(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

hi sharon,

can give me the seller details? thanks.

hi chris38,
buying from bp need an account right? how to get an account?

hi amk_gal, my girl was also 5.3kg at 3mths jab, surprisingly the doctor put on Health Booklet that she's 75% percentile. What did the doctor put for yours? Height 63cm was 75%.. As for head circumference, she's 50%.

My girl also doesn't drink too much milk at a go, about 90ml every 1.5-2 hours, depending. Sometimes drink more, sometimes longer time intervals eg 2-3 hours.

btw I stay in AMK too.
Mummies, talking abt make up.. since most of my lipsticks and eyeshadows are UNTOUCHED for the last 1 year, I reckon that most had expired! .. have to throw them soon, just cannot bear to.hehe

Tubbymummy, u can fit into ur pre-preg jeans!!! wooo-hoo.... I don't even dare to try mine! ahahha.. I am already happy that I can fit into the berms.. and btw, I am still wearing the preggy berm with the elastic band used when I was super pregnant... too comfy for me to give up. ahah.. am happy tt I can fit into my working skirts finally!! .. am so afraid that I have to spend so much money to buy all over again. but i think alot of tops still cannot wear.. ahem, chest had GROWN! which I bet is common for all of us here. heh. at least, before we stop breastfeeding. :p

bbaugustine, JIAYOU!.. i thank God that I have a part time helper every week... if not I will pengsan with washing the toilets or cleaning the windows!! .. I used to bake and cook alot last time.. but not now.. everytime when i think of going to the market to get food to cook, i will think of the washing up after cooking... and I will go "forget it"... i better just concentrate on making the hse neat and tidy and caring for baby. heheh ... i tapao so often from the market and coffee shops nearby my hse that all of them know me and my baby now! .. even the fruits stall uncle or the bakery auntie knows me lor! .. so auntie. heh
Makeup and dressing up: I have started to wear makeup if i go down to town so that i feel like im in the swing of things again. Become mummy also must look good, cannot become huang lian po, im also gradually taking out my heels. The nursing clothes I bought look like the pre-preg clothes i used to wear except now I seldom wear spaghetti strap and halter. think its the nursing bra issue.

Cassey/TubbyM, I just do the chores that are deemed necessary so that it doesnt feel icky to be at home and my hubby is a little fussy abt the house being clean. I do mopping and vacuuming every alternate day. Cooking is everyday for dinner unless im out and its too late to cook. Usually for lunch, i heat up whatever is left from the previous nite's dinner cos I will cook excess...saves time. As for laundry, i do it almost everyday, alternating between me and hubby's clothes and baby's clothes, sometimes got bedsheets and pillow cases too cos i change them abt once a week. Sometimes my sis comes over to play with baby so I have more time to cook and do chores. I dont really nap in the day cos baby doesnt sleep long. By the time im going to enter deep sleep, he is about to wake up liao, so i just forget abt my nap. There are some weary days when i try to take it slow and do the minimum-cooking and laundry usually. Thanks Cassey for the yami yogurt!!!

When aug was younger, he had all the characteristics of a high needs baby but now he is more manageable, maybe cos i can anticipate his demands better now. I think he is an unusually alert baby in the day. Cassey, daytime napping is a challenging thing with aug. he usually takes 2 naps now, each for abt an hour sometimes slightly less. And he takes a long time to fall into deep sleep and he is easily woken up by sounds. So sometimes bringing him out is better so he can just fall asleep whenever he feels tired while I can continue to enjoy my outing.

Cassey/TubbyM, when are we having lunch or tea again??? invitation extended to all interested mummies out there too.

Cassey, what are you doing at the UNI (as in university???)

Im hoping to bring aug swimming after his vaccinations next Sat, ie beginning of Oct. Anyone keen to bring their babe swimming or wld like to offer their condo pool as a venue? We can organise a swimming outing. Think it will be fun.
amk_gal, my girl is WAY smaller. She's 4mths soon, and hasn't even hit 5kg.... Does that change your perspective on your baby being small?

MummyAsh, I've been practically living in my preggie pants/capris, cos they're so comfy haha! So today, I forced myself to dig out a pair of pre-preg jeans to try on (naturally, I chose one of the larger sized ones hehe), and they fit! Most of my tops fit ok with the "new & improved' bustline, cos I was into buying stretchy tops anyway. It's the shirts that are hopeless. Even though they have a bit of lycra in them, there's no way they can button up...

bbaug, my nursing bra straps can be converted to halter style hehe, that's why today tried wearing a looser halter... We can meet up week after next maybe? Early Oct? Next week, thinking of staying home and going on intensive pump/latch with the baby. I live in constant fear that my supply is dwindling/non-existent... Sigh... So I employ these measures to try to boost supply.
hayoki why get $19.50 wn BP only 18.20? v urgent? saw WTS got pple post $17.50 incl postage dunno if ready stock or nt.u ca email to chk. [email protected] . btw any one use california shampoo for cradle cap? saw BP got pple sell but closed gotta wait, wnder if must use special shampoo or just the calendula cream will do? his head really stink haha

wow y u gals bb so tall? mine only 59cm at 3rd mth thought his weght double long ago at 2nd mth wahaha.. i hope my MIL dont start porridge so soon. she been talking about it say another 2 mth can give.. scare she mk meat porridge pamper his taste bud. she used to mk very tasty meat, scallop and frog leg porride.. i know gd lah but too young to digest and his taste bud get too picky like my hb dont like bland food i faint... wait dont like my food.

reminding 3rd time since i'm in this forum: caling all mums at southwest district get ur free blisscard of $38 cashcard from South West Community Development Council (CDC)(- a holistic and comprehensive community-driven package of initiatives aimed at promoting family values, marriage and procreation) http://www.southwestcdc.org.sg/1164335762503.html

yeah tubbymummy, i agree, i just dye my hair, do facial clear my leg & armpit bush last week... wear heels today & put light mkup to go gaigai... ahhhh feels like a pretty mum again.. though very mafan and the panda eye gave away my tiredness... scare supply low? did u gt supplement like ferngreek , papaya soup? i think we tend to do that beginning then after got milk supply "forgot" these measures haha...
ANNticipating, for boys he's less than 50 percentile... and he's a shortie.. =( heh which part of AMK do you stay? i stay near central..

Tubbymummy, does your baby eat much?? hmmm i guess all babies grow at different rates la hor.

Pre-pregnancy clothes: Mostly cannot fit... those tat were very loose last time now fits snugly... so sad... no time to exercise so my tummy is still there.... bought a corsage from triumph to control the tummy lo.. else cannot fit into any clothes at all! TIME TO GO SHOPPING?! :p
anyone went to the robinsons sale lately? any idea if there are good deals at the baby dept? thinking of getting exersaucer or jumperoo... do u noe if theres any disc?
Amkgal-yah diff bb diff growing pace so dun be so hard on yourself. I heard from a friend who has a two yr old that in the end the weight will even out..her child is now on par with other children that were much bigger as infants last time.

Wooohooo after reading tt so many mummies started wearing their pre preg jeans, I decided to brave it this morning and managed to squeeze into mine too...hehe...it's the tops tt are the bore..nothing but boring nursing tops cos can't fit into any of my pre preg tops! Sigh...
anyone can share any issues you had with nanny? my baby starting with nanny from thurs... just want to pre-empt any issues..

i'm presently using ameda breast pump. how does it compare with medela freestyle in terms of efficiency at emptying breasts???
dolly, thanks
Contemplating whether to buy or not, cos I have the nursing tea from MIM. Still drinking couple of times a week. Maybe I should increase frequency of drinking...

amk_gal, I thought she's eating well cos she has the usual wet diapers and is contented after a feed, but then, I am total latching, can't tell how much goes into her... She's reaching her milestones, so I'm not worried, but will see what her PD says at her next visit.
TubbyMummy: Yeah, I've some MIM tea also and thanks to createjoy, just remembered about the fenugreek pill that I still have!

amk_gal: I'm using medela, it's quiet but didn't empty my breast, thinks because I use the lowest power
My boy still suck better than the pump.

just want to try out one tub and see how the effect. if through bp, need to wait for one month.

my boy head also stink, he has cradle cap. tried to put oil but still dont go away.
dun buy the calendula cream frm retail shop!.. It costs abt 29.90 if i rem correctly.. Even in the chinatown toiletries shop which sells cheaper toiletries!

Amk gal, my first pump was ameda dual, second is freestyle. freestyle is quieter and so much smaller n works on rechargeble battery, leaving me v mobile with the pump. Ameda is too bulky n loud. I think pump cannot empty breasts at all... Unless u really sit there n pump, massage, pump, massage several cycles. Sigh. Btw, in terms of milk yield bet both, abt same la. Bt i still prefer medela's 2 phase expression compared to ameda's.
any idea where can I 'collect'/buy the mother's milk tea in IMM and Raffles Place? Will be dropping by IMM later, thot of buying a pack to try first. If Raffles Place, thot I'd pop by during lunch tmr...
Sorry for being so abrupt.
I've been following this thread since I was preggy and yes, I'm also a June'09 first-time mummy. Hope everything has been well for all.

I'm returning to work tmr and I know I'm going to miss my boy!

My boy's first tooth 'sprouted' on Wed. So cute now but his temper is horrendous... Think the pain has made him upset. I just wish all teeth will come in soon so that he doesn't have to suffer so much.

I'd like to check about milk intake. My PD told me we shd take the weight of bb, multiply by 150ml. With this in mind, my boy shd be taking 900ml. However, he has barely hit 700ml a day! Now with his teething issues, it's worse! Any idea how I can feed him more????
babyhopes: Welcome to the thread! Wow teeth comes out already? My boy has been drooling for a long time, but we all think teeth dun come out so fast leh... Hope he dun bite me when his teeth are out ... else nursing could be a problem!
<font color="cc0099"> My niece's first tooth has cut thru. I am SO not looking fwd to Kyle losing his gummy smile forever. Must take lotsa pictures of him and stare at him lots before that happens! *apparently this mum is feeling a little nostalgic ahead of time* keke!

amk_gal, Why sad? Think on the happy side - easier to carry and cuddle for longer wor!
I clarified in my post to ANNticipating that percentile is just an idea of what's the AVERAGE. Note that AVERAGE doesn't mean normal. So not average doesn't mean not normal. If that is true, I should start worrying that Kyle is much to0 big. As do some other mums here. But who cares? He's just bigger than other bubs, just as your bub is simply smaller than others - as are tubbymum's and sweethalo's. I say, don't worry about your bub's weight as long as developmental milestones are being met. Those are more impt.

Ash~, no leh... my chest still the same size. THANK GOD IT HASN'T GROWN!!!! *look of horror* Except for avoiding clothes that are too tight around the stomach or short (exposing a LOT when I pull up to nurse), I'm wearing old clothes too. Actually, only bought a pair of maternity pants for pregnancy since I'm already large anyway.

createjoy, cheap! Usually 4oz for $11 is already considered an offer. But I've seen ppl selling for as low as $9 on WTS/WTB.

bbAug, you're welcome! Can't wait to have more Yami at PS. My hubby is doing his studies at uni for 1 yr, not me! Kyle hasn't slept much in the day since when he hit ~1.5-2mths when I complained on the thread of his afternoon fussies. Tt was the start of my heading out every afternoon to (window-)shop!

> Whether home or out, my little sumo only ever dozes for a MAX of 30min. If out, at least he just looks around from stroller/carrier/sling until he's hungry or wants a diaper change. If we stay home, I have to entertain him - which I find challenging in the heat since I don't want to leave A/C on all day. So most aftnns I'm out gallivanting. (Not today though)

bbhopes, WHOA!!! YOUR BABY HAS STARTING TEETHING SUPER EARLY! To think I was just commenting on this at the beginning of this post about losing their gummy smiles and now I see your post!

>> As for milk intake, as long as your bub has wet and dirty diapers, is putting on weight nicely and bright-eyed. I say, don't worry too much about numbers. Those are just average norms... Sometimes we get too caught up I reckon we're better off not knowing!

dolly, read that apparently only a very very low percentage of babies actually bite mum's nipples. It's impossible to bite when first teeth come through, though, cos it's usually the bottom 2 that break thru first and baby's tongue go in between those teeth and our nipple when they suckle. So biting, if it happens, usually only does after the upper fronts break through.

>> The various books say usually just one time of mummy's shocked response is enough to startle baby into not doing it anymore... unless they start doing it cos they think it's fun to get a reaction. In which case, they say feeding only when baby is hungry - and therefore, not likely to want to play by biting your nipple - will help. </font>
Cassey: Thanks for the comforting info

Hayoki: The lotion is something new, I've not tried yet, but I guess it's not that concentrate and so can use everyday (it's cheaper by oz too!)
Hey cassey, there is yami at PS? Great! Then we can all indulge in some creature comfort=P I thought i was the only one with this super active baby that doesn't sleep much in the day. When i am home with him, I have to spend most of my day playing with him and entertaining him with different things, can be very tiring...So I look forward to going out as well cos he will doze off by himself whenever he is tired. Dont even need to coax much. Whereas at home, its like a constant struggle to get him to sleep. I think he needs to expend all his energy with the external stimulation so that he can sleep. So Kyle sleeps for 30 min the whole day? What abt nighttime? What time does he sleep? He sleeps well? Hubby and I are trying to get Aug to sleep thru the nite. I think his 4am feed is for comfort. Yesterday I gave him the pacifier and he happily went back to sleep so that confirms my suspicion. Hopefully he will stop waking up at 4am soon=)
By the way, 4am seems to be the magical hour for most babies. I was talking to a lady who gave birth in July and she says her baby wakes up for 1 feed at nite. And i immediately asked her, "Is it at 4am?" She looked shocked cos it was really 4am. haha.

Teething: We suspect Aug is teething too cos he puts his fist in his mouth when he cries sometimes, as if his gums are painful. Recently there was a day when he was super cranky, we ruled out all the reasons and concluded it might be teething. He has been drooling a lot too.
Cassey, bbaugustine, talking abt entertaining babies in the daytime (my baby does not sleep! ... and only sleep after his bath for max of 30 min also..
... and second nap is after my lunch time which is another max of 30 min.. and that is it! sigh), i had recently just tried a mtd which really worked for my super attention-seeking baby. I put him in front of my hubby's fish tank.. and he can stare at the fishes for max of 45 min! this is good enough for me to do some hsework.. hehe... if not, i put him in the stroller and place him in front of the front gate and he will be happy at least for a while thinking that mummy is bringing him out for a walk ahhaha .. evil mummy, but I am really dead beat at times! if not i just push his chair wherever I am.. if I need to be in the kitchen.. or even bathing! I had bathed several times leaving the door open and him staring at me from his chair! hehehe..

Talking abt yogurt, i find another yogurt which is nicer than yami. its called yoghurt place i think.. cant rem, available at takashimaya, tiong bahru plaza, amk hub and suntec carrefour... i find it very nice!!
my hubby is not a yoghurt lover, and even he loves it!!

babies waking up at night - ... I rather enjoy those nursing sessions, esp when I am going to work soon.. my baby wakes up at about 2am and 5am, then 7am .. no longer a chore for me to wake up now cos i think i've gotten used to it! ... i just pick him up from his bed and latch him while lying down on my bed.. its really not tiring now. heh ...

baby is crying! talk laters!

mummy ash, your baby has a special chair???yeah I have gotten used to the nite feeds as well and usually he doesnt nurse very long cos he is very sleepy-usually abt 15min.

Maybe i should get a fish tank for my baby to stare at haha
