(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

hi sharon,
pls update the table for me

Chintz/ FTWM/ 27/
EDD 1 Sep/ my #2/ Boy/ Bosco/
Dr Adrian Tan/ TMC/ Yishun



there're 5 room flats in Bishan with 4 bedrooms. In fact many of them and they are average $500k+.

I used to stay Yishun 3xx too! But mine was just a 4room flat lah. It's very inconvenient, thus i dun wanna go back there. Wanna eat something also need to take bus.

I also agree that a live premature bb is better than a dead full term one. For me, i will opt to stay in the hospital for another 2 weeks till 35 weeks before letting bb out. Perhaps coz my boy came out 35 weeks very well, so i think 35 weeks is a safe time when the lungs are mature. So just stay 2 more weeks.

But if 2.2kg now, likely will be abt 2.3-2.5kg at 34 weeks. should be fine, just need the lung maturation steroids. There's a few mummies in the jul thread who gave birth at abt 34 weeks. All bb are doing well. Only 1 was in ICU coz below 2kg.
babymaking, y bb movement so little? Isit because of bb position so u cant feel it? Cos mine move so often i sometimes wonder if she ever slp...but she dont like to move when on ctg! Then kana buzz by the nurse with an equipment n bb wil get a shock n "jumped" in my tummy...haha...Isnt the doc able to scan where the cord is that is causing the cord compression?

if your bb moving little, i think better go and deliver next week at week 34. I feel really 'bu fang xin' to let bb stay inside too long. Everyday it's like taking a risk.
i agree with mashy...

cherrios: that time i went KK for that amniotic fluid thing? my baby also stop miving when put on CTG. Nurse says cos its tighter inside liao, they dont like, no space to move.

how come my bb can still move so much? She really kick all over leh. And will have tsunami type of movements.
If what the nurse said is true, my gal shouldn't be moving so much.
u got msn? hmmm.. inconvenient as in walking to northpoint is far? im shifting to 364 soon.. but when drive is see broadway coffee shop and some market.. are u talking bout the same area? hmmm.. im staring to worrie again.. -.-"

stopped using msn for a long time lor. No, inconvenient as in walk to anywhere also far. I know where your place is. I used to stay at the other side of the canal. There's a mini fish monger near your blk, not sure if it's still there though. That's the nearest compared to the mkt, coz go mkt gotta take bus. Parking at my place was a nightmare at night. Wonder if it's the case for yours.

There's only 1 bus 804. It's always very crowded and packed with pp. AS for food centres, u need to travel 1-2 bus stops away depending on which food centre u wanna go.

The only merit is that it's quiet. Coz everything is just so damn far away.

Sorry, just had to tell u my experience staying there for over 10yrs. Before the mrt started, it was even worse.
oooooooo, for now, my new house there got 3big open space car park.... dun see any fish monger there.. haha. buses i see is 559 or 599.. forget which one liao. which i think is a direct bus to northland pri, yishun mrt.... well, guess i will have to make a trip there to look ard the amenities again..... :)
anyway, thanks for the feedback.!
<font color="0000ff">bbmaking</font>, I will choose option 3 if $$ is not a problem, it is safer to be in the hospital.

<font color="0000ff">mashy</font>, I was also on CTG, my bb was still very active when on CTG, so I think it depends on bb and the nurse commented a happy bb.

i just did a search on transit link leh, and bus 559 doesn't have a schedule. So wondering if it's still plying the route. as for 599, it's hougang route. So u may wanna check that it's really working. So far still only bus 804 leh...

The fish monger is at the next blk with a mama shop. It's only opened in the morn. I used to go over there to buy some fishes. Else have to starve or take bus out to eat.

But well, since u've already bought the place, guess u just have to live with it for now. It's at least a very quiet place. It has a very nice environment, just wished they had planned it to be more convenient.

I was pretty resistent when my dad wanted to shift more convenient. Guess even though it's inconvenient, i still liked the place. But think if u ask me now, i won't wanna go back there. hahaha.

Thanks for the advise. but well, i was thinking since hb like the place and house, i dun mind walking to the dry market where the broadway is.. which i think is ard 5mins walk. the rest... guess i got to drive out or take a bus out... :)

yah lah, most importantly both of u must like the place. It's a nice place to grow a little garden at your backyard, esp since you're staying on the ground floor.
Ok, ladies, I am off for dinner.

Dolliepollie, my EM is a high floor, also 3 toilets and 4 bedroom which the one downstair I remove it haahaa. For me, my place is a stone throw from IMM so very convenient for everything.
I just come back from m'sia.
it's relaxing cos my bro drove me up to malacca.
miss my appt today.
tomorrow will see my gynae. finally a break for myself away from in-laws.

sorry to interupt, I've some items for sales as moving house.

Please go to this website to take a look.

Walker &amp; high chair can meet up at potong pasir, Buangkok crescent or Hougang mrt.

bookshelf &amp; table have to self-collect at Bllk xxx at Potong Pasir.
Pls pm me if interested

Lastly, have a nice day.
is bbmaking already in hosp? i tink it's a better choice to be warded n be observed n monitored more closely minus traveling n all a better choice.
hope bb n her will copy well.. (sorry hvnt really been cmg in.. not too sure what's really happening!)

my last growth scan (wk 31) at NUH last fri wasn't very good.. my smaller bb's growth slowing down abit already. although prof there rule out TTTS..but still i was very depressed with the results..(in fact, i have been feeling quite blue these days! duno why!) currently, left is at abt 1.7kg and right is at abt 1.4kg. i regret not taking rest leave earlier.. n oni till now. im officially on hosp leave now till my delivery at wk 36. it's all my fault, stressing myself n moving ard so much, not allowing my right bb to grow better. prof said if i cont to move ard so much n all, i'll even risk delivering at wk 32 or 33.. i was like.. what?? that next week can! -.- anyways, nw, coverage at work oso found le.. i can really relax more n rest till the D day le. :)

Take care and rest more...


For darkened armpit, it will go off few mths later after u gave birth. So don't worry... U will be able to wear sleeveless again. My also quite bad for both pregnancy.


I also have signed up to donate the blood cord. They are really nice came all the way to my mum's place last fri for me to sign....


Oh u had brought a flat liao hah... Gd gd... So u dun hv to worry now....


I will opt for 3 if $$$ is not a concern. Take care and rest more....
fatbobo:wahhhh u also take care le!!!!!!

babymaking:hummmm ya if money is oki then opt 3 ......cos sem to KKH daily is no joke le

Date ~ 9th July Thursday cos some may really pop early man .
Lunch ~ 1 for 1 $38++

dolliepollie ( will use dollie's card cos confirm she can make it :p )

Total 12

Anymore ladies ????? u guys hv my number liao right?reservations under cecelia if smsing pls state forum nick if nt i blur kekekkeke tks alot.

Weishy contacts: 8223 7104
Thanks for organizing the photoshot! =) Sianz, today went to collect my old navy stuffs but when I tried, all the clothes are like 1-2 size bigger!!! Donno if i shrunk or old navy size is just too big. T_T Haiz, now headache donno what to wear. sob!

If I am in your shoes, I will opt for option 2 if baby born in week 34 will have a 100% chance of survival even though he might need to stay in ICU for awhile. Really scary that the longer he stay inside, the higher chance of his heartbeat dropped and not rebounce...

Haven't heard from you for a while! Hopefully your right baby will start to gain more weight. Which date will you be delivering? Don't blame yourself le. Cheer up!

only 11 days to go for you! so excited! For me still got 26 - 32 days to go.
Good morning all!

bobo, take care and rest more. don't stress yourself anymore. pls cheer up for babies

re: gathering,
can't make it during weekdays leh. u girls enjoy ya!
Gd Morning ladies...

u take care ok... everything will be fine 1...

ya rest well dun walk too much soon u will have 2 lovely princess in ur arm
morning mummies..

getting more and more tired recently...

wake up in the middle of the nite to pee and had difficulties going back to slp
gd morn ladies!


same same. now so used to it that after i go back to bed, i'll knock out just as quickly. Well, will have to get used to it when #2 comes and we don't get to sleep much at night. My sleeping hrs are now round the clock. I take afternoon naps too to recover from the nights.
gd morning everyone!

Janice, i feel increasingly tired too. must get up to pee, but thankfully i fall back to sleep quite quickly...
if i can i also wish to take afternoon naps.. need to work.. haiz...

think might take AL before my ML... tired.. rather stay at home.. den take train all the way from east to the west...

really salute to those mummies who can look after #1, do hsehold chores and preg with #2!!!!

for the gatherig it is must be even number?
I am plan to go it.

But i must finish the accouns month end closing first!
Good morning.

Mashy, same as you. I also have to take afternoon naps nowadays with my no1 or else I got no energy to even bother about him in the evening.
Somemore my no1 is down with cough and running nose so every early morning at 4plus, he will start coughing and I can't sleep when there's a slightest sound. Still have to get up to feed him med and make milk for him. Shagged!!!

Janice, same...dunno why so tired nowadays. And I take at least an hour to fall back asleep again once I get up in the middle of the nite.
i also wish to sleep more...

but there's so much work!! sometimes i take leave, then when i come back, my whole table is full of work!
shirley:no la no need la nicer if even ,if not then just split the bill looooo so many of us ....tiny diff only la

can confirm by today i need to call them up tks

maybe i call up later and make reservations for 14 first kakakkaka :p

huh? I thot at night shouldn't need to feed meds unless it's fever?

i got my hb to sleep with him, else i will have insomnia. Like the night before when he wanted to sleep with me, end up i only slept for 2-3hrs.
so nice to take aftn nap... I am very tired nowadays too and my legs will be aching by the time i rest on the bed.
Mashy, he kept coughing and coughing. He cannot sleep and I cannot sleep so feed him the med then everyone can sleep. I think can feed med lah...it says 3 times a day mah so as long as I keep to 3 times in 24hrs should be ok.

Yah, my sleep is always disturbed one. Coz my boy will come sleep very close to me or even ON me sometimes!

how old is he now? Let him wear socks to sleep. Does he sleep in air con? Think he started coughing due to the sudden change in temp at night?
Morning all.

bobo, do rest well, just eat and sleep eat and sleep and your babies will be fine.

shirley, if you are going for the gathering, then i also join, so can make up to even number
Mashy, he is 2yrs old. I only let him wear socks to sleep when I on the aircon. I didn't turn on the aircon the last few nites since he wasn't feeling well.
irene, maybe you can put on an extra shirt for him to keep his chest warm ? wa, your boy sleep on you... so sweet...

chintz, bb is pressing on your bladder, that's why you feel like pee-ing, maybe it's just a trickle...
Irene, I see the similarity.

Josh also either stick so close to me or just sleep on me. sigh~ #2 will start kicking if he is on me cos fighting for space!!! Urgh... there goes my beauty sleep

hehe, my boy wears his socks to sleep even when we don't on aircon. :p It's a quirky habit of his and he wears diff coloured socks. Now that mei mei is coming, he's even wearing baby mittens! Yupz. He took a pair of free mittens that i got and wore them to sleep, even though they're too tiny for him.

Keep him warm at night, it helps...
seems like all josh behave the same way..my boy also like to sleep with me and middle of the nite the legs will stretch underneath my body, kick me, or worst ask me to pat him back to sleep.

mashy:will ur son be too hot is wear socks at night without aircon?these few days oki la but weeks ago super warm le at night.......he's used to it already ma?????maybe my body warmer now :p

geting puppp too haiz....so itchy le
