(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

hi, i'm from aug mtb thread.. i have 2 boxes of Pigeon Sterilizing Tablets for sales. brought at $6.70 each selling at $5 per box. brought too many boxes and i'm leaving US already and i do hav a sterilizer over there so dun need the tablets le. if interested do PM me k!

Shelisa- how u find nesher pic taken by kelly? i really look haggard as m so tired taking care of him but today take leave & go foot massage.

creamer- i already PM nesher pic
amk_gal: Now that I got 2 pumps and w 4 more Medela bottles, found that I can just bring a few Medela bottle caps and capped them straight away after pumping! No need to wash so many bottles! hahaha But of course I still use some glass bottles in the office also.

Just gotten my wacoal nursing bra! Feel very good leh! I love them! hahahahaha
Annie, ya, nesher still so cute & chubby. Maybe that day u shld put some powder?? but overall very warm family pic.

Check with mommies. Anyone of u do such thing?
- mix febm with ebm
- mix febm with fm?
Pls advise. Thanks
Shelisa-i don put makeup at all... lazy as sleep already not enough kekekekeee.. nesher will cry loud & without stopping if ppl scold him & he will calm down once i carry him.. las nite while i was taking my shower, mum scolded him for not sleeping & he cried so loud & everybody tried to pacific him but he cried even louder & non stop & mum gave him back to me & he stopped crying & making noise like complaining to me he got scolded.
& i jus said ok ok mummy here mummy here

I mixed febm with ebm. I leave the febm overnight in the fridge and once it defroze, i just mixed it with ebm that was stored in the fridge and warm it together. My son is fine with it.
annie- my boy 2!wen my mom scold him or smack him(lightly) he wil cry out veri loud.n wen i pick him up...he seem 2 b 'complaining' 2 me. veri smart dis kids!

go foot massage. so shiok!haven had foot massage or pedi or facial 4 sum time liao....sigh...

shelisa- i tried 2 give my boy a little mash banana yestrdae. he seem 2 accept it. but aftward his poo like brite yellow.colour of banana. my hubby say dun give anemore. 2 young. haha!

My sale price: $100 (Negotiable if self collect at Seng Kang)
Condition: Excellent (Assembled but never used. Comes with silky blue sarong. Washed but never used.)
Bought from Kiddy Palace.

Please PM if keen. Thanks.

hey mummies, my boy showing less interest in ebm for 2nd day le.. again when he was offered fm he gobbled down everything greedily.

can i mix some fm into the ebm to make the taste better?? my nanny put half a scoop of fm into 80ml of ebm and he drank everything quickly..

how ah.. so sad lo.. got ebm but he dun wanna drink.. tat's worse than wanna drink but no milk!!
ask u ar, hw u discover dat ur boy dun wan drink ebm? did he missed one or two feeds or lk nt interested lkdat, dats y u tried fm on him?

Jarius is worse lor, been refusing milk leh, even is time for feeds, he seems nt hungry lkdat... machiam force him to eat lkdat, cos he will cry and cry, for both breast and bottle. and when i force him to breast, he will use hands and push me away and cry and scream.
as if my milk got poison or it's damn disgusting lkdat.

yeah agree dat is sad he dun wanna drink. very stressful one hor.
wah, lkdat ar... mine also drink slow slow one... drink 70-90ml only... and always must split into 2 seatings to finish it. damn sian...

den lkdat how? dun tell me u planning to stop bm and totally give fm ar?

try to syringe him bm? cos my hb tried dat when he doesnt wan to drink from btl.
i dunno leh... maybe have to feed him when he's taking his naps... he very naughty one lo. he will suck one mouthful then spit out everything if he dun wanna drink. so syringe maybe also same..

how long ur hubby take to syringe him??
ahnetsan: I was having trouble feeding my baby the bottle after I changed her teat! I thought she would be happier when I changed her Avent newborn (and she's 3+months old!) to #2. She would cry and scream for so long! So now she is back to the newborn teat and she's happy again.

It takes her at least 20 minutes to finish 120ml of ebm.
ic... she finished all at one seating? mine doesnt, he will refuse to drink...den after a while, try again, he will take again. damn headache one
BS S: thanks for sharing your experience with gymboree, I guess I can save some $ for now

AMK gal: where do you buy the neck float for swimming? Do you remember how much it is?
ahnetsan: she'll drink 70ml then start playing with the teat. So I will burp her and she may drink another 30ml. Then I'll change her and sometimes get her to finish the remaining 20ml.

It's quite strange because one month ago she could drink 150ml, without a problem. Now she's fussy, drinking less, and less feeds too.

I hate throwing out the ebm, such a waste!!!
last time at MT E , LC say cannot mix FM with EBM although in stomach it's mix together eventually. I usually separate feed FEBM & EBM or FM separate.. sometimes lazy or not much EBM I just mix with FEBM but i dont feed FM with BM.

How many of u giving 5 feed a day EBM/Latch? i still stuck at 6 feed cos i & bb slp 10-12hrs :p i give last feed 11-12pm. then 6am then 11 am, 2,5,8,11pm. so last very rush if he nap overshot my last feed drag very late i stay awake till 12 or even 1. but nw he drk 180ml if 5 feed becm 200+ like alot leh. imagine we adult drk 2 glass water..

wow bbjun dylan so gd boy! last time jayden drk 120ml 10min nw 180ml sometime can be an hr usually 30min... he play w tongue after 100ml.. or scream like milk went to wrg passage
createjoy: I'm still giving 6 feeds ebm/latch. My schedule is similar to yours. I actually prefer 6 feeds because when she drags out to 11-12am she will skip her feed and I feel like she doesn't drink enough.

I've heard nurses say don't mix FM and EBM because if they don't finish, it will waste the EBM. Not sure if there's another reason why it is discouraged. I haven't tried formula yet, my husband is discouraging it since I can still let her latch and have enough ebm.
Hi mummies
Can I check with those of you who are expressing at work.. how long do you take to express and how may times/day? Now I take abt 30mins x 1 session cos my letdown is super slow and I'm using a single electric pump.

bbJun, amk_gal
Thanks for sharing. But now that I'm back at work dun know when I'll have the time to bring my boy there to try.
createjoy, dylan was on 180ml of EBM when he was coming to 3mths. At that time, there were days he can make do with just 5 feeds while on some days 6feeds. I transit him to 180ml of FM after that with the same feeding pattern and slowly he began to stablize with just 5 feeds after 2 weeks. Only recently increase to 200ml when he cried for more milk after each feed or require to feed more frequently. I think you just have to follow bb's cues. I just feed him according to his demands n let him slowly adjust as he develops.

Yeah, am glad that he is drinking well and hardly fusses with feeds except being impatient and drinks way too fast when he is too anxious. However, he still reflux often n easily. Out of the 5 feeds, he will reflux for 3-4 of the feeds. The only one he definitely doesn't reflux is the last feed between 11-12 at nite where he drinks in half awake mode. He refluxes mainly becos he is too eager to move and uses too much strength. He doesn't have this prob whenever he drinks in his half awake mode cos he will be too relax. So while he does drink that much, some of it is always "wasted" when he reflux.

for cradle cap, you need to apply baby oil on the affected area and let it stay for 30mins/1hr, then wash away with shampoo by gently massaging on the affected area... quite effectively for me leh...

Nesher so cute. knew how to complain to mummy... he could be talking fast... maybe before he reaches 1 yr old. ;p
If anyone planning to give ur baby Friso 2, can start to stock up coz NTUC having offer, $41. Friso now more expensive coz of their new formula. I just stocked up on Friso 3. the price increase is alot and Ayuni drinks at least 2 big tins per month.

Ayuni just developed flu n high fever this afternoon so I have long weekend. Hopefully got time to clean house and run errands.

How much does ur gal drink per day @ infantcare? Mine drinks 100ml /3 hrly - 3 times. They will give water also. How's the new teacher? Has she come? Aisha's teachers all very friendly and experienced ones will hold Aisha in one hand only hehe.. Think u can see for urself if the person experienced or not. For the childlink search, I also can't find certain cc, like kinderland. dunno y...

New Mom,
for me, the main consideration was location, price and environment.

Location - near ur home/work or along the route to work? How are u going to get there? public/own transport? Timing also impt coz its only open 7am-7pm.

Price - esp if u are going to put her for more than 1 year as the fees can be quite high. But there's always cda account to deplete first.

Environment - good quality teachers n bright n colourful. the background of its preschoolers also impt. if the cc accepts kids on financial assistance, the kids would be those from family w poor/problematic background. Aisha's infantcare got a bit of mix. Some of the infants have parents are uniform officers and also those whose mums are factory workers. Most mornings need to queue up to hand over baby. If my mum not ard to help me hand over, I probably go down at 6.40am to be the first and sit at the bench to wait.
tiggerkaitlyn: Dun throw away the ebm! Drink it up lah!

BS S: I expressed twice a day if I'm in the office, once around 9+ and once around 3+
I put the Medela Pump In Style (PIS) Advance at workplace which can express around 100ml per breast in 15min

My boy drinks slowly, with bottles or latch on. Latching on will take at least 30 min for him to be full. My nanny says sometimes it takes a long time to finish the bottle, and might need to try again later. He's drinking around 120 to 150ml per feed. So the milk I expressed (around 400ml per day) is NOT enough, got to express weekends and sometimes express after work before letting my boy latch. Heehee, cos my boy can suck up the rest and make my breast soft soft (so shiok) However, like tonight, my boy fuss for 2 hours cos I pumped out more than 50ml per breast ...haha, must be not that filling after that cos my breast are only half full
styliciously, great news to share. On mon i went to spot check the school, as usual every 2 weeks i will go spot check. I saw auntie daina feeding the 6mth old bb 'allie' milk as allie is teething, so she like bite the teat and play with the teat. i saw auntie diana 'SHAKE HER DAMN HARD and say 'IF YOU DON'T DRINK FAST N REMAIN SO NAUGHTY LATER I DON'T GIVE YOU MILK TO DRINK'!!! i nearly fainted when i saw that whole thing, i grab my sermaine tight tight and wondering and imaging how my gal survive there?? Did that auntie diana do that to her? As sermaine drink milk also very fussy need quiet environment in order to finish 140ml milk. Then i tell myself tuesday morning i must call the boss and inform her what i saw. Thanks God heard my prayer, Tuesday morning Teacher Liu told me auntie diana didn't report to work so they assume she auto resign lor. So yesterday the new teacher came, this fri will go spot check again. haiz.

everyday i bring 3x 140ml ebm to sch. sermaine drink 3-5hrly. I instruct them every milk feed 1-2hr later give her 5-10ml water. after bath 1 teaspoon of gripe water mix with 15ml water. So far i think the sch ok only. i have no much choice as this is the only infant care that offer me sch bus and the cost is cheaper then another choice. So can only monitor now. Hope the new teacher can give me trust in it.

BS S, im also using madela electric single pump. i notice if we just change the battery, the whole session ard 20min but after a few times, the battery like not so powerful then whole session 30-35mins. i pump 1 time at work ard 2.30pm.

jling, thanks for the info.

Reg EMB mix with FM,
I didn't know we are not allow to do that. Previously i did call to breastfeeding group, a lady mention if wanna mix ebm with fm, make sure when mixing both item shld be ard the same temp. like warm the ebm, then use another cup make the fm then mix both together. But last time my sil she take out the cold ebm then imm put formula in and add hot water and her boy growing chubby n healthy. So i feel it is up to individual.
hi ladies, I need some advises
care to share?

I got quite a few medela btls and didn't manage to make use of it.. I ain't sure which type of teats is similar with avent? My boy refuse nuk teats.. Any particular brand or size I can buy? Currently he is only using No. 2 teats for avent, and gets annoyed with Size 3. Any particular brand or size I can buy?Tks in advance
Blurmom- i also using avent size 3 teats for my boy but he always leak his milk when drinking. for plain water i jus use teat 2 as i find him comfortable wif teat 2. let him train & use teat 3 for milk.
i dont know... my girl still drinking breastmilk and I never give her water..

office is cold, and missing my dear girl. Lucky boss not in today.

when i have tons of supply, i took EBm from fridge, pour into my boy's bottle, then add warm water then finally add formula.

now got to work, pump and take care, I'm completely exhausted... supply dropping hard to maintain 5 hourly... sometimes too tired alarm clock ring at 2am and I didnt wake up to pump.

hi mummies,

can i join you ladies? you ladies seems to be having fun and a lot of discussion at this forum. hehehe.

i introduced my boy to pigeon orange color self-hold bottle(water) and changed my boy's avent teats(milk) when he is 3mths+ he also cry like duno wat... as though we hit/pinch him like that when i feed him fm but he super love the pigeon orange bottle lo! then he fuss n cry on every feed n refuse to drink.. no choice i have to direct latch and due to not enough bm i make milk with the orange pigeon bottle which he happily drink... then i try to experiment n buy a pigeon wide neck bottle but with similar teat as the orange one... n he drinks.. so i duno he recognises the bottle or the teat.. recently try to feed him back on avent bottle but size 2 teat.. he is drinking.. but slow.. so wondering should i try the size 3 one again... but i fear same thing will happen again... any idea what should i do?

my boy was on similac since birth...but now the price is so expensive..buay tahan..cos 1 tin only last 1 week+..so i try to switch him to friso gold recently. now its like most of day similac cos still got balance then 1 or 2 feeds in night with friso gold. have not make complete switch so at the moment don't dare to start him on any semi-solids. any comments on similac and friso gold?
Hi Raudha(Purplerain), great that you are coming for the gathering with your girl. Will add your name in list. As for the catering, i am still checking if there are any caterers who will cater for less than 15pax. Otherwise, we will have to order Pizzas/ KFCs and such. Hope it is ok with you.
Hi mommies. Just bumping this up in case anyone has missed the below and will like to join.

**Hi Mommies who are coming**, I am getting halal certfied caterer delihub. The price per person is $16.88 for 9 dishes. Price is a bit higher as we only have twelve headcounts who are having the food as some mommies are not having food. Minimum headcount is 10. Usually it will be cheaper if we can have minimum 20 pax at least.

If it is ok, please transfer amount equivalent to the number of people coming into my POSB savings account 126-31191-5.

Looking forward in seeing you all!

Date : 24th Oct 2009
Time : 2-6pm
Location : Sengkang, Compassheights Condo, Multipurpose room.
How to come : Apartment is next to Compasspoint shopping mall or Sengkang MRT/ LRT station/ bus interchange
Food : Depending on number of people. If can get minimum 10-15 people, can get caterer to cater food and drinks.If not, we can order from pizza hut/ kfc etc
Cost per pax : To be confirmed. If catering, just need you to transfer into my account before day of gathering or upon your confirmation to join us for the gathering. If not catering, we can split the costs during the gathering. Is this ok for you gals?
Car park : Can park in Compassheights
Note: Please include your hubby and helper if they are coming by adding them into the below name list!

Looking forward in meeting you all!

Name lists
1. bbjun & BB Dylan
2. amk_gal & hubby & BB Yonghao
3. bbaugustine & baby (i have to check with hubby, he might be working)
4. ec_mom & BB Cayden, might be jiejie Elisha too
5. superbee & BB Danelle and Jie jie Adelle (will be there from 2 to 3.30pm)
6. New Mom & Baby Abigail
7. caramelle, hubby and baby Alya (Halal food?)
8. dolly & hubby & BB Kendrick
9. Rauda & girl
Fang: No worries, think we can even buy our own food cos Compass Point is just next door

MaryG: Welcome! Now you give me another reason to pump... haha... pumping now....
Hi Dolly, great that you are online..!

Gathering on 24th Oct, Sengkang. Is everyone ok to order food from compasspoint then, which is next to my place? It has the usual Pizza hut, KFC, canadian pizza,macdonalds etc.

Let me know your opinions please!. Thanks a lot gals!
hi Ahnetsan, my gal also takes 2 feedings to finish 100ml. At least 45 min. Changed teat better now else it was 1 hour!!!!!!!!! Imagine spending 5 hours a day just to feed her for 5 feeds. So I still latch her directly most of the time to reduce feeding time.

Hi BBjun, your boy is great. 200ml one shot. My boy who is coming to 3 years old only takes 180ml one shot.

My gal plays with the teat sometimes too. But when offered boobs, she very hungry like dat.Grab with both fists. hahahaha
Fang, bbjun, bbaugustine, ec_mom, superbee, New Mon, caramelle, dolly and Rauda,

do u mind if we include another mummy from july thread??? she delivered on 29 june so she's kinda june mummy too...

my boy not so keen on breastmilk still today... going to change the teat tomorrow and see how things go. hopefully will improve..
replied your e-mail, I suggest to order fast food like Pizza hut, KFC, canadian pizza,macdonalds etc too. I think cathering food at $16.88/pax is quite steep and dun think we eat much on cathering food. just my suggestion.

np for me
amk_gal, I don't mind. Maybe she shd join the thread n intro herself here and get accquainted with most of us before the gathering??

Fang, I think it's easier to order from compasspoint. I am fine with pizzas or burgers.. KFC.. a little too finger-licking good to handle our little ones after makan. :p

MaryG, I think u r referring to pigeon mag mag bottle. I bought that for my boi as well even though he has already been trying to hold his milk bottle for a month without success becos it's too heavy for him la. I use that to feed him water so that it's not too heavy to hold (it can't hold his 200ml feed anyway). It's a good investment considering the fact that it allows us to change to a sprout and straw later to train our little ones.
hi mummies,

it has been a long while since i last posted. hv been very busy looking after my bb, who is really a handful.

for mummies who are giving their babies similac, now that they hv a new formula, do we need to mix the old formula and the new formula to introduce it to them? or can we just give the new formula straight away?
what stick on label you bought? is it the one styliciously mentioned?

think each baby takes on FM differently. my son tried similac and Friso. he is ok on similac and poo daily. but on friso, he will only poo once in 2 days.... my son now on wyeth. the milk is very oily and tends to give him hard stools... gotta use friso comfort to help soften the stool... i always wanted to change the FM but my hubby insisted wyeth good. haiz

i use munchkin blender. great to use for blending small amt of food and easy to wash too. find those hand held electrical blender a bit heavy to use.
amk_gal: Yeah, no problem, and like bbjun said, just join the thread

Fang: Anything will do! Food is not the focus

Hi Fang,

Updated list:
Name lists
1. bbjun & BB Dylan
2. amk_gal & hubby & BB Yonghao
3. bbaugustine & baby (i have to check with hubby, he might be working)
4. ec_mom & BB Cayden, might be jiejie Elisha too
5. superbee & BB Danelle and Jie jie Adelle (will be there from 2 to 3.30pm)
6. New Mom & Baby Abigail
7. caramelle, hubby and baby Alya (Halal food?)
8. dolly & hubby & BB Kendrick
9. Rauda & girl
10. Kikismom & BB Kaley
