(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

i jus finished watching Van Helsing on ch5.

i also nt planning to donate cord blood bank... my gynae says it's not necessary.

wah i guess my choice is either tollyjoy or kodomo if i wan in terms of nice smell. hmmm. even detergent also so hard to choose. damn.

Hello all,

MIA the whole day yesterday, busy in work and also feeling lerthagic the whole day! Today wanted to take MC but cannot cos company got lots to do. Anyway, I will leave mid day cos I am seeing baby today! Yahoo!!!!

Re detergent
my sis said ABD is good. But I bought Tollyjoy when NTUC got discount sometime back. Will see what Taka have to offer. I am getting my cot mattress there too. Apparently, there is this mattress that is firm but porous. So if bb accidently flip over, won't suffocate. But like few hundred dollars. I am taking in 2nd hand cot from sil, so I think for mattress, I should spend abit.
Morning Ladies..

jam75/ahnetsan, last night i told my hubby i have a few frenz their hubby help them cut toe nail leh. y u dun dare?? then he say he scare leh.. i told him u train on me 1st, so next time if u need to help our ger cut nail, you got experienced liao ma. Then he say ok, will help me cut!! yes yes!! yipee.

Ling, same, fat all go to the arms, butt & thighs, never goes 'there'!!. LAst night went to buy durian but ended up all not good grade. thus eat durian puff!! sob sob. I nv eat before kampong durian leh. I usually eat 'mao shan wang', green bamboo. As this grade durian is bitter, so often eat this 2 type. Hmm, once u are recover, can eat abit but not too much ok?

LFB, so envy, seeing baby. do keep us posted abt ur checkup. enjoy.
Morning Ladies

I didn't manage to rest well last night, tossing on bed till 2am and yet I woke up at 8am... Feeling so lethagic but still cannot sleep!
I got insomnia... Boo*

Sweethalo, glad to know that you are doing fine but don't over drown yourself with Yami yogurt arh!
Maybe Cassey and Ahnetsan can help you... Muahaha

LFB, Keep us posted on your baby...

Shelisa, I cannot reach my toes nail also leh but I also dare not let my hb cut for me... He very Chor Lor one, so I doubt he can do a good job.
I like mao shan wang durians also but kampong durian test better. Last year my hb's friend pick a few kampong durians for me but I just ate a few seeds. Then my girlfriend (who is pregnant) actually drown herself with those durians...

Experience Mummies:
I got BF doubt - Do we have milk supply 24/7 hrs? Or Do we have to wait for certain hours after each pump?
Hi Blurmom

Can't really say we can pump out milk 24/7 but it is being produced 24/7. After each feed or pump, you'll need to drain out all the milk so the breast can start producing again. Takes about 2 hours for the breast to be full and that's about the time that the baby needs to be fed again.

Even if you latch the baby on directly, it's good to pump out any excess milk after each feed so the baby can drink the hind milk which is more nutritious and your body "knows" that it has to start producing again. For breast feeding, demand = supply. The more milk you feed/pump, the more milk will be produced. =)
Ahnetsan, oic do u still hv the thread f dat malay massage wanna to c review….cos I oso wanna to shortlist a few juz in case the 1 dat I wan can’t mk it last min! hmm the cheapest I can find is $50/session de!

Sweethalo, durians good f bb can let bb gain wt….my cousin bb under wt so gynae oso advice her to eat durians but as wat u say mommy oso gain extra wt….is damn fast leh! So I now try to ctrl not to take durians unless bb really nid to gain extra wt!

Shelisa, gd la so finalli yr hb agreed to cut toes nail f u! hee hee!
RE : Detergent
tink i will juz use normal detergent leh...i won't purposely buy f bb usage lo...since will b staying at my mom plc during confinment & ML & dun tink she will wash clothes separately! tink i oso lazy to do so! hee
Hi hi T Teo,
we need to feed baby every 2hours??? OMG! I feel like a cow hahaha... and it sounds tiring to me... hahaha...
Tks for the info
morning ladies! sorry. been busy drafting some report so wasnt active in posting. hee.

sweethalo, tubbymummy, ahnetsan: there's 60 pcs of diapers in the NEPAIA NB. Min order is 1 carton which contains 4 packs. price fixed at $15/pack. u still interested? if yes, then i can order and we meet up somewhere convenient for all.
tubbm u can share with me if u want since we r in the east. i intend to get 4 pks anw, if u wana add on just leme noe. but i prolly wont order so early la, headache to store these bulky things. shd b in may ba...

pigeon and ABD powder is the most economical. if dont mind splurging abit then kodomo wld be gd cos smells heavenly kekes.

haha ur hubby so cute. my hubby has nvr cut for me oso ley. my bro will even massage my sil's feet every night! mine will massage my shoulders for like 3 mins and pretend to go and do something else.

if wana donate to public blood bank, just need to inform gynae? how to go abt it?
first mum, f nepia diaper izzit 1 ctn muz b same 4 packet NB huh?? u reckon how many we nid f NB? tot of sharing 1 ctn wif my fren leh!
u can mix and match the sizes no problem. they will deliver as long as u make up 4 packs or more. i think if ur baby is ard 3- 3.5kg and going on disposables 100%, then shd be able to use up 4 pks.

anw the next time u order (4 pks) u can actually ask to exchange the size if unopened and baby has outgrown (but pls doublecheck with the company).
jam75, consider getting separate detergent for baby lah..cos their skin is very delicate and sensitive in first few months. and besides you cannot use softener for their clothes, can irritate their skin..and if you're like me, my normal clothes cannot be without softener (i recommend vernel from cold storage, white bottle with almond smell..very nice!).

i know my mum will say aiyah last time just wash your clothes with same soap and water also can, why now cannot? i will tell her yes but last time also the sun rays are less harsh because no ozone layer depletion, so now our baby skin more prone to dryness so take a bit of caution..maybe im lucky cos she will come to take care of baby at my house so since the detergent there she will just use.

i've never been very close to my MIL, wonder how it will be if she takes care of me during confinement..although i must say she's those kampong traditional type so whatever she cook surely very nutritious..

envy you all who's been taken care of by MIL, you must be good DILs right?
first mum, izzit ok noted abt unopend f exchange will chk wif them....so online wan is cfm cheaper than outside right?/ hv not realli chk on the prc yet!
mummies who want to buy maternity clothes, got this from bellysima:

I am writing to invite you to the Bellysima Maternity Warehouse Clearance Sale. My family is relocating again, so I have decided to wind down the business. I am clearing everything at bargain basement prices because everything must go!

Do come by to enjoy great savings : Tops at $10- $15, Skirts from $15, Pants from $15, Dresses from $15.


Starting : 14 March 2009, Saturday
Time : 11am to 4pm
Venue: 40 Jalan Pemimpin #04-10C Tat Ann Building
Parking : Free within the compound

Do note that the clearance will continue at the office showroom after 14 March. Our usual opening hours apply. Payment at our showroom is by Cash or Nets only, all sales are final.

ONLINE STORE http://www.bellysima.com/

We will be uploading the new prices to our website progressively, so we will adjust the prices when we invoice you. Please note that the new prices start from 14 March and we are unable to entertain back orders. We hope you understand.
caramelle, cos my mom have been washing all my nieces & nephews clothing 2gether wif our clothes leh...so if ask to separate bb clothes to wash tink my mom will say mi lo...since i stay there then juz follow her pattern!
Jam75/Caramelle - Detergent
*Unless your baby has allergies or very sensitive skin, a regular liquid detergent shouldn't pose a problem at any age.* Found this statement in BabyCenter web...

But I got standby baby detergent, hahaha
Blurmom, ohh? Kampong durian?? Where to get it? Wanna try!! You wanna try to drink a glass of warm milk before gg to bed? Or read some book?
blurmom, i dun dare to ask my mom to use bb detergent to wash f bb clothes...later she say mi like nid to b so precious meh...all my nieces & nephews hv been brought up in dis way oso nothing...so i juz follow her style la!
Good morning ladies... I'm still feeling gong gong from sleeping. I have been feeling very exhausted whole of yesterday, and this morning, even tho I slept 10hrs already, I couldn't get up. Finally forced myself to get up cos gotta run errands today, so can't be lazy. Now just finish doing OT reading archives. *sweat*

sweethalo, glad you're feeling better now. Cross fingers no more bugs to bug u...

caramelle, great that u can work from home! I can't imagine with the ligament pain, and u still have to take public transport to work (what with ppl not giving up seats etc). Have a speedy recovery.

First Mum, I'm still confused with what size to buy for Nepia haha, but thinking of just going for the S size, since I already got some NB size. Ok, if I need to ride on your order will let u know. Otherwise may combine with sweethalo, cos we should be seeing each other at breastfeeding workshop, so quite convenient to pass to each other too. Oh wait, sweethalo, u attending the BFSG workshops right??

Tinybubu, on Mac, copy is Command+C, paste is Command+V, cut is Command+X, undo is Command+Z

Cord blood banking:
Those who are not planning to bank privately with Cordlife or Stemcord, pls consider donating to public bank SCBB. There is no cost to you, and it may help someone who really needs it, so can take it as a nice charity effort from you. I just thought it's a nice thing to do. For me no choice, I am not able to donate to public bank because of family blood history. If u need to know more, call them at 6394-5011 or email [email protected]. BTW, I'm not on commission to promote for them hor

Baby clothes detergent:
I bought ABD for normal clothes, and also bought Napisan for cloth nappies. Will stop buying already, cos don't wanna go overboard...

Eh, I can still wash my legs and cut toenails, plus paint toenails...

Ameda breastpump:
Thought I saw on the Isetan flyer that they have the $350 offer, includes 2 bottles and some cream thing. Available during the sale. Sales starts this Thur (tomorrow!!).

I think I started talking about it last week hehe. Oops. Then now u all talk again, I feel like eating again! Last week's was disappointing, so equivalent to never eat! I wanna eat the Elvis one also...
Hi blurmom

Breastfed babies get hungry more easily as breastmilk is more "diluted" compared to formula which is thicker. In the first 2 months at least, they get hungry about every 2-3 hours, depending on your baby's appetite.

Mine were milk monsters especially my boy coz he was a big baby so his demand for milk was great. U're right, I really felt like a cow =)
morning Tubbymummy, and thanks for the well-wishes. it is quite a privilege to wake up and not have to rush to work..i envy non-working MTBs..hehe
how come im the only one with this ligament pain i wonder? and a bit sad there's no fix for it, can only tahan the pain until the ligament adjusts itself.

going to supermarket now to buy coco pop and have a super late breakfast. talk to you mummies later!
need to go down to fill up some form for e public cord blood bank.

last time i was @ KKH so pretty convenient, now @ RH, not sure whether they will deliver e box for collection of e cord blood or we will have to do it.

but FYI, u will need to draw additional tubes of blood during delivery for them to do tests
bbPotato, they draw blood from the mummy, is it to test for existing conditions that may make the cord blood unsuitable for donating?
Caramelle, not cfm can attend anot. If can will pm cassy.. If not cassey will say cfm early but receive cancellation. So cfm when i can go
Hows yr ligament oreadi? Can walk further? So when u go taka fair have to be careful if not too crowded wor, ask your hubby grab the things u wana buy instead of you walking from 1 place to another.

Blurmom, wi wo wi! Twin peak touches the belly. *envy* The poor pregnant woman need to stand for so long from Raffles to yishun den got seat. Must be tiring for her and worse is the others didnt even give up their seats! Really those inconsiderate pple, furthermore a young man lor..

Amk gal, thks for the info..

Ling, i have tested on several breast pump from the breastfeeding group and felt Ameda and medela PIS is comparable but the price for Ameda price is almost half of medela. As for Swing, i find also quite noisy though..
hi all, some of u bought strollers already right? will like to ask if thr's any brand of strollers tat are one-hand operational, can stand aft it's closed and reasonable width for bb to sit till 2 yos?
Re: Cord blood
The doc will extract the stem cells from the baby umbilical cord blood and eventually the stem cells collected is only very little. Recall the cordlife sales rep show me i say huh? We pay $1kplus upfront and yearly for this little pack.. But this shld be sufficient when comes to cure blood related illness.
shelisa, yay!!
now you got ur hb to cut ur toenails too!

blurmom, oh dear, still feeling tired mah? wah i dunno how kampong durians leh... buy from where ar?

T_Teo, dat means must buy those milk bottles to store breastmilk or those plastic ziploc bags? so even if latch on and breastfeed, stil must pump out? den rest and den after dat feed again?

jam75, wah i forgot which thread le leh.
wah must shortlist a few one meh? i tot jus get one can le?

jam75, haha for me, i will NOT let my mil wash her clothes together with my bb clothes.. disgusting lor... i dun wan my bb clothes to be contaminated by her big ugly clothes and panties and bra la.. yucks. so i die die will buy bb detergent and wash myself one.
bing, yes, im still interested. btw, 60 pcs enough for one month mah? i think lovelytulips also wan to share. and lovelytulips stay near me. since can mixed, i think best is to get NB and size S as well correct?

the ntuc near my house doesnt haf nepia NB size, i only see M or L size. and it costs $17 or $18 i think, but i forgot to check hw many pcs are there in a pack.

bbpotato, why u used both ABD and kodomo?

caramelle, i cant believe u actually said dat. for me, i hate to stay with mil, hate the fact dat she's doing my confinement, hate the fact dat im still stuck here till 2012!!! im definitely not a good dil.. cos i jus hate it and cldnt be bothered.

jam75, dats wat i hate most abt those last generation ppl... always say last time who and who also like dat brought up in this way... LAST TIME IS LAST TIME, NOW WAT GENERATION LIAO OF COS DIFFERENT LAH, LAST TIME WHERE GOT HAND FOOT MOUTH DISEASE! so i die die will NOT FOLLOW THEIR OLD STYLE!! when my mil say last time also like dat bring up my hb, i will always shoot back saying, last time ppl never study wat, so they ignorant lor, now wat generation liao, got study so know more things lah, nowadays kids so fragile, where got the same as last time!!

my 3rd anniversary is the 1st jul...

but i think chances are low right? cos i heard many ppl says the 1st born always come out earlier than edd..
Hello all,

writing b4 I make my way out for lunch and also my doc's visit.

Anyone has this tummy ache feeling, like wanting to poo poo, but nothing come out? I have this for like last 3 days. Very uncomfortable. I am just so afraid that it could be constipation. I eat fruits daily, with veggie too. No heaty food too. Now I am so pissed! Luckily today seeing OB, can ask. I must write down my qns, getting forgetful nowadays.
any1 getting e milkbags.

heard fr my fren that this blue egg quite good.

found a seller selling @ 7 for 10packs & above for 25pc/box, mayb can share
<font color="0077aa">*Warning: Cassey doing OT after MIA for a day... Read: impending FLOOD*

sweethalo, are you better already? *OUCH!* Don't slap me la... *sob*.. Help you finish ma. Since you can't keep it down anyway.. Ok, I'll get my OWN Yami!

>> It hasn't just been chicken burger for me.. I don't know if I'm using it as an excuse, but baby just keeps wanting fast food.
I think cos a KFC chicken / BK mushrm swiss / LJS fish wrap isn't as filling as a meal with rice/noodles... so I keep wanting fast food. I had KFC for dinner yesterday. *oops* Felt a bit sheepish as I was coughing phelgmy coughs at intervals while eating.. BUT I enjoyed it!

jam75, for me and weight gain ah, I think it's cos I REALLY have weight problem to start with - so I've been indulging myself ONLY because I still have only 3 meals a day but no appetite for full meals. I figure since I'm eating less, I can indulge in higher calorie stuff. TERRIBLE HUH? I don't look like how much I weigh, but the truth is that the weighing scale loathes me.

Blurmom, you're a tallie to!! But not fatty.
I'm still on my own in the tallie cum mountain cum fatty club. *humph* I think I am in no condition to rape my man. Unless perhaps I drug him first - in which case, don't know whether his apparatus will still work. HEEHEEHEE!!

>>Re: washing legs. Can still lift la - just not front-wards, but sidewards!!! Preggie ppl can still sit cross-legged ma. Some pregger exercises even ask us to bend over while kneeling. Just have to open up wide until bump tucks snugly between thighs ma, no? It's a tight fit though.

caramelle, CONGRATS ON THE NEWS OF WORK FROM HOME!!! You must get adequate R&amp;R before returning to work again when you're even bigger.

Re: Mountain Peaks
I went into a Triumph boutique and asked what their largest sizes were. Chey. Didn't even have to try anything. Walked out with a sigh, but with my head held high. *HEY THAT RHYMES!*

tiny_bubu, yes that's true. Apparently at a few weeks old, they cannot distinguish clearly between colours yet and are only able to clearly discern black &amp; red (&amp; white?)...

*end of flood*</font>
ahnetsan, i ks ma cos i heard my fren no nid to book malay massage now onli call them aft u due...so juz scared aft dlvy then call them sekali they not available so beter get 1 or 2 more f standby!

re : detergent

tink most of my fren say hv to wash separately but like i say i will let my mom take care so most likely she will do washin so i beter dun say so much....sometime i tell her something then she will bring up those grandmother story liow!
LFB, i also haf the same feeling... feel like shitting yet nothing comes out. u ask ur gynae later and den update me why this is so ok?

cassey, i had craving for kfc ytd leh... but i tahan and din buy.
i also dunno why recently i've been craving for fast food.
<font color="0077aa">Altho Caramelle is an East'ie, for convenience sake, I'm just going to call Fri gathering attendees West'ies ok?

So West'ies... Is McDonald's ok for Friday?
There's McCafe there for those who only want a hearty drink and not a meal.

FYI those who are unsure, McD is still located within the "old" wing. Walk into new J'Pt wing straight across from train station, turn right and walk until you get to the old wing. It's on the left.</font>
<font color="0077aa">ahnetsan, *hi-five, eh?* You're a good girl. I've noticed you crave many things but steer clear of them. So either you're a really good girl, or you're a really lazy girl!!!

Today half day! Can leave soon!!! YIPPEEE!!!!
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">OPEN INVITATION TO ALL JUNE'09 MTBs!</font></font>
<font color="aa00aa">(Non-working MTBs, do pls try to drop by, won't u?)

<font size="+1">COMING FRIDAY - WEST'IES GATHERING</font>

Date: Friday, 13th March 2009
Time: 7pm &amp; after
Venue: Jurong Point (Boon Lay MRT) Further details T.B.A.

Attendees - Nozomi, Jam75, Chidori, caramelle, Mika Rei, Joyce, Cassey, *Ling, *Katelee
<font color="ff0000">Any cancellations or further confirmations, pls PM me!</font>

Kindly PM with positive RSVPs for contact# exchange in case I miss out on posts. Thanks!
~Organiser: Cassey</font>
