(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

hello... rough day today..

on my own already, mum not free to come over anymore.. today bb refused to sleep. only took 30 mins nap in the morning, after that only sleep a while during feeding. once nipple is out of his mouth he wakes up and scream. dun want to lie down and play want to be carried. one moment very happy and laugh, next moment become angry and scream scream scream. SIGH!

been feeding more frequently and also topping up with FM. growth spurt?? bb will be 3 months old next week. hmm.

so tired... dunno wat to do...

zach was required to use a nasal spray when he got reflux prob? oh.... why?

mine only given the spray not the drop yet. the spray is also seawater, suitable for 0-3yrs children. is your spray sterimar, with a dolphin pic?
Can I ask a quick question to those mummies dat r latching on exclusively?

Hw often do u gals pump after latching? Cos my boy nw doesn't want other ppl to feed him with e bottle except me, thinking of latching him on exclusively since won't b returning to work so soon, nw I m pumping @ 4-5hrs interval daily. Very troublesome having to pump and feed @ e same time.
<font color="cc0099"> Shirley, I never stopped taking salmon sashimi. Enjoyed it about once or twice weekly throughout pregnancy til now. As for febm in transit, my bottles actually stayed completely frozen when I transfered them in cooler bag complete with icepack. Try that with a few bottles first and see if those transit ok? Once it has thawed though, no matter how slightly, it goes off very easily so should NOT be re-frozen and should be used with 24hrs.

11_beans, Have you changed anything - teat? bottle? person offering bottle? Is there anything distracting the poor bub - noise, sights and sounds, etc? If nothing has changed, perhaps it's a growth spurt or developmental milestone that is causing him to be a little fractious and not to feed properly? Hopefully it pass after about 4-5 days... Hang in there, mummy!

chidori, babies quite often go cross-eyed when they're trying to focus on something. Tubbym~'s little girl does it quite often and it's hilarious! But not a problem and should sort itself out in a matter of time.

amk-gal, sounds like my niece... either a needy/sensitive baby, else do you think it could be that she's overstimulated with only a few minutes play and wants to rest...? Try to catch some shuteye when she sleeps... try going out too. Sometimes tt works for both mummy n baby. It sure did for me. Being alone at home all day with a demanding baby is NO joke. Hope things get better for you very soon as you learn to cope on our own. The satisfaction is indescribable!

bbPotato, I'm no longer pumping since am a SAHM. Don't want oversupply. As it is, I'm refusing to pump in the night even when engorged to train boobs to produce bit less so engorgement n leakage don't wake me up even when Kyle sleeps thru. Does this help?
My girl has cross-eye at times too... my PD said could be due to sleepiness.. so everytime i will try to put her to sleep..

Today I has a hard time too!! My girl refuses to sleep... sleep awhile will wake up... crying for milk but only drank 30ml...its the 1st time So Difficult to put her to sleep... tried all my usual methods but dont work.. Not sure issit growth spurt? Currently 3 months 1 week plus..?
I was quite worried she will be overtired...and understand babies at this age need to sleep about 5 hours daytime and 8 hours nighttime.. She only slept like total of 1hr plus in the day.!! WORRIED!! Hope tomorrow will be a better day... Start to feel "bu fang xin" when I go back to work..

I guess as long as in 24hrs, your boy feeds enough for his age then shoould not be a problem.. hope this phrase will pass if not u also very tired..

I used to latch and pump for excess milk afterwards but not all the time.. only when my breast still feels full..I tried to latch and pump at the same time.. PROS is the side u are pumping will have more milkflow due to the stimulation of the suckling at the other breast.. CONS: When baby wants more milk, u have to feed from bottle.. and it can be quite messy to pump and feed at same time... need extra hands..
11_beans: This morning my boy also drink 5 min, poo, then half an hour later 5 min latch and POO again. And after I sent him to nanny @10am, he didn't drink again till afternoon! Funny pattern right?

Time flies! I'm going back to work next monday! Started w the nanny since last week, going to run by schedule this wednesday, see if I can make it to my office.
Hi, I wanna sell my Latido playpen! Anybody keen? Consider brand new as I only put Daylon in less than 5times! Interested can pm me!
Vogue mommy, it has been a constant struggle getting my boy to sleep in the day.Nowadays he only sleeps 2-3 hrs in the day, sometimes less. I used to fret abt it and tried all ways and means to make him sleep. But I have learnt to accept that its just the way he is-extremely alert in the day. But at nite he sleeps well. He usually gets abt 10-11 hours of sleep at nite.

any mommies whose baby is like that too?
Thanks for sharing..perhaps i worry too much..good that your son sleeeps throughout the night... my girl still wakes up at 2am for a feed and 6am for the next feed...she goes to bed sometimes at 7pm, latest 9pm.. ( can take 2 hours to get her to sleep) shall monitor to see if she sleeps enough in 24 hours.. Guess i have to change to usual schedule for my girl since she is unpredictable these days..
I didn't pump at all until a mth ago to build up Aisha's milk bank. Then, I pump once a day usually in the morning on top of fully latching. Did that for about 2-3 weeks until got too many milkbags in the freezer. So now, I'm back to no pumping. U can try pumping only when ur EBM is running out of stock heheh.. or just latch on all the time.
Hey! Who's calling my baby cross-eyed??
Hehe... yeah, she goes cross-eyed sometimes. The occasions when she does it, she'll keep doing it repeatedly, till I get paranoid her eyes will stay like that. Wahaha!!

vogue_mommy/bbaugustine, my girl definitely doesn't sleep 5hrs in the day! Like Augustine, she also sleeps maybe 2-3hrs in total during the day. It's been like that for about 4wks already. Sometimes I do worry if she's sleeping enough, but I decided she's getting enough at night, so she should be fine. She's developed a routine of sleeping 8hrs, then waking for a feed at 6 or 7am, then back to sleep till about 10am.

bbPotato, nowadays I only pump once at night before I sleep, to empty breasts. I usually only manage to get 1-2oz, which I use the next night to supplement Skyla's last feed of the night. Sometimes I try to pump after a feed, but it's getting more and more rare
So envy of all those mummies whose baby can skip night feed! Mind just woke up for one and I'm staying awake for a while in case he stirs cos I put him back to the cot.
Hihi Mommies,
I am back to work since last week. Been a silent reader and trying to read thru those archives.

Updates: Sermaine now is 3 months 2 days old. Now currently 5.7kg and 60cm. Ebm + 1 latch + 1 fm. Everyday sch bus come at 7.40am to fetch her to infant care and 6.30pm fetch back. Time being she still sleeping with me in my queen size bed and hubby sleeping at guest room.

Reg: Feed at night
Last time she use to wake up at like 1am-5am for milk but after she go to infant care centre she usually wake up at 6-7am for her 1st morning feed. Dont know is it she really understand me? Bcos I told her mommy going to work and I cant afford to wake up at those funny hour to feed her or not I wont have energy for the next day. Suddenly she can from 11pm slp thru to 6am which it doesnt happen before.

Reg: Hubby
Definitely argument will be there as our point of taking care of Sermaine is different. He is those damn careful person but I am those anyhow type. But till now im very happy with my hubby. He will do all the house chores, will play and carry sermaine, will sing her song, will feed her. He do everything for sermaine except bath and change her.

Question: hope mommies can give me some advise. Yesterday bring sermaine for her 3 month assessment, the doc check her private part, the the doc flip open the 2 flesh and told me her hole too small!! Then I say of cos is small la she still so small what do you expect how big it is? (beforehand the doc piss me that y im very annoy) Doc said base on her age should be bigger!! Then she told me everyday after bath help her exercise (flip open her 2 flesh wide and hold for a few secs) like that her private part tissue will tear open So she demonstrated for me to see, after that I notice there is abit blood thread there, then I ask the doc how come there is abit blood there? She told me where got?? I so piss and shouted u blind is it ?? Then in the end she told me if next appt 19/09, still the same, will refer us to kkh and they will use a BALDE to cut to open and make the hole bigger!! WTF???? Anyone got such problem or heard before such thing? Pls help.

Sorry for the long post.

Which infantcare are u sending ur girl to? So u put her on first day is one whole day is it since the school bus come n fetch her and back? Maybe she had a long day at infantcare, so at night is the time to catch her beauty sleep.

I've never had my PD scrutinize my babies' private parts like dat leh...
Cassey, thanks for ur advice on the wrist. Maybe it is time for me to go for acupuncture.. sigh.

Mummies, I am very troubled lately.. my boy had been passing out green or yellowish muddied poo with green specks lately.. I am still latching exclusively.. and i had not eaten anything new these days (to rule out allergy)... and I made sure he emptied 1 breast before attempting to offer the other.. sigh... had been trying and trying but the poo remains the same.. very distressed, what shld I do?
Mummy: Eva has been going through the same motions as well. Some days it's all yellow, then start again on the green specked yellow poo. But she's happy, active, sleeps well and eats a lot. So I guess it's normal.
im latching on exclusively now... and i only pump at night, a btl or 2 for my hb to btl feed...

but now, he's totally rejecting btl feed since 2wks ago... he will yell and scream and cry whenever we put the teat in his mouth... in the end, stil bo bian, i latch him.... and i've alrdy lost count how many btls of ebm i've thrown away le...

yeah, i find it troublesome to pump n latch lor, like doing double work, so i jus latch le, only pump one time at night nia.

re: btl feed
my Jarius still refuses btl feed after many many many many tries... everyone tried, still cannot...he jus cries n screams... tried to change btl, change teat, also cannot, tried to distract him with tv, also cannot, toys also cannot, music also cannot, we practically tried all means possible le... still cannot...haiz...

dunno y suddenly he became like dat..

wah... hw come dat doc so weird one? first time im hearing abt private part being too small... gosh..u must haf been very very pissed wif dat doc... im not sure if dats the correct procedure or not though.. relax ok, let's see wat other mummies say

call up the PD and ask if u r concerned. Jarius' PD mentioned before dat greenish/yellowish with 'rice grains' are okay.. as long as it's nt blood or whitish poo.
styliciously, ya, it is whole day infant care. I put her 1 week earlier before I officially go back to work so that I can get use to the timing. The childcare name is Young Kid. The infant care will have a booklet for sermaine, inside will write what time she drink, change diaper, bath, sleep. As for 1st day I put her from 7.40-3.30pm, then slowly 1 day by 1 day later abit. During that 1 week, I will go at diff time to spot check but luckily whenever I go spot check, there is always a teacher or auntie there. Time being there is only sermaine and a 10 mth old boy. Thus not so worry not enough manpower. My house oop childcare 1 teacher to 7 infant. Bus journey from my house to childcare is less then 5mins.

Mummy Ash, I would suggest you bring you boy tool is PD?? Maybe make appt 1 of this day and bring his tool to ur PD. Like that your mind will be in ease. As the way you describe maybe not all of our baby got it. So must to look for professional. Agreed with mei, as long as they are happy, active and dont have those red face like forcing the tool out should be ok. Sermaine also every 5-7days then pass motion, it is also dark greenish, sticky, muddy, sometime like got seed inside.

Ahnet, it is hougang poly! Some more I ask the doc when she on leave? She ask me why? I ask I will make appt when she is on leave. Wahaha. Last time sermaine also rejected bottle, maybe wanna torture your boy abit? He hungry sure will drink?
Hi mummies,

Sorry to intrude on you like this. I'm from the Sept 08 thread. I'm relocating overseas soon and I have quite a few baby stuff especially BN bottles and shoes to let go cheap. Items are all in very good condition.

I do hope you can help me out by checking out my web album. Or sharing it with those you think may be interested.

If you are keen, do PM me or email me. I'm also open to giving further discounts if you are taking a few items.

Thanks for your help!

Enjoy your motherhood!


tried le...cannot..i thk he stubborn... hungry also he wont wan take btl... den he cry and cry scream and scream until super super jialat, until no voice and the tears...aiyo, super big drops lor... den after dat when i latch him, he suckle like mad lor... cos very hungry le, i guess. den after dat, he will haf dat sound machiam asthma like dat, cos cry too much le..
hi styiciousli, yup wil get 1 soon. stil deciding bet pikkolo n beco....stil tinkin haha! mayb u ought 2 get 1 2. heavy rite carryin bb without carrier.tink of carryin ayuni in carrier?
Dolly, is polyclinic doc.

ahnet, Err, sound jialat leh. Y not after latch 1-2hrs, btl feed him some plain water or not gripe water mix with some water?
thanks for the info. Will check if the infantcare I'm sending Aisha has something like the booklet. My older kid has a communications book, more for communication btw parents and teachers when no time to talk to them. I can only put Aisha in infantcare on 2 Oct, friday and I'm supposed to start work on 28 Sept, so will need to use my leave. I had been checking with the supervisor almost every month if there's vacancy. In july, i wanted to register and told wanted to start in mid Sept, she said wait for call in Aug. She can even say by then, I might not want to put Aisha in infantcare coz I might have found other childcare options. FAINT! I've planned to put Aisha in infantcare even when planning for no. 2. Waited but no call, so 26 aug i called again, she said full and said she is asking MCYS for increase capacity by 1 infant n no guarantee. i super piseed lor.. Anyway, long story short, she called me immediately after a baby dropped out coz I sent a letter to MCYS and cc her and PCF headquarters. Did ur girl have any adjustment issues or problems? So lucky only 2 infants.. I am prepared for Aisha to cry coz she's not really drinking from her bottle. I was intending to start her 7-3pm n increase the timing too. I work 8-5pm. So she'll need to be there 7-6pm. Poor babies who go to infantcare, such long hours...
how long have u been trying to give ur boy bottle? Aisha 2 weeks on and off and still don't want also. I try to give her bottle facing me, propped up or in carseat b4 she gets hungry. She won't suck at the teat at all but will swallow the milk when accumulate in her mouth. LOL.. best is 20ml only. I try not to let her cry. If she starts to, I will stop a while b4 latch on so its not like as its instant reward for refusing bottle. Yesterday, I was thinking she did drink milk from botle 3D2N at hospital b4, so i let her cry for a while. (Yes, think its their stubbornness coz they already know breast is best.. eheh) She actually sucked onto the teat abit but still only 20ml. Don't give up ok?? Once I'm back to work, Aisha will sure need to learn to bottlefeed. At least, I'm not around to see her cry.. *bad mummy* :S
do let me know once u decided n got it alrite? gimme ur reviews, maybe i wait till Aisha abit older. coz mostly using sling now. don't want her to kangkang yet. As for Ayuni, I wish I dont need to carry her so much.. Always saying to me, Dukung! Dukung! haiz..

saw a website that vogue mom gave which gave some tips on getting the baby to take bottle. one of the way is to let baby suckle our finger (of cuz must wash our hand thoroughly first) then once baby suckle on finger, quickly take out finger and insert the bottle teat into baby's mouth. try a few times using this way till baby takes bottle. it works sometimes for my son when he fusses n rejects bottle.
styliciously, at first I wanna send my gal to the oop infant care but also told that was full and they need to write in to MCYS and need to wait for approval and no guarantee. Took my name and say they will try to write in, regardless approve or not will call me at august. Who know the principal didnt call at all! And I feel it is like no responsible lor so I imm go find any infant care. When I visit Sermain infant care, to my surprise the children there is very little (maybe add up less then 20) bcos the principal say due to it is very deep inside, a lot of ppl dont know got infant care they why their business not good. Anyway they got 5 teacher, 2 aunties and 1 driver. I imm confirm on the spot when I visit the infant care as it is spacious, very clean, environment good. Acutally im quite lucky, Sermaine quite easy to handle thus no much diff. I think u better ownself 1 week in advance practice those timing or not u will rush like hell. The bus driver uncle everyday at downstair wait for me. So paiseh.

Artist, we are waiting for the appt on 19/09, if she really refer us to KKH, I will then bring her to PD for 2nd opt. But time being hope any mommies here got the same experience or heard before such thing?
Hi Mei, tubbymummy, dolly, sweethalo, artist and raudha..

finally i have decided n got my bb car seat...bought the black in the end. Really thanks a lot, gals for the advise on the colours. =P

Sorry once again to the rest of the mummies for interrupting this thread...
this cc i want to send Aisha also just opp my blk. next nearest is full too. dunt want me or her to travel. Already made appt to register on 22 Sept n pay deposit all, hopefully that baby drop out tender notice n no more changes.. If not, panic mode liao.. send to my aunt to jaga. Ya, timing wise need to get up extra early. Need to pack 2 bags every night. Better get ready cash too in case late n take cab to work.hehe.. Confirm once working, wont be able to go online so much...
Hi all,

looks like many of you going back to work soon. I am heading back early Oct. Will get IL over to stay with bb. Think my boi is going through grow spurt, cos he can really drink! Almost like 120-150ml every 2 hrs. Hoping his night feed will be lesser. Now he will wake up either 12 something then 2 something then abt 6am. Have to start planning for work.

Any baby got rashes near to neck and upper chest? I realised my boi got rashes. Weren't there until my family members told me to apply corn starch powder cos his neck fold seems to be slightly reddish. Now got rash, so sian. Anything I can apply?
LFB: I can teman you. I won't be going back to work until Eva is at least six months old.

Ring slings
Has anyone here made their own or have one? I'm thinking of making my own plus one for a friend but am torn between choice of fabric - linen, cotton or silk. Would like something cooler for our humid and hot weather.

I will only return work for a while to clear some backlog, then will take 5 months off from Jan 2010 onwards. My promise to hubby as he wants a whole year but I am a workaholic. No choice!

I used MIM linen one. Very light and comfy.
Hi all mummmies,

Did any of ur nipple bleed while breastfeeding?
Yesterday I only realised when there's blood all over my gal's face while breastfeeding her with my shirt over her head.
She also vomited the blood out n there's this darkish specks in it as well.. Actually I'm still not sure whether the blood was from my nipple or was it from inside my breast..

Then today my gal's poo was green with black leaf-like thing.. Dunno wat it is..
Anyone can advice whether her poo like tat is due to my blood?
Mei: Think kikismom using silk MIM sling and she commented that it's not easy to control because of the soft material.

Lin: So far lucky no blood from my nipple. Is your nipple painful? If it's not painful then shouldn't be bloody right? Did you try pumping and see what's your milk colour?
Lin - think u better go and see the PD abt it... not sure if any of us can give the rt advise especially since u said u saw blood.

LFB - think Noah is also hving growth spurt.. he has been asking for feeds for 2hrly and quite disorderly as and when he likes... so i hv problem pumping aft feeds now.. then today suddenly kena blked ducts!

Anyone has contact for Malay massager to clear ducts? The lady I usually ask is now in KL!!

bbmoomoo - congrats on deciding on your ideal carseat
<font color="cc0099"> bbAug~ &amp; vogue~, I think baby sleeping less is part of them progressing developmentally. Their daytime naps should total at least 3hrs at this point so your bubs sound like they're doing just fine. That's why I mentioned previously that I find it easier to just head out and trawl the malls. Then Kyle'll just contentedly check out his surroundings and play with his stroller toys.. and doze if he wants..

Tubbym~, *oops, that'll be me* Not calling her cross-eyed!! *runs and hides*

Ash~, normal colour for baby's poo ranges from yellow to green. While most babies have yellow poo, green isn't a cause for concern either. As long as Eric (hope I got this right!) is bright-eyed, alert and growing, I say - just keep doing whatever you're doing!

LFB, Re: Rashes. Kyle has dermatitis (eczema). Do apply moisturiser and avoid drying your baby's skin out with harsh soaps (bubbly bubbly foamy soaps) and powder. Keep moisturising with a mild lotion and hopefully it goes away...

Lin, do try to see a PD about it. Black in bb's stool does tend to be blood and is not a good sign. Also, the bleeding sounds like a lot - whether it's external or internal - and CANNOT be good for you. I hope you are ok.

sweethalo, will send you contact for my masseur. Mobile not with me at the mo.
mei, dolly, shelisa, ahnetsan, thks for e baby's poo advice!! It was a concern cos his poo is ususally very yellow with grains.. as my mil was helping me initially,he was very much on btl ebm. Then i started to latch exclusively since alone w him at hm, all's well until a week ago,he startes passing out green or greenish yellow poo.. Sigh. Tried restricting to 1 breast only and he can suck until the whole breast empty for 40min..the poo is still yellowish with green specks/muscus like stuff.. He looks healthy n very active.. So i guess i can still monitor for a while.. See pd also no use leh.. Pay consultation charges n i am sure she will say he's fine.. aiyah, wait for a few more days bah. Btw, is ur baby's poo yellow always?

Mei, i had a mim sling too.. Which to date can't master well yet! .. Really takes alot of practice i guess.. Sigh. N i give up.. So i am going to get a pupsik pouch soon.

Lfb, my boy has light rashes on neck too. n reddish in the skin folds. i thinl caused by dampness since their necks r hardly exposed. The rashes r gettg better now that i started to apply cornstarch powder by baby johnson. To keep tt area dry. Bt tho the red rashes r gone,i realised tt tthere r some white patches on the neck,i wonder what those r..hmm, i bought a tub of calendula cream tho,thinking of trying if tt helps cos the pd ever mention tt my boy has sensitive skin.

Sweethalo.. My boy is forever drinking milk too.. 2hr is llike the norm for him.. And tdy he can empty 1 breast 40min.. Then 20min later ask for more milk for the other breast! .. sweat.
Mummy Ash, I asked my PD previously when Skyla had green poo for 2-3wks. Sometimes it's darker green, sometimes it's BRIGHT green, with seedy stuff in it. He said it's most likely something in my diet, cos I was feeding from 1 breast per feed, so not likely to be a foremilk issue (but I secretly still kept supplementing her with hindmilk, just in case. Poo still remained green though...). I have seriously no idea what was in my diet that could cause some chemical reaction to make things green. But she was otherwise happy and not constipated, so I eventually relaxed. And guess what, when I stopped fretting about it, her poo colour went back to yellow/mustard/orange (colour changes every poop)! :I'd say your bub's ok.

Lin, I vote for seeing doctor too, just to rule out that the black stuff in her poo is not blood from her internals, as opposed to from your bm. And ask about your bleeding nipple, "all over her face" sounds like a lot!

Shelisa, what on earth??!! Ok, I've never heard of this "too small" thing before, but obviously I'm no expert. I was quite horrified to read about the poly doc spreading flesh open to inspect until BLEED. When I bring my girl to her doc, he doesn't even touch her private parts, just open her diaper to check on pee/poo, and generally LOOK (no touch). Hey, seriously, I think it's worth spending the money to go and see a good PD and ask if 1) this sort of behaviour from that doctor is normal/acceptable; and 2) what the stupid woman said is true or not. If answer to both also NO, then lodge complaint to MOH, and forget about going for the 19/9 follow up. What if suay suay kenna her again, and she makes Sermaine bleed again. Such VIOLATION!
But if answers are YES, then at least you know you MUST go for the poly follow up (cos when they refer you to KKH, cheaper mah...). Just make sure you ask for a different doctor...
Hi all, Thanks for the reply.
Think I'll bring her to PD tommorrow cos she jus poo again n it's definately not getting any better..
Mustard color with black specks which looked like black pepper lo.
I even took a photo of it.. Quite gross..

Regarding the blood.. It was quite alot leh..
If from a cracked nipple shouldn't be so much rite? It's sort of like diluted tomoto sauce.. That's y I tot it's from inside my breast but when I used my pump therre's no blood leh. That's y I'm so confused.

But my hubby kept saying observe for the time being, wait a day or two then see doc..
I was so pissed off lo. Haiz..
Dunno how..
Shelisa, which polyclinic you go to? I WILL NOT GO THAT ONE MAN!

I went to the one at YISHUN. No problem with nurses and even checks by doctor even when she's a preemie. The older doctor tends to be the one checking and says she's fine everywhere. How can say private part is smaller, when the baby is still so young and still growing? What do the doctor expect? A grown up pussy?

Give me I sure write in and complain until the doctor strip off the title.

Lin, bring baby to see doctor please as it seems quite serious.

Touch wood, Kaelyn's poo still mustard yellow. But went to see a GP today because of her rashes at her hand joints. Applied cream and it seems to dry up. Doctor said due to the swaddling the sweat kept at her joint is not exposed to open air, thus the rash. Doctor said: in a humid weather like singapore, just make sure baby is comfortable,no need to swaddle anymore. Well,her dad thought swaddling makes her sleep better...

Been looking for a job since and no luck! I've shifted to 4 hourly pump and she's still taking EBM well. Sometimes 30ml more, sometimes stop at 10ml and wanted to sleep. Otherwise still drinking 110ml at 4hrly. I intend to increase to 120ml tomorrow morning.

Been reading mommies posting and feeling contented with Kaelyn. She is still ok drinking from bottle and teats while lying on my lap.

Oh a word of advise mommies, while trying to end milk flow dont take medicine and eat from doctors (although it's faster) but the bust will strink smaller! (happen to my first kid)

Better end it gradually (minus number of pumps per day and dragging time to pump/feed) I intend to stop pumping in 3 months time. Kaelyn would be 7 months old and can start half forumla with my frozen BM up freezer. Besides I'm sure she would like to explore more tasteful stuff like baby cereals.
Mummy Ash: Yup, Eva's poop had always been yellow like mustard and seedy until we arrived in Singapore. I guess it's the food coz sometimes it's yellow (like normal) and sometimes there are small specks of green. I gave up trying to figure out what is causing the problem - so long as she's happy, active and feeding, I guess it's ok.

cassey, mummy ash,
thanks for the info. Will monitor. I applied cornstarch powder and it didn't imptove. Hopefully he is better today. Waiting for him to wake up and pong pong now!

re grow spurt, my boi is erractic in his drinking. He used to drink so much more, then the amt drop. Then he asked for more, then yesterday again the amt dropped after night. Sigh. So difficult to monitor. I can't even figure out his schedule!

Anyone started on 2months teats(2 holes)? My boi is still using 1 hole teat and my mum thinks I need to change. I wonder if this got to do with the lesser intake of milk.

don't go back to the Poly again! Oh my! I cringed when I read your post! How can the doc do that, even if it's female doc. I will also sue her upside down if I know this is not right!
MummyAsh: If you find MIM sling tougher, then think twice about pupsik! It's really VERY fitting!
I uses calendula cream almost everywhere, when neck red I use it there, when his tummy red (from tight fitting pampers) I also use, face is everyday.

Lin: Then the bloody stuff might not be from you? Better see a doc quick, it's like more than 2 days liao right? Your hubby might not feel the urgency cos he's not seeing the bloody stuff himself!

Qi: Yeah, come to think of it, my cousin take pills to stop milk flow and her bust also small small now... Opps.. hope she dun see this

dolly, I also use the calendula cream everywhere!
Hehe... if neck crease a bit red (from constantly being creased up), armpit red, backside a bit red from wearing diapers - all apply. After bath, sometimes also apply thinly on whole body like moisturiser, sometimes only legs and arms. Face apply once a day, unless I'm rushing out of house and forgot! Wanted to order the calendula everyday lotion 6.5oz for applying on her as body moisturiser (some parts of her skin feels a bit dry, sleep in aircon every night), but BP cancelled. Now observing if the other BP will be cancelled also...
