(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

ah ching,

i used freestyle for a while when i was still doing exclusive pumping. though not totally silent, but it's the least noisy pumps out of those i've used so far. good for heavy duty pumping, comparable to PIS/PISA. likes the portability and the heavy duty battery pak. i charge it every night and can last me for entire day without worrying battery go flat in the middle of the pumping session, i used to pump 5~6 time a day. as for the hands free, i used a tube bra, cut 2 holes and put the funnel in the bra with the bottles hang outside. both hands free to surf net on my laptop or play games on phone to kill the time. if not i'll be staring at the toilet door throughout.

sweethalo: Come to HK very last minute, Dad went through heart bypass ops, so come here to give support.

innocentwar: That's a good idea! I bought the expression bra instead, which cost more than that! But I can only use the expression bra for PISA, for freestyle, it kinds of leaks easily,especially at the beginning.

Ah Ching: Actually if not for the portability, PISA is better. Cos I can pump more in shorter period of time and I'm using the lowest kind of power.

Any recommendations for a highchair? My boy is outgrowing his (i bought from mothercare).. hopefully a new highchair will get him to sit in it longer
hi sweethalo, newmum, dolly and innocentwar,
thanks for the feedback on the breast pump!
am now shopping ard since taka fair is coming..

hi bbpp. maybe you want to consider letting your boy sit on the floor.
my boy eats a lot more when he is not being constrained.. we have gemini babies so they like their freedom
gone are the days he will just sit still in his highchair..my highchair from mothercare does not come with a 5 point strap, so my baby keeps on trying to stand up...very difficult to feed him... i no longer use the highchair and let him sit on the floor, but he will be roaming about and i will be chasing him to feed him... not very effective leh
bbpp: can understand cos i also have to chase him ard previously.
but if bb is hungry, he'll sit down..
i'll on the tv to disney channel and give him some toys that he can play with.
most of the time he'll finish more than half his bowl before he start roaming.
but i dont chase him, I'll ask him to come to me..
takes a longer time to eat but i want him to know that he must come to me for food as I wont be chasing after him
i think our babies are very intelligent now. they can understand simple instructions..
takes some time to 'train' but must start somehow.
really better than spending money on highchair in my opinion..
bluedream / annticipating,

thanks for replying... my girl will eat lunch ( porridge ) and dinner ( porridge), sometimes some ceral in the morning, once every few days some fruits at tea break... now the stressful thing is almost everyday she will vomit halfway during dinner..we tried to adjust the time, feed her slowly, feed her at least 2 hours before her last feed, but she will vommit.. and its those projectile vomitting.. she is only 9.3kg..
She is also sleeping at 10am, waking up at 4 for feed still... sleep and wakes at 7am..

Anyone can share babies routine?
vogue_mommy, if it's projectile vomiting, maybe safer to bring to PD to have a look? Or is that her way of rejecting food or saying she's had enough, so force herself to vomit...?

My girl around same weight, I think she looks fine haha
She hasn't been eating well lately, driving me absolutely insane. She takes at most half of whatever I offer her, and this is with me pulling out all the tricks (toys, self feed, play clown, distraction, tv, singing action songs etc). Sometimes only 3-4tsps of food and she'll refuse to open her mouth anymore. I give fruit at every meal cos that's the thing she eats most willingly, but occasionally she still rejects. Her routine:
8-9am Wake
10am 8oz fm
1-2pm lunch (pasta/udon/porridge/jar food, followed by fruit)
3.30pm tea break (fruit or biscuits)
5pm 8oz fm
8pm dinner (cheese/yogurt + tofu/avocado + fruit)
9.30pm 8oz fm
10pm sleep
vogue mommy - it seems that your baby doesnt vomit when he is drinking milk but vomits when she takes solids, so it could be due to the solids...i noticed that my baby vomit if he doesnt like the taste or the texture of the food, or if the food is too hard to swallow and he gags.

try mashing the food so that its easier to swallow..

for my boy, this is the schedule:

9am - 5 oz of FM
12pm - one bowl of porridge
3pm - 5 oz of FM
6pm - one bowl of porridge
10pm - 5 oz of FM, followed by nursing to sleep

in between i give him small amts of fruit and biscuits...and he does wake up at night to nurse

is this ok? or seems v little
vogue mommmy,

just realised that you mentioned that your gal is on nan pro 3 in your earlier post. do you know that Nan Pro's powder is now imported from philippines instead of switzeland? changes was made about 2 months back. my gal used to be on nan pro 3 too, but she din like the FM ever since they import from philippines. so i recently changed her to enfagrow and she likes it.

as for the projectile vomiting, i think better to consult PD. her weight of 9.3kg is perfectly fine as long as her development is progressing fine. my friend's son was only 8.8kg @ 18m, but the PD wasn't even concerned about it cos her son was developing well.

my gal's routine with some snacks in between:
8.30am - Wake up and 8oz FM
9.30am - breakfast (typically bread and biscuit)
1pm - Wake up from Nap and 8oz FM
2pm - lunch (table food, whatever i eat as she no longer wants to eat porridge or jar food)
5.30pm - Wake up from Nap and 8oz FM
7.30pm - dinner (table food)
9.30pm - 8oz FM
10pm - Bedtime

i seldom offer fruits as she tends to poo a lot if she eats fruits. so i only give when she starts to constipate.
Very heartache, Cayden had projectile vomit juz now, keep my finger cross we no need to visit KKH... went to see PD this morning, she said I have a little pumpkin at home... yes... I have one... a slim one...

He have to stop eating his regular food: Pumpkin, carrot even spinach and broccoli. Have to think of alternative nutritious food for him.

i prepare according to enfagrow instruction, 225ml + 4 big scoop which makes about 250ml... and yes she do drink water.. around 200ml daily... but i dun give her juice...
Ecmom, hope cayden get well soon.
Innocentwar, kq takes lots of food n liquid. Think I will increase my boy milk intake 2.
My boy teeth is popping out this 2 mths, keep having running nose n fever.
dear Mummies,

Thanks for sharing...
I still find abit weird that my daughter has to vomit a little before feeding her again and she will eat more.. Only happens during dinner, tried to feed her around 645pm, 7pm, hoping she is more hungry, but doesnt help. Her last feed is at 3pm 180ml - 240ml FM..

Mummies, after looking at all routines, I realised it is fine to feed babies 2+ hourly? Issit abit too close? hmm...

Any mummies wean off morning naps? Any ideas how to make my daughter sleep in longer than waking up 730am regardless how late she sleeps?

daughter;s routine:
730am - wake drinks milk 180ml to 240ml
9am - little cereal
10am - nap
1115am - wakes
12pm - 1215pm - lunch porridge
3pm - 180ml to 240ml milk
430-5pm - wakes
615pm-630pm - dinner
845pm - milk 200ml to 240ml milk
10pm - 1030pm - sleeps
Hi mummies,

If your gynae is Dr Adrian Woodworth from sengkang, Pls share with me your experiences.
Is he ok with natural birth? Cos I dun prefer c-section.
How much is the hospital bill of Mt A and TMC?
pls PM me…thanks.
everyone's kiddos all good weight
J is really underweight and got referred to see a nutritionist
he was 7.6kg 2 weeks ago - now i scared to weigh him as we have changed his routine per nutritionist instructions

8.30pm (night before) 150ml Pediasure
2am 120ml pediasure
5.30am 40ml pediausre
7.30am wake
8.30am breakfast (he only eats a few mouthfuls, typically bread and biscuits cos he refuse to eat from a spoon)
9.30am pediasure 120ml and nap
10.30am wake
12 - 12.30pm lunch fish fingers, vege, rice (also not alot)
2.30pm Pediasure 120ml (nap)
3.30pm wake
4.30pm some snack - usually he dun even touch it
6.30 to 7pm dinner (finger food, rice, some soup - these can be measured in teaspoons
8.30pm 150ml before sleep again

really very little hor
this is repeated everyday - he doesnt really eat

sometimes he can finish a whole banana by himself, ownself take a bite..
he's talking so mucg, can say even banana, milk, bottle, water, ball, bird, car, etc. when he sees it..
also from yesterday he is walking independently..

Developmentally i think is ok - just dunno why he dnu like food and is so teeeeeenie weeeeenie sized
Hi mummies,

Anyone still using milk bags? I found 2 boxes while packing. Its Blue Egg brand. One of the boxes is a little dented...PM me if you interested. Can meet up at Tanjong Pagar MRT during lunch 12:45 to 1:30pm or at Bishan MRT at about 6:40pm.
<font color="cc3399"> <font size="+1">dolly</font>, glad to know your dad's ok. He looks fit and robust now
Whoa.. you very bad hey. Mum must be worried sick and you're making her help you pat your little guy in the night?! *mock stern frown* How did it go? You on track now?

<font size="+1">newmum</font>, Kyle actually most enjoys adult food cooked w/o adding salt. He loves pasta bolognaise (with alfabetto pasta), chicken-potato-carrot macaroni soup (same pasta, ingredients pre-sauteed with garlic and shallots), rice with soup (e.g. minced pork tofu soup)..

Of late, he's really loving rice with Japanese curry. The curry is spices spicy and NOT AT ALL chilli spicy. Very aromatic. Cubes are available from most supermarkets (I use Vermont Mild or Medium) and they help hide a multitude of nutritious vegetables.
I chuck in celery, capsicum (bell peppers), broccoli and other strong tasting/smelling veggies). It's very flavourful though, so after diluting it with veggie juices and water, a little goes long way.

I hope this helps
Kyle's appetite has gone down now and he's eating like a regular kid. He's growing up!

<font size="+1">11Beans</font>, wow... I admire your commitment to the feeding of Pediasure. 8.30pm, 2am, 5.30am?! Poor you must be exhausted. J is such a smart little talker! I'm impressed! Gracious me, not to be an idiot about this weight thing by rubbing it in, but just that your sharing reminded me how sumo Kyle was 7.4kgs at about 4+M and 9.4 by the time he hit 6M. An absolute HORROR to carry before he could walk. He's eased off at about 11.5kg now.

I guess as mums, we never quite want either heavyweights or lightweights huh? Average middle-range ones are the least worrisome. I sure hope J quickly gets to a 'normal' weight soon so that you aren't too worried about him... It's good that he's doing so well developmentally though. Hang in there!
yeah Cassey, the doc said "Nothing but pediasure for him now"

haha . desperate..
J loves carrots and green veges - that's about all he eats.. and bananas and papaya.. hmm

he doesn't really like protein alot but how is he gg to gain weight without protein? haaa

Well he's very happy and healthy so cross my fingers the weight is not going to cause any problems lo..

Kyle has a good appetite hor.. glad he's back to eating normal amts now.. hehe
and you sound like a great cook.. maybe our cooking sucks that's y J dun like to eat hmmm..

Will try out the jap curry idea.. hehe sounds nice.. if J dun eat, mummy will eat haaa..
11 beans,
did PD say y give only pediasure? cos he's fussy eater?

i tried giving jarius pediasure too... he seems ok abt 90-120ml..den suddenly few days back, he taste taste den dun wan anymore...

he's still the same old thing...refused fm..
he's only 8.96kg as of yesterday.
haiz... also small size.

nw he's on cereal on morning and tea break. lunch n dinner on porridge. in between snacks or fruits. den at night is latch. although i think my milk is really dun have even 40ml i think..
but he stil refused to wean it.
Hi ahnetsan,

I remember our sons are borned on the same day. My son is also quite small compared with some of the 11+kg here. Sigh.

Such exotic food you offer to Kyle! Japanese curry
I should vary my porridge and porridge cos its really not working. In fact, nothing seems to work during this period and I am totally at my wits end on what to offer. Do share more recipes if you can!
Hi Mommies,

how's everyone? Long time never logged in due to the crazy workload and more coming in as my colleague is going on 4 months of leave soon! Haiz.

Skimping through the posts
- Congrats, Fatmom!

- And thanks again to all the Mommies who offered to help. I think I was supposed to collect a few more items from a couple of you but have gotten too busy with work and family commitment (Mom was going thru a minor surgery and needs about a month to recuperate fully) to do so. So sorry. Most likely not collecting them as the lady is managing by ok at this moment.

- Cassey, thanks for sharing the 3x feeding rule. I tried not to use the distracting tactic when Dylan gets difficult with feeding. He wants adult food from adult's plates and can be really a pain when he refused to take any from his bowl even when I have mixed table food in. I am now contemplating applying that rule this weekend but I think he will most likely scream the house down.
Now, he is into having a bowl of his own(empty one, of cos) and a spoon to do the mashing and scooping actions..... copying his Mommy! Overall, he still loves his food but has an ever increasing appetite to try new foods and fruits.

-11 beans, wow. It's a diet of practically just pediasure! It's always a mom's concern whether our kiddos are having weight in the normal range, healthy and developing well. I was always worried about Dylan going way too heavy. He was 7.8kg at 3mths and now hovering around 11kg or so (have not weigh him since he hits that a month ago). Always comfort myself that he has a heavier bone structure like his parents (I am small size but I am not a feather weight person). I remembered that you are really slim (right?) and perhaps J is just taking after his parents. As long as he is hitting his milestones and healthy, I think it's fine. I have already turn a deaf ear to all negative comments like - oh my, D is XXkg.. isn't he obese? Is that cellulite on his thighs? OH my, he only has 2 teeth, isn't it a bit slow? As long as he is happy and healthy, that's all that matters!

So keep up the efforts and hang in there!
<font color="cc3399"> <font size="+1">11 Beans</font>, how to gain weight on fruits and veggies? Ermm... Banana banana and lots of banana?
Hey, does he like durian? Maybe can give him that. keke! After all, some of us did take it during pregnancy to try to increase baby's weight.. And I think fussy eaters will be fussy eaters, no matter one's cooking skills. But try the Jap curry! I enjoy it too. *yum!* All the veggies, plus 1 meat (either lean beef/chicken/pork mince) I sure hope J likes it. But if he doesn't, then I hope YOU and your man like it!

<font size="+1">bbjun</font>, glad you sound like you're doing great! I sure hope that 3x rule works for you and D too. I only allow Kyle at some less messy foods. Still not keen on letting him have a go at soupy or mucky stuff although I know I REALLY should. WAAHAHAHAA! Nvm. I shall... Some day. :p

Humph, my parents were the same about Kyle. Always comparing him and his cousin (my 2-mth older than him niece). They've stopped about the overweight thing now. I think Chanessa is catching up with him now that his weight gain is leveling off. I would like him to stay chubby for a while more. But not for life like his mummy!

<font size="+1">newmum</font>, thanks! Really nothing specific to share cos they're ready for table foods so just let bubby try a little of whatever you're having..? Kyle skipped the rice porridge phase cos he was really NOT into that runny stuff. He'll take it now and then, but it's not his favourite. Ermm... So, food ideas, eh? Let's see...

PASTA works wonders cooked in a variety of ways! I like that pasta freezes well so I can cook up a huge pot and make up to 10-15 large jars at a time. Of course, bear in mind I'm a SHM k
. Ideas include:
~ Asian style chicken/pork soup with root veggies...
~ Beef/chicken bolognaise with fresh tomatoes + low-sodium canned tomatoes...
~ Mushroom herb cream sauce...
~ Cheese (and milk), like as in mac-n-cheese...
~ Low-sodium creamy canned soup goes too.

RICE is good too... since it's easily obtainable on the island. Add:
~ Any soup, really, or gravy of steamed chicken or veggies or not too salty stuff...
~ Any meat (minced/fresh/processed) torn/cut into smaller pieces
~ Beancurd (egg or regular silken tofu)
~ Any veggies (just snipped into small pieces),
~ Mild fish...
I used to do rice + beancurd + jar food (e.g. spring lamb and veggies) quite often.

NOODLES (other than instant la) If I'm out, say at a foodcourt, Kyle shares my yong tau fu or handmade noodles. I bring a little pair of scissors with me and snip the bee hoon/ kway teow/ mee hoon kway/ ban mian into small pieces. Add soup, snip up veggies, add meat/tofu/sausage... and that's his meal.
At home, beehoon soup with some meat, veggies and egg work too.

For breakfast or snack - perhaps:
~ Rice crackers with peanut butter/jam...
~ Bread with spread/ketchup(!!) or dipped in baby jar foods...
~ Oats with raisin/banana...
~ Yoghurt with fruit...
~ Confectionery buns (sausage/ pork floss /tuna etc.)
~ Sponge/ chiffon / steamed cakes
~ Hot dog (sausage with bun) with ketchup (not the best nutrition but they're yummy!!!)...
~ Ikea meatballs... (as above)
~ Bananas when all else fails
~ Cheerios?

Sky's the limit!! Really. But I hope some of these suggestions work for you. CheeriOs!
wow wow. good to see that this thread is getting active again.

btw, now can give egg white as well yet?

wow, cassey, i see that you 've been giving kyle alot of varieties alrdy. and im sure he's enjoying them...wah bread with ketchup? how does it taste like? he likes it? kyle can chew very well alrdy is it?
ahnetsan >> yeah PD and nutritionist both said to change to pediasure.. cos it's 1 calorie per ml... other milk maybe only 0.6 cal..

actually on days when J decides to drink alot of milk, he will gain some weight.. once he gained 300g.. then milk halved again and his weight went down by 200g.. aiyayaya...

Bludream >>> yeah gave egg since he was 7 months or 8..
when i was at my wits end, i gave him quails egg in a attempt that maybe the "cuteness" will tempt him a little... hahaa.. din really work lol..

bbjun >>> ya lo... weight is always a worry hahaaa..
we not v big size pple, but we have fat genes leh... like my hubby and I have to make effort to maintain our weight else we get fat v fast... but J eats really little and is v active!

Cassey >>> wah so much variety... u do catering or not ah??? hahaaa...
well i tried LOTS of stuff with J but he not v cooperative.. most of the time he wont even open his mouth to take the first taste, not to mention finishing his meal!! but nonetheless, we are trying everyday - we cannot give up!! hehe

Like the doc says - make him hungry and he'll eat.. well.........
so i play with him more...!! hehe hmm that might make him even skinnier OOOOps... haha
<font color="cc3399"><font size="+1">ahnet, bluedream, 11 beans</font>, it's really just the same old things in different combinations, I think..

<font size="+1">11 beans</font>, catering?!?!?! For a baby!? Siao ah? I'm an SHM! N my man's not that well off! *chuckle* It's just been like 10 mths of offering food to virgin tastebuds and I'm a real foodie, so I guess my boy is naturally being trained to follow in his parents' foodsteps..? Heehee

You know, J looks very well... not at all undernourished or anything. Hmmm... maybe he's a petite little one!
So cute. Is it safe to try fewer snacks so he gets hungry and eats more in one seating? Hmmm... Ignore me if this sounds stupid.

<font size="+1">ahnet</font>, can give most foods including egg whites by now. But apparently, if family history of allergy (sinusitis, asthma, eczema), then avoid allergenic foods til 3y/o. I'm not sure if Kyle can chew very well... he's still got no molars so maybe not. I just try offering bigger and bigger pieces of not-too-hard foods and watch to see if he can cope. He's choked a few times and just coughs the item back up and spits it out or gums it again.

Bread with ketchup is, well, bread smeared with or dipped in tomato ketchup. He first had this treat when we offered him my Ikea hotdog. He adored it so daddy started giving him bread with ketchup after he got sick of peanut butter, butter, kaya and jam.

Responding to your text, I buy Cheerios for Kyle. The plain oats one, not the 5 coloured, sugar coated one! These are generally ~$10 a large box that goes a long long way (fills up ~4-5 HB puff canisters). Cheerios are typically available at Cold Storage and Fairprice Extra/Finest. If you can't find original Cheerios, "Toasted Oats" is the same thing too.</font>
<font color="cc3399"> <font size="+1">11 beans</font>, oh.. back after dinner.. Realised you mean whether I do catering... not if I cater. HAHAHA!! *oops*</font>
looks like many mummies are having problems feeding their bubs. I have a picky eater in Aug and its a constant struggle trying to feed him. I always have to think up of new food/recipes to make him eat and I think he is not a big eater as well. He clams up his mouth after eating only half the portion and we are talking about food he actually likes. His fav food so far is bread, cheese, yoghurt (sometimes), cornflakes, cheese puffs/macaroni, Macdonalds hotcakes. I think anything with cheese seems to get him excited nowadays. I think his preference for food seems to be rather western. Oh and he likes Taohui (beancurd) haha. I have been trying different things to see which one he actually fancies. I even tried french fries (strips of potato fried in butter). Really desperate to get him to eat. I want so much to have a pleasant feeding experience with him but it comes so rarely! I also recently found out he likes kway teow so one more food to add to the list. I think we just have to persevere as mummies to encourage our bubs to eat. I think as toddlers, they can be already picky about food and if the bub is particularly fussy its worse and i read somewhere that they eat less when they reach toddlerhood. Can't remember why. so I just try my best to feed. When he really fusses and doesnt wanna eat, i just let him be. Don't want him to detest any kind of eating experience.
hi mummies,
fyi - think we have to let our BB try eggs (yolk and the white) before 15 mths old cos they are due for the mmr vaccination

my pd told me to let bb try egg before his 15th month review for the mmr vaccination.. to see whether he is allergic to eggs..
cassey, I don't let Dylan self feed himself, except to scoop his gerbers puffs and wan zai xiao man tou as they are the least messy food. In any case, he is lousy at scooping and drops everything. he is only good at putting the spoon in his mouth. The only thing he is good at putting into his mouth is his cereal but I will have to scoop for him, else the cereal is everywhere, except his mouth. LOL.

11 beans, yeah, that's the spirit. Just keep on trying and he may one day, surprise you.

Ahnet, yeah. can give almost anything by now unless there is a family history of food allergy to a particular food item. U dun necessary have to wait till J has more teeth cos Dylan only has three teeth now and he figured out how to chew his food (or in cassey's terms, gum his food), as long as u have cut it to smaller pieces. Dylan actually enjoys his food more when he gets to chew them.

bbaug, Dylan's food preferences seems to the opp of Aug. He likes rice, porridge, etc. Rejected hashbrowns, french fries... and today, he decided that he doesn't like pasta anymore, finishing a smaller portion than usual n turn the rest away. I think you are doing well getting Aug to eat so do keep up the good work!
Thanks bbjun for the encouragement! I think Aug's eating style is very western. He seems to like most food that is NON-Asian. He doesn't like rice or porridge. I am just trying different foods, hoping he would like some of it. Aug likes pasta with cheese. He doesn't like tomato based pasta. Think its too sour for him. Maybe you can try pasta with cheese for Dylan.
Hi Cassey,

Thanks for your generous sharing of recipe ideas!! I am now so inspired .. today i had a respite though, she ate well for all meals. I'm feeding her only 3 solids (including fruit) and 3 times of milk. I hope that is sufficient.
hihi! Back fr my trip now.
Cassey, Thanks! my dad much better and is home now.
haha, my mum give up in the end, so it's still me. N failed to wean his night feed cos he's lots of mozzie bite n must be feeling itchy at night, so I kinda sooth him w latching.
<font color="cc3399"> <font size="+1">bbjun</font>,
I think I'll let Kyle stick to a fork as before. Ha! As for spoon feeding, ya, he gets food into his mouth as long as I scoop it for him. Rice and stuff is alright. Cereal often rolls off before he gets his mouth in the right place. Babies are hilarious! Altho ours are toddlers already.

<font size="+1">newmum</font>, you're more than welcome. That's what this forum is for anyway. To share ideas and stuff. Say, you're not the lady I met at Mothercare, Parkway who recognised Kyle, are you?

<font size="+1">dolly</font>, glad to hear that. Hope mummy and son both adjust well. Maybe you can start trying again after the dust settles


Apologies for posting in your thread.. but am..

1. Urgently in search of many tins of Enfapro A+..

If you've any to sell, pls pm me.. Budget's ard $10+- for the 400g tins..

2. Haenim Play Yard 6 panels (usu'd have 2 activity panels, 1 door, 3 plains with connectors) and ok with 4 panels too..

Budget's ard $100+- for the 6 panels

3. Steriliser
Looking for Pigeon Rapid Steam Steriliser

Budget's ard $20 to $30.. hopefully no rust..

4. Safety Gate needed to fit doorway of at least 118 cm..

Budget's $30++

5. Twin Stroller, just need one tt works, so on v tight budget constraint..

Pls pm me if you've any of the above tt ya letting go..

Thanks v much in advance! =)
Cassey: the mom u met at parkway is newbiemom ....my daughter is pretty chubby but she has slimmed down quite a bit coz she only takes solid food, no milk ....she's about 10kg now.

ah ching: Congrats! happy shopping... Taka still having baby fair!

Ken starts to latch often again last night...dunno why
