(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">Extra BN S-Size Diapers For Sale</font></font>

Hi! I'm fr Apr MTB thread. Juz delivered my B2 via emergency c-sect on 9 Apr. He's a big bb so end up outgrew the diapers I had stocked up. Thus, I'm looking to sell the extras off. FYI: my boy was 3.665kg @ birth and 5.1kg @ 1M. He's rotound bt no Michelin Man -- main reasons he's fast outgrown NB &amp; S sizes of some brands of diapers is (1) waist of these diapers grown too low till poo leaked from back while he's lying down (which's how NB spends their time) (2) Gathers grown too tight around the thighs

<font color="aa00aa">Anyway, I'm selling off 3 BN (unopened) pks of S-size Huggies Ultra.</font> Each pk has 44pcs. I'm selling each pk @ $13.50 each. Must self-collect fr my plc in Clementi Central. No further discount if you take all 3 pks bt I'l throw in another 20 loose pcs of the same thing + 5 loose pcs of Huggies Ultra NB size.

Please PM me if interested. I wl nt b chkg all the threads

blessed, you can make it too. jia you. my labour during #1 was about 4 hrs from e time i admitted in hospital. bt before that was already having contractions &amp; suffering at hme.

bbethan, you go through yr options la. bt 18 mths too young to put in cc i tink though its e right age. since you gt help at hme, i suggest u stick to it. furthermore, for bb at 18 mths, i think its gd enff to expose to wkend enrichment. i aso did that to my #1 when he was 18 mths n send to wkend enrichment for abt a yr.
My test result is out and KKH informed me tat I have UTI. Lucky nothing is serious and they didn’t mention why there is protein in my urine. Guess have to wait until I see my gynae then only can find out.

Lamagier, I’m on Nifedipine as well. Actually started to take it after my detailed scan as my gynae wants to make sure I don’t give birth to premature babies. As mentioned by HBB, Nifedipine will lower your blood pressure so try to take 8hrs apart. Mine is 10mg x 3 times daily. I experienced dizziness if I take too close.

MuffinGirl, that’s because if the swine flu is still on orange alert, they are not allowed to hold any events including antenatal classes. Now that the alert level dropped to yellow, they can resume classes liao. Actually, I find their antenatal classes very boring too. My hubby always tries to skip as long as the topic is not related to us, i.e. topics on natural birth. Haha…

BTW, ladies, any Robinson cardmembers here? Robinson is going to have a member preview sale on 13th and 14th May. Just fyi.
Hi sheryl, i'm most likely getting a philippino maid who does not require sun off. Think my mum has helped me shortlisted a few who hav experience in taking care of bb. But my hb &amp; i hav not gone down to choose yet.

I'm still checking out the cost of the cctv installation. Anyone here has done that before and care to share?
HBB, prob to help you...
Do u gals prefer city hall area(can be suntec, marina sq, raffles city,etc) or orchard area as the town meetup?
babyethan, i think cityhall sounds better cox afraid traffic and parking @ orchard maybe a prob. The gp is bigger this time round. Hope i can make it and take pic of our bigger tummies
hi sheryl,

would like 2 ask y u say 18mths old is 2 young 2 go 2 CC? actually me tinking the same. but i cant convince my hb. Currently sourcing CC 4 my #1. whenever i tink i gg 2 let my #1 go CC when she 18mths old, i reali "xin tong" &amp; "bu ze de". Sigh....

btw wat enrichment courses did u let ur #1 attend?

i tink somewhere with mrt will b good like city hall or bugis
marina square n etc need to walk some of us might not b able to walk that far heee...
Beverly, KKH cancelled the classes during yellow alert. Gonna discuss with hubby whether to skip those classes that clash on the same day as my other antenatal class....only left 2 more at the private class, and then finish up the KKH (only if they are useful class). Or to just tell them to refund the cost of the KKH when we cancel it fully.
I think if you are resuming the classes, have to be prepared that they will cancel again, especially if H1N1 hits our shores....possibly
sooner or later since US is facing more and more cases each day.

HBB, I also pm you my hp no already.
Cityhall area also good
, I'm fine with orchard road area also can.
hi all, i am from the May MTB thread...currently doing confinement at home now. i have a very nice CL. she loves my BB and works very fast. and she also cook nice payaya fish soup and other dishes ! i am not earning any commission from her...just wanna share with u gals...if anyone need a CL in July, she is available. u can pm me to discuss more

I saw you post abt Ang Ku Kueh, My Hubby's colleague's hubby sells Ang Ku Kueh (distributor).

His kuehs has been competed against handmades kuehs b4 on TV (can't remember title of game show).. and was voted to be better then handmande ones..

You can contact him for the prices and other details.

Contact Person: Mr. C H Lim
Tel: 9735 9876
MuffinGirl, actually I’ve completed my antenatal classes last month. Coz me kiasu registered for the class quite early. You can check what topics they are going to teach for the last 2 classes to decide whether you want to attend. If the classes clash with your other antenatal classes, can inform KKH that you want to attend make-up classes on other dates instead of the original dates. You can have up to 2 make-up classes. Ya, they will cancel the class if the swine flu alert going up again.
wah Beverly, lucky you to have completed liao!
So what do you think of the KKH antenatal classes???

I can probably make up one lesson, cos I already did a makeup for a class that I missed when I went for babymoon :p

My hubby and I feel like the KKH classes are like sg school classes, all spoonfeed the info, and that the info is all KKH/govt hospital type of the protocol...more like "this is how we do it, it is correct, don't question".
The private classes are more interactive, more friendly and tells you more of the choices that you can make...and discuss with the dr.

For the mummies who linked the first month goodies packages, thanks! This will make it so much easier when the time draws closer to prepare for the first month celebrations!

you are welcome

hehe so fast collecting info to prep full month...

I am still having headache how is to best settle my #1..

Anyone had frd's or relatives kids going to Appletree? I might consider putting her that rather than MMI which is dbl the price..
HBB, do u intend to get the AKK separately from the cakes? U baking the cakes yourself for the 1st mth isit? Cox i notice most of the cake pkgs come along with AKK.
Hi sheryl,
Haha, hope my delivery can be like your #1. Short and epidural-free.

Hi Bestberries,
U had any symptoms for UTI? Happy for you that passed the preteiin test. One less thing to worry about =)

I'm about to start bouncing off the walls. Didn't realize bed rest is going to be this tough..... My boss accidentally called me and I sttarted whinning to him about how much I want to go out for a walk...
re : gathering

Paisei to have special request. Just no steamboat. :p
Ever since pregnant, i got fear &amp; started not feeling well when i hear the "word". Dunno why.
<font color="ff6000">Sorry to interrupt.

i have 2 packs of Drypers size S (64pcs each) for sale at $13 each or $25 for 2 packs. Free delivery for Seng kang and Punggol.

PM me for confirmation.</font>
jamie - ya will try to maintain steady weight gain

lamagier - thankfully no synptoms of UTI. actually are you referring to beverly ? cos i havrn go for protein test :p

Do we need to give cake + AKK + Eggs ? or just cake enuff?
Hi Ladies

I am a Jan 09 mum.... sorry to interrupt... Just a quick note, I am selling my breast pump - Medela Freestyle, bought in Jan 09 from US, used for one month and stopped as my BM is low. Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested. Thanks.
actualy i am not giving cakes to my friends and biz associate since i will invite them to the buffet celebration.
but AKK is not included in the buffet so i will have to order additionally as well as make the red eggs
cos AKK and red egg are quite a must (i feel lar) for full mth celebration.
If time allows i know my friends n relatives would love to have my cupcakes at the party as well so I told dh see how.

but dh say need cakes for about 100 pax for his office as he does not want to invite colleagues. so either I go order cakes only for them or if time allow i will just bake for them.. wanted sth more personalised (i even got my cupcakes design ready hee) but he say jus order can liao... no need waste effort haha
he even ask mi to roder cakes for my friend... i say no need lar hee

sure ok.. no steamboat then haaa
HBB, i oso rem when my niece had her full mth cele last yr...we had buffet and before we left, my SIL gave us AKK and red eggs.

Wow...I think your hb very fortunate...u can cook &amp; bake so well
but i think oso quite tedious to bake so many during your confinement. But the thought of personalised cupcakes is really sweet.
oh ya btw in case u all dunno

if u giv birth to girls.. u order AKK... the flat one...
if u giv birth to boys.. u order ang ni... the pointed one... dun get it wrong hor... hehe...

if u got twins and got 1 boy 1 girl... ehh sorry i not sure which to order.. mayb both?
ya if u wan to giv akk n red eggs also can.. then more thg to order n make haha
i will jus leave the akk n eggs at the buffet table and let guest take themselvesactualy bake is v fast.. if 100 cupcakes.. jus tale mi about 2 or 3 hours.. its the decorating LOL... haiz.. hope bb cooperate w mi hehe else too bad
yah..i noe the Aranda country club.. but the reantal is damn expensive.. if im not wrong its abt 200 to 300 per nite n its a must to have 2 nights at least for weekends..n i agree with the downside of ordering the own caterer's food.. i prefer Aloha cos its more affordable as can get govt ppl to book n get abt 50% off the total bill, they allow one nite stay even for weekends and allow outside caterer too cos i jus booked Aloha for my 21st b'day last yr.. =D

Prettie Bunnie,
i see.. yah, maybe i could check with my frens although i think practically all don have..haha..
okay, mayb i will try cupcake momma too?=) me too, i oso feel like quitting.. so many things happening in my cc too..

i oso lazy to clear up.. tats y i don wanna hold at my place..hahaha =D

Sherryl &amp; Jamie,
looking at yr conversations..it kinda answered my questions.. cos i'm oso deciding btw single or double room in Mount A n oso wondering abt the difference btw the 2 rooms.. Thank u for the info..

wad about u? are u oing to deliver at Mount A? single or double bedded rm?..
anyon else opting for single room at Mount A?

anw ladies,
my boss told me jus nw, saying that the last 8 weeks i have to clear by going to work every half a day.. den i argued saying if tats the case, i have to take cab to n fro every single day(15bucks each trip) n wad i earn might nt be able to cover back also..
n guess her reply.. "It's set.. u have to go tis way.. many cc are doing this, u can go check it out"..aft hearing this, i really flare up.. told my hubbie aft work n my hubbie called n spoke up for me telling her, "if u try to manipulate my wife's ML, i'll go to MOM" n guess wad, she said to my hubbie "u have no rite to interfere in our sch's matter" hearing this, my hubbie even more angry n told her off "yah, if its yr schs matter i haf no rite,but Jes is my wife n since this concern her ML, as her husband i haf every rite to ask abt tis"...........
*sigh..aft hearing this quarrel, i really dono wad to do.. feel scared but happy my hubbie stood up for me at the same time.. -________-"
tats y the more i don feel like going bk to work now..

Wow,ur supervisor is real bad!!!As an early childhood educator,she shouldn't give such comments.And i wonder how she communicate with the parents,must be those''put up mask in front of parents kind''

Think,u go back to work as per normal,and see what other things she had to say.Plus,by all means to go down to MOM and tell them about your problem.I felt that ur supervisor wants to get u out of the childcare,just that u are preg,she dare not dismiss u.Dont worry,coz I jus went down to MOM yesterday regarding retrenchment cases also.

Then the officer told me that,we (preg mummies)are protected from MOM,even if the company dismiss us,they still have to pay us that 4mths maternity leave.

So,maybe what u can do now is to go back to work as per normal,treat it as nothing had happen,see what she can do to u next.Don't worry...

Abt the Single/Double room in Mount A,
Well,now i am still considering..Coz for double room,although hubby cannot stay over,but if he goes back home,at least he can have a better rest also...Hmm,now still thinking,how about u?
the arland one liek u say is ex!
but i tink they do allow 1 nite onli but still ex lor..
for 1 nite stay u gotto go down personaly to do booking cos my sis one was onli for 1 nite.

if u gt friend stay in condo i tink can ask them help u book if u wan.. also not too bad n cost effective hee some r literaly free jus need deposit

u got a real horror boss leh! i tink hor if im u aft ML i will go throw letter liao cos i know my life wun b good thr after that!!!

oh dear it sound so drama. Is your boss trying her ways to get rid of you? Saying such things to a pregnant lady. Pregnant woman most emotional. So evil of her!!!
It is a bit ridiculous to ask you to go back every half a day for the last 8 weeks. like not here not there. R u the 1st person getting pregnant there? Able to check with any colleague who had given birth there before?
babyethan: i think; my #1 is 2 years old, but i have a maid and #2 will going to my mum's house with maid so mum can jagar.

Single. double room - i opt for single room at TMC cuz i like my privacy and i dun like disturbances. so if u chin chye double room ok to save $$ but if u like me like lots of personal space then single room is better.

jerlyn: ur boss is really 1 kind ... i also dunno wat to say ...

HBB: pls pm me your contact, i wan to eat ur cakes after we are all done with the babies popping out!

1 am 32 weeks today ... baby gaining weight but i lost weight again =( tomm i have to go back to work to clear some stuff... and i really want to $P#W$%W$ about some pple but i tell myself forget it not worth getting my BP up.

as for baby clothes, i just found 1 shop at HV shopping centre 3rd level, selling carts, gynmboree baby gap and other stuff. worth to take a look. i bought about $100 worth include 1 pair of geox shoes for my #1.
Jeslyn, is your boss a woman and unmarried? The demands really sound unreasonable!!! I oso think u should throw your letter after your ML. Not worth it to work for someone who is not supportive and understanding.

HBB, u muz share with us your bakery pdts the next time we meet up
HBB, i got your contact. Thanks!

Hee...i typed too fast, din see your previous post. We can hav another gathering after we popped, like wat prettie bunny said. Hahaha...next wk is too rush...dun wanna stress u hee
Month of May meet up
Date: 18th May (Monday)
Time: 6.45pm
Location: Town (to b confirm on exact location)

1. Han bao bao
2. FOZ
3. MuffinGirl
4. Sunsweet
5. Kimberly (tentative, cos I have 32weeks scan)
6. elijah'smummy (jasminechenx)(tentative, cos I need to get someone to see to my boy):)
7. Kitty (tentative, depending on how much markings i've cleared )
8. MrsC (tentatively, if i can arrive early)
9. Peanut
10. Babyethan (again will not be staying too long)
11. Jeslyn (tentative, cos i dono if im able to rush down aft work..)
12. Twinkle (tentatively. I supposed to have another gathering but seem not confirm to-date)
13. Sam
HI Jeslyn,
Your husband is nice. But your school is too much. Anyway, you won't get much done in half a day and prob will have to work for more than half a day to clear stuff every day. But I think MOM regulation is that how the last 2 months of maternity leave should be cleared is up to the discretion on the company. But as what other mummies said, in worst case scenario, best check with MOM to see what rights we are entitled to.

But it really feels like your boss is very hypocrtical. As a center that looks after children, they are so mean and oblivious to their own staff childcare needs....

Hi bestberries,
Oh, I must have gotten mixed up. My brain is turning into slime after the long weekend and rest yesterday....

maybe you should highlight to your school that u can't do much when you are in 1/2 a day daily thus non-productive.

It would be better to be in for 3 or 2 days per week kind of arrangment.

Maybe your school in-charge would prefer to hear things that is more plasant to her ears as in how she would benefit better if u come in full day a few times a week rather than 1/2 day daily.(i.e. you more productive or when other teachers likely to take leave on e.g. Mon and Fri.. u come in Mon and Fri to assist)

In anyway the motive is that u don't need to travel to school everyday mah keke..

i went for gynea check up yesterday... so sad i put on 3kg this round and its in 5weeks add on 3kg!!!! but baby's weight is now at 1.8kg at 32weeks.... sigh!
so far total weight gained is 8.5kg... sob sob... that is already 4kg more then what i gained for my #1!

just note that if you throw in the letter after your maternity leave you still have to work for them for the 1mth period. coz you are actually not allowed to throw in the letter during the maternity leave period.
unless you are going to the 24hr notice. :p
Hi all mommies, I just scanned thru all posts as I was not in office yesterday.. still coughing..

Thanks all for caring messages, and glad to hear Lamagier is doing well.

Jeslyn, I felt angry
when read about your experience with your sup. you ought to go MOM and lodge a record on this, even if you decide not to take any action against the school eventually. I think I am going to contact a ST journalist to write about the number of complaints MOM received from MTBs on their companies abusing the ML, what is right and what is wrong, and also help/action the MTBs can sort when this happen. This is especially important during bad times like this (employer market).. BUT ESPECIALLY WHEN CHILD CARE/ EDUCATION CENTRES ARE USUALLY THE LEAST AFFECTED BY SUCH ECONOMIC DOWNTURN!!

HBB, count me in for the kueh-kueh/ cake party k? and you know what, I think you 年纪小小 but very wise leh..
must have scored very well in your GP huh?

Jeslyn, yr boss sounded horrible...agreed with other mummies that you should go to MOM n chk out your rights. meanwhile, kp yr options open &amp; try get another job towards the end of yr ML. Then, u cn throw letter thereafter.

Lamagier, how r u feeling today? must take gd care of yrself ok.... i am aso hoping for a smooth delivery this time round. cross my fingers man.

Sunsweet, yr #1 is gg to MMI? is it gd? heard gd reviews abt this sch thats y so ex.... tink e teacher student ratio is aso smaller. Hmm, apple tree not as gd. u cnt expect the same standard. My mum used to work in Apple Tree as a helper n she did comment that the teachers wont focus on all children &amp; wont care as much abt e child's progress in their work. Bt i didnt tried Apple Tree, so I wont know. You might want to give it a try, monitor &amp; see how.

My #1 has been taken care of my mum since birth. We have attempted several times to send him to CC, bt did not succeed. Worried that he will fall sick easily, his meals &amp; adaptability in sch, e attention wont be as great etc compared to a 1 to 1 which he is having, e sending/ fetching part etc etc. A lot was put into consideration. Furthermore, if we have help at hme, thn why not stick to them? I send #1 to GUG for weekend enrichment classes since he was 18 mths. He is still in the sch currently, bt I hve to withdraw him soon. Sending him to a nearby kindergarden @ my place. E sch n teachers r great! My boy loves his classes &amp; benefitted a lot for e program. Thumbs up!
