(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

thanks for feedback, if got lots mozzies.hmm..then i also better not la..but i see from website the playground looks really big n nice..but the fees are indeed very ex..abit beyond my budget too..hai....so where u put urs now for k1 n k2?

BabyS, i put down my name during the recent fair, they have been calling me these few days to register..but i still thinking abt it...

prefer Living Sanctuary...but may be on wait list..so looking for alternatives now..

wonder if Dayspring at punggol end will have mozzies issue or not, since it's really ulu forested area....anyone been there to see?

For pre-nursery, are the classes everyday or only twice/thrice a week? Cos when i look at the programmes from some of the school, some just state the timing, while others state 3days per week.

I'm asking cos i'm not sure if i shld continue ovann at gug ... and whether his class is considered as pre-nursery or not since it's for kids up to 3yrs old.

Sam was norm quite ok when teething too. A bit cranky but not super cranky. But when his molars were coming out, he was SUPER cranky. Dunno if it's coz 4 of them came out at abt the same time.

Sam's very clingy recently too. He's teething, but I dunno how much of it is coz I'm having No 2.


Aiyah cannot say such things lah. But this morning, MIL was telling Sam to listen to this gorgor/jehjeh who was crying gog to school. I couldn't stand it anymore & told MIL not to 'scare' Sam. She said why I so pantang, nvm tell him "pa oa" just say crying only what. But I didn't care, & she grumbled a bit but didn't protest much. Maybe she understood/accepted my point? Coz she's very worried abt Sam gog to sch & doesn't wanna add to his burden? hahaha


Wanna try ordering from here? http://www.luvbabies.kimsang.com.sg/

I ordered twice before. $200 for free delivery. So far so good.


I guess babies/tods are 'hardy'. But I kiasi leh. So I stop Sam from doing suicidal things haha

I dunno how to make him stop pouncing on me now though. he keeps wanting to sit in my lap - & he goes "BAM!" with his big butt & lands hard on my tummy/pelvis. Or he likes to jump on me when I'm lying down. Or crawl onto my back if I'm prone. Hiaz so dangerous for me now .. How???
jul: i think ur MIL got ur point.. hope she remembers it..

jeni: what fair? the one at suntec huh?

I also praying hard that we get into LSBC kindy..

mashy: for PLMC Kindergarten hor, other than that toilet training incident with them, how do u find them overall?

pegs: i think u must ask GUG, how do they prepare the kindergarten kids for primary school, cos primary school is not learn thru play liao..

Oh, ok .. i just checked, they hv nursery class for 3 & above. So like u said, ovann's class not considered as pre-nursery. Aiyoh ... so how ah? Dunno shld let him continue his current class till 3, den join their nursery, den when he turns 4, move him to nafa (if i get a place)? Or shld i also start to look for pre-nursery now? Headache again ...

Hmmm ... so maybe ovann's molars are coming out also as he's starting to drool and he bites alot of things ... he just bitten off his 3rd tutu within this mth!

Does sam understand the concept of pain? Cos i taught him 'pain' whenever he does something physically to me and i din like it ... as last time i thot if i were to have #2, cannot let him do all these to me. So now when he bangs into me or lands hard on my lap, i'll yell 'PAIN!!!'. Then he'll do it again, but use lesser force. I'll still say 'pain', den he finds it not fun, he'll stop it. Maybe u can try?
hi for kindy, i got one church kindy told me need to be toilet train before starting in Jan next yr le..otherwise start in march..
anyone know if that applies to others schools too?

PLMC is paya lebar methodist?

I hope she does. But I'm sure later on there'll be some "pa Pa' issue abt dogs or cats or escalators or insects *hiaz*


I thought cfm get a place at Nafa coz u're alumni?

Dunno if he understands "pain". Coz that time he pointed at my 2 cruises & said "uh oh". Maybe I shd start telling him that? He's really not very very chor lor, but he's just too big & strong haha
baby s,

I'm not so concerned with kindy class since i am thinking of letting ovann stay with nafa after his nursery there. I mean, shld be auto promote rite? It's the pre-nursery i'm headache with. Cos with ovann's class now at gug, it's up to 3yo. Then gug has nursery class from 3yo, and has a choice of 3x,4x or 5x days. But i've already reg ovann for nafa for his nursery class when he turns 4. So now i dunno shld let ovann stay with gug at 3yo for nursery, den move him to nafa when he's 4, or shld i search for other schools.

Cos if pre-nursery is everday de, den i very siong leh .. hv to bring him to class everyday ... maybe want to look for somewhere nearer to home.

he's now at a vwo cc in serangoon Gardens. Big space, big playground.

the teacher my boy had wasn't very patient. Within 2 weeks of starting sch, she's already stressing the parents for not knowing their abcs and Chinese etc. One more thing is that there was a boy who kept stroking my boy's cheek. My boy hated that and kept pushing him away. I told the teacher that and the teacher said my boy can't get along with any kids. I'm like, hey, this boy is intruding into his private space, u don't do anything abt it and still say my boy is not very sociable. But it's teacher specific lor, so maybe other teachers are better?

You can don't let Ovann attend pre-nursery? Then continue with GUG till he goes to Nafa? After all, it's not as if pre-nursery is compulsory, & he's not learning anything from GUG right?
mashy: then i'll go stroke the teacher's face too and ask her if she likes it or comfortable with it. If she doesnt then does that mean she doesnt get along with pple too... crazy leh..

jeni: can share which kindy is that? I asked LSBC, they said best if toilet trained cos the teachers cannot always be changing everyone's diapers but not a requirement for them to be 100% toilet trained b4 they go in..

Its only for 3 hours what, think a diaper can tahan for 3hrs right.. If its big business then different story..

I once enquired at a playground for 18 months old, under sunflower group, they said must be toilet trained if not cannot.. i asked them how many of their 18month olds are toilet trained. she couldnt answer me..

ya, that's why with the principal and teacher like that, i decided to change sch. Glad I did that instead of demoting my boy like they said. Altho he's still a little quirky at times, he's improving and catching up with his peers. I think he should be ready for primary one with the rest of them.
BabyS it was YCK. i ask what do they exactly mean by toilet train, they said can tell teacher want to go loo...
ya this diaper can tahan 3hr bah...but must plus travel time, so will be almost 4hr in total.
Did LSBC tell u when they will get back to you?

Pegsfur, how's the GUG lessons? good? what do they teach? i went zoophonics, but dun seem to teach phonics at all leh.just sing that song everyweek only..so upset...never even teach letter by letter the sounds...alamak..even i can't catch that zoophonics song, how is toddler going to learn man...but at home i played the going to zoo song, n my boys like it, will dance n turn around haha...so funny...

now just got the idea from you all, alternatively attend GUG enrichment til 3+, maybe 2x or3x a week..then start nursery at kindy at 4yrs old also can hor?? i just scared by then the kindy no more space, cos the 3yr olds will have promoted to 4yr old nursery classes..right?

Jul, what is VWO cc? i stay sengkang hougang slightly far, but that's the nearest i could find liao..

it's a voluntary welfare orgn cc. Their backers are the wesley methodist church. Wow, u stay at hougang, sengkang like quite far leh. Isn't there a kindy/cc nearer your place?
kindy start at 4yrs old only..
CC ah..i not sure leh...u mean those at RC type below the HDB flat... i don't like those leh...

oh didn' know got such VWO cc type..how to seach for those?
U hv a point and i have that intention initially. Just that there's a gap between 3-4yrs old which i dunno whether shld let him sign up for the nursery at gug. Maybe i'll just enquire & ask them how's the curriculum for nursery with them.

Huh? Zoophonics dun teach phonics? Ovann's class will sing the zoophonics song every lesson but they'll teach an individual letter every week. They also teach simple words by matching letters with the phonics. Also have a small segment on mandarin. Some days they have story telling, some days they hv music session. And they also hv art & craft or projects as they call it. I find it quite interesting.

There's no enrichment a few times a week at GUG for up till 4? Btw when u say 4, it means 2013, not in Aug 2013 right? So the GUG will last till Aug 2012? Actually just a matter of 3 or 4 mths till Ovann starts at Nafa, not too bad?

Ya, no enrichment till 4, only up till 3. Wah ... dun ask me abt the years i really have no idea .. haha ... But u r right, it will only be 3/4 months till he starts nursery at nafa. Aiyoh, all the years & nos give me headache. I forgot that they go by calender years instead of mths :p

Oh, forgot to answer u ... nafa kept emphasizing that priority given to siblings of current students, alumni only 2nd priority ... so no guarantee that we'll will get a place.
pegsfur, zoophonics..
is it, i at tampiness mall branch, so far only attend 3 lessons, 2 of which he was fussing n crying to get out of class hai..other then the 1st lesson which he sat thru. i only see them singing the zoophonics song..but don't see them teaching individual letter every week le..they got story telling n then got like activities with paper cuttings n stuff.n teach animal sounds...n then art n craft lor, which is like most of the time me doing it la. so not sure any point for him right now..since so young...he just color color lor..
sometimes even do counting...but don't have simple words matching letters leh...
n mandarin lesson, jsut start with singing some songs, then learn a color each week n do art craft again....

wonder if GUG the same??

oh GUG i saw got gifted kids (N1) for 2.5yr above..not sure til how old though didnt' ask. N1 is up to 3yr old that year har? not up to Aug 2013 meh..hehe.. i not sure...
since Gifted tot they put 1.5-3yr..i suppose Kids will be 2.5-4yr, not meh

Oh.. no backup plan yet huh?

I also dunno what to do if MFC tells me that they have no place for Sam. I can't be going ard looking for a replacement with a big belly/newborn baby! *headache*
Harlo ladies..
Happy April Fool

Congrats!!!!! ur wish come true
hmm not easy wor.. esp now tryin to BF n feel quite emo cos spendin less time with #1 imagine gotta pump 3 hrly n do this n tt time to pump again n feel bad tt cannot carry him now..
but gd thing is he is quite ok with didi the 1st thing he ask when he reach home is where is didi... n he will take the initiative to sayang n kiss didi..
congratulations again. so sweet of your #1
take it easy, your bb needs your attention, and you also need to rest,
hb and others can help with #1, please take great care of yourself ...
el nino

I'm only 6 weeks. First gynae's appt this afternoon. Feeling abit nervous & a bit like a first-time mummy all over again coz I've forgotten everything with Sam! Congrats on passing the MS mark haha


Just try to do the best you can. Impt thing is to recover. You're not latching, only pumping? Do you have confinement lady help? Sure very shiong with 2 if no help.

ya i got CL to help... hmm i dun like to latch leh prefer pump out to feed easier to set a routine also... also dunno how much longer i can hang on to BF cos really tired n take up lotsa time... my Hb have been helpin alot but i miss the bondin time with #1..

Oic. Haha you're opposite from me. I tried so hard to latch coz I didn't want to be stuck to my pump & I wanted to BF as long as possible. But Sam was not cooperative! Seriously, latching is much much easier. No need to wash pumpset, no need to warm up milk, no worries abt going out. If I were able to latch, I wouldn't have been so tired for 12 mths. I hope I can do it this time round. Else I don't think I can persist for 12 mths, not with an active toddler!
I always tell myself #2 i'll pump out, same reasons as piggy but yet like jul i think of washing the pump i damn sian ah!
ya I agree latch maybe more convenience but I prefer a routine lifestyle my boi get to sleep thru v early n as their feed in time extend longer I dun need to pump so freq also but I tink it really individual preference ..

i also dunno how long I can BF jus do wat I can

It doesn't really matter abt pump or latch. Just individual preference as long as aware of the pros n cons.

For me, after i pumped for a yr, i DON'T WANNA do that again haha


Anyone uses? I had an impossible time with the MIM sling. Sam refused to be in it. Dunno if it's coz i didn't know how to use it properly or i started too late at 2.5mths.

I thought a pouch'll help since it's fixed size n no need to adjust or contend with all the cloth. But just now i tried a suze S n it's sooo small n tight. Aiyah looks impossible to use. But the chart does say i shd use size S.
Jul, how's your 1st checkup? i started to have all the MS symtoms after 8wk.

sharon, will browse and update the thread, i have some pink items to buy
I borrowed a MIM pouch fr my frend when the sling didn't work out
But it's was an M..too big...but worked better than the sling
After a short while u gave up too! Too heavy n changed to ergo
Best investment so far


Sian 1/2. Can't see heartbeat. N babylet's only 5 weeks old. Guess i ovulated late as usual. Haha that's the diff b/w first n 2nd child. With the first, i know exactly when. Need to see gynae again in 2 wks.

But i already have MS since 5 weeks

I dun think i've anything to get from VS now haha.

I've my manduca which is a great investment. Just a bit heart itchy n wanna buy a pouch. I even got pris the sling expert to teach me how to use the sling but still CMI
i use the bjorn bb carrier when bb is about 2 months, cos there's a min weight for the bb, needs to be at least 3.5 kg. i alternate between the MIM sling and the carrier.

I don't like Baby Bjorn. No support one. I prefer the Manduca. But I feel like getting something to manage till the baby's abt 3 mths coz I dun really wanna put it upright in the Manduca so young leh.
Hiyo ladies...
long time never go in here liao le!!!

so how is everybody?

Piggytoh : how is it with 2nd boy? hehe...

Jul : u preggy with no. 2 ah? no heartbeat? aiyo

yo.. i very scared kana bb no. 2 leh. aiyo... not prepared yet. cos now i got the same symton as last time when initially preggy. leg no strength and very de tired. alamak..
now feeling very very hungry.. hopefully its false sympton.

Yup, just 5-6 weeks only so we still cannot see heartbeat. Really sian 1/2 when we couldn't see lor. Must wait another 2 weeks!

heehee.. tell us if it's gd news ah?

but these 2 weeks u take very good care. cos crucial period wor..

aiya..hope don kana la..i not prepared.
i want bb to be 3 years old than kana. now he only 20mths. i don even dare to buy pregnancy kit.
