(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

I wanted to post yest but computer hung on me. TubbyM, I often get the qn, gal or boy as well. Think cos Aug has rather fine features so can be rather ambiguous sometimes as he is still so small. Cant really see the man in him yet heh. Think he will grow up with a baby face.

A North gathering sounds great since I live in the North too!!!

Tinybubu, Since u and your hubby are not happy with the current child caring arrangement, i think its best u take care of Sophie yourself until she is at least a little older. If u continue like this, I think it will be stressful for you and you prob won't be able to concentrate on your work,worrying abt Sophie all the time.

I went to the PD today, weight 5.8kg height 62 cm. Weight is in the 50th percentile but he is a little taller than other babies his age. Well both me and hubby are pleased cos neither of us are very tall haha. I asked PD abt feeding solids and he told me that the latest research shows that starting earlier at 4mths can reduce allergies cos the body is given more time to adapt as opposed to 6 mths which was the recommended age in the past hmmm. And he suggests starting with rice cereal cos you rarely get allergies from that. Well i think i will just observe Aug and see when he is ready. Maybe i will start ard 5mths plus.

Thanks Fang for offering your place for a gathering. Why dont u suggest a few dates (Sat) when you will be available then we can do a poll to set the gathering date. Weekends would be to facilitate the working mums.
Fang, i tink its a good idea!

fat mom i stay in yishun...i wud b hapie 2 hitch a ride...if u hev space.

tinybubu, if ur hubby supportive...be a sahm la....dat wud be best.
congrats tinybubu, i thk u have already made the decision tat makes u happy
hihi,thanks for all your output.took sophie for the weekend and i had a wonderful time hanging out with her alone at home.made me totally realise on what i'm missing out when i'm not with her.

will be tendering the week after next.that's because next week,i'm going to use the balance of my childcare leave.my company's policy states that childcare leave cannot be used when you are serving notice.

now my only concern is how to tell my helper that i have to send her back to the agency....should i give her an angpow????

i know once i become a sahm,there goes any daily adult conversation.my chums are mostly still single and loving it so quite difficult for them to understand mummy speak.lol!but better in long run.hubby constantly away for work and only sees sophie for about 4-5 days a month.if i continue to work and leave her with the helper/my mum,the parent-child bond might slowly disappear if i'm not careful....

dolly : are your baby's thighs cute & chubby?sophie is still wearing pampers size s.it's for babies up to 8kg.

fang : i stay in telok kurau but still invited for the gathering or not????lol!

because i'm going through this difficult situation,i overcompensated on sophie's 4th mth birthday and bought her the jumperoo from toys r us.put her in it this morning and she just sat there and smiled at me.dunno whether i should have laughed or cried.then i switched the music on and when the elephant sounds came on,she got a shock and started to cry.poor girl!

will try again to see if she likes it....

oh,by the way,any babies have started to flip?sophie flips on her tummy and doesnt know how to flip back so i cant really leave her alone anymore.or i have to buckle her up in her bouncer before i run to the kitchen to warm up milk or run to the toilet for a few seconds.

sorry for the long post...
Hey all
At least i have some responses :)

Yes, it's compassheights. Clever gal!

AMK_GAL, BBAugustine, Raudha
Thanks for your feedback. Weekend is good for me too. I will check event room availability dates for saturday and post it next two days. Depending on the number of pax, i can arrange for catering. Otherwise, we can order other stuff. Let's see.

Tiny bubu
Gathering not confined only to mummies who stays in the north la. It just happens that i stay in Sengkang. Please come if you can :) More mommies, more tips and encouragement!

So i will keep all posted within next 2 days then.
Dolly, Augustine is still wearing S size diapers too and he is abt 5.8kg. The S size is getting quite snug on him though. Think he has to switch to M soon.

Tinybubu, its great you have made a decision to stay home and spend more time with Sophie. I think its really impt to establish the bonding with baby from a young age. My hubby works late and he hardly spends time with baby on weekdays so i figured at least one parent has to be the one nurturing the child and in this case it has to be me hence the time off from work. It's definitely rewarding and i think baby benefits from the quality time spent with mummy.

Thanks Fang for checking the available dates. Look forward to your confirmed date.
Hi Mummies,
So quiet, guess maybe coz most of mummy back to work already.

Not bragging but just want to share a happy news for me, finally I can see my weight start with 5 after 3years, atleast got some light ahead that I still can lost weight, so scare like my first the weight stuck cant go down. but of cause I still have long way to go before get back to my 1st pre-preggie weight.

Can I join the gathering? was thinking to ask mummies here should we arrange another gathering soon :p anyday is find for me,

Welcome to be SAHM.
In case she feel bad, give your helper a token and explain to her it not her fault
Cayden still no sign of flipping, we worried may because we stop him when he flip when he is only 2-3 weeks old or maybe coz we always carry him so no chance for him to lip.

What make you think should change to size L? leaking?
Diapers size is depend on the brand and your baby tight size.
Cayden is abt 8kg, he is wearing mamypoko size M, still have room. Sometime it leak coz I din wear properly.
bloody hell!one of our corporate clients wanted to postpone a meeting with our management.i told this client i will get the person in charge to change the date and get back to him asap.

Then he told me he will strangle me like a taugeh if the date isnt changed.......

What the.....
Hi Fang and all - i've been away for some time, and have just started work today.
Started to place my baby at the baby sitter's place last 2 wks before work today.
I see that you are having a gathering. Can i join if i am availabe on the date you are proposing?
tiny bubu - i've not been following the thread .. but i see that you have made a decision to stay at home ... i am so happy for you.

Have been thinking about doing so ... just that it is financially challenging for us ... still thinking and planning ...
newmom : thanks for the vote of encouragement.maybe you can stay till aws and then tender.

as for me,it's very difficult to trust the people around sophie to care for sophie the way her father and i have envisioned.

also,i totally miss waking up every morning to heaps of smiles from her and her weird stretching poses(she looks like an old ah pek when she stretches).i also miss the big grin she gives me when she realises plunging her hands into the bath water makes it splash all over.plus the times where she likes to have her afternoon conversation.of course,i dont know what the hell she's talking about but i humour her anyway and she's absolutely thrilled!i'm sure you know what i'm talking about because you have your own moments with your darling baby.

also,i know if i carry on working i will be one of those moms that are so busy with work that i end up overcompensating with extravagant toys.plus,her milestones are very important to me.i was there the first time she held her head up by herself when i was carrying her.and i was there the first time she smiled back not because it was a reaction but because she was genuinely happy.so the thought of her sitting up by herself and taking her first step by herself and all i get is a phonecall from her caregiver telling me the good news will kill me!

i'm not chastising working mums because i feel just because you're working doesnt mean you love your child any less from the next lady who chose to stay at home.we all love our kids.i tried going back to work and realise i would be a happier person being a sahm.

there are some ladies in my office telling me they dont have the patience to be with their kids 24hrs a day and by taking a time out everyday and going to work,it makes them miss their kids and gaining the patience to humour their kids when they spend time together.

as for me,i've been eating,sleeping and breathing sophie since she was born (does that make sense?) so much so that now i cant imagine anything different....
mummies so the desitin original or creamy better? got BP $10 i thinking of getting 1 then confuse wn i get to choose.

tinybubu glad u decided n happy w ur choice. i also brg jayden w me everyw cannt go without him.. but i'm going bck to wk in jan. by then he already 7mth will b more fun! sure cant bear to work! but i need income badly...
Createjoy: Dun waste your milk, just drink them up

tinybubu, bbaugustine, EC_mom: Thanks for the reply. Problem is when he do his first poo of the day, it's usually of quite huge volume and some might leak from behind, so not sure is it because it's too small. However, the waist is not tight though.
My boy is 6kg and wearing Huggies M size at home. Always heard that Huggies has a smaller cut, so recently exploring other cheap brand like Pet Pet and NTUC for his wear at the nanny's place. But when I compare the sizes, they are the same leh. So wonder if I should upgrade. Other than that occasionally big poo, no other leakage though.
Very disapointed! My new pump arrived but my hubby work too late and so still cannot collect it yet! I really wan it fast badly! Now got to bring my heavy pump to and fro from work tomorrow. sianz... he always work so late, I'm kinda all alone most of the time to fetch my baby and eat all by myself
dolly .. u know what?? haha yes, i've been recycle machine drinking it since yday... fresh pump is really sweet & nice no "milky" smell. actually no matter what diaper jayden use depending how fast i discover, it may or may not stain. more of his movement that mk it leak not the brand.
createjoy: Yes! That's the way, I personally find it too wasteful to throw away my milk.. it doesn't come like a tap!

haha I already standby a few packs of Pampers Active M size in case he starts to crawl when NTUC started the sale... now the sale even better

Hmmm... maybe I still can stick to M size, my boy like not gaining on weight leh.. still 6kg
wah you so fast prepare for your boy to crawl.
think most properly it cost of the movement or poo too big it cause the leak.
IF you want, you can buy 1pkg of L size to try, anyway he will used it soner or later.
Hi...i have not been posting for quite a while. Have been caring for my twins 24/7.

Can i ask if any of your babies have "found" their thumbs???? My gal has found hers, and enjoy every min sucking it!!!! I wonder if offering a pacifier will be a better option than her thumb??

My babies are so super light weight. Maybe abt 5kg (2 weeks back was 4.8kg) and they drink only 100ml. I have increased it a few times to 120ml, but they hardly are able to finish it. Some say my twins look like newborn...:mad:
Poko1: Yeah, my boy has been sucking fist/thumbs for quite a while, now at least he dun detect pacifier so much, but first choice still his thumbs. Sometimes in the mist of latching he'll put his thumb into his mouth! Wah, really like dun give face to me
EC_mom: hehe, I already bought some L size as well, but then he's with nanny during weekday, so the big POO is not happening everyday
poko1 : sophie was on the pacifier before and my mil kept teaching sophie to put her hand in her mouth wen we went to stay with her for a few weeks.now,sophie rejects the pacifier and keeps sucking not just her thumb,but 2 or 3 whole fingers!!!!sometimes,she tries to stuff as man fingers in her mouth as she can.i'm afraid this might be the start of an eating disorder.heheheheh.

but i think its good our kids have found their fingers.this way,you dont have to worry about them crying when the pacifier drops out.

i constantly have to stand by with a dry cloth or baby hand/mouth wipes because she's starting to drool.sometimes,i have to change her tshirt a few times because her collar area will be wet and i figure it will be quite uncomfortable...

any mummies have been bringing their babies out on public transport?i have been so afraid if sophie starts fussing on the bus then i will have nowhere to carry her and walk walk all over the place!so sophie has been either travelling only in taxis or i will push her in the pram if it's walking distance...
btw,GAP.com is having a sale on at the moment till 30 Sep.Take 25% off whatever your total is.This is on top of their normal sale price!!!! I'm so tempted to get a few dresses for Sophie!
tinybubu: So far I only take LRT or MRT. Tried taxi by myself once but my boy is crying for milk! And I'm not so open to latch inside a taxi all by myself
Prefer the LRT and MRT cos I can use stroller and rock him
<font color="0000ff">bb got a bad case of rash on his cheeks..

dunno is heat rash or eczema leh.. how to tell the difference???

and hor, anyone wan S26 or similac?? i have but i using enfalac.. anyone with use for it? can have it....
11_Beans, ur bb sleeping in aircon at night? If yes, when u turn on the aircon, ur bb cheek got better? IF not then i will assume it is eczema. My gal is drinking S26, will be happy if you wanna give it away.

styliciously, i think june thread only u and me putting bb in infant care ba. But mine no aircon leh. But i think ur infant care aircon temp woll not be too cold ba? Maybe a long sleeve and long pant will do?
<font color="0000ff">Shelisa,

doesnt the rash look different? i googled, the rash looks like heat rash rather than eczema, but yet only appear on the cheeks.. i on aircon nowadays cos thinking it's heat rash, but it kind of looks even worse at night in aircon!! so sad..

later bring him go see GP le.. dunno what to do, better see doc maybe get something to relieve him.. so poor thing keep rubbing his face.. he sweats alot, even in aircon when i am cold he still sweat. LOL

re : s26
where u stay? or how u wanna take from me leh? or maybe if we both going to fang's gathering can passing passing

re : similac
got 400g to give.. anyone?

Re : quiting
i returning to work next week.. dread it.. anyone knows if childcare leave can still take while serving notice? is it entitled or restricted by company policy?</font>
any mummies interested to attend a baby massage tiral class in town?was thinking of gathering a few mummies and their babies and i'll see if i can get a good rate from the centre.we'll probably do it on a weekend so more mummies can attend.anybody interested?
11 beans : for my company,during notice period, you can only use AL or MC.any other kinds of leave are not applicable...maybe check your company policy to see if it's different.i'm using up my childcare leave this week and next week before i hand in my resignation to my boss...
fat_mom, thanks for the tip. Mothercare slpsuits got thick n thin materials depending on the season collection. So tempted to buy...

the infant section is in the inner part of the cc, no windows, only see thru glass dividers. Think it might be quite cool. I got quite alot of long sleeve n long pants but all are light weight material mostly. Plus need 3 outfits a day.. so many clothes to keep track. I better get sleepsuits with booties so not troublesome. Getting some sleepsuits which my niece outgrow. Ur baby wears rompers all day?

gap/on so tempting for me too.. esp when I get updates on my email.
TinyBubu - congrats! I am so sure Sophie will be so happy with her mummy
Felt she was quite bullied from what you were describing earlier... If you feel bored in the weekdays, there are quite a number of SAHM here to go out with
TinyBubu - yes yes i can identify with you .. i love to see my baby's smiles and stretchies each morning!

Re: Traveling on Public Transport
So far, i've traveled with baby on both taxis and public buses on my own (with baby). She is ok .. when she fusses about, i give her the pacifier, and pat her abit. If it is sleeping time for her but she gets distracted, i will put a cloth (diaper cloth as it is thin n comfy) over her head, covering her face so she dont get distracted .. she usually will fall asleep. It's like her little quiet corner.

11 Beans:
Re Similac
I am currently using Similac but my baby is 3mth old now only. So, if there is no one you can pass to, then i do not mind getting it from you.
11_Beans, i stay near to serangoon mrt station. where u stay?? or u wanna i go ur house to collect?? hmm, to play safe, it good u bring ur bb to see gp. so next time when it start, u can imm apply cream to prevent getting worse.

styliciously, my infant care centre didn't requrst how many set of clothes per day leh. how they need so much?? 3set?? that alot. ya, my gal is wearing romper or not tshirt and short. actually they can bath her 2 time per day but i request to bath in noon then before come home wipe her body.
Hi sweethalo and Annie,

our boys are born on the same day, need to ask re milk intake. How much is your boy drinking? What is the interval?

Mine use to drink 120ml every 2hrs, sometime lesser. But recently he had been drinking like 60ml every hr! I am so terrified by the amt. Is this normal?
<font color="0000ff">Hello all mummies, sorry to disturb and interupt...

I have few pkts of Pampers Active Dry Diapers, Size M to sell away, cos I bought too many and my gal suppose to wear L instead of M long ago...so wana check anyone interested to buy???

Prefer self-collection or certain MRTs...

Interested party, kindly email me at [email protected]

Thank You</font>

I have been fully latching Noah since after his 1mth when he rejected latching. Before that, he used to be able to do 120ml EBM and 90ml FM.

I've since started introducing the btl to him recently. He isnt very keen on the btl but will take it only when no choice. He's been able to do 120ml max even though I tried giving more in the btl or even afterawhile. He managed 140ml once and didn't ask for milk until 4hrs later. He's drinking 3hrly usually other then when the growth spurt period so I guess that's why he is smaller than most babies. The other times we tried btl him for last feed, he only did 90ml and I had to throw 30ml. Sunday he only did 60ml and wasted 50ml FEBM.

LFB, hrly 60ml and 2hrly 120ml? same qty in the end leh?? i dun quite understand what is your question? Maybe he is on growth spurt?

sorry, abit blur.What I meant is after his 120ml feed, he can take another 60ml in less than an hour. Then 2 hrs after his 120ml feed, he wants milk again! That means sometimes he is taking abt 180ml! I am shocked. He seems bottomless these few days. And he likes to play during feed, so can be quite frustrating when feeding.
