(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Hi Cassey,

Yep it wasn't me and I think its amazing how newbiemom recognised kyle
I only recall the newborn pics your shared which were so so nice but i'm sure kyle would have changed a whole lot from then!

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">CONGRATs, AH CHING!!!</font> Enjoy the journey all over again! I'm green with envy

<font color="cc3399"> <font size="+1">newbie mum</font>, that's YOU la! haha. Ok, ok. I'm getting similar nicks mixed up. Thanks for clarifying.
Your girl doesn't like milk? I thought they're supposed to keep drinking...?
Has her eczema cleared up now?

All you "new mum"s are confusing this old lady.

<font size="+1">newmum</font>, you overestimate newbie mum. She recognised Kyle from Facebook pictures la!! There's a whole bunch of us 2009 junies on there and we check out each others pic albums, videos and stuff every now and then. That's why she could recognise Kyle. (Right?) He looks NOTHING like his nb pics now.

Hi Mummies,

I'm from Dec 09 thread &amp; am looking for a gd condition exersaucer/Jumperoo. If u have any to let go, pls PM me pic + price. thanks!
hi bluedream and dolly, went taka fair yesterday.. was sooo tempted to get those romper dresses.. ha ha but control la..

Think i will wait for the fetal scan next month.. cos i thought I saw something between the legs ;p

cassey: well just take action!! rabbit is a good year for baby gals! Unfortunately I may have a little cub as most 2nd time mums will pop earlier than edd..

ahnet: hope u have overcome J's prob of crying in his sleep..

re: haenim play yard..
anyone's bb managed to climb over the play yard?
I saw my boy standing on some books and having one of his leg over the edge of the play yard..
faintzz now i keep the number of books in the play yard to 1 or 2
<font color="cc3399"> <font size="+1">ah ching</font>, ermm... easy to say. Take action doesn't always mean results wor.
As for play yard, if we're going to provide 'stepping blocks', they'll use it.
Kyle's is used just as a toy corner to put away his mess, the door is never shut so he never needs to climb out.
He just gets what he wants, then comes out with it.
Hi, any sengkang/punggol mummies here? I am thinking of organising a family/baby photoshoot in sengkang riverside park during one of the weekend in sept school holiday. Pm me if keen.
yeah.. it is still for me..
i'm planning to put both at my nanny's tentatively.. the cost will be abt $1200..

i think no. 1 is too young to go childcare altho it will be cheaper by abt $300-400
I think maid also very risky with 2 young children.. alhto it is the cheapest option..
hi amk_gal, get a maid if you got someone at home.. or living near to your parents
i think it is best..
then u no need to do housework ma ;)
ah ching, i live very near my parents but no one wants to commit to supervise... i engage part time helper... maybe i'll try to get helper to come over more often and see if it is easier to manage...
Re: Happy Bellies Cereal...

The cereal have been out of stock for the longest time... shipment in end Sept..

anyone know where i can get the cereal?

what alternative can i give BB? My son choke on the honey stars I offered him.. so not sure if can give the adult cereal..

can give nestum? Will it be as nutritious as baby cereals?
hi chidori...
called a few organic shops but they told me that happy bellies wont be coming to singapore in the near future..
one of the shop told me cos they are sending the cereals for further testing!!
<font color="119911">dear mummies, sorry to interrude, im lookin for ergo/manduca carrier for my sil, pls PM me if u are sellin one. tks! </font>
when r u due?

eh wat happen to HB cereal ar??? wat further testing??? dun scare me leh.... i also waiting for stocks to come.....

ah ching,u tried vitakids?
amk_gal congrats!!
so many having 2nd me so itchy haha but the childcare arrangement is indeed headache, 1 is already too tiring for me cant imagine 2 as my hb work late i often tend him all by myself. + wn ever he sick must tl leave v ma fan i wish i had a gd nanny, IFC very mafan sick cant go school..
ah ching, i got a nanny to look after no. 1. part time helper do housework only...

thank you for all your best wishes! i'm due late april. =)

now headache about confinement. My mother dun really want to help me with confinement this time but can't make up her mind so i'm sourcing for CL now but also cannot commit. sigh.

anyone has any good one to recommend? i found one but she quote me $2000 for 28 days...
ah ching, amk_gal, congrats! :D
i'm also preggy too. edd end feb.

seems like a lot of mommies here give yummy stuff to their kids. mine's still having boring old porridge. always been telling myself to make something nice for her during the wkend but can't seem to find the energy. will be gg hong kong 2 weeks later. bringing her to see her favourite mickey mouse. wondering wat to feed her. oh well.
congrats to amk_gal n toffeecat!

hmm...wonder if there is anything wrong with HB cereal.

ah ching:
did u check out the spree in the overseas site? think thr is a couple on HB cereal.
hi beemom, not sure whether there's anything wrong..
meantime i got the earth's best brand...
anyway, our BB going 15 months, wonder if they still need to take cereals?
thanks everyone :D

Ah Ching, oh i didn't really think abt that part. but anyway visiting with a big belly will be a problem too. or r u referring to missing out on new year goodies :p

re: cereals
my gal din like HB. bought her the nestle cereal with cornflakes and honey. but usually during the wkend when we take care of her, i just give her milk instead cos i think 2 times porridge should be enough solid and she doesn't like water so having milk is the best way to get in more fluids for her.
toffeecat: I think giving birth in CNY more ex.. i heard confinement lady charging more than $3k and some even say cannot work during the CNY days..
and market will be close and all the food will be more expensive than usual.. so also troublesome..
for me.. definitely miss the CNY goodies like steamboat, bak gwa, etc etc.. and the lou hei!!!

Re cereals.. your gal can chew on the nestle cereals already? i tried giving my boy honey stars but he choked on it..
maybe i should get the flake type too..

my boy dont drink milk from bottle.. so must add milk powder into cereal for him.. and he cant take cow's milk or goat's milk..
so cant soak cereals in those milk type..
never try soaking cereals in the soy formula.. but i think will taste yucks..
this morning brought my boy for mcdonald's bf..
he ate 2 pieces of hotcakes all by himself!
i wonder if he is overeating?

ever since preggy i always look at my son with wonder..
he was stuffing himself with hotcakes this morning.. havent swallow then try to stuff another piece into his mouth..
i mean this is quite inappropriate behaviour but in my heart i look at him then feel that he's so cute and clever..

nowadays, he can say "I want that", " I dont want", "I want go out" .. everything is "I want" "I want"..
wonder if he will grow up to be self-centred?
ah_ching, no joke! 2 pieces of hotcakes?!! wow! my son haven't even started talking... he just goes "er!" "argh!" "hur!" most of the time...
and now he is going back to the throw tantrum stage..

i think he throws at least 20 tantrums a day...
but my nanny says he does not throw tantrums in her house..

he'll stretched his whole body and make those 'er er' protesting sounds...

if he doesnt get his ways, then he will burst into tears and lie on the floor and kick his legs!!

I thought I got over this stage, but it's coming back again and I wonder why?

Most recommendations is for me to ignore the tantrums but he can cry from the moment I enter the bathroom to bathe until i come out..
that's like 10-20 mins!!

Do we really have to go through this mental torture?
wow ah ching, ur boy can say ' i want that', i dun wan, i wan go out?? so many words in a sentence? so clever

wah, 2 hotcakes all by himself? u got add the syrup for him or not? mine ate 2 mouthful den dun wan liao, without the maple syrup lah
amk_gal.. my son can only say "ma ma", "pa pa", "Bye", "apple", "ball" accurately..
other words not so accurate yet but he will add hand gestures like pointing to something he wants..
nodding his head and smiling when we give him the right thing..
shaking his head when he is saying " I dont want"..

sometimes he will say words accurately out of the blue but cant repeat..
i remembered he said "xie xie", "zai jian", "bird", "toilet", and I was so stunned.. cos I didnt teach him these words..
hi ahnet, usually i will add a bit of syrup and give him 2 forks with the hotcake to alternate..

today he just grab the hotcakes from the table, so i didnt add syrup but he finished 2 pieces all by himself until I had to stop him..
cos he was pointing to the harsh brown and say "I want that" (not clearly)
Congrats to all expecting mummies!
Ladies, I'm back! Currently in my last week of confinement. For those who do not have my fb account,

Lil Klaire says "Hi"


Kirs oso have meal time probs...She hold the food in her mouth like donkey years...haiz..No matter how I teach her to bite and swallow, she jus silly grins at me....Zzzz
Klaire is so cute! i miss jayden baby stage already... oh i really like babies haha too bad i'm not rich if not can have more! 4 haha! but reality is at most 2 haha. happy preg to those now preggie again!
createjoy - Thanks! haha, its easier to c other peep's child grow...trust me, its not fun with Kirs running around! She needs constant invigilating and when u have to also look after a whiney hungry baby! its really OMG ...lol
But i'm learning and trying..
But when they smile..it really melts my heart. =)
