(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Hi dolly.200906,

It's a little difficult when our little one fuss from evening onwards isn't it? Not that I'm dying to go out but it's just so difficult esp for working mothers like me... U SAHM? If so, good for you... Enjoy the baby! (^_^)

It can be difficult to have 1 party sending my boy to my mum's place. Not too sure but he just doesn't like to be on the car seat. Someone will need to talk to him or give him some form of eye contact. What an attention seeker right? Moreover hubby and I kind of share the car since my workplace is inaccessible by train and it is a hassle to take bus... Sighzz...

Thanks bbjun and bbaugustine for the advise. I will try it out.

caramelle, my boy also like your gal. Need to cry to sleep. Day time cry is shorter like 5min but night time can go as long as an hour. (cry, stop, cry, stop, sleep). Not sure why, but seem like he is crying down baby. Need to cry to sleep. And when he is crying, he will sweat a lot. But he can sleep quite long after that. If he wake in between his sleep, I will pat him back to sleep.
bbaug, yes.. I agree that it's a happy problem and I think it's good for him that he is getting the sleep he needs.

I m small size so baby takes after daddy lor. I guess it's good since he is a boy. My sister is already trying to guess which sports he likes now since he likes to kick so much. The next Michael Phelps or Jordan??? LOL... but she is all geared to teach my boy to roller blade (she used to give lessons) when he can. This is one very anxious auntie.

Caramelle, perhaps it's just how Alya cries. Every baby cries differently. Maybe she is just more expressive lor. But agree with the rest that it's very impt to not overstimulate the baby as it's very difficult for them to sleep after that. Happens to Dylan a few times and I have to rock him till he quiets down before I can place him in the cot to let him fall asleep. I think your mother needs to spend a bit more time to understand Alya and her habits. My nanny took quite a while to get used to my boy's babbling. At first, she was so stressed with it as sometimes he gets too carried away and makes loud noises.

babyhopes, is it possible to get a nanny nearer your place instead? I understand the stress of working parents rushing from one end to the other to fetch kids home. One of my frens was so stressed about not missing the time the infant care set that she is losing sleep. It doesn't help when it's either traffic jam or jam-packed public trpt at the peak hours.
I am using a nanny now even though my mother did offered to help when I sent back my maid. However, she wants me to leave bb with her from mon to fri, including the nites so that I dun have to rush to her place to fetch bb. Of cos, I don't think it's reasonable for me to ask her to come to my place becos she needs to do housework for her own hse as well. Oredi, she will need to stop helping my dad with his stall in the morning if I were to leave my bb with her. If it's so, I rather move back to her home to stay cos I cannot live without bb for a day leh. LOL. Hence, I decided to look for a nanny nearby lor. Hope u and your family can work something out. Else it's really tough on u and hb to manage baby and work.
would there be another gathering soon?? maybe this time near to north side?? =)

nanny: i couldn't find a suitable near my home, so chose one near to my workplace...

gonna catch some sleep now while baby is with nanny. milk output no good cos tired too...
my boy needs me to make the "ng......" sound before he can pass motion. he cant poo himself. is it due to the milk he is drinking or it has become a habit?
Dolly- yah nesher is growing well & chubby ...

i be starting work next oct on the 9th. m also worry will Nesher be in good hand. i knew he be well taken care by my friend but as daddy eyesight is getting bad, it best to let my elder sis take care of nesher & she can take care of dad & her kids meals, earn extra income so can buy things for her 5 kids & not have to ask my dad & sis for help. the only worry is as my 2 yr old niece is those jealous type & she jus hit my boy head when dad was carrying him, i really worry today head next time is where so i be taking some time off to check on how is nesher... i will love to be a housewife but i cant rely on hubby as we nid more income cos our new hse be ready next end of the yr stil nid to renovate & buy furniture etc etc.. so best i rather rely on myself & as my job end at 5.15pm, i wil lobang the driver lorry as before so be reaching home at 5.40pm. cant expect my sis to have time to read him story too so i be reading to him at nite or evening time. sian..
Tinybubu- really tough for you. Strange tt your helper is asked to leave Sophie alone n care for your nephew instead when her main duties is Sophie!! Actually maybe u can see if your office will consider no pay leave for a few mths then see if it works for you then decide fr there?

Babyhopes- what abt having dinner first then pick up bb tt way can avoid being in two jams?
hi mummies
did u read the news? Giant baby @ 8.7kg from indonesia. Scary. U can read more & see more giant baby from this link http://news.ninemsn.com.au/glance/867162/woman-gives-birth-to-8-7kg-boy

After reading your situation, if i m in your situation, i will quit my job and b a SAHM instead. If your child is not well taken care by the "helpers", i rather quit my job and take care bb myself. Actually when i employed my maid, my mum complain abt the maid everyday then i told my hubby that if situation doesn't improve, i will fire the maid and be a SAHM to look after my 2 kids. Lesser $ never mind but at least i m sure my kids are well taken care of and lesser headache/trouble from other pple too.

Does your mum cook dinner? If yes, eat at her place or da-bao the food b4 heading home? For me,after work i'll pick up my kids at my parent house & had dinner there b4 heading home. Once reach home, busy time! Need to latch my bb @ 9+pm and pat her to sleep. Then it's my elder milk time @ 10+pm and pat her to sleep. My maid can't help cos both my gals only want me to pat them to sleep!! So i am always the last one to shower and last one to sleep @ 12+am as i m doing a dreamfeed to my bb @ 12am so that she can tahan till 7am. After that, i will go and pump out any excess milk b4 going to bed. Good thing is both my kids can sleep thr' the nite so i dont have to wake up and have a good sleep till 7am! Same as Cassey & BBAug, i will give pacifier if my bb wakes up @ 3-4am and then she will continue to sleep. So maybe if your bb can sleep thr the nite, it will help u to get more rest too.
Hi moms- I feel terrible right now cos I accidentally cut my baby's skin as I was cutting her nails!!!

It's bleeding a little, should I apply any first aid cream?
oh my bb sleep thr from 12am to 5am since she is 2+ mths old and gradually she can stretch from 12am to 7am like now. but day time, i m feeding her at 2hrs 100ml interval from 9am till 7pm. it works for both of my kids. u can try to c if your bb is ready and sleep longer hrs then slowly stretch the hrs and skip the nite feed?

just to share that i just found out previously danelle rejected bottle feed last wk is not becos i went back to work and refuse bottle but rather due to some of the EBM dated in july.... hmm dunno y leh?? wonder if any bb same as mine?? mummy ash, know that u got lotsa EBM stock up @ home so u may want to take note when u go back to work & feeding EBM. it takes me 1+ wks b4 my mum & i found out the real cause. initally we tot she only want to latch but not true leh cos she drink bottles on weekend cos it all "fresh" BM pumped out on the same/previous day and no EBM stock given.

yeah i m going to F1 rock concert with hubby tonite! got free tickets! :D
<font color="0000ff">mummies still bf-ing and working

can i check..
1. how often u pump during the work day?
2. any pumping during office hours or strictly lunch hour only??

gonna have to "train" the supply liao... going back to work sooooon... =(

hi 11_Beans,

I went back to work beginning of the month and i am pumping twice during office hours,11am and 4pm. each session take about 20-30 mins. i train my supply 1 weeks b4 i went back to work. but be prepared to bring extra bottles or milk bags incase the first few days breasts very full.
hi everyone.Thanks for the encouraging words.it's getting worse for me.i went to see sophie after work today and my mum and helper told me to stop feeding bm to sophie because its making her very unsettled??????then i realised that my mum doesnt point the fan towards sophie or switch on the aircon for sophie as she feels sophie doesnt need it.i called up my husband and complained.he couldnt say much because he doesnt want to say anything about my mum's erratic behaviour but he told me the offer to be a sahm is still on the table.but i know he was really frustrated at how sophie is being treated as a second class citizen at her own grandmother's place.

i think it's true what they say - no matter what,nobody will love and take care of the child like the child's parents.....

AND they're starting to let my sis's son who is 2 years old feed sophie.they think it's cute.i've seen him drop the bottle on the floor,have the teat touch the floor and put it back in sophie's mouth when i was standing at the main door waiting for my mom to unlock the gate.i went mental and stood my ground but my mum insisted the floor is clean because the helper just mopped it.she totally missed my point.i take pains to completely sterilize everything sophie touches at home but over there,it's like a circus....
Tinybubu, i have been reading the threads &amp; i believe u r in a v tough situation. Its very comforting to know tat hubby is very supportive of u being a SAHM to take care of Sophie. I am also a SAHM cos i wld like to be there to witness all the milestones of my son, esp in the 1st 6mths. If family financials aint a major issue, perhaps you shdnt procrastinate further. Maybe think about wats yr priority for the next 6mths (at least). If you are not able to focus at work under current situation, then you might be better off being home with Sophie. Just my 2 cents worth.

Cheer up. My philosophy - Do wat makes you happy.
ahnet, Hi-5!
Skyla always kenna the "Full month already or not? So young why bring out?" type of questions from strangers. (The other common questions is "boy or girl?" haha.) For the first time the other day, bubble tea lady asked "How old is she, 5 months?" and I thought she was blind. Wahahaha! About solids, why not just ask your PD? I don't think I'll start that soon, cos read that feeding milk is still the best way to gain weight, and obviously, she still has lots of weight to gain...

tigger, read that the average is to double birth weight at 4-6mths, triple by 9-12mths. This is for breastfed babies thought, not sure about formula fed babies.

dolly, Skyla also just stares at her sophie giraffe and frowns haha!

amk_gal, I didn't know baby can only be weaned off night feed when they gain 180-240g a week! She self weaned almost 2mths ago, and has been sleeping thru the night. Hmm, maybe THAT's why she's skinny. Eh, she's never gained 180-240g a week in her short life so far.

tinybubu, if it were me, I'd just quit my job, especially since hubby says he makes enough for whole family to be comfortable. Is there something that's holding you back from quitting, apart from your boss being happy that you're going back to help him? Don't feel sore about the money spent on the helper. If you want, just keep helper around for doing housework while you look after Sophie full time. If you think you don't need someone to just clean the house and cook, then just send the helper home and cut your losses. I would go absolutely mental if I were you and saw that's how my family members are taking care of my kid. You mentioned the job's crappy anyway, so not much of a loss to quit now. If at some point in the future you find yourself getting itchy to go back to the "real" world, you can just find another job then, right?

TV: from what I read, it's not just about not letting baby watch TV before 2yo. Apparently, even having TV sounds on all the time in the background, even though baby ISN'T watching, impedes their language skills. A bit tough to never have the telly on, huh?

SMALL CLUB: My girl wins, hands down. Been weighing her everyday this week, so I know the figures aren't lying. Sigh. This isn't something I wanna win, obviously...
hi 11_beans,
it did drop a little and i do still latch bb on when i am home and before i go office. i also maintain the same routine on weekend. I very ks, i took nursing tea in the office to prevent supply from dropping too much :p

can imagine your frustration. Having set all the rules and regulations but all flushed down the drain. Honestly, sometimes we can't expect pple to be perfect, esp when it comes to pple we can't command!

I am not quitting to be a SAHM cos my job allows me to take no pay leave. My leave will only start next Jan to May, cos my boss needs me for year end project. Moreover, hubby is supportive with me taking off, so that bb will spend his first year with me around. I got myself a helper when I realised I couldn't really manage baby alone. BB was 2 months then. The reason for getting a helper is also for my MIL(who will assist when I am back to work Oct to Dec), who will only need to eyeball the helper when I am back to work. When I return work in June, the helper needs to take care of bb. I rather start my preparation early. What's my point then? Like what Tubbymummy said, keep the helper. She is handy when you need someone to clean the mess, mop the floor, carry the bag and what's not. Honestly, I think my investment been really good! It does hurt sometimes when I see my bb attach to her, but then again, why hire a helper that my bb detest? Anyway, I realised that my bb still attach to me very much. So I am fine with that. Quit if it hurts to see your bb not taken care of properly. Spend the time with bb, have the helper doing housework, and enjoy your moment with bb and hubby! This morning, my boi woke up at 3am and refused to sleep after fed. I pat him in the twilight, and suddely I am so contented. My bb in my arms, looking at me(though it's almost pitch dark). I think all the trouble are worthwhile! If you think the best caregiver is you yourself, do it! Money is abundant everywhere. But our kiddo is the only one in this entire world. Why sacrifies something so rare for something that common?
i haven't start work supply drop le.... started to replace some feeds with pump sessions to condition body n drop like crazy already. dunno how...
<font color="0000ff">amk_gal, i also starting to "train" the supply.. Now i only pump all day and latch once at night around 9pm which is prob the time i'll get back from work anyway..

Today is 2nd day of training and i realise pumped amt seems not enough compared to amt bb is drinking from bottle - previously din realise cos all day latching. Hmmm..

Doing 5 hour pumps only. Think confirm drop in supply. So sad. O well.. Guess tat's how it is huh..
tinybubu, if u r so unhappy wif how your family is treating sophie, what's holding u back? especially when your hubby is so supportive... but i think u have to keep in mind that next time when u're gng back to work, your family might not b willing to help u take care, even though your helper is around... i think grandparents are not obliged to care for their grandchildren... if they offer to help, of course it's great, but we should be the ones responsible for our own children, nobody else...

11_beans, i pump once in the office at 1pm for around 30 mins. i just started work this week and so far supply is still alright. Like sharon, i drink nursing tea in office too...
<font color="0000ff">tinybubu
Yeah i agree with the rest.. Shd just bf sahm
both you and bb will be happier.. It'll be torturous for you to go to work like that thinking abt ur bb all the time too yeah..

Re gathering in the north
Would love to finally join in a gathering! Gonna get harder to organise since lots of us are gg back to work liao
causeway point or northpoint would be great haha</font>
<font color="0000ff">dovey
wah, only once enough liao?? anyway i realised, the more i "train" the supply, the amt doesn't drop but the feeling not so engorged anymore like last time.. heh like the capacity kind of increased along the way.. but i expect amt to drop sooner or later anyway.. hai

nursing tea - works like fenugreek ah? hehe seems pills easier to swallow.. dunno wanna supplement or not..
also intending to "stockpile" during weekends latch and pump - but dun think i so hardworking.. only worry bb reject febm or formula then siao liao when fresh ebm not enough..!!

come to think of it, shd also start "training" bb on febm as well hor.. alamak!!!</font>
11_beans, no lah... i pumped 3 times a day, but oni once in the office... i do it @ 6am, b4 i get ready for work... pump out whatever remains, then after work when i reach home, i pump again... i latch my girl whenever she needs a feed once i reach home... mayb my girl doesn't drink a lot, so supply still can meet her demand... she takes only 120ml every 3-3.5 hours...
Hi, sorry to intrude.

any1 interested in getting a discounted Sean Lau PS package at $50? pls PM me or email me at [email protected].

1) Package at $188. Balance $138 to be made to Sean Lau PS on the day of the ps.
2) Valid for weekdays only. If you want to take the PS on a weekend, need to top up extra $35 (no additional free photo).
3) Expiry date of the package: So long as the baby is 12months and under on the day of the ps itself.

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*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/pax instead of $35. If both parents join in for a family protrait, Sean Lau will throw in an additional picture worth $30.

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<font color="0077aa">mummies how much are u pumping out now? wonder if my supply drop cos i used to get be able to get 90-120ml per breast, but now need both breast to get 90ml. maybe morning first pump then can get 90ml for 1 breast (the other i use to feed baby). i store EBM in the glass bottle of 90ml, think it's not enough for her cos when milk finish she still sucking. but on the breast she drink okay, but sometimes playful keep bopping off breast. that's why i prefer to bottle feed EBM, can see how much she drink and she's not so playful. how much should she be drinking now? she's 3.5mths old and feeds every 3 hours.</font>
<font color="cc0099"> Staying in today to try and work on Kyle J.'s sleep habits. Put him in his bed for his aftnn nap and trying to let him play inside quietly more often so he learns to get used to it. Hopefully as he gets tired inside, he'll learn to just close his eyes and go to sleep. Then at night he can go to sleep all by himself

ahnet, HANDS OFF MY MAN'S BUTT!!! *Growl &amp; hiss* Hahaha!! Why, young ppl cannot be tall meh? And actually, just 2 days ago, I saw even more new Yami flavours but it was too late and they didn't have samplers anymore - passionfruit &amp; soursop!
Whoa, I'm really very loyal. Been raving about them since 2nd trimester til now. Kekeke. So far the only flavours that I'm not very impressed by are green apple &amp; lychee (or is it longan?) Hard for you to try cos no outlets near you and you always hide at home!! Must jio you out some time...

> As for engagement ring... why couldn't you wear it? Water retention? Shouldn't that have passed after delivery?! Thank God no swelling of anything for me except belly. Cos everything already swollen on a regular basis *keke*!

chris~, Kyle tries to touch my rice and soup and noodles or just whatever is on my plate/bowl now. Sometimes quite dangerous. I'm excited and thankful to see the new developments, yet part of me already misses the NB him when he was so wee and cute! *crazy mum huh?* I held my bubble tea in the hand of the arm that was supporting him on my lap and he kept stroking and trying to grasp the 'cup'. Nice and cold!!

bubu~, oh dear oh dear. You poor mum. *rub your back* It's hard to find caregivers who can carry out our wishes well. And I know what you mean about the toys. Many things I don't mind sharing with my niece, but I'd still like Kyle to at least get to use them first if I bought them for him. Rather than have to have it used for 2 months before he gets first go at it. Sigh. Your situation's really awkward - what can your man say abt your family? I think he's wise to hold his peace. Think on the bright side - at least you hv the choice to make whether you want to be a SAHM. Or if you're not ready for that right now, maybe consider working PT before making a decision?

Dovey, it's normal for them to turn heads from side to side. That's why many bubs have little balding spots at the back of their heads!

bbAug, I found Novena's nursing room one of the lamest I've been to (excepting Bukit Panjang Plaza). So while it's nice and spacious, I wouldn't go there unless I intend to hang out in a cafe where I can sit comfortably and comfortably nurse as needed.

I enjoy being with Kyle heaps, really
It's only the heat, really, that's the tiring factor. So I hide in the room a lot and squander all hubby's earnings on A/C!! That's why I'm out very often. I can't see myself putting Kyle to bed by 8-9pm, although it's good for them. I'm rarely home at the time *sigh* Must try... for Kyle's sake.

caramelle, poor you. Some babies are just more needy/sensitive and expressive others. My niece is also very expressive!! My parents kinda call her a "terror'ist" - in mandarin, they use a term on her that kinda means once she gets started, there's no controlling her. Haha... She's happily gurgling and laughing and talking one moment and suddenly does an about-face the next, screaming at the top of her lungs until she goes red in her pretty face. It's just her.

amk_gal, Re: gathering. Instead of waiting and asking, why not just initiate something for the Northies? It's probably easier.

Shirley, babies >3mths are ready to "sleep through" - the "clinical" definition meaning sleeping for 5 hrs. Once they hit 7.3kgs, they are physically able to go for 8hrs without a feed. Kyle's supposed to be able to, but in reality it's been a whole different story!

kaitlyn, don't worry. I've done that before - cut off not just skin but a piece of flesh too. *heartpain* But they heal amazingly quickly. Just apply pressure until bleeding stops. I put a plaster on it for the night, but thereafter left it to air. Didn't apply any special cream.
Hey everyone
Been a while since i posted. I was at the last gathering at takashimaya, sans the baby cos my wrist was painful.

I see that a gathering seems to be in order. I can propose to hold the gathering at the event room at my place. We can cater some food etc. I stay a couple of minutes from Sengkang train station. If you are driving, can park at my place too.

What do you gals think? And also, not sure if weekend or weekday is better cos i reckon most mommies are working now? I, for one am not working and therefore, am not contributing to the singapore economy. Only to the population numbers :) So it does not matter to me if it is a weekday or weekend.

So, some feedback if keen on gathering at my humble abode.

Brought my gal for her second injection this week. Counting my lucky stars that she has no fever :)

Melts my old heart to hear her cooing and see her gummy smiles and shake her fat legs :)
Superbee, thanks for ur concern on fbm. heh ... I had fed my baby several times fbm... and he seems fine with it. the problem i struggle now is that he is taking a LONG time to finish a feed... he likes to drink 5 min then stop... then next half an hr wanna drink again.. same goes for both breastfeeding and bottle feeding.

and I realised lately that he has also taken a preference for drinking directly from breast too and refusing bottle sometimes.. but thank God he still drinks from bottle after much coaxing.

so ur girl is rejecting all your fbm?
babyhopes: No I'm not SAHM, just started work last week. Now adapting to work life. Lucky thing is sometimes I can choose to work from home if I'm not on project or meeting customer.

I'm suspecting that my boy is having a growth spurt! He wakes up almost every hour for feed for the past 2 nights. However, he still not taking ebm from my hubby, I wanna feed him full before he goes to sleep again!
URGENT: Anyone has a PC/laptop to spare? willing to rent $100 (laptop) $$70 LCD PC $50 (normal monitor PC) Rental from next wk till end Dec.
I found a job to do at home but my PC spoil! it's a rare opportunity that i can work and look after my boy.. Pls help to ask around. thanks! Pls PM me if found.
Fang, sure deal!! near to my place too. =) when when? weekend might be better.. cos i'm starting work on 8 oct...

caramelle, my milk output has never been good. good days i get 70ml per breast, bad days get only 40 ml per breast... so u can see my output is not enough if i rely on pumping solely. can get more while latching..
i went over to pick sophie up for the weekend yesterday after work and was barred by my mum as she claims sophie just felt asleep and was so tired.i also mentioned that i might want to quit my job and take care of sophie.their retort was that i will probably do a shitty job and they know exactly how to care for sophie.i found this amusing coming from my sis who smoked during her pregnancy and who has never worked a day in her life.

then my mum asked about my helper and i said i will send her back as i will have no use for her anymore and they were both so upset.i suspect they have gotten used to the idea of having my helper there to do their chores and also to the fact that i give them a hefty allowance for the helper's food and sophie's essentials.

i spoke to the hubby last night and he didnt sound happy at all.
this clearly cements my decision to be a sahm.because i'm shifting again,i need the helper around for a few more weeks to help hubby &amp; i set up apartment.but i dont know if waiting a few more weeks will do harm to my baby.

what say you,girls?

honestly, if I am you, quit immediately(if I can lah!). Get your helper to sort out your new place b4 you send her back. Keep Sophie with you from now. Honestly, I think she will be better off with you. Sorry, but from the way you describe your family, I think they are using you and your helper(no offence!).
Any mummies with babies in air-con infantcare? I don't use much air-con at home, at most 3 hrs in the night and will off when its cool b4 going to sleep. I am wondering what outfits to pack for Aisha. Do u pack long-sleeves/long pants? Afraid if pack for her rompers, it might b too cold for her.
hi mummies,
been long time since i post.. next week is the last wk of my ml before i go back to work on 5 oct.. really hope to meet up with u all since i hvnt been so able to do so for the last few gatherings.. brw, i also stay in north, so any place will be ok.. i think i should be driving so can offer a ride to 1 mummy who stay in yishun..

tiny bubu,
i think u should quit immediately and care for sophie asap.. as for the maid, i think u shld hv paid for her salary for the 1st 6 mths or so right.. if so, u shld keep her until she has repay her loan since it is already sunk cost.. also can help u transit to be a sahm easier.. i am a bit hopeless to care for my kid n do housework alone..

my friend's bb is in a/c ifc.. she always wear sleepsuits.. think mothercare is having 30% off for some designs.. she recommended me to get those since my bb sleeps in a/c at night..
tiny bubu,
quit ur job since u can afford to SAHM.. dun haf to accommodate or compromise in terms of caring for your Sophie. no one else knows best in terms of caring for her, except you!!

im in an equally sucking and frustrating position now, so i can fully understand how you feel. in fact, im in a worse situation than you are.

and since your hb doesnt mind you staying at hm and taking care of sophie urself, dat's even better!

for maid wise, im nt sure cos i never had a maid before, so i cant say much on dat. and yeah, i also think ur mum seems to be making use of both u and ur maid...and u give a hefty allowance to her, yet she did this... tsk tsk...

if a few yrs later you wanna go back to wrkforce, you can do so and put sophie in childcare centre. im sure she's better off at a childcare centre rather than at your mum's.

hope you feel better.
tinybubu, wow ur sis nvr wk b4 so gd life! ya i think if u cld, tk care of her urself, even infantcare sounds better off with ur mum &amp; sis... although haha no matter hw poor hygiene or upbrging,u still so healthy brought up by ur mum. but if worry then get sophie out quick.

i just cm bck afe see doc, throat gland infection. on antibiotics, 6 day cant breastfeed! sian!the thought of express milk throw away i so sad!
