(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

oh!! I nOe where le... thanks thanks... will go see see... hehe...

me too, my clothes all abit loose de... hahahaha... so i can fit into most of my tops but nt T-shirts, can see tummy!! *sob sob*
bottoms dun think abt it... =( I just bought a pair of shorts... M size... haiz....

i'm not losing weight... gaining weight even... die liao lah!!! =(

Nursing room:
Tangs Orchard is at level 4 children's dept.
Vivocity is at level 2, near the open-air playground.
Etirto, ur hb so good, still buy cheesecake and chocolate for u! Mine only ask me to exercise more and no junk food..today sneak out to eat fish burger from Mac..it's been a while since i last touch a full set from Mac! No wonder im still holding on to my 6 kg..sigh..

pprincess, the nepia diapers have arrived today. Let me know when you want to meet up to hand the diaper to u.

Suntec and plaza singapura also have nursing rooms.
Suntec - 3rd level near Toy "R" Us exit (its right inside)
Plaza Singapura - near the toilets.
Hi mummies

Was reading the thread and thought it wld be fun to join in
I am a mother of 3 girls, and just delivered my 3rd on 14 Jul. My other 2 girls are 7 & 5 yrs old.

Am also finding it difficult to fit into my pre-preg clothes....dun even know how much I weigh now - ha ha.

Tried a Jap brand of diapers - "Goo" which I ordered online. Cost about $23 for NB 58 pcs and S 52 pcs. Was using drypers all along for my kids but my 3rd little girl got rashes so had to change to something else. Thot of trying Nepia too
my husband says I am a diaper fanatic - ha haha
YAY my girl pooped. i feel like givig my maid a big kiss. she did the cycling thing, and then held her legs up in the air, then stretch her anus, then did the mm-mm sound. yay yay yay. was telling my bb that if today dont poop, tomoro have to see the naughty pd that gave her a fever.

sam - thks for the tip. i'll try the prune juice thing, since its more natural. you give everyday ? once a day ?
Bestberries, no worries, I learnt from handling a week of her infrequent stools until I can't tahan go see PD also cos I was worried. The prune juice I give everyday, since it's natural remedy, no sugar, and okay for infants to take this young. I usually give once in the morning abt 20mins before a feed, and sometimes one in the late afternoon (cos 1st time I give after a feed, she merlion on me). Keep it diluted abt 1 part prune juice to 1 part water (I give 1:2).

I also ordered GOO N online, if u buy more than $120 think they give 10% discount, this brand is very good but it's the most exp diapers that I used so far, more exp than all the other brands in the market.
same as u I love to try different brand diapers.

may i check where to buy the " girdle panty called Body wrap" that u mentioned?interested as my tummy very big, all my old jeans even the loosest one that previously cant wear due to too big now too tight for me. sob sob.
Check out this link for a list of nursing rooms in shopping malls:
bestberries u r so lucky to hav a gd helper!!!

evian? haaa i must tell my dh later! hahahaa

re: iregular bowel movement..
its perfectly normal.. my girl can 3 days dun pooone... aft that give mi a big pool of poo...

re: meet up nxt week.
im free! count me in hee
u v gd leh can massage fr Juen everyday
i tell u hor i can onli do on 1 leg then Edna start making noise liao!
meet up next week? where? heheh i am getting a maid so got time to meet up already!!!! yah!

oh want to ask. is drypers larger then fitti? coz i tried it for my #1 and its larger leh... hmmmm
Bestberries, great relief to hear your girls poo-ed! Your helper fr indon or filipines? It great blessings to get a rare good one. If my moos swing dun get better, I think I will need one too, first thing doc ask me was if I hv helper at home..

RE: Nepia
PPrincess, the S dun gv Kaelem so much extra at the bottom but tight around the thigh. Think bcos small butt fat thigh.
Twinkle, I haven see result of the M, MIL already chg the diaper, not poo but only pee, somemore only 1 time **fainted*, I ask again.

Sam, the prune juice remedies was recommended by PD? U knw my MIL everything also must b doc then can trust, sigh.. but I kinda miss her now, they left today.. **cry**
RE: Mommies Meet
Sept22, (Lunch or Tea?), Kim's plc (T. Blangah Hgts)
Muffin Girl

Hope I din miss out any interested moms.
Yup, the prune juice was recommended by PD.

sigh, so wish I can go the next meetup, but my driving skill is already dormant
Want to get out of the house with the bb more, everyday 4 walls is boring for her and me, only got family time on the weekends to make do.
Kim, I agree with Gina, we can do potluck, simple simple one la...so what time is "late" lunch? 1pm?

xman, It's at level 3 takashimaya, I bought it 2 wks ago, it has 15% discount for card member.

Anybody has robinson flyer, can check for me whether got promo for plate-dining set? so, this wed & Thur only for card member? public cannot go in?
Sam, my driving licence has long buried at the bottom of the drawer also...heee...take a cab la & join us!
Kim, I think I will bring baby in babybjorn, easier u think? later your house will be so packed with pram...but you got anyplace to put the babies, incase they want to sleep? bouncer, sofa or any bed will be ok.

that's good yr gal can sleep through the night.

my gal is only 3.8kg at 1 months old, she still wear new born size diapers and still got a lot margin. i stock a lot different S/M size diapers at home but need to wait long long until she can fit them.
I've asked the ped abt bb sleeping long stretch w/o feeding. As long as Juen is gaining wt, let her sleep. Char was sleeping thru for 10-11 hrs stretch at 6.5 wo for abt 2 wks, now she's back to 1 feeding/nite *sigh*. Catch some good nite rest while it lasts
Any mummies whose bb still cry during bathing? Think my ger dun like to be bathe , will cry v hard whenever we bath her even when we sing and talk to her and she will smile once she's full dressed..been very gentle w her liao, hard to have more water time w her..how to get her to like bathing??

BTW, anyone got any insurance for the bb yet? My uncle is advising us to get one that is tie on to investment. Im more keen on insurance that cover medical conditions like HFMD etc and hospital bill.. any recommendation?
i v ks mummy... bought education fund n insurance for my boi le... my education fund is tight together wif education... insurance is just plainly insurance lol.

re: poo poo
my boi poo only 1x/wk even though TBF. not sure y. that time nearly brought to c pd. but, he @ e end, poo.. is big amt of mustard color soft stools... so, i guess is ok ba.

My gal still cries when bathing too!

There's many types of insurance. I think your uncle meant life insurance while what u want is a hospitalisation plan. Investment types insurance are higher risk so u see if u can accept the risks.
Mrs C, my baby still cries most of the time when bathing...I think it is because I'm not so pro with bathing and he is uncomfortable.

Kim ok! On for 22 Sep, but I must warn everyone that my boy cries very loud. I dunno why but he likes to scream...dunno how to prevent him from doing that....
Kim, is there a lift to your floor? My stroller too big and heavy, I think I will collapse if I have to carry it, baby and diaper bag plus lunch up or down the stairs....if not will leave stroller out

I can bring a simple konnyaku jelly (dunno how to spell)...alternatively I can also bring a simple meat pasta.
I very kiasu. I got my agent to prepare all the insurance doc when I was in confinement. The most impt is to get hospitalisation plan. I got 1 for hospitalisation, 1 to cover the co-payment part, 1 for accident (include HFMD, claims from TCM), 1 investment for education.

Didn't realise how impt insurance was until my #1 was hospitalised when she was 8mths. I didn't pay a single cent cos everything covered by insurance.

agree that hospitalisation plan is very imp. My boy was also hospitalised once. Now wanna upgrade his plan also cannot coz of pre-existing condition.
RE: Diapers Comparison
Hehehe.. I went and buy PetPet, Fitti, Drypers, NTUC housebrand to compare.. Here's what I see in various M size:
1. Base width (shortest to widest): Pampers AB, Fitti, NTUC, Drypers, Petpet, Napia
2. Length (shortest to longest): Drypers, Fiti, Petpet, NTUC, Pampers AB, Napia
3. Inner seal (around bb's tigh to prevent leakage) (shortest to hightest): NTUC, Petpet, Drypers, Fitti, Pampers AB (Double elastic), Nepia (double elastic)
4. Thickness (thinest to thickest): Pampers AB, Nepia, Fitti, Petpet, Drypers, NTUC
5. Back seal with elastic band: Nepia, Fitti, Petpet, Drypers
6. Velcro: Nepia, Pampers
7. Smoothness of the inner liner: Nepia, Fitti, Pampers AB, NTUC, Drypers & Petpet are about the same.

I did not buy Mammy poko & Huggies
RE: Mommies Meet
Sept22, (Lunch or Tea?), Kim's plc (T. Blangah Hgts)
Muffin Girl
Sam (??)

Facilities at Kim's plc:
Lift landing,
Small rocking craddle,
Cot bed
Playpen (w extra mattress)
Ikea Cot (w/o mattress cos using as toy box now, can tfer the playpen mattress as temp zzz device)
BB Einstein
6seater L-shape couch can accommodate 7-8 ppl
6seater dinning table
4 seater breakfast counter
Queen bedded guest room can use this as changing area if we need cot bed for bb zzz.
S/King bedded Master room
2x toilets

I can draw my outside area as pram parking, but cannot guarantee your ferrari/ audi/ Merz/ BMW will still be around after (LOL)
Park your pram inside cos aircon is on so door will be shut. Will assign area as and when you arrive.

What other logistics we need for bb? Once this is sorted, we can discuss our Potluck details.
no lah, these things are already in place, can innovate if anything I dun hv, we mothers are usually v innovative.
Yah mashy that wat i tot so for investment type..Medisheld coverage is different from hospitalisation insurance rite? im pretty blur in this but dun wish to be underinsured thinking they will provide what i need.

Kim, what time is the gathering? See if i can make it to ur plc..whenever there is a gathering i tot i can make it..hope this round i can build up my confidence to bring my ger alone..
The robinson sales anyone also can go in, but member got additonal discount. The mailer didn't state any plate-dinning set on discount though. Prob have to go to the shop to check it out.

I'm totally wiped out after taking baby to Raffles City (Robinsons), Millenia Walk (Pink of health to get Organic raspberry tea) and Suntec (Nursing room). Took mrt there and bus back. realized it's very cumbersome dragging a pram around. Sling is much easier, just that it's tiring and difficult if want to grab a bite.

My girl cranky. Sometimes cry, sometimes don't... She likes face down/half kneel position and I wash her back. Hates being lifted out from the tube and getting dressed. Was also wondering if my baby is the only water-phobic baby left... cos remembered during parentcraft trainer said baby takes 2-4 weeks to get used to bathing...

haha, same here. i'm now very self-consious when my tummy 'peeks' out when wearing those girl-cut t-shirt. Still got my pregnancy line there...
So sad. Just now went to get low-rise hipster underwear from triump and after measuring, the promoter told me to get size XL... (*sob sob*) Want to go find a huge rock and hide under it...
yah.. mine oso.. in the end i have to go buy bigger tops..=S

wah..yr ju en so good..can slp so long hrs.. my Javier oni can slp longest is abt 5 hrs.. =\

yah.. see wads yr dh comments..hahaha

yr house really v well equipped..haha.. can allow many bbs to b there n use the facilities..haha.. =D
and count me in too!!!.. =P but pls pardon my screaming boy tat day..=\

Medishield is a very basic hospitalisation plan. So it's better to upgrade while they are still young before all the 'probs' surface.
RE: Mommies gathering @Kim's
1pm can? Sept22 (Tue), Kim's plc (T. Blangah Hgts)
Muffin Girl (hv your #)
HBB (hv your #)
Elijah'smummy (hv your #)
MrsC (hv your #)
Sam (??)
PM me your #, I'll sms u my address & directions

Facilities at Kim's plc:
Lift landing,
Small rocking craddle,
Cot bed
Playpen (w extra mattress)
Ikea Cot (w/o mattress cos using as toy box now, can tfer the playpen mattress as temp zzz device)
BB Einstein
FP Rocker
6seater L-shape couch can accommodate 7-8 ppl
6seater dinning table
4 seater breakfast counter
Queen bedded guest room can use this as changing area if we need cot bed for bb zzz.
S/King bedded Master room
2x toilets

Why not I provide drinks(bcos of weight), disposable plates, cutlery, etc. and since we hv 8 confirmed, you gals each pick one of the followings?
finger food/ appertizer
veg 1
veg 2
other meat (lamb/beef) (optional)

Please indicate your name, and name of the dish next to the type of food you intend to bring.
kim, wat time is your gathering? hehehe, would love to join u guys if timing ok. muffingirl, my boy also cry out loud when time for milk, plus he dun take pacifier, so i also scared when he cry.
Kim, I'll do dessert, pick up some sinful ice-cream for everyone, unless we still have mummies who can't take cold foods yet??.Just PM-ed you my number.

hi kim, i hope i can join u all in the gathering too. Got phobia after my first "failed" attempt of bringing him out to meet hbb, etirto, bell & bbethan. Haiz....hope to overcome it and join u all since sooo many of u there to support one another.

MrsC, my boy used to cry when i bathed him. Now he loves water but somehow hated pple to wash his hair. My mum came this morn and bathed him....he cried & cried, maybe not used to the style.

I'm oso another ks mummy. Already planned his education fund and bought insurance mainly to cover any medical or hospitalisation fees...
