i just hope she won't get jealous when bb arrives.

Oh, yr reno finished already rite?
i'm gg for gynae visit later, today's my 38W3D. Gynae hv been doing VE for the past 2 visits to chk for dilation, i also been strap to check for bb heartbeat &amp; sign of contraction for 1/2hr every weekly visit nw.
nicole, my EDD is 2nd Aug so is one day later than you. ya, i thk u can discuss wif ur gynae get his advise cos i see you vy xin gu cos got 2 times false alarm. I jz start my ML nxt Mon, yesterday was my last day of work

Btw, hv u get ur steriliser &amp; milk bottles ready? anyone got idea when we can wash water bottles? i will b in 39wks by then.
my EDD is also 2nd Aug
my ML officially starts on Monday also but I took 1 day leave ytd cos I was v tried....so we have the same schedule
r u delivering at TMC also?

Yes i've already got my sterliser and milk bottles already but haven wash them yet..have been bugging my DH to do it but he says no need to fast do it...till when we go back home then can do it..else now wash later then wash again.. not sure if this is a good idea..anyone has any better recommendation?
bobo, good to hear your twins are putting on weight! I think 2kg+ for each twin is very ideal

kpc, congrats, your baby is of very good weight!

nicole, can wash the bottles later on, when you actually need it! If you latch, maybe u dun even need bottles for a few weeks? These sort of chores are very fast no need to rush.

donkeymami, think bottles can wait, but u can take out the steriliser to clean and test run now...

about the menstrual cramp feeling at the lower area, I asked my gynae about it yesterday and he said its the uterus relaxing in prep for labour, and its perfectly normal.
How r u going to intro coalie to bb? My friend was tellinge instead of bringing bb right into the house, bring dog down to meet bb first so dog won't feel that his space is being intruded.

Yeah suan suan funny feeling at the V. Really makes me panick, wondering if I gek too hard &amp; gek the BB out lor.

Seems like u really have a lot of false alarm hor? Hopefully u'll get something really obvious like waterbag breaking when the time really comes. If not, like that v stressed wor.


Haha of course lah. Wah u &amp; HB &amp; coalie &amp; Ovann in same room? Machaim like olden days when family of 4 l;ive in a 2-room flat hehe. But cosy also lah.

Hmm.. i think coalie surely will be jealous for a while. Better not neglect her too much lor.

Yeah reno finally done on Fri! Now helping HB unpack &amp; clean up with "eye power" haha.
yr doggie sleeps wif u? mine doesn't. he prefers to sleep in the living room or sometimes kitchen cos it's cooler outside. we've placed the baby's cot in his own room also. wat i've done is let goldie into baby's room, let him smell the cot, and a few of baby's clothing including mittens. but he thot it's toys and wants to bite them &amp; run away. haha! i also bought a soft toy for my goldie and intend to give it to him when baby comes home. i've told him tat baby ethan has bought him a present and will give him when ethan comes home. haha!

i think my goldie knows tat a new member is coming. cos in my 2nd tri, he became veri veri sticky to me which was pretty unusual. he even wanted me to feed him wif spoon when he ate. after a while, he stopped doing tat. then he always wanted to go into baby's room to kpo and i over-reacted and raised my voice whenever he wanted to follow me in. but i realised tat i shouldn't do tat, and allowed him in. now he'll stand outside baby's room to wait when i go in. and if i say come in, then he goes in.
Not sure how to intro coalie to bb oso leh .. at 1st was thinking to ask hubby to bring bb's clothes back to let her sniff sniff 1st when i'm still in hosp ... let her be familiar with bb's scent. But i think bb dun wear clothes at hospital is it? Or if wearing, wonder if i can get a pc of it back to let coalie sniff first.

If let both of them meet at neutral place, gotta see if i'm at home 1st or coalie's at home 1st cos coalie will be at my mum's place when i deliver. Den wat abt u? How u going to intro your westie to yr bb?

Hahaha ... like last time when my family of 7 stayed in 3-rm flat like dat
Hey, i've already bought toys for her from taobao's spree so that she won't feel neglected

Oh, good to hear dat yr reno is done .. at least 1 major obstacle down and u can concentrate on preparing bb's stuff le
i have goldfish memory even before preggie! went to check the table sharon updated de.

yah, Jules gave birth already! so fast hor! a few mommies after my EDD already gave birth, made me kan cheong!

I just test run my sterilizer for the first time to see if it works. I plan to wash &amp; sterlize the bottles/ accessories only before i need them. Sterilized bottles can last sterilized for 24 hrs I think.

Brazillian Wax
I'll be doing mine on Monday after my checkup.

Anyway, just found a nice promotion. I think can buy the Privilege Card x3 for $80. Meaning each session is only $26.70! http://www.thegolddust.com/brazilian_wax.html

Ya, coalie sleeps with us cos it's cooler in our air-con room!

I've tried letting coalie take a sniff at bb's clothes and stuff as well but like wat u said, coalie oso thot it's toys and wanna bite them &amp; run away. In any case, i think it's pretty useless to let her sniff the new clothes cos it doesn't have bb's scent yet ... which is why i thot of bringing back bb's worn clothes from hosp to let her sniff at it instead

Aaaww ... yr GR is very guai, will stand outside the room and only goes in when u told him to.

How much was the buffet which u gals had at the M Hotel? I have a coupon which offers 1-for-1 deal ... thinking of going b4 i pop
Is the buffet at M hotel better than the one we had at Aquamarine?

the one tat u've found is indeed very cheap. but is it good? i dun dare to anyhow go for BW cos when i let those therapists who are not experienced to do BW for me, it's super painful and they're so slow.

we dun usually on air-con onli on fan. my HB veri scared cold one. even if i on, i'll only turn on for abt 2 hours then i off alreadi. if i on air-con, my goldie will come in to sleep wif us also. but dunno is it becos i'll close the door or he enjoys the coolness. once i off the aircon &amp; on fan, he'll wan to go out.

ya, usually he's quite guai. but there're days tat he's super NAUGHTY!

wats the breed of yr dog? a coalie or tat's his name?
