(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

any mummies here planning to enrol babies to playgroup, those 2 hourly kind?

can advise talent plus, apple tree? which is better?

between 2 hourly playgroup and full day cc , which is better?


Apologies but am in need of many tins of the following:

[1] 400g Enfapro A+ ($10/$11)
[2] 900g Enfapro A+ ($32+-)
[3] $5 Off Enfapro A+ Voucher

Pls pm me if you've any to let go.. thanks & appreciate lots! =)

Am also in search for pre-loved Parklon/LG Bumper Playmat
halo mummies, one of our long time no come in to post mummy -nozomi has given birth to her 2nd bb boy but her confinement nanny no good need one urgently, any recommedation? Pls PM me. thanks alot!!
hi mummies, anyone got the Huggies free sample M size ? can exchange 2 pcs with my L size ? cos L size seems too big for my boy leh..wanna try the M size and see how well it fits..pm me ok ? tks !
congrats fifi! Klaire is really cute!
and also congrats to nozomi!

Ah Ching, wow 3k is really a lot. no wonder. oh my gal is still taking those powdered kind. not the honey stars. nestle has this cereal for age 1. not sure if there's milk content in it. just saw that ur bb can't take cow's milk. u can try mashing the honey stars first. my gal likes jacob cream crackers and we break it up into really tiny bits for her.

for those mommies who have brought their kids overseas, i really peifu u mommies! my 4 days (only) trip to hk is really exhausting. she kept crying during take off and touch down. and seemed to have lost weight. sigh... but she really look so happy when she saw mickey mouse and kissed him! yeah!

re: shoes
can try bubblegummers from bata. bought a pair but it's too big so haven't tried. think pedipeds is quite highly recommended but a bit pricey.
hello all mummies,

long time din log in & once i log in a few of you'll pregnant liow ar....congrat to those who are pregnant & already given birth liow!!

hmm so fast now our gal or gals already 1yr+ le...my boy super active & now abit scared of thinking no. 2...realli no energy level at all!! hmm my boi dun like to drink plain water...can any1 help how to get him drink water??
hi jam, what does your boy drink if he doesnt drink water?

maybe can try different methods of presentation.. or temperature.
and always get a cup ready. sometimes drink very little frequently will be alot already
Hi mummies who are preggie again,

I've a voucher to let go. Its for a 60 mins pre or post-natal aromatherapy massage at Raffles Aesthetics, Raffles Hospital, valued at $120. Expiring 3 Oct. I have no use for it cos I'm not preggie again..yet. So can let go at a special price. Interested mummies can pm me. Cheers
Bluedream, yups we booked the tickets and hotels ourselves. stayed at nathan hotel which is quite from the jordan mtr if u r bringing ur bb. we usually stay at royal plaza which is also quite far from mongkok mtr although it's next to mongkok east mtr. u can try prudential hotel which has an exit next it. some mommies suggested it but we already booked the hotel. initially wanted to stay at disneyland hotel for a day but it happened that the day we wanted to go, disneyland closed early so decided not to. luckily also didn't stay cos lugging the luggage here and there and with a stroller and babe is no fun :p yups she likes the porridge and macaroni there and bao.

jam75, my gal also dun like water. usually after she plays for a while or after walking, she'll take a little, very little. my colleague suggested adding rosehip syrup. not sure if it'll work. we just try to feed her more juicy fruits.
Ah ching, jus drink milk so sometime i diluted the milk lo...but he like to eat kiwi, rock melon & oso yogurt! er i try many methods doesen't help i bot different type of drinking cup all he refuse jus shove away using his hand...even spoon feed he oso dun wan realli headache

toffeecat, hmm mine recently dun take any water...i try ribena, pu tao tang even jue hua ca he oso dun wan onli drink milk!
Hi jam, so he drinks milk from the bottle? or from cups? maybe u can replace the contents.. put water in his milk bottle, ha ha

how abt whether he like to drink from adult cups?
my son will drink anything that I'm drinking.. hee hee.
he like to drink from straw from my cup.
or straw put in water bottle

if your boi dont drink water then will he be constipated? if he not constipated, or dehydrated, then maybe it is not cause for concern?
ah ching, i try to replace water to his milk btl he oso refuse...tink once he taste is water he will not drink liow...tink since bb he doesn't like to drink water.

i try to use adult cup to feed him he oso sip 1 then taste is plain water then refuse...my boi still dunno how to drink fm straw leh...how to train him ar??

hmm he still poo everyday but sometime he poo got abit blood leh...tink is too heaty...
jam, u can try to put milk in straw bottle and c whether he drink from it. Else, he may like the comfort of sucking from bottle and will need to wait for him to wean off himself.

For water, as my boy like to eat, I will ask him to drink water b4 he can have another spoon or biscuit to eat. :p I tried placing the water where he could reach and sometime he will take the bottle to drink too. Now teaching him how to open and close the cover. He will drink a slip after open the cover too.

Jam, is his poo very dry?

Toffeecat, thanks for the suggestions. Thinking of planning a trip there this year too. But not yet apply for the baby's passbook. I will give Disneyland a miss as with baby, we cannot take those thrilling rides.
my boy also not pooing well! Guess he's not been drinking too much BF from me

He only poo every 3 to 4 days and will have some blood in his stool...
However, we bought Meiji Fresh milk and nanny manage to pursuade him to drink and he poo A LOT on that day.
hi jam.. not sure how to train to drink from straw.
maybe he give him a packet drink see his reaction?
cos my boy drank my vitasoy when i offered him ard 8 mths.. at first thot he cant drink but he started sucking away... haha

if got blood means too dry.

maybe u can try to hold off the milk for 1 week... i think if our boys having porridge skipping milk should be fine temporarily.
when he cant get any water from the milk he will take normal water.
u can also give diluted juice since he like sweet fruits.

my boy is taking soy formula and his poo poo is like play doh texture.. so dolly u may want to try giving soy formula too...
Ah Ching, Thanks!
Brought him to take the 15 mth MMR+Chicken Pox jab yesterday, PD give him some medicine to soften the poo in case he gets it again. And she also advised to change his diet
Guess he eats too little fruits!
bluedream, tink he dunnno how to use the straw cos he will bite when i show him how to drink he will put the straw inside his mouth & juz bite & aft dat throw away the btl!

ya he poo abit hard de...sometime i see him poo like gei sai v xin ku & sometime got a bit of blood...so far he still poo everyday...luck thing is he like to eat kiwi, rock melon & yogurt!
ah ching, wow yr boy clever 8th mth already know how to drink fm straw...i try letting him to drink fm packet drink he oso can't leh! although my boy take porridge & rice he still nid milk wan de so v difficult nt to let him drink milk..will cry f milk!
hi jam.. er.. maybe must be 'cruel' a bit abt this water issue.

When I weaned my boy from breastfeeding, he also cry and cry.. he refused FM from bottle..
so for awhile I just stopped bf him and dont force if he dont take the FM..

Now, he is drinking his FM happily cos he know I wont be bfg him anymore..

So not sure if the theory applies to water??

I think must offer the straw a few more times.. show him how u suck first then give him the packet.
I think after a few times he'll be able to do it!!
maybe u can give him cold packet drink.. ha ha
Or soft drinks??
Or those kids packet milk??

I'm sure he'll be able to do it!!

I think poo poo got blood not so good and we'll be so xin tong to see it also..
ah ching, ya tink hv to take more time to train my boy to use straw...last time when he hungry i dun feed him FM will feed him water...so he will still drink abit now even how hungry he is once he tasted is water he refuse to drink if i dun give FM will cry v loud lo...

ya ya when he gei sai v xin ku then got blood see liow xin tong lo...i got ask GP b4 abt water thingy...GP told mi to give mi porrige water or dilute my milk lo...now i oso let him eat fruits to susbitute water lo...realli bo bian!!
jam75, my gal also hated water until I intro her to mag mag straw cup.. she finds it fun to up the water.. in the past, she will suck and spit out the water.. now that she is older, she likes to drink water..
hi chidori, i heard my cousin say dat too...cos her gal oso hated water till she intro her mag straw cup then she love drinking water....i am try to intro my boy mag straw cup but he dunno how to suck it yet....hmm tink i hv to kip giving him the straw cup to try it till he know ba...tink i abit impatience lo...once i give it to him he bite on the straw then throw away the cup then i kip away liow...hhaa
dun worry, after a while will be able to suck from straw one... i also let jarius use the mag mag when he's 8mths, den after a while he will knw hw to suck liao.

or u try those yakult straw first
ahnetsan, i tink my cousin gal oso started the straw b4 12 mth...she oso drink fm packet drink...i try to let him drink yakult & packet drink leh but he oso dunno~! hmm tink my boi abit slow in picking dis up!
yah.. my gal til now still likes to chew on the straw too.. I scold her when she does that..
just let him play with the cup and sooner or later he will pick it up..
meanwhile, can try other ways (spoonfeed etc) to get some water into his belly..
Jam75, maybe cos she still likes bottle? My boy refuse the bottles since 6 mth, so no choice but to give straw and he no choice but to take it

Anyone still breastfeeding? Momsinmind is having lelong sale from the website, just bought a few pieces... $15 each for nursing tops... running out fast!
maybe u want to stop FM.. if he is hungry, give him some biscuits.
maybe it'll make him more thirsty then he will drink water..

if cry v loud, just let him cry la.. if u give in then he'll know how to get his way (by crying very loud).

when he cry just tell yourself that it is better than his poo poo got blood.. then can ren!

I'm very evil hor..
Bluedream, the passbook takes less than a week to process. think november would be a good time to go. december would be a bit cooler. not sure abt the temp there. my dad suggested that we shld go to ocean park as there is a big aquarium there and can take cable car ride but we already went there 2 years ago. u can consider gg there.

re: water
my gal didn't like the mag mag cup when we tried it when she 9months and 11months. anyway, jam75, think babies learn pretty fast. think u'll just need to offer her the straw a few times. maybe try her apple juice or something?

re: bf
yeah! during and after the hk trip, my gal seems to have wean off. just as well, so many ppl telling me nt to feed her anymore cos the other bb might not get enough. which i don't really buy, but just so they will stop nagging at me.
Anyone still using HT cereal? Is there discount still if we buy in bulk? Was looking around the website but didn't see any deal. My boy seems to like it a lot
BTW, if you have POSB everyday card, recently DBS sent a set of coupons w the new everyday card. There's a Julia Gabriel complimentary trial class inside!
Cayden love to watch high school musical 3, he will clap hand and dance with them... he also like braini baby... barney also ok to him... BUT... not elmo... he will cry out loud when seeing him...

Happy Bellies update.

Went to Vitakids yesterday and was told that the stocks have arrived!
However they are being tested by HSA now for bacteria level so must wait another 2 weeks before u can get it off the shelves.
