(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

ya, i hope it's growth spurt and pray that this phase will pass soon. sometimes after all the washing up and pumping, the next feeding time is only 0.5hr away, so i jus tahan instead of getting a nap. ><

lol your boi likes to sleep on his side too? seems like our bois r quite alike. keke

re: pap smear
is supposed to be done around 1st tris and also abt 6 weeks after delivery. pap smear can also detect whether the vaginal have infections. tats why 1st tri they will also do a pap smear. if test results show some infections dey might wan u to go for further tets.
last night was really bad.. throughout the night, bb was feeding 1-1.5hrly on 75-85ml of milk each time. how long does growth spurt last ah??

bell, ya lor, i also got same mentality.. 30min might as well not sleep right?? by the time i get to sleep i will have to wake up v soon liao.. sigh..
Jules, sorry to hear about your bad night. There is hope at the end of the tunnel. Last night for the first time, Max slept for 4 hours straight. Not sure if its a one off thing but I'm hoping it'll last. He had his last feed at 11pm, woke up at 3am and again at 6.45am a huge improvement. So take heart that its not going to last forever
jillian, actually it was more like hb's bad night cos he was giving ebm (cant possibly latch for 45min, only to have bb crying again in less than half an hr - really no need to zzzz that way).. bad for me cos i was struggling to pump to keep up with demand!! wonder how i'm gonna meet his demands if he continues to wanna feed 80ml every 1hr today..

great news abt max sleeping 4hrs!! really makes life more bearable right?? keep fingers crossed for u!
HBB, my pap appointment is 3 months later. my lochia is still not clear yet. I wonder is it sth wrong.

For mum who latch baby, how long do you latch bb when bb is 3 weeks old. I now worry if my bb has enough milk for each feed, should I give bb EBM instead of latching?
loshita, my bb also 3wks today, latching him for 30min to an hour each time. depends mostly on him actually, but i try to make sure he gets 20min on 1 side, or at least empties one side (ie squeeze breast and no more milk comes out).
Jules: yes, its amazing how even an extra one hour of sleep makes such a difference. How big was your boy when he was born? Was he small like XY? Max weighed 3.38kg at birth and right now I think he's about 5? I'm still getting use to his size after having tiny Ally who is still the bottom 10% of the growth chart.
Kitty, the kitchen is too high for me although less hazrds to look out for n easier to get water. Today, I tried the dinning table. My gf told me it's much easier if I hv a spare b/rm. just lay everything on the bed, put the tub on the bed, fill with water then bath. I am trying to reduce the chance of bending my back, so my dinning table work best. Ystd, I learnt to hold him, switch him btwn hands, techniques to was various parts, sequence to washing various parts. I was constantly reminded to splash water on his tummy/ back to make him warm. Bcos the counter was high, I had to tip-toe, and after the bath, I realized the tub has moved inward. And bcos it's next to the sink, I dont v thing ready, but hv to walk back to the bedroom to chg him (and just b4 that he throw up some milk on the floor n CL just mopped, so making it even harder to walk), also bcos he had a small poo in the diaper, I removed the towel fr my shoulder, so whn hubby passed my the towel, we were both clumpsy.. Overall, bb din cry but I can see he fr his face that he knows I m not confident. Today, I ran thru in my mind what is first then next, but he cried..

RE: cry in sleep
HBb, I was also told bb grow out of it eventually, usually abt after 1 mth, but when I drove him fr my mom's to hb's office last sat, he cried till no sound whn we reached hb's office, it's that kind of "scared" cry then turned into "frustrated" cry, think the bumps in the road had caused him to startle then no one to tap his chest (which I usually do whn hb drives). He is 1 mth today, dunno when will he grow out of it, so worried..
jillian, xy was 2.8kg at birth, and xing-han was 3.1kg. in fact he nearly had to be induced cos he appeared to be only 2.6kg from the scan and hence was not growing well! who knows, he came out a v gd size considering i was only 37wks when i popped. have u gotten max weighed at the PD yet? think they are supposed to gain 1kg in the 1st mth after birth. when i last weighed xh , he was 3.63kg at 2wks old, so he was also on track.

loshita, my bb sometimes also like that. so i will burp/change diaper/wipe face/ tickle feet until he wakes up and continues to feed on the other side. takes v long sometimes just to make him latch the other side. and of cos sometimes everything still doesnt work and he remains sound asleep..
Jules: just came back from the PD. He has put on 2kg! He's now 5.38kg and 56 cm, obviously in the 97th percentile

PD isn't at all concerned about his weight gain since she says breastfed babies do lean out later on.I actually like having a chubby baby, so cute and so nice to cuddle. We always use to joke that Ally looked like a black chicken as a baby, dark and skinny
mine too, think by 2nd week already cleared 7788 le... until i went to eat vinegar trotter, den came back... now everyday still having abit abit lehs...

my appt for pap smear is 25th aug... think liddat see, may have to postphone it... (also gd, coz i v scared also... lol)
kim, put the baby tub on the bed (I put some waterproof lining underneath first) and the towel next to it, it's easier and you no need to tip toe, no need to bend down also. Put the towel next to it so that you can wrap &amp; dry right away after bath.

Re: seafood.
I just passed my full mth on last Sunday, we went to JB for shopping trip and ate seafood including chili crab worr...I didn't know have to wait so long. I though after 1 mth can already. But so far so good, no allergic or whatever reaction...

HBB: the only place I can think of at vivo city for us to gather with babies and pram is at the outdoor playground area. the rest of the resto/eateries are too cramped le...how to squeeze so many prams inside
bbethan, do you still wear girdle and wrap your tummy as mdm sadiah suggested? I'm so demoralized by looking at my tummy now...still soooo big! 1wk has passed since I finished the massage session and my tummy has turn back to like 5mths preg again....I've already have big tummy from my first pregnancy to begin with. So sad when someone offer me a seat in the bus...haiz
Re: Feeding on demand and sleeping
If you feed on demand, do you wake the baby for feeding when it reaches the 3-hr interval?? I pretty much feed on demand (usually btw 2-3 hrs) but sometimes DD would sleep past the 3-hr, and I get the let-down before she wakes up, very uncomfortable plus the leaking... Earlier this afternoon, she woke up (2 hrs after the previous feed) just as I was putting #1 to nap, my maid changed her diaper and she went back to sleep, should I wake her up?

Re: Ridwind and Gripe Water
Are these suppose to help with colic? My bb is esp fussy in the early evening hrs, not sure if it's colic or reflux. Tried giving her gripe water but she got so angry and choked very badly, so scared to give it again.
hi gals

Can i check what's your bb's growth at 1mth? My gal like so small, don't think she has gone beyond 4kg
(TBFL: TBF by latching, EBM:BM by expressing, SFM: Supp with FM)

nick, bb birth wt, wt at 1mth, TBFL/EBM/FM/SFM

i give my gal gripe water either with some water or put in her milk not tried feeding her direct.. cos i think its too strong tasting for them.

maybe u can use those plastic basket for nik naks for all the bathing essentials.. so u have everything you need in hand.. keke or you draw out a SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) so u know you have everything in hand b4 u start undressing you lil boy.

Moving between different rooms/ area to bath then change is kinda lay chey..
i dun mind otudoor area but might b hot soem some bb who r too used to the aircon
my girl wun hav a prob thou cos i dun let her sleep in aircon hee

mashy if tbf baby the weight will climb slowly as told by my PD at least... she say FM bb willg ain weight faster
bt no calls for concern since so long as they gain weight is gd enuff
my gain is barely 4 kg at 1 mth also...
Kim, i oso agreed with sunsweet that it's better to hav all the essentials in the basket (that's wat i did
) Cox my bathroom is v small. CL can bathe him alone inside cox she's pro. But i need the help of my maid cox my boy somehow always slide down fr my hand as he loves to stretch his legs. Ended up, we oso use the bath tub in the bedroom. But i still hav prob turning him over with him facing down, to wash his back. So i always wash it with him sitting. I think he's oso more comfortable with that.

Dun worry...overtime, our boys should get used to us bathing them and hav more confidence

I c pprincess, i was not informed abt the need to do pap smear during my last gynae visit. Probably will check it out when i go back again.

Thanks HBB
i didn't use any girdle. find it uncomfortable to wear. didn't even wear my binder liao. lazy me. still got a slight bulge too.
Can still be done lah, washing in different rooms, just that you need to be prepared. I got no attached bathroom, so need to move from the bathroom to the bedroom after bathing, and have the windows in the house all closed before bathing. A bathtub with water in it is really too heavy to carry back and forth, especially when we are still recovering from childbirth, even if not, not good for the back in long run. I only need the baby wash, face towel and a large bath towel with me in the bathroom. After bathing, bring back to the bedroom to clean and dress her. Joie likes her water slightly warmer than body temp, will be extremely pleasant to bath.

If I happen to bath her in the hour before her feed, I need to prep the bottle or EBM cos bathing seems to make her hungry.

I was given an appt for a pap smear on the 28th Aug during the last gynae checkup (the one when I check on the stitches). Maybe give a call to the clinic.

Joie, 3.83kg, 4.74kg, SFM
Read through the previous post on frequent feeds.. was relieved to hear that my boy is not the only one who is drinking a lot of milk. Last nite, was talking to my aunt and she commented that I am overfeeding my 17 day old boy.

He is taking abt 90ml EBM per 3hr interval.. sometimes he will still cry for more.. CL say he wants more.. i will usually latch him and he will somehow fall asleep after suckling a while.. there was once i gave him 110ml EBM, dunno is it too much for him anot..

Btw, do your bb make funny sounds when they are asleep? HB say it is due to air con at night.. but i adjust to 25 degrees so should be quite comfortable for him rite?
Hi sam, is your pap smear appt 6 weeks later after your stitches check? Cox my next appt is 6wks later...

Mummies, can i know why bb cannot take too much plain water? My pils are forever giving my bb plain water jus to quiet him down. Sometimes he refuses cox he knows is water and not milk. But now, he's been drinking which i m worried there's no control to it.
too much water will cause water intoxication...
aso water gt 0 calories... onli take up tummy space yet will still b hungry...
my mom and mil also insist that the bb should drink water at the start, but i was against that idea. until my aunt who was a baby care-taker said it's good to give 1-2 sips of water after each feed to rinse the mouth (bb might puke the water out or drink it, doesnt matter). however, a check with someone at the chinese medical shop, he also advise not to give water to infants. but once in the morning and once in the evening jus to rinse the mouth is good.
ya the wash down the milk residue part.. was told ok to giv 1 tsp of water during bath to wash away milk residue. tat one is ok
but i usualy use cotton soak w boil water to clean tongue.. usualy bb will try to suck the cotton LOL.. and she might drink the water... soemtiems she spit out everythg she suck haaa
oo u used cotton. my mom would jus use a wet hanky and dig his mouth. im beginning to not have the super-clean-about-everything attitude. slowly 'introducing' some bacteria and germs to him. keke
hanky also can lar
old ppl will use hanky hee
but i lazy to scrub the hanky so i use cotton LOL
ehh using cotton does nt mean its bacteria free also leh... hee...
my appt is at 8 weeks from the stitches checkup, but the senior nurse say to call to make another appt if coincide with menses. hehe, at that moment, I was thinking menses will come back so soon meh? or on 2nd thought, is she referring to any lochia bleeding. Anyways, see by then how lor.
re: feeding water
My mum spoonfeeds her about <2 teaspoon of water when she has hiccups cos my girl hiccups quite hard, usually after FM feeds. However only now she is more willing to drink the water. During the early weeks, she will push the water out of her mouth. Guess now as her stomach matures, a little bit of water will help clean the residue on her tongue. Was worried also that she only want to drink fluid that is flavoured too, and also Similac is a little heaty. If you are worried about the effects of the minerals in water, can feed distilled water instead.
ETirto, friend suggested that, but for the beds I have, I'll hve to bend over woh.. I tried the dinning table, very workable, no tip toe or bend down too.

Kitty &amp; Sunsweet, ya, my gf who suggested bath on bed taught me that, currently I m using his cot/bed as a chang stn (CL started this) so I haven consolidate the basket.. I think better start tmrw.

Sam, I put the water slightly warmer today and Kaelem din like, he retracted his leg (left went in first) on both attempts, so I asked hb to bring some cold water to cool the water, then he took such a long time bb started crying. Men... ...

RE: cleaning bb's tongue, my mom told me my elder sis had moulds on her tongue cos mom was not aware of tongue cleaning (1st time mom mah..), my aunt told her to use the corner of the napp bb use over night to clean, and VIOLA!, no more mould!!

Went Vivo today to meet my Brunei gf, use the Baby Bjorn carrier, he slept most of the time and went we came back at 4pm, we both k/o.. he still k/o-ing..
hehe, good loh, your boy doesn't like warm water. I'm actually dreaming of the day I can bring her to swim, cos my mum's place has a big toddler pool area, but since she likes her water warm (hehe like her mummy), aiyoh, she sure won't like to swim outdoor when old enough to swim outside. Can put in a bath thermometer in there to get his bath water temp just right.
Sam, my boy is like me, just warm water will do.. opp fr my hb. Dunno if he'll shock himself wz extreme cold water in winter like me or not...
<font color="ff0000">Hbb and others: Pap Smear</font>
Just had mine done today and though it was uncomfortable, it didn't hurt, phew! Gynae said menses should come back in abt six months if BF, advise to use condoms...

<font color="ff0000">Vivo Gathering</font>
Sounds like a plan, count me in! Does someone has all the emails/cell nos of all July mommies? Else someone may be left out if she misses the posts...

<font color="ff0000">Mashy</font>
FOZ, 2.965kg, 3.8kg, Latch + EBM for the first month, SFM from Month 2 onwards.

The movie, GI Joe, was superb. Go catch it if you can...
FOZi got most of the girls number (those who show interest in meeting up) except for etirto =) cos previously we met up before gt their number hee
Re Gathering
Sounds good... early sep will be good for me cos i'm going back to work 2nd week of Sep. Hope can meet up before start work.

If want choose Vivo, do u think Marche is fine? They have a corner right near the exit. Think if we reserve well in advance, should be able to get that corner for us.... then no issue of prams everywhere. this time include daddy or just mums n babe?
dear all,
anyone's bb has nipple confussion problem?though i'm 2nd time mummy but face the same problem, my #1 last time after introduce bottle in first month she refused to latch on, this #2 same again. the reason i introduce bottle is the first few days when back home, she wont sleep and kept want latch on at night, never sleep, i tot my milk not enough so let CL bottle feed her, after that she prefer bottle more than my nipple, each time when latch on she cry and cry.
Morning mummies,

My baby boi's bellybutton still have yellowish discharge everyday, but no foul smell. The yellowish discharge will dry up and drop off. But after awhile, new discharge will build up. He is 5 weeks old nw and his cord drop off in week 2. Is that normal huh?
Hi ning, I'm from e aug thread and was reading ur post. My #1 had this prob too. We brought her to c a doc n was told tat it is due to infection as we may not have totally dried up her belly button after shower. U can try to use alchohol swab to cleanse it but if e sypmtoms persist, it may be good to bring her to e doc.
Gina, looks like u need to buy a new pump.. it's good if u can bf bb.. God's will.

Ning, my bb dun hv this thing, u sure the belly healed ok before it fell off? Thnk u may want to call PD office and check, better not play play..
xman, I was worried of NC initially, but bcos my CL took care of him in the night I just pray that he wont. CL let me latch him on his first feed after bath and thru out the day, I can latch him whenever possible. I give him EBM now cos 1. he started to bite my nipple, 2.latching very slow and frequent resulting me having no time to do other things.. Now I latch him as a treat to him or when milk is not ready.
