(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

wow... it finally rained. Had a "hot stone" sleep last night. my bed was so warm. i was sweating in my sleep cos when i woke up, the bed was wet... so horrible feeling. Hope more cooling nights to come.

Re: names
I'll be getting you long zie to calculate my girl's chinese name. We got him to calculate for my son. My husb surname is Go (or wu)... so difficult to name. Cos all the positive meaning seems to become negative when go with the surname

wow all mummies are searchin for chinese names le..

Me sending the names for counting strokes too.. but personal I like this name 俊熙。It means handsome, analytical and happy.

Hopefully these 2 characters will be chosen by the master!

i agree... imagine... hubby surname is zeng, then add the mandatory xian as a middle name.... already become zeng xian... then only can choose last name.... its close to impossible man!

haha, this sounds so korean. :p nice!

elijah's mum
wah, agree yours quite diff. Zeng xian yu (salted fish or steamed salted fish) zeng xian cai, zeng xian dan. :p
elijah's mum

so have u thot of a name? How abt Zeng Xian Rui (睿)? It means smart & wise. I loved that word after watching abt Duo Er Gun who helped Qing conquer the Ming Dynasty. He's the Rui Wang Ye.

Now that u mention den i realised it really sounds korean wor keke.. I juz put 2 characters which i like tog to get bb boy name keke.. my gal gal name is 佳禧 hee so hanyu pin yin initials will the same.. be goin to you long zi and another fengshui master for names when bb isaac is born hee

the character RUI is a well meanin word n its very suitable for boy boy!! One of the shortlisted character for boy boy name. I like Kai also but too bad my name has KAI too so not advisable to use it on my kids.
oh anyone wants to get bibs?

me thinking to spree for it as i am seeing that its cheaper to bring it in from new zeland. here is the info about it

banadana bibs from mum2mum. can check out this site seems that the international postage is 15nz so its cheap! especially if we bulk together. thinking to add more bibs to my boy's collection... :p
here is the link

heheh if want to bulk together can pm me (hubby is working from home now so chance to log on to smh is few and far between and also may miss out ), but singapore postage to be born by yourself k, other option is to pick up at my place at tpy central.
some ppl will wan the name counted w the birth hours n etc some ppl dun need so quite depending on what u realy wants...

kimberly my dh also suggested 宇 as 1 of the chinese character.. but I say see how haaa..

i did tink of giving bb a korean alike chinese name since surname will be Han... but lets see how...

the problem with the naems nowadays is that.. seems liek every1 have the same pin yin at least.. almost every bb girl i know got the character 'xuan' aft countin stroke.. duno is a trend or wat... sound nice but end up of every one have same name also v common jus like our era where there is a huiling or kailing every where... LOL

joked w dh worse come to worse... call her han bao bao lor hahaa

haha. totally agree that the 'uncommon' names are becoming very common. Lots of kids name have xuan, en in their names. Even the uncommon english names are also getting so common. Was joking with my hb to name my gal jane or mary. Sure nobody have that name. hahaha.

elijah's mum
no prob.
Yours is really a tough choice. HAve to say many times with diff intonations to make sure it doesn't sound weird.

And maybe u can just put the english name without dialect name in the cert. Then give a middle name. Eg. Elijah John Zeng. Then the chinese name only written in chinese characters. Like that u won't have pp calling your son's name aloud in class & clinics.

I intend to do that for my #2. No dialect names. Only 2 english names and chinese char for chinese name. So will only be used during chinese lesson or when relating to chinese speaking pp. Reason cause i find the other pp always mispronounced the dialect names. So fed up.
Yu seems a bit difficult to match for gals, right?

I do agree that nowadays xuan and en becomes so common. even you long zi gives these 2 characters quite frequently. My son also has an En in his name. Both characters were recommended. So we chose Dong En for my son. Hopefully gal gal can have an en too.
gt chinese software int he pc so can type chinese hehe

is it true that those master will giv u a few middle name n last name and then u mix n match urself?
yup.. for mine, he will give a list of recommended or so called preferred names. already matched up. but if find unsuitable or dun like, then cam mix n match fr the list of middle n last names.

any idea if parents birth hours also needed?
i heard thr are some who will try to give a name to match the parents for balancing in harmony within the family n etc also

i think birth hours more important than names bah. LOng long time ago, i did zi wei dou shu on myself and my bro's shen chen ba zi. Both our charts said that our mother will die young or be very sick. Sure enough she died early.

But I also believe that we have the choice to alter our lives. Like we can't choose our parents, but we can choose the type of lives we lead.
no need. only child's ba zhi.
but they do advise that the name u r going to choose cannot hv same character as parents or ancestors and so on.
birth hours more impt than names?
ehh but we cant choose birth hours unless is via c sect mah
so the names will help to counter or enhance the person life.

ya i believe name is very impt.. realy can determine wat sort of live we have manz... of cos.. self improvement is also very impt as well as up bringing
what do u think of choosing the timing of birth? cos i'm going c-sect. so thinking if want to choose. not sure if good or not to choose??
actualy i tink if u beleive in such thg
no harm choosing the time of birth.. at same time master will give the name as well.
then again realy up to individual
some ppl will tink such act is super supersitious
but i dun tink so hehe...
actually the other time, the master said names is to give them a headstart. their fate will change over the first few yrs. that's why he doesn't predict the life of newborn. will give a general prediction of his character. he said if really wants to know the life... must wait till the child is 15yrs old.
ya lor... it's not so much of superstitious. but it's more like getting something good for their sake.

i know even if choose birth time, it's for their own life n not so much of benefits us.
ya .. if can giv them sth good as a headstart.. will b nice..
u consider and discuss w ur dh n see how.. not much time left.. better do it soon if u wan to count the timing
hmmm, i also heard frm some of my friends saying that can calculate n choose the timing of our child's birth.. but, isnt it better if we jus let the bb come out by him/herself?... =X

Same as u, i wanted the name 'JunXi' as well, cos sounds very korean.. but tell my hubbie abt it, he's like not really in favour.. Real headache man..

anw ladies, any of u clearing the 4mths maternity leave at one go? or are u all breaking it up to take them seperately?

haha issit the same name fm the korean drama keke i din noe wor!!


Woah.. we have the same taste keke.. Ya its aready very difficult to think of nice names and still muz get one tat both agree.. Its tough hee.. I consult 3 masters and crack my head for one month before decidin on my gal gal name..
Re; C section

I'm going for c-section. But i guess the only time i wanna choose is for it to be in the evening. So that after that can knock out and sleep and not receive guests. More for practical reasons. haha.
i tink for CL
best to ask ppl who have used them before n decide if u want them. cos some realy CMI
u need CL? better hurry too cos i tink most CL is booked already leh
Enli -
I booked my CL through an agency. The ones my friends personally used are booked up already, so no choice. I am v cautious about booking random CLs that have been 'recommended' by other posters in the SMH forum, some of these recommendations are fake or else have heard a lot of stories about last-min cancellations etc. Hubby and I agreed that at least through an agency, if anything bad happens, there is somewhere for us to complain or sue (!) and they also provide a change of CL if you really cannot stand the one you have been given.

You can try googling these two agencies: PEM Confinement and Bliss Confinement. There are others but I did not really check them out before I booked. I went with PEM in the end.
i suggest my breastfriend.. cos the foam is more flat n steady
bb will not roll downwards
some are curve on top.. bb tend to slip off

cost a bit more thou
Thanks... Han Boa Boa and sunnyduck.. so i will try the PEM confinement and Bliss Confinement... hope i can get one.. i know its too late for me to look for one.. my edd is on july... haih...
Hi Mummies,
Good monday morning to all mummies

Anyone getting morning sickness all over again? I'm 'merlion-ing' like crazy these few days, similar to in the first 4 months of pregnancy... Not sure if it's normal to have a re-visit of morning sickness...

Hi coolkero,
With regard to tummy hardening, you said your tummy got a lot more relaxed with bedrest is it? My tummy been hardening very frequently the past weekend. Worried about what baby... dunnot what is stressing baby and causing tummy to harden...
Good Morning mummies!

Enli, i oso engage PEM for my CL. Hav requested the same CL as my SIL whom she used last yr. Wanted someone at least i'm familiar with.

Lamagier, oh no...hope u can feel better. Today got to work?

Hi Kitty,
Yah, working today. Still ok, just tiring to have to run to the toilet to puke. Already puked 3 times this morning.... At least no loose bowels or tummy pains, so can rule out food poisoning.....
