(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

HI Audrey and Createjoy,

I also want to order the puff. My boi likes it, and it's quite light and melts in the mouth. I bought the banana flavour from Vitakids at United Square, $7.70/bot. Don't mind trying the apple and veggie. Thanks.

Audrey, createjoy, chidori & LFB,
I think you all pool your orders together then, cos you're all staying in the same area, easier for you to meet and distribute right? (Not sure where LFB lives though). I'll send in my order to her on my own
createjoy, website for the rice cakes, guess it is like puff http://www.organix.com/node/2788y, will get for Claire to try.

Taken from a website - Cheese isn't your typical dairy product, however. The milk protein commonly responsible for dairy allergy is largely broken down in cheese as it matures and cheese is often well tolerated by individuals with sensitivities to dairy products. The same applies to yogurt, which is why many pediatricians will agree that it is safe to introduce both of these products prior to baby's first birthday.

Tubbymummy, Createjoy, Chidori, LFB guess we dont have enough orders to pool. I will go ahead with my order and most prob arrange to collect from seller at Clementi. Anyone who wanna me to collect on your behalf then collect from me from JPoint let me know.
hi mummies

sorry i couldn't turn up for the gathering at northpoint last min!! past few days have been crazy as my hubby is on reservist.. didn't even log on.. many apologies. saw from FB tat u all had a great time!! hope can make it next time..
bbaug, yes it is hard choice to make. When you are staying at home you wish you could go out to work and have some freedom but at work you keep worrying and thinking how your baby is doing at home.

No complain abt my hb so far he has been a good support and help out whenever he can includes feeding, putting bb to sleep, playing except bathing. MIL says coz bb gal only mum and grandmas allow to do so haha. Since Claire can stand with support im not drenched after every bath time. Previously have to lie her down on my thighs to rinse off the soap before putting her into the tub thus getting myself wet waist down.

tubbymummy, can also do with imaginary hula, no need to actually have a real hulaloop. As long as you exercise those muscles. Also another imp exercise is pelvis / kegals.
cassey n mummies who have mk savoury cereal , pasta, i need ur advise...
cereal w/ meat n veg then still put milk in? taste weird to me sweet + meat??? i bought the baby pasta frm BP, how shd i cook them? boil n add steam meat/veg? can add tomato sauce? hb say got preservative..
re yogurt,
the brand is yoplait baby.. must buy the one that is 6mths and above.. and no i still hvnt try that on bb yet.. no guts to try cos i think i will end up throwing the whole tub away.. the 1yr one is easier to find.. 6mths one is more rare

amelia is now having bad constipation.. bleeding in the stools.. and she cried so badly everytime she poos.. heartache

she resists any semi solid food except her fav happybellies cereal.. regardless of texture, temp and taste.. so have a hard time to soften the stools.. now trying to find those baby fibregel thingy if there is for baby.. not sure whether this even exist
fatmom : i use the del monte prune juice and dilute it with cool boiled water.sophie will poo like nobody's business after drinking 100ml to 200ml.
createjoy- thks thks.. settled everything las sat... very tired

maryG- it is near gek poh & pioneer mall too. blk 815
st 81

fatmom- thks.. las nite my father said sorry to hubby cos he said he got no choice. that monster hit her second daughter & left her wif rite eyes swollen & blue black jus becos she quarrelled wif her husband & took it on her kids at JB.. & nobody make a police report on her. i hope today when nabila go school the teacher will call the police..better to keep her lock up..hubby knew i in here but he don go peep or check on my post etc... so he got his own corner & i got mine

audrey chee hui ling- is the order still on for the yogurt & the puffs for 6 mths as i didnt see any? any website to show?
hi mummies, need your help... started my gal on porridge (with fish and pork)last week. she was taking it well on the 1st day, then the following day onwards, she cry everytime we give her porridge... we suspected it's the fishy taste, btw we used ngor hee (is it threadfin?). so we tried with codfish, but also the same... r your babies ok with fish in their porridge? how to get rid of the fishy taste? Tks!

audrey chee hui ling, i also didn't see any info on the puffs... can u share the link? tks
Dovey- i havent start fish yet ... but nanny started pork wif porridge mix wif brocoli but without salt or soy sauce jus the 3 item then cook wif water & nesher like the food alot..
annie: very near to my mom's hse.

dovey: i'm feeding my son with threadfin(ngor hee)porridge too. but he seems to love it and there isnt any fishy taste as i tried it myself. in fact the porridge taste sweet & nice. maybe u can try to add some spinach/carrot/pumpkin to the porridge to mask the taste? u can add a pinch of ikan bilis powder to the porridge too if you did buy any. same as annie, i do not add salt or soy sauce to the porridge.
dovey: if u tried mixing with the above i mentioned, & she still dun like maybe it could be due to the texture of the porridge. or baby not enough sleep too.
createjoy: if higher pay + 5 days + near your house. take up the job!!! ya. understand that after long break u wont feel like returning to work. it happens.

re: diapers

anyone buying diapers from the bp online?
aiyoh y become so bad.. read also heartpain too. hope there is fibregel for bb.

the only thing i dont like is the working environment.. am going to sit alone and there only few colleague most are out at site. think only 2 female..very boring place... still pondering if they hire me on wed aft 2nd intv am i gonna say yes or no. am tempted to wait for the boss who was my ex colleague who gave me PT job few mths ago. she still looking for office. god knows wn and where. she haven tell me about my future pay.but she's a nice person n fun to talk with.. but everything is uncertainty at her side

the BP collect where? i think above many pack then delivery n its $15 i went ntuc bought huggies comfort (the blue one) 16.95 + 2 free dry comfort. think minus trpt almost the same, drive petrol also $ mah dont think very worth it unless alot space buy many pack. hey how many pc u all use a day? am thinking did i torture jayden change at long interval :p
anyone know if it's alright to feed pumpkin wif fish porridge everyday? is pumpkin somewhat like carrot, whereby you cannot feed everyday one ar?
annie: hahaha! weekdays i normally fetch my son to & from there. only sundays i will stay there longer.

createjoy: wa... boring is boring... but less ppl to bother u also ma. kekeke.

re: diapers
i'm also using huggies (blue) for my son. but i buy from shengsiong/prime. i buy onli when sale like $14.20/pk & i will buy 4 pkts to stock. cheaper then the bp. bp if over 5pkts can get at $14.50/pkt. i now sometimes let him wear the huggies pull-up. when he struggles too much no choice so use that one. but that one outside selling exp.. bp cheaper.. so wondering anyone buying from that bp maybe we can share share to make 5pkts for further discount. i change my son every 3 hrly. how long do u change jayden?
maryG- oic then we see how it goes
anywhere weekends no owner so nice & nanny said dont waste the living room space since it is empty bring the walker back & let nesher run about
Diapers – Huggies
CreateJoy, MaryG,
My daughter also uses Huggies.
From the initial all time all day use of Huggies Ultra to Huggies Dry Comfort and now to Huggies Dry! Keep downgrading! hahaha .. but we find Huggies Dry good enough. But when she will use Huggies Ultra at night and when she is out. I think one mommy here (cannot remember who) told me she uses Comfort Dry and Dry for her baby too.
I don’t really take special note of the prices. But if got offer, we’ll just buy more. So, if you guys think the BP (whoever you are getting from) is cheaper, I do not mind joining in.

Prunes & Plums
I bought Prunes and Plums during lunch time today. Any mommies offered their babies Prunes and/or Plums so far .. and my question is Do you Steam them?

Hi I think so .. cos my baby is turning yellow .. hahah cos I feed her pumpkin and carrots … entire week. That’s why, I went hunting for anything non-yellow/orange, and got the prunes and plums!

Thank you for sharing the link and the book title re sign language! For a long time, I have been looking for anyone signing to their babies. Anyways, I started some time ago, but not consistent and persistent .. so, good to hear some of you are doing, so I guess I should pick it up again!!!
thanks annie & maryg.

good that your son likes the porridge, i've already tried adding carrot, but she still doesn't like... how do you cook the porridge? my mum used teh double boil method, i.e. put porridge in a small pot, then put it in a slow cooker and let it cook for around 2 hours. we even use the blender to make sure it's pureed before feeding... so dun think she can still feel the texture.

i'm also using huggies (blue for day, red for night). change her every 4 hours but we don't change her at night... BP selling for $15 if above 5 pkts leh, is there one with $14.50/pkt? it makes me wonder how much the retail market is making, since BP can organise at such low price...

annie, your owner sounds really nice... so happy for you!
fatmom, oh dear, poor Amelia! When S constipated in UK, and cried like crazy (think also got blood), I cried along with her
I also gave her prune juice diluted with water. Not sure if Amelia will take that, or if you're comfortable with feeding her juice...

Audrey, do with imaginary hula? Woots! Sounds crazy haha, but I might just try it!

Dovey, agree with MaryG that maybe it's the texture of the porridge (too sticky)? Cos I think at this age, babies have no concept of what is "fishiness"...

Annie, here's the BP for HappyMelts, bp ending today http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3594687.html?1265477034

createjoy, S uses 3 diapers a day
1 for use overnight (12hrs), then in day time use 2, change every 6hrs. Oops, not as on as maryG hehe...
New mom- like the peaceful place but not the cockroach.

dovey- thks
& i glad nanny opposite so nesher can have porridge even on weekends
Annie, no, Audrey not organising it
She was suggesting for all of us to pool our orders together to get a further bulk discount that's all. Now I think she is offering to pick up for those staying in Jur West side I think..?
tiny bubu,
thanks.. i bought the baby apple and prune juice for her too.. haven't try that.. been force feeding papaya and prune puree.. still no effect.. think have to wait a few more days..

sophie is good hor.. can take at least 100ml of juice.. mine is fussy.. she plays with her drink

sometimes good that my hb is checking so he knows how he fares against other hbs.. haha.. but no lah, he doesnt read so often.. we have a few forums to track nowadays cos of renovation.. so already very busy to even read all the reno posts.. i always need to remind him to reply this post etc

re maids,
sat was boiling mad.. my aunt spent 3 hrs to double boil the pear juice for my gal becos of the constipation.. and my maid tot my gal doesnt like to drink so just throw the whole bottle away without asking.. so so angry..

yeah lor.. heart pain.. first time when she cried, i also teared.. she was so scared of pain to even continue.. had to massage her buttcheeks to encourage her.. i first time see also, dont know how to react at first

when she was having diahorrea i was telling everyone i prefer constipation.. now take my words back.. both are equally painful

wow.. i didnt know cannot feed carrot everyday.. i tot a few slices are ok..

re feeding semisolids,
when is the good time for them to use spoon to feed themselves? i think if she get a chance to eat herself, she may enjoy her food better.. now refuse all porridge even those with fresh silver fish or jap sweet potato

huh.. u really good.. s only wears 3 diapers a day.. i cant leh.. she will get rashes if never change frequently even though she is using pampers

got bulk disc meh? i bought more than 100 bucks already.. didnt know got further disc.. btw, i just went to pick up the cereals and she introduce me the boon cutlery and bath organiser (not sure what it is called).. very cute..
fatmom, I meant bulk discount like buy 10 packs of yogurt melts at $7 instead of $7.20, that kind of discount. I believe you're already enjoying the so-called discount
I bought more than $100 too, she didn't give me any additional disc. Ooh, boon stuff are cute! I like them too. the bath organiser thing is like a thing that holds all the bath toys right? I like that! Is she selling them??
thanks.. just saw the pics.. that day at northpt, some of the mummies were saying skyla look so adorable.. my gal looks totally diff.. haha

i so dated, never heard of boon before today.. she is not selling but helping me buy cos she knows someone who sell very cheap.. and yup, the bath organiser is the one to hold the bath toys one.. it is so cheap.. but too bad, my gal is already so big that we seldom bath her in her tub and i dont hv a bath tub for her to play in.. so i only get the cutlery etc
<font color="cc3399"> WHOA!!! Kyle sat back up from being on tummy for the first time!!
And I missed the whole thing. Chey.

Was looking elsewhere waiting for him to call for help once he tires of being on tum.
Suddenly he was sitting upright between my thighs n grinning happily up at me.

newmum &amp; dolly, I was telling my man about it and we had a bit of a laugh. I'm glad too, that you didn't try taking your little fellas into the shower with you without help on standby. If you did and bub caught the chills, I'd feel really bad.

createjoy, re: savoury cereals I don't really think baby minds. But I myself mind so I don't mix milk in with savoury cereals (but there's already milk in Nestle brown rice wor).
My niece eats her sweet and savoury stuff all together though. Sounds vile but she seems to like it leh.

fatmom, POOR AMELIA! Poor you too... it must be heartwrenching to watch. I hope she feels better soon.
Does giving her prune puree help?

ahnet~, you feeling much better now?
Tubbymummy thks for replying on the BP for melts / puffs

Dovey &amp; Annie I was thinking to pool orders for June mummies so can enjoy discount but not good response. Annie I stay near ur new place too!

Chidori sure I can collect for u from Clementi do let Wreen know to combine our orders. Thks!

Createjoy Claire uses 3-5 diapers a day depending on how many times she poo poo usually once or twice. I use mamypoko coz tried huggies but 2nd day got rash lio - gave to my friend the bal pack.

Dovey maybe u can try different texture? Claire don't like watery cereal and she hates sticky porridge (like me maybe oopps) so have been giving her mui fan style - soupy at least she will take few mouthfuls.
For mommies with constipating babies, please introduce fibre into your baby's diet before it's too late. My girl's stools were so hard that she had frissure tear - something like a tear in the rectal tissue. Doc said it will take a few months for it to heal. So heart wrenching to see her in pain whenever she poos. When the area was sore initially, think it must be so painful and uncomfortable that she was cranky whole day long. Now we give her apple or pear purée and the Gerber bottled prunes purée (half a bottle) everyday to keep her stools soft. Doc said fruit juice also helps but haven't tried it yet cuz what we feed her with now works. Think the fibre in her porridge also helps. We add spinach and sweet potatoes to it for fibre content.
Kyle so cute, always grinning. Cannot under-estimate him already.. he decided not to call for ur help n help himself!

just go for it! 6 bus-stops is considered very near. dont't waste time traveling and also save on transport cost. I take direct bus to work n takes me 20min to reach. still ok coz I knock off at 5pm n can reach home ard 5.40pm. Maybe u can even go back see ur boi during lunchtime. 5 day work is nice, can spend whole weekend dunt think abt work.

Kate lee,
u can try dilute milk u giving to ur girl, eg. add extra 10-20ml of water. usually FM is quite thick n usual cause of hard stool. this way, can still give milk without worrying abt giving enuff fibre or juice.

any mummies gone to Langkawi before? I will be going for week-long hols there, thinking where to stay and what to do.

also, any mummies giving baby FRISO 2? I wanna order from http://mummysave.com/ but dunt need so many tins. Need only 3 tins to last till Jun coz Aisha takes abt 1 mth to finish 900gm tin. Anybody wanna share and collect from me at Bedok?
replied ur mail liao... hd arrange wif the organiser to mail me the wipes... thx..

i used dry or dry comfort for bb in the day... n pampers at nite... bp is ongoing.. 14.50 if you buy 5 pkts n above...

HB helping out:
My HB bathes bb on weekends... will try to feed if bb allows him to!! HB not on auto gear one.. muz threaten then he'll do it.. I always tell him if he dun spend more time wif bb, next time bb wont recognise him!! but hv to say, he wont grumble when i ask him to bathe/feed/carry bb..

wearing diapers:
itz a challenge everyday lo... eversince he can flip and crawl... sometimes, giving him a toy works... sometimes got to giap him between my knees to wear his top first...sometimes got to get hb to hold him while i wear his diaper... almost everytime bb will get spanking fm me for not holding still...

think i'm quite lucky... so far bb had not had constipation.. not sure if itz cos of his diet or genetics.. both me n hb have regular bowels everyday.. bb's still on breastmilk... everyday eat porridge sure include vege puree like sweet potato/pumpkin/spinach.. think these are all high fibre food...

perhaps u can try not to blend ur porridge.. might be too 'smooth' liao... my son likes his food wif some texture... initially when the porridge or puree too watery, he dun like... my son like ah pek.. take his food warm.. too cold he dun like oso... u may wana feed ur bb wif warm porridge so tt itz not too fishy...

long distance air travelling wif bb:
read in previous posts that some mummies had brought their bb to UK before... how does ur bb fare in these long distance travel? for bb still on breastmilk, were u able to bring the frozen breastmilk on flight?
Poohcsl: That's the BP I got mine from, for comfort and comfort dry, it's $15/pkt
Seems like now she's out of ready stock,only can get in 1st week of march.

MaryG: sengsiong/prime so cheap huh? hehe, seldom go cos not near me.
Poolcsl: TubbyM brought S to UK. I brought mine to HK (< 4 hrs flight), for me, I just latch him, din bring milk. Especially during take off or landing, can help to reduce pressure in the ears
oh ya.. only huggies ultra/ pull up is 14.50...

dun think seng siong always cheap leh... my mum ever bgt me on promo oso cost $16++... guess muz look out for special promo then will be cheap cheap
oic... gog to bring him to US in may.. was wondering if able to bring the frozen ebm on board or not... now my milk supply dropped quite a bit liao.. not sure if he latch will hv enuf or not.. any idea if the airline provide bb jar food or do i hv to bring my own?

howz ur bb on board? wondering if i hv to give him something to make him zz so tt he wont be cranky...
hi five! i typically change him 4 times a day. heehee tot i was the only "bo chap" mami n he most of the time using petpet :p

i also scare he turn yellow so i try to alt leafy veg w/ orange veg. i giving him spinach of all kind, the local round type, purple , the mini ones n the china spinach-puay leng. brocoli n cauliflower less freq.i give asparagus too but like very sticky hard to chop leh doubt it's easy to digest.u can use sweet corn mk the stock or baby sweetcorn chopped just throw in porridge.

ya man! jayden been holding milk btl faithfully till recently he like to put in n out spill my precious EBM everywhere i hold for him he cry >_<

no need to blend lah i cook slow cooker 2-3hr last 10-15min add meat n veg. cook too long no nutrient. very soft already, read that we must help them transit dont mk too fine if can be like tubby mummy let him finger on food better but my MIL dont allow. but my porridge is sticky style easier to feed if not he keep turning ard drip everyw

ya true mayb wed see if the supervisor stern or nt if nt too bad just try no harm lor..just abit rush to place jayden in IFC cos i didnt think properly told him 3 days notice :p think too short...hw much is she selling for the friso?

i n hb hap to witness jayden sit up just week! n we hap to b filming his cute naked butt aft bathing but he haven been sitting up again these few days hahaha .. thks for clarifying the savory cereal

veg &amp; meat
how much u all giving huh?? leafy veg few pc chopped mk the whole porridge green look yuck but i read they suppose to tk 1/4 or 1/2 cup a day n meat wow bang i give 1 tbsp to his 1 bowl of porridge also look scary lor

jayden typcially wake up at least 4 times a night looking for pacifier n 1 night feed. sigh today aftn very busy give him pacifier n bolster he cry 30min also dont slp,on off pat him carry abit, he just refuse to slp without long pat. finally awake frm slpyness wn i brg him out to meet hb then he start to get slpy cry from commonw to outram aiyoh so paiseh.
poohcsl: I took SIA the last round, and I specify weaning food, was given 1 bottle of jar food (got 3 choices to choose from) on the way there. But on the way back, no food leh... wonder why, but I didn't ask also lah

thanks for the warning bells. i was begining to see my girl push poo out with no success. will introduce apple to her. how do you puree it? can just blend the apples?
