(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

should i get ready made cuppies or i steam some for my gal's bd at cc?

shall i go for chocolate cuppies or butter with chocolate chips cuppies or blueberries cuppies?


One of the reasons why I thought of No 2 also. Sam looks bored at home, esp since he's not gog to school yet.
BabyS :
U also dec? me too!!!
Should be 31st on lunar year.

Ya lor. Cos they Malaysian ma. And my cousin is the eldest cousin in the family so, he got those old conception that he wants to have another boy.
He has 1 son, 2 girl liao le. Than the 3rd girl one – pass away. But the 4th one don kw its boy or girl.
Sekali its girl cos their parents also like that. Give birth 1 boy, the rest all girls.

Re : 2nd kid
I don think my son getting lonely cos I think he got the attention he wanted. maybe haha..
Jul, Sharon
we share the same sentiments, the reason we plan #2 Ethan is lonely and he need a sibling to share and play.
Jul,Sharon and El-nino,
I totall agree...to see lau da play alone..really hope to see him play with another kid at times,ha then will anticipate alot of mediation when the time comes.

I m due in June..counting down now!
Jul - then this must be a surprise for him. I rem you mentioning abt this, its a decision parents will never regret though its going to be taxing on parents, juggling work and family.

Yeah they look so pathetic playing alone hor? Then when we bring hi to the playground, other kids dun wanna play with him coz they have their own siblings. So poor thing!


Yup he was like.. quiet for a few moments after I told him.
PJPJ, wow due in Jun tat's really fast jz 2 more mths to go. So it will be a brother or sister for Jeremiah?

BabyS, ya our age i would say 80% gonna to get a girl for this yr.
Hmm ... for me the calender all predicted wrongly leh. They predicted i hv gal ... hahaa.


Aiyoh ... when i think of siblings quarelling & snatching toys, vying for parents' attention, i think 1 is enough!!!
dun worry la i also dun have much MS jus tt i gt feelin i strike tt y go test keke..

Re: the Gender prediction
it not accurate for both my preg anyway it is 50/50 either boy or gal so i tink dun rely on it too much?
Nose bleed, mommies is this something to worry abt?
Ethan still head butt not sure its the root cause? He had nose bleed on sat when wake up, thot the air con is too dry then bleed slightly when I return home

All salah leh! It says that Sam is a GAL haha


Haha there're pros & cons to having 1 or 2 or more. Just have to strike the right balance for yourself. After all, not as if you've done any ireeversible thing right haha


Yeah now waiting for 2 weeks later to see gynae again. Hope this time got gd news


Er.. I used to spend $360 (salary) + $170 (levy) + $100 (food, lodging etc?).. about $600+? Misc will be medical in 6 mths.. buying phone card for her abt $10. But I didn't allow any hp.


Has Ethan been very heaty? Did he knock his head or face? Or no reason suddenly nose bleed? I think if one off or 2 times, shdn't be serious. But if it recurs, better to go doc to check out.
Maybe he accidentally hurt his nose membrane. But I guess it has nothing to do with the head butting stuff.
Sometimes rubbing too hard will cause that.
Maybe u can bring him go see doc if he shove anything up his nose or not???

Thanks! cos my hubby said added up abt 1k. I was like huh? Cos he said if go out eat sure must bring her ma. But I think its ok as long as we didn bring her to restaurant ma right?
its not accurate for me too... we both dragons mah, perhaps not accurate for our age!
My boy is suppose to be a girl! haha! jialat, next then become gay how?
Jul, nowadays maid salary has really gone up. $360 is considered low already. Dun worry too much, am sure you'll see baby's heartbeat at the next visit!

Sbb, have to count in some bonus (to reward for good peformance), some medical etc etc, its about $700+ a month. Every year, I spend about $8-9k for all maid expenses. My maid buys and pays for her own handphone and SIM card.
usually if bring helper to chinese restaurant, we just use a small plate and put some dishes for her, so not much additional cost, maybe just need to order drinks for her. but if go to those individual type, like jap will have to order a bento set for her. so need to pay about extra $15. think per month eating out cost abt $100

I know of someone who will ask her helper to eat at foodcourt and they wait for her at the restaurant.

other cost which I think is "invisible" is the replacement of stuff at home. with a helper, somehow the life of vacumn cleaner, rice cooker, washing machine, broom, mop are much shorter.
kiki, yes I do agree about the shorter lifespan of some items!!! My maid used to bang the plates so hard when washing, she would chip them all, till I told her that her bonus is tied directly to whether I have any damaged dishes. Then my breadmaker konked out after less than a year when she was making bread. When I bought a new breadmaker, I didn't let her touch it, and its still functioning after close to 2 years.
Elnino, he could have sensitive nose membranes. Can ask the PD the next time you visit. My girl also has occassionally nose bleed, but it stops relatively fast.

Oh yeah I forgot to add. My maid was on old salary that'w why only $360. Now it's min $450 for Indo. Yeah lor, then hor, when you bring them to restaurants, they 'hiam' the food! They'd rather eat Curry Rice or nasi lemak from food court! Yet we can't aws eat at food court to suit her right? very mafun having a maid!


Yup yup, I forgot that my maid was on old salary scheme

Yeah lor! My maid managed to spoil my new dress which I haven't even worn! It had those permanent pleats on the skirt & she went to iron them flat! Now they're half there, half not there. I haven't even worn it yet!
jul, if they hiam the food, then its better to leave them at home to eat what they want? Sometimes I think they prefer instant noodles!!

it's true leh. That's why I aws left her at home on weekends after that. My that maid really can enjoy one lor. My MIL complains that she eats a lot, but I'm fine with that. But she cans say she doesn't like cabbage, fat noodles like udon & spaghetti, will ask to eat instant noodles instead of the pasta that I cooked,... Then I discovered she threw away my bread once coz she knew that we were gog to MIl's where there's FRESH bread & we went home without her knowing & the bread wasn't in the fridge although she said she left it there. Then after reaching home, she said she ate it in the pm. Then when Hubs asked her, she said she ate it in the am!

Very troublesome.

Oh yeah, let me rant a bit....

When she first came, she said she was ok to handle prok, eat dishes with pork in it, just pick out the pork. THEN she started giving 'black face' if there's no non-prok dish or if we ask her to pick out the pork etc. But that's my MIl's fault lah. She used to cook special non-pork dishes for her, even gave her her own non-pork steamboat soup etc. THEN MIL complains.. hah!

Once MIL's neighbour gave some Indo beef jerky or something. She asked me what it was, I said, Beef. Then she asked again, I replied Beef. Then she asked MIL again! What the heck! She thinks I'm trying to poison her with pork ah?

yeah lor, we got rid of her coz of her 'character' problems more than anything else.

We just sent her off 1.5 weeks ago & have been taking half days to help out ILs in the am. Tdy's the first day that they're alone. If they can't cope, then we'll hire another maid lor. It's kinda up to them. But we hope not to hire, at least, till my 3rd trimester

Dunno what to do when I pop though *HIAZ*
jul, don't know what to do, as in you are deciding if you will be staying home to look after the kids? How about sending Sam to childcare and then get the maid and ILs to help look after #2? That is probably the most manageable way. Its quite tough for you or your ILs to handle a toddler and baby at the same time.
The invisible part is really a huge cost! Hahaa

The pleat skirt incident is funny! Hahaa

Actually I plan for future..if anything happen to my parents, I got my siblings to help ie bringing parents to doc
I dun want Ryan to be alone taking care if the 2 of us..scary thought
But I'm only thinking...haha..changing job now

Thanks!! Good luck
I'm thinking for now
actually the idea of the maid eating at food court not bad leh..

I dread having to employ a maid and pray that i wouldnt have to..

jul: maybe that maid was a aspiring designer and thought pleats didnt suit the dress.. haha
sharon, agree that there is alot of stress on the single child when parents are older. Last 3 days of work in the bank!

I definitely won't be sending Sam to CC, coz I've already registered him for kindy. I think most prob I'll have th get a maid to help out. I just haven't decided if I'm gonna be a SAHM temporarily again. But definitely need a maid! I can't survive with Sam & a baby & no maid. Finances will be tight & will have to dig into savings, but we've agree that it's for the good of the kids so we'll just try to tide over as best as we can.

I'd like to try staying home with a maid permanently but I can't afford it

sharon, babys

Not funny lor! Luckily it's a cheap dress


Oh r u gog for that PA job?
jul, yes I so agree! I tried to do the 2 kids without a maid when my #2 was born, and I discovered I was no super woman. I know some mummies can do it, but I couldn't without sacrificing my sanity. Even if its being a temporary SAHM, that's also good. Maybe when the kids are older then no need maid anymnore. I'm counting down to the day I won't need a maid.

Exactly! I want to try to be SAHM for The Bun's 1st yr also. Esp crucial during the weaning, learning to flip, stand, walk periods. Give to MIL sure use walker, eat salty food etc. But I cannot manage to cook, do household chores plus take care of 2!

When do you intend to wean off the maid eventually?
Maternity Clothes

Argh.. I'm surfing the Net looking for cute maternity clothes & it's hard to find many. Any recommendations?
congrats~ wow..

yah yah, how do u intend to wean off the maid ar? how abt dinner for the kids? tingkat? cleaning work such as toilet n ironing clothes? ur maid goes to grandparents place or homealone w kids currently.

i am oso thinking of what's going to be like next yr when #2 goes to school. maid shake legs at home while we struggle to bring bread home? but if i do w/o her, then how abt the cooking part and oso cleaning of the house?
Smurfy, my maid has a good life, she only does housework and cooking. My MIL comes to my place to look after Isaac, while I have 2 older ones in full day childcare. Ya the cooking part will be a pain. Housework can still hire part time help twice a week. As for cooking, gotta DIY, so need a flexible job I guess.

Oh no! Which means I have to get a maid for 4 yrs!!!!!! Faint..


Hehe congrats on The Bun or on sending off the maid? hahaha

Same lor. Got maid like very shake leg. Actually we only need the maid for a couple of hours a day. Too bad there aren't such 'hourly rated' part-time maids
Cleaning of the house can engage the service of part time helper.
While cooking part might be a bit tricky, either do it while they are sleeping or tingkat or do those one dish meal..haha..

u can get part time help for housework. I've some friends who work and cook dinner after they fetch their kids from cc. But I guess it depends if u can cook. If u can't cook, then probably order tingkat?

if u send your kids to cc eventually, then no need maid lor. But if no cc then u will probably need a maid. So u may need one till the youngest is in pri sch. That will be more than 4 yrs!
if u have err cleaner comes in 2x a wk, and u eat out/tingkat.. end cost is still abt the same as hiring maid right? but w/o the privacy.

i dun cook.. but my kids meal usually settled at my mum's place, so it's alright. i can simply have quick dinner at foodcourt or tingkat for adults. the issue is my hb who prefers homecooked food and does housework superly slow.
ok, then u are probably one of those who will need a maid forever. Just make sure your maid is not caught on camera carrying your boy's bag when he's in army. :p
nah.. i just take one day at a step. if my current maid dun wanna continue after her contract ends (by then my #2 will have started half or full day), most probably i will not continue oredi coz i dun have the patience to train new maid.

Wau.. so per mth about 750 bucks lor.
Hmm… I was thinking of splitting the cost with my hubby but maybe he should pay a bit more. Like he pay her salary and food outside when makan than I pay the levy and her female stuff like shampoo and etc which is min.
Ya also bonus huh. Jialat.. bonus if she good give how much?

Lifespan of equipment with Maid – that is a good way to say when you say ties to their bonus. They will be so afraid.

Actually if go restaurant with those head count one than expensive lor. If not, than quite alright. Cos some are small eater.
I hope if I got one maid, don kw if they like to go makan with me cos my family is meatless la. Haha..

Jul :
She got an attitude haha..
By the way.. its heng suai one right? I got friends who get maids all good ones.. so pray hard that I can get a good one.
But im getting one from age 35-40 years cos these are those ppl who wants to work for family la.
