(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs


My #1 back under my rein once my confinement ends and so far most of the bad habits have been kicked except for her love to scream!!! Brought her to GUG but realise she pick up how to throw tantrums from her classmates arghhhhhh.. so nw hav to educate her not to do it at home!

Really difficult to even spread out our time betwn 2 kids... n still hav to squeeze out time for hb n other family mbrs.. challengin!!

But your husband very sweet leh... write poem. Yah. Dump him with the twins for a day and he will be nicer to you liao =p

Your husband also so nice. Take care of bb at nite. i latch bb, so die die have to wake to feed bb. And the husband sleeps so soundly that can block out bb sound =p

By the way, did you catch the new J&K+8 episodes yesterday? Somehow I feel different about the series after knowing that they are going through the whole divorce thing...
Just brought my boy to polyclinic for jaundice check, and the level is 151 at 4wks.. still high.. but expected. gd thing is his wt gain is gd.. 4.4kg now. birth wt 3.1kg. at least feel reassured that he is putting on wt despite all the merlioning.

yan, oh dear even 2 meds have no effect? did the pd suggest using thickeners to help the feed stay down? but it does sound like the pain from feeding is troubling ur boy more than the vomiting.. poor thing. reall hard for us to see the bb in pain. my boy is more uncomfortable after a feed, esp if it was a full feed. he will cry/grunt/gek and gek until he burps and usually throws up some milk, after that he will be a lot better and fall asleep.

bbethan, i also felt so guilty abt #1 for the past few wks. then i decided that since #2 is still so small, and doesnt really care who is carrying him, have started to bottle feed more often in the day now, so that i can spend time playing with #1. previously, my MIL wld feed and put my girl to sleep (i used to do these before i delivered). now i give ebm at 9plus so that i can put my girl to sleep myself. dont feel as guilty as i used to anymore. also a lot more liberal abt chucking bb to ILs to carry once i am done latching him in the day. ie, once i finish feeding, i dont carry him anymore and immediately play with my girl.

jillian, hb is not keen on giving pacifier though i really think xh wld benefit from it since he really seems to be a fan of comfort sucking. now i just time him on the breast, and once time is up or i feel he has had enough, i'll pass him over to the maid/ILs to carry if he still cries for more.

re spending time with ally- what if max is fussy and keeps crying? i tried to continue reading to xy when xh was fussing and crying away in my arms, but both she and myself cld not concentrate - i cld not concentrate on the words, while she cld not hear me cos xh was just screaming too loudly.

kim, ur hb is sweet to help at night
must get them to do night shift once a wk at least if possible.. then u can get some proper sleep - not like we can sleep properly cos still must wake up to pump! grrr... my hb on leave now, so i make him do the nights cos he is a night owl anyway.. then he sleeps from 5-6am till after lunch! so he ends up more well rested than me anyway. :p
lamagier, u watch J+K+8 too? i find them a v weird couple from the start.. always sniping at each other in a not v nice way. and jon always look so bo chup and keeps rolling his eyes at kate's back even on national tv.. so wasnt v surprised when they announced they going for divorce :p
Hi all,

Am also a Jul 09 mummy
Have been following the thread for a while since I gave birth but haven't really contributed cos been busy trying to settle down with 1 toddler and 1 newborn....
hope I can join you all more often now...

Wanted to check with all you mummies...my baby is now 1 month old but her neck is still very wobbly and weak...she can't lift her head up to move to left or right when I put her on her tummy and her head flops around when I put her in an upright position...should I be worried?
ur baby stillyoung! no strength to lift head let alone turn left n right.. no worries!!!
onli some bb can reali lift up head n chg side but thats prob they r stronger than normal baby.. ur baby is normal =)
duno wats wrong w edna today.. she rejected her evening bottle feed... keep crying like wan to sleep.. i test water w my nipple... she suckle hungrily! dh say sth wrong w the bottle of milk! i sampled it.. taste the same leh... why suddenly she onli want my nipple?? arghhh
sigh, don't know, maybe something in the weather, rainy and with thunder. Today, my Joie also the same, can see she's tired the whole afternoon from 2pm to 5pm, but she keeps waking wanting to feed but then feed midway don't want to drink and wants to sleep. Then finally konked out at 5.30pm, almost didn't want to wake for her 6pm feed, but I didn't care cos I need to clean her up to prep her for night.

I tried cluster feeding a number of times when I see things going well. Boy was it a pain for me, cos she dislikes being overfed under the 3-6-9-12 schedule I have for her. She throws up on cluster-feed nights and gives me more work to do, whereas regular nights without cluster-feed, she can give me 4hrs of sleep in the night before waking for feed. Think I just have to leave it, continue letting her feed at 100ml, give myself less grief until she can take larger quantity.
sigh.. realy wonder wats wrong w the kids manz... she still sobbing now tsk tsk...

cluster feeding is done at nite?
hey mummies...
ask u all ah, if i wanna sterilise the milk bottles with hot water, how do i do so?

put the bottles in water & boil them?
or boil water le, off fire den put bottles in?
or just wash the bottles, den put hot water into the water to sterilise?

coz tmr i'll be out for a long while @ my auntie's place, scared 4 bottles nt enuff to last my ger!

thank u all in advance!
Hi HBB & Gina,

Thanks for your advice...maybe I am just too worried cos compared to my elder one whose neck was very strong from 2 weeks onwards I thought there was something wrong
RE: J&K+8
I missed the ystd show cos hubby came back before 2pm & took over the TV, anyway, I had to prep cos went to mall to shop 4 new clothes.. I felt sorry for the kids, I think Maddy, Alexis & Aden will have prob coping.

Sam, you cluster feed 3-6-9-12? I thot not to feed after 11pm.. I only did 4,6,8 for the past few nights. Today Kaelem also weird, over slept by 1hr, so feed was 3pm (110ml EBM), then 5pm (120ml FM) hungry, so I gave in case growth spurt, then 7pm (120ml FM), all were finished and no puke out woh.. But he was very fussy after he woke up at 3, esp between 5 & 7, took me 5 attempts to pump just my right breast!.. Now I dunno wat time he will eake up for next feed.. So tired to keep track..

Winnie_Mummy, I rmbr in the past, my mom boil the water, then pour the water into the container with all the bottles.. In my last job, we were told to put hot water in a container with bottles and soak for at least 30mins (but my last job dun handle bb so often lah)..
seems like edna crankiness is due to wat i ate! arghhhh
i had soy bean milk at the market today before i went to the tui na... I am aware beans cannot eat cos will have wind but i din expect soy bean too! whn sinseh saw us.. she reminded mi again to watch my diet for edna's tummy sake.. and i say yes i will.. and suddenly she reminded me out of the blue.. soy bean milka lso cannot hor.. I was like HUH? i just had 1 BIG GLASS!!! and not logn aft i begin to keep farting... tsk ... and aft tat when i fed edna.. edna started fussing 2 hours later!!
goodnes.. no more soy bean for mi as well!!!
HBB, Kim
The cluster feeding is towards the night which is bringing the 6pm, 9pm and 12am closer together, mix of FM and EBM/BF. Difficult for me to track the timing properly because her tummy clock is so tuned to my regular schedule for her feeds since wk2. Start to early had no effect on her, or even the cluster feeding didn't affect her night waking too. Just very sian dealing with the clean up when she merlion the milk even after 30mins-1hr after the feed and burping. Probably leave it be until her feed gets enough for her to sustain thru the night before I kick in the night feed weaning.

My normal feeding time for her is 3-6-9-12, cos the Similac is on avg 6 feeds per day on 120ml. Giving her 100ml currently, but usually abt 10ml gets lost in the tissue catching drips from the mouth or in the bottle. At least I know when to anticipate her waking on hunger and prepare to dreamfeed.
j+k + 8 - i havent watched since i popped. oh no, the kids must be v sad. what time is the show ?

i've been having bright red lochia past few days, abt 1-2 teaspoon amount a day. just googled and it says i shld ask doc. does anyone experience it ?
ytd i brought Javier for his first 6-in-1 jab.. we were prepared for him to scream like mad in the doc room.. but who noes we gt a surprise.. wen the doc injected him..he gt one blur face.. den cried abit.. den stop totally.. n both hubbie n me were like "wahhhh..brave boy".. but once we stepped out of the room.. "WA~~~" there he goes.. with his whole face looking like chilli.. den we realised.. "wad a 'si yao mian zi' boy we have.."..act tough..haha..

yah.. i think 150ml like too much leh.. i feed 120ml they already tell me its too much.. =\ hmmm, mayb diff babies different bah..PD told me the same thing as the sinseh.. its better to reduce the amt taken by bb..but give more frequent feeds..so it wont cause so much wind due to overfeeding n indigestion..=)

i asked PD abt the green stools too..cos Javier does pass a lil at times.. PD says its normal.. green n yellow stools..

i do drink soya bean drink too.. i tot its fine.. nw i noe..=\ anw, i asked PD to check Javier cos the past few nites hes still screaming like nobodys business.. he checked n said that hes totally fine.. but its colic tats causing him to b crying so badly..same thing, take the ridwind.. n i guss no choice but to bring him back for tui na.. anw, sinseh said hes slightly better, tummy nt so bloated.. are u going back next wk? tot mayb can go tog..haha..
didn't know soy bean drink also cannot. like that we very chiam... everything cannot eat. worse than preg leh. so it's white veg, beans related, dairy, chocolates, what else??? seems like very difficult to avoid dairy leh. means cannot drink milk? i'm suspecting milk to be a cause for Amanda's evening fuss. had drank the past few days n she was crying badly at night. yesterday didn't drink n she was ok. don't know if related. that day went PD for her jab, PD said her tummy not so windy. told me all these colic, wind thingy will go off gradually after 3 mths. i was like.... oh.. so i got to endure another 1 more mth.
can update me after u see doc? i had that kind of bleeding on 2 occasions. i suspect it's internal bleeding due to carrying heavy. it stopped after the 2nd day, so i didn't go see doc. since then, i stopped carrying #1 for too long and so far ok liao.
hi mummies

my baby is having breastmilk jaundice? anyone the same here? i stop breastfeeding him but pump out and give to my elder gal till his jaundice is now b4 i resume. or i should continue giving?

i'm also having menses? my lochia ended for a week then got this flow tat looks like menses?
can we have breastfeeding n menses tog?

my wound still under repair. got to apply the antibiotic n keloid cream till all tubes r used up
my tummy still very big also, coz gynae says no massage
how to bring it down huh?
i din see doc this morning cos my gynae not in clinic and din bleed last night. this morning happily go macdonalds for brekkie and now bleed again... i hv appt with doc on tue, so will monitor this few days and see how. if too heavy will go a&e. but i really dont know what a&e or GP will do even if i go and see them, thats why prefer to wait till tue

gemini - if bf, supposed to stop menses.

gina - did ur bb cry during jab ? i will have to take both bbies myself for jabs cos hubby wont be around
Hi bestberrie, I'm from e aug tread and saw ur post abt red bleeding n clots. May I know how many weeks has it been since u deliver? I was admitted to e hospital twice due to postpartum hemorhage. The 1syt happened after 2nd week of birth. I had bright red clots e size of golf balls and bled profusely when I went to e toilet. The 2nd time happened last Mon. This time round I passed out coz e blood just gushed out uncontrollably. Had to call e ambulance. Pls monitor closely cos it may be an infection in e uterus. U can pm me for more info.
oic..then i guess ur bb prob dun need cluster feed for now hee.. relax yea =) my girl also cluster feed dun work on her =(

i tink hor the kind of food like cabbage, cauliflower (white vege), brocolli, beans stuff including french n long beans... all cannot eat.. now i tinking if stuff liek tofu also counted anot? and yes i rea that dairy stuff n cheese also! WTH!! no life manz...
and i tink it varies with babies
some babies r ok w it while soem w sensitive tummy r not ok w it... if u gt super cranky bb like mine... better avoid

i stop my milk powder for few days already n she seem better until yesterday!

n she rejected all my bottle feed... on strike...rather go hungry than drk fr it leh!weird lo

3 mth??? i got 1 mre mth to go! arghhh
my boy have breastmilk jaundice. but i didnt stop breastfeeding till he is 1 month old and still his jaundice level is climbing up.
bcos i feel veri heartpain to bring him back and poke to haf his blood drawn everi once a week. and i didnt wan him to go thru it jus bcos mummy want to breastfeed him. so my PD advise to stop BM for jus 3 days and replace with FM. after which can continue wif BM.
i did that and nw my boy's jaundice is totally cleared! but of cuz, some jus ignore and let it be until they totally clear themselves. but it may take 2-3 months.
re: tings to avoid eating when BF
why chocolate cannt ah? i didnt know leh! i still eat everiting as per normal.
onli know cannt eat broccli bcos produce air also
nw den know so mani tings cannt eat!
but my fren haf been eatin alot of chocolates thou.
Gemini19, how young is your bb? I guess if u gv ur BM to your #1, your bb is now on total FM? why not just supp wz FM instead of full FM? Don't deprive him of the best milk. My boy is week 6 soon, although his jaundice level wasn't serious, it lingers for a long time. Only recent days I see his eyes is more bluish than yellowish. He is on EBM & FM.
KPC, hope you are recovered. take care.

RE: Food to avoid when BF
OMG, indeed no life manz! Personally, I hv so many veg that I know will cause wind in my stomach--tomatoes, capsicums, cabbage, onions, celery, beans, squash, ladies fingers, spinach... my, my, mostly my fav!! and I have been popping choc almost everyday cos so many choc gift I recv, hv to get rid slowly.. I cannot afford to cut down on veg and resort to only eating the few I don't mind right?...
Kim, thanks. I'm still recuperating at home. Have been having phobia abt it but I know I have to move on for my kids. And I know I have the divine healing. God is my healer!!
I just had a big "Aha!" moment after reading your post!! It's probably the soy milk and red/green bean soups I had that made my gal fussy and throwing up this couple of days!! I had cut off dairy fm my diet but been eating more soy and beans... OR I could be the one who jinxed it cos I did say she was getting better... Dah, gassy foods make gassy babies! Thanks for posting HBB

Chocolate is classified along with other caffeine-containing foods that can aggravate gas and reflux. But like what HBB said, not all babies have sensitivities to these foods. *Sigh* not eating chocolate is the hardest part for me, it's my "make-me-happy" snack after a long, cranky day, so I still take a bit ;p
ya,i agree tat its really no life cos breastfeeding mummies are worse than being preggie.. =\ even more things cant be taken..
oopsy,i didnt noe cannot eat choc.. jus like Kim n Noelle, ive been taking choc like almost everyday..but i oni limit to maybe 1-2 per day.. if chocoso cannot eat.. i think life really no meaning..hahaha
Hi bestberries,

I am in my 3rd week and still having a little bit of lochia as well. Was also wondering how long more it will last...sometimes it will be completely gone for a few days then it will come back again. My Cl says is cos I eat the vinegar trotter thingy and also cos I carry my elder one or walk too much.
I think chocolate is no no cos of caffeine. 1 or 2 pcs a day shouldn't be a problem. i also had that until someone posted here that chocolate cannot. had been drinking decaf coffee. hope it doesn't affect my milk.

actually what HBB says is true. different baby reacts differently. I had no prob with the food i eat n no effect on #1. But #2 had to watch out carefully.

It's normal for lochia to clear completely only after 1 mth. For both my pregnancies, it took me more than a mth to clear completely.
Gassy food make gassy babies

My baby also got lots of wind in her stomach. That always made her fussy and splitting out milk after feeding. I tot because I dint burp her properly, but now it seems like the food I eat also contribute to her gassy stomach.

Guess I need to watch what I eat now.
It's worst then pregnancy stage.. when pregnant I already feel very restricted, have to watch my diet, tot after giving birth, I'll have my life back, but then...!

Guess many of us are willing to sacrifice for the sake of our babies! heee! That show how great is a mother's love! hahah!
lucky i am nt a chocolate addict hahahaaa
nt no cheese is indeed no life manz tsk tsk...
now the FUNNY thg is.. when i had soy bean couple of days ago from yoshinoya.. my girl wasnt cranky!! the brand of soy milk they sell is nutrisoy i tink.. but the market one i had yesterday... she gave me big problem and i fart big time too... so dh conclusion was.. nutrisoy milk is fake soy hahahaaa
fake anot i not gg to risk liao.. haiz...

if im not wrong... porridge also will hav wind.. esp if its overnight even if u do put in ginger.. try to avoid that.. now i chicken out dun even wan touch porridge even if tis fresh fr the pot!

noelle/apple..hope aft u discover these food might cause crankiness.. ur baby start to resuem guai guai mode hehe...
hope our babies tummyg row stronger soon so the mummies can eat watever we want!!!!

1 other funny thg is.. bb at 6 mth n above eat stuff liek brocolli n such in their semi solid and they dun get wind! must b their matured stomach!! but since our bb r more sensitive u might wan take note and introduce such food to themlater ... giv food liek carrot n etc 1st w the semi solid
RE: Great mom's love
that's why I think the mother's day is "li suo dang ran" while father's day is--I really don't see how some deserve this day...

HBB, I used to not like choc as much as now.. I love cheese, yoghurt too! (although I am lactose intolerant..;p).
Think your girl prefers "utas" soy milk *LOL*
I just had porridge for lunch..
i tink e nutri soy not real soy lol
or unless llike e sinseh say... soy milk made fr skinless soy bean.. den no wind
Anyone dealt with baby constipation? I think my girl is constipated, 3 days no poop, and today 4th day, finally a little bit of poop. Been feeding her FM made with barley water to cool her system. Didn't feed her EBM in case heatiness from the foods I eat passing to her, cos I have been taking ginger in effort to expel anymore wind in me if I don't cure my system also no good for me.
my bb is at 6 weeks today.. i was told to go for the jab wen bb is 6 weeks.. but ytd wen i went i told PD hes actually oni 5 weeks n 6th day..cos hubbie din noe n has already booked the appt.. wen we reached there den did we realise have to be 6 weeks old to take the first jab.. den PD saw tat i gave birth in the middle of the nite n said since its late aftnoon already..he can have the jab.. haha.
Bbethan: Yes sometimes no choice have to leave #1 alone to play. But she's quite good about it , I guess at 2, she's able to play independently by herself for a while so that makes it easier for me.

Jules: If Max is fussing a lot, I usually tell Ally that I need to settle him down first then return to play with her or tell her a story. Most of the time she accepts it without fussing but sometimes both kids need me at the same time so that's a bit difficult. I usually deal with the one that needs me more first.
It's soft, but very very little to say she's not constipated still, cos I watched her trying to pass motion with the diaper open. She tried until she cried and looked at me (for help). I can only hold her little hand and encourage her to ermm ermm.
reallie? takes 1 mth ah? even though c sect also so long de ah? i tot c sect will clear faster.
i dun haf any bleeding today.. will also monitor before i go for my pap smear on tues...

i had jollibean soya bean milk 2days ago too. but my boi is as cranky as usual. choco oso cannot?! my mom said can, cos it's heaty. at this rate we r going, all the huge yummy buffets can wait liao. cos during preg, gynae always say small frequent meals, no buffets. i deprived my hubby from buffets too, since i cant eat. :p

wad's the diff with taking bb for jabs at hosp, polyclinic or private PD? is it jus the pricing and the package? anyone took bb for jabs at KKH? how's it?

hbb, ya, my mom said porridge got wind. in fact, cant eat overnite rice too. even rice from lunch, dun save it for dinner.

i'm having my period for the 3rd day already. at first i just tot the lochia got a little heavy, but now lookin at the flow, im pretty sure it's not. >< bb on EMB i can also have my menses meh?
