(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Casey - Thanks for the invite. I should be able to make it. Will there be many MTBs? I have never joined any gatherings so far, so am looking forward

sweethalo - Thanks for the welcome
Hope u get well soon..

This forum is really delighting me, really enjoying being in here.

<font color="0077aa">sweethalo, I am so envious... - not that your hubby is passing that nasty bug to you, but that he's drowning you in Yami yogurt.
I really need to take a hike to your place every now and then and devour all your Yami.

>> Have you seen a dr? Are you taking anything for your stomach bug?
Poor toilet bowl at your place... both owners merlion'ing constantly.

<font color="0077aa">aiya, was hoping my gathering invitation post will stay even after the archive. Lost it. Must post again.
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">OPEN INVITATION TO ALL JUNE'09 MTBs!</font></font>
<font color="aa00aa">(Non-working MTBs, do pls try to drop by, won't u?)


Date: Friday, 13th March 2009
Time: 7pm &amp; after
Venue: Jurong Point (Boon Lay MRT) Further details T.B.A.

Attendees - Nozomi, Jam75, Chidori, caramelle, Joyce, Cassey, *Ling, *Mika Rei, *Katelee
<font color="ff0000">Any cancellations or further confirmations, pls PM me!</font>
Received 2 cancellations straightaway
So, booking too early is no good either!

Kindly PM with positive RSVPs for contact# exchange in case I miss out on posts. Thanks!
~Organiser: Cassey</font>
Cassey : Thanks for being so understanding! I've not told anyone in the office that I'm not married because they're all gossipmongers!

I'm 28 this year so Shelisa still holds the title!!!
Some of my friends were telling me to abort the child but I feel there are so many women out there who are trying so hard to get pregnant. And since God has blessed me with a baby even without trying, I should not just end the baby's like just like that.

He's been trying to get me to go to romantic restaurants but i always tell him that my cravings are for nasi briyani, carrot cake and tom yum so no point paying so much money to eat food i'm not craving for. then he kept asking me if i'm ok to take a ferry ride because he's thinking of booking banyan tree bintan for us during the weekend but i start scolding him and asking him to be more frugal and we already have a pool at our condo so we can hang out there without spending the extra cash...

i suddenly realised today that he's been trying to get me to a romantic spot to propose (i'm assuming) but i've been sabotaging it unconsciously.hahhaahaha.
Joyce- glad u are enjoying the gang here...

Cassey- I pity my toilet bowl.. sibeh heavy traffic.. hahaha... HB not a merlion though... only me...

Hv not seen the doc yet as my diarrhoea so far is quite mild... I just get irritated and depressed because of the vomitting and inability to eat much these few days. *sad*
<font color="0077aa">Joyce, you find us delightful now. When it comes to time to do your serious forum OT on our crazy days, it's NO joke!

Tried to PM you my mobile# for Fri liaising but your PM is not enabled. Pls pm me k.
<font color="0077aa">tiny_bubu, sometimes it's easier to open our hearts to ppl we don't know.. HAIYA!! Now that (you think) you know, STOP TWARTING HIS PLANS and let him indulge you! It's give and take , anyway. We can't keep expecting our mates to pander to our every whim just cos we play our pregger card.

>>p.s. I don't think it's too early to book a masseur. I've already booked 2 Malay ladies for postnatal massage. Booked 1 in December but changed mind and haven't canceled yet. *oops*

sweethalo, nvm... pamper your toilet bowl after your episode then. Do a wash, brush, shine, polish and kiss. *chuckle*
Don't be glum... Imagine if bb is also sulking inside! So sad... How's he doing? Still active and generally seems happy?
I was frustrated cos hacking cough meant bb kept getting jostled as muscles contract. He was pretty tame all last wk.
BTW for BodyShop fans,

The Body Shop is having a Warehouse sale from 11 -14 Mar at Suntec Convention Centre Gallery West Level 3. 11am to 8pm
cassey, haha nice try ar, 'vinegar is a disinfectant'. hahahaha...it helps to lessen ur guilt abt eating chips while you're still not well yeah?

hey, have u all confirmed your postnatal massage yet?

wah firstmum, your gynae package is expensive wor...

LFB, wow, you even can fry carrot cake???!! can i haf some the next time u fry? it's my fav leh...

hello tiny bubu, Joyce

tiny bubu, *hi 5, my pregnancy was also an unplanned one. haha,for me i kenna right after wedding last yr... same like u, i was rather upset when i confirmed the pregnancy... and i even had silly thots running thru my mind as i din wan a bb dat soon... but nw 6mths alrdy, im in love wif my little boy and feeling his movements inside me is such a wonderful feeling.

haha, your girl is so cute, keeping u up all night..

fat mom, hw many wks are u nw? you also love carbos, *hi 5
did ur gynae say to cut down on wat foods?
hmmm, i've not yet experienced bad headaches, so i dunno wat remedy is best.
wow, i also love those bitter durians...yummy...

tiny bubu, how did u manage to shave in shower? u stil can see ar?? i can only shave the top part and barely cleanly shaven most of the times.

wah ur hb is probably worried abt hurting u or the bb, dats y his reaction? and he's concerned abt bb, he asked if u taken fish oil, dats' sweet of him.

OMG, sweethalo, how are you now?? weather's not good, so must drink lots of water yeah? btw, pass me ur yami then.
cassey, we share share her yami ok? heehee

cassey, u knw wat? i jus sms my hb dat i wanted subway cookie... he say huh for wat?? diao... i say to eat lah... cos i wan to eat! den he say dun wan, later sore throat becomes worse den how? my hb is so boring...

joyce, yeah me gg to the taka baby fair..

tiny bubu, wow, tiffany rings leh... envy envy.
he's gg to propose to you!!!
do update us yeah? eh 0_0" of cos it's for you lah!! haha, i guess you really haf been sabotaging his plans. haha. and i super envy you cos you alrdy haf ur own place... im still stuck wif my inlaws until 2011 or 2012... haiz....

wah i suddenly read nasi briyani... i feel like having some right now!!! gosh... haha, but i still haf a stronger craving for yami yogurt. heehee

yeah joyce, i also agree wif cassey, dat when it comes to doing "OT" here, it's no joke!! haha, i can spend hrs jus to read the archives...haha

oops sorry for the long post.

i think u have my nick @ 2 spots in the table. maybe can delete the 7th from the bottom one, since the other one is updated already.

the other one got the right infos liao..
expecting a boy on the 25th Jun, Dr Caroline Khi @ TMC. just add for me, this is my 1st baby.

thanx for the table bluedream!!!
<font color="0077aa">ahnetsan! Really ma. Vinegar disinfects hey.
You assumed tiny_bubu was shaving her pubes! I was thinking legs..!! tiny_bubu, can you pls clarify?


Hey, <font size="+1">AHNETSAN</font> are you able to join for Fri's gathering? So free, take a train over la.
P.s. Your hubby is so dense! How abt you tell him you need subway cookies to do a moisturising treatment for your nipples?

tiny_bubu, my hubby never mistakes my intentions when I give him the come-on... But sometimes he holds his hands in front of his *you know what* and says NO! It's time to sleep, u naughty girl. =)

>> Of course, there was that time I shared with the girls here that I was in the middle of one of my seduction attempts when I nudged his gems with my foot and he fake-collapsed on the bed holding his jewels... We completely cracked up and didn't get kinky that night.

oh oh, cassey, u mean tiny bubu din mentioned which part she was shaving???!! gOSH!!! hahahha, i straightaway think of dat area le, cos i cant do it well anymore and was impressed she still can manage. haha... hee so tiny bubu, which part were u referring to ar?

eh dun like dat lah, we share sweethalo's yami lah...
you had more servings than me le, so share lah... haha

eh referring to me joining fri's gathering ar??
aiya my standard lousy kind lah. Only my beloved hubby is kind enough to compliment his wifey's effort.

tiny bubu, I know what you mean by not sharing too much with pple. Ok, confession. I delayed sharing details as I suspected someone is trying to find out my identity through forum. Ok, call me paranoid, but I find sharing here very comforting, so I deliberately kept some details re my status as I want to talk things out and be honest in sharing. So sorry. Haiz, long story and deep background to go even there!
<font color="0077aa">ahnetsan, I edited post to answer your question already

LFB, for me, I don't really care, as you can tell by now. This is me. I'm preggers! YES!! Take it or leave it.
Speaking of privacy, I ran into a colleague of mine at the obgyn's clinic - his wife was just newly pregnant again and going thru complications. I just had to ask him if this was something our colleagues knew about or should I be keeping it under wraps... Sigh. Ppl - our inquisitive minds and our wagging tongues!!</font>
wah LFB, who's trying to find out ur identity here? got spy here?? wah you say until like dat i now curious abt ur status leh...
wanna share mah?
Cassey : Thanks for the tip!I'll probably start sourcing around for massage ladies.Wonder which is good. I read that some mummies pay close to $1K for a few sessions! sounds very expensive...

Ahnetsan : I had to hold a mirror and sit on some uncomfortable IKEA stool in the shower.I used to do brazilian waxing before pregnancy but not sure if it's safe to do now since i'm touching 7 months soon.
For the admin updates, I'm having a baby Boy...first child

hi fat mom,I had frequent bad headaches &amp; giddiness daily last time, but lately i slept alot... then it becomes better.
Normally I dun take panadol.
Cos i tink not good to take too much medicine. So i just endure it...

hi tiny bubu , heehee :p tink he is really proposing to u, dun give up the opportunity again...
He must be scratching his head why he cant find a romantic chance to propose. Haha
very funny hor? I am no big shot of cos, just someone wants to put the deatails to a face and that is MY FACE! You know I am in service industry, many ham sap men and kay poh women! So I don't want they track me down with this method and go office and share! You know lah, some details are best shared when identity is kept! Sianz! So you see, when you work in this kind of place, you must have self protection b4 anything goes public!
hahaha, damn u cassey! i saw ur post, den i scroll up and den suddenly saw my name in caps and bold and increased font size!! scare me sia

u all meet so late, i lazy to go out de. heehee

haha subway cookies for moisturing treatment for nipples?? hahaha im sure if i say dat, he will give me stoned look face. haha
<font color="0077aa">ahnetsan, Haha! You're right after all, she WAS shaving her pubes *chuckle* Ok, if I get my hands on sweethalo's Yami, I'll share then. Since you're a smart little cookie today.

tiny_bubu, Tubbymum did herself a Brazilian just a few weeks ago. Said she loved feeling so clean after. I say GO FOR IT if it's your kinda thing!! Anyway, I know of 4 masseurs mentioned on some forum threads - Madams Habsah, Khatijah, Noor and Rubiah. Those that I've asked about $50-60 per session (including tptn and all ointments and bindings). Need about 7-14 sessions...
<font color="0077aa">ahnetsan, hey, pls use the damn word with a bit more restraint, won't you? You asked ma. So I gave you a SUPER CLEAR UNMISTAKABLE answer. *grin* DON'T BE LAZY LA! Sleep all day and come to meet us at night!

>> Just tell hubby tt. Then when he buys it for you and brings it home, you can eat it all up and put two little crumbs on your nipples for him to gobble up. TAH-DAH! Moisturise liao! *hiak hiak hiak!*</font>
wah tiny bubu, you gg into 7mths soon? so fast.. nw wat weeks le?

haha so u used mirror in order to shave? very hard hor... if i remb correctly, someone went for brazilian wax recently, but i cant remb who is it...

LFB, oh i see...haha i understand, there're lots of such idiots out there.

haha cassey, i dun sleep whole day... hmm, i wake up at 11+ everyday only wor...
haha... well even my hb gobbles up the crumbs on my nipples, there's still no bedroom activity!!
if I ever did what you suggest to ahnetsan, I am sure my hubby will jump onto bed, take the vacuum cleaner and start vacuuming! Then he will give me a good scolding for bringing food to bedroom! Ha ha ha!

BTW, I am really deprive of bedroom activity! I suggested so many, many times, but the answer is "no! Too dangerous!!!" I was like what? Sigh, I dream of it when I am asleep, getting multiple orgasm from it! Oh my, I am getting flushed again!
Even shaving my legs is such a pain now.....

LFB : I know what you mean about being paranoid. actually a lot of people in my office are so fake. they just try to be nice to you to dig out information that they can gossip about. i feel so disgusted with this people.

ahnetsan : no need to envy lah.i'm sure your hubby has given you so much more that you're more blessed than me.actually, he travels so often that he hardly gets to spend time with me. he tries to make up for it with gifts. i would rather have him around than to have the gifts.....
Tiny bubu, touchy, yes. Touch touch? Don't have! Urghhh! Darn!!! Sigh...., I think guys don't know how bad we need at times, huh?
hahaha LFB, ur hb will really do dat meh? very cute leh, i cannot imagine my hb taking the vacuum cleaner and vacuuming, i sure will laugh until peng one.

hmmm, i only dreamt once dat my hb was fucking some other woman, and i remb i was crying in my dream and my hb had to wake me up...

tiny bubu, well, i rather haf gifts..my hb has never given me any decent gift all these yrs of together...not even a stalk of flower.
dunno y i married him, stupid girl. haha
<font color="0077aa">ahnetsan, I didn't mean you sleep all day every day. I'm TELLING you to sleep in all day on Fri, skip the thread for the day if you must, then wake up and join us at night. You can do OT on Sat!
>Anyway, the cookie on nipples thing is NOT for bedroom activity hor. You wanted Subway cookies... I'm telling you how to get it. And now you want your cookie and your cookie man too! You're too greedy!

LFB, whoa seh... Can you bring your man to my house, then wait while I sprinkle crumbs all over? Haha!! I've had many explicit dreams too... don't have orgasms (SERIOUSLY!? LUCKY YOU!!) but wake up wet. But not tt keen on the real deal though. Hmm...

tiny_bubu &amp; LFB, I guess that's the thing abt working in large organisations. But if you're open, let them know lor. What you're not trying to hide, they can't use against you.

tiny_bubu, our poor old bbjun is much the same. Her man is out of town a lot so she's on her own very often...
I concur with you - I'd rather have my silly man around than all the gifts in the world. I'm blessed to have both!

*better log off and catch up with some work in prep for tmr. See ya, ladies!</font>
I am the naughty one in the dream! I will have multiple partners and countless sessions! Wa ha ha ha! Sounds terrible hor? Thank goodness only in dreams! I am sure in real life, I will freak to death if this ever happen! Pregnancy is strange and funny! It made us something we can never become of!
haha LFB, yeah lor, i also dunno why nowadays keep having those weird weird dreams.
dun worry, it's only the dream, it wont come true.
I hope the part of me with him doing will come true! Sigh...! Aiya, will sleep early tonight. Last night never sleep well. Talk to you gals tmr! See ya.
At least you guys have exciting dreams. My dream last night was me ironing clothes while my man was on the laptop playing online p0ker. What the heck kind of dream is that? i go through that almost every day in real life and when i sleep, i also dream of the same thing??? boring,man!
hi mummies,

i am still doing OT.. and this requires lots of stamina.. my last posting was before dinner.. and i am still not done with the archive yet..

my replies are going to be general.. cos so many of u and i forgot who ask what already

re carbs
i love all kinds of carbs.. b4 pregnancy, i only love potatoes and noodles.. now i am craving for that plus all kinds of rice.. been eating jap food very frequently.. cos i realise jap rice even those at yakitori branches are really yummy.. there was one night i was dreaming that i had delivered.. but hospital food sucks and i request for my family to cook me baked pototaes.. and the next day when i woke up i was craving for baked potatoes.. so much so that i had to go to ship restaurant to eat right after work ..
waaa.. thread goes so fast today.

createjoy, i have been wearing nike shoes since pregnant. I am quite careless you see.

jam75, ohh... so must be looking forward to this sat to look at your precious. ^^
I heard that mummies who breast feed should continue to eat fish oil but not sure is it true or not.

ahnetsan, hahaha.. when is your flat be ready?

Cassey, going to stop working to be a SAHM. Looking forward to it, get to spend more time with kids then. Feel so guilty when i hardly have time with them.
Your hubby so cute! Usually i will put into the trolley quietly and he will only find out when we are at the cashier. Hee..
I didn't want to resist but he's so afraid that it will affect bb since it's not healthy. And there was once i fell sick right after I ate a packet of chips.

First Mum, my package also included multi-vits, routine blood &amp; urine tests, amniotic fluid assessment at term, normal scan and 2 postnatal consultations. But i realise i didn't know how much my gynae charging me. zzz...

Thank you once again bluedream for updating. (wonder how she keeps track all the info? hee..)

Finally finished the archive, now going through the current thread.
audreyaw, hdb says flat ready in dec 2012... but frens say by 2011 should be able to move in liao... but still, it's 2011 leh... now only 2009... haiz... torture lor..
yup.. no joke reading archive when the current thread is still running full stream.. finally i caught up.. but think most of u log off already

re headaches, mine is very very bad.. i tried to rest and sleep more, is still bad.. just took one big orange.. hopefully will get better.. i even cut my hair till bob length cos when i tied up it was worse..

re this fri, i stay in north.. west is too far for me.. if next gathering venue more centralised i may pop by

re massage lady, i just booked one recently too.. think market price is around 400 for 7 sessions also depends where u live and where she live

and some updates re myself: i am 25 wks plus, edd 16jun, at gleneagles, first child, girl, and dr see tho is my gynae

and mommies, i signed up for the antenatal class at tmc.. under ms wong.. the office just called today and remind me that the first lesson is this sat iso next sat.. who is going?
My package with Dr Woodworth was $550 (before GST).Started from 1st visit. This includes -

* maximum 70 prenatal visits.
* 1 postnatal visit.
* unlimited multivits + folic tablets
* routine blood tests
* urine test every visit (after 2nd trimester)
* ultrasound of baby during every visit
Hi tiny bubu!
Both of the names you chose is sooo close to cassey!

Welcome joyce!

sweethalo, did u went for doc? that time i had stomach flu during pregnant too. I got it from my relative and was only there for like few hours. :/

i gave up reading, that was such a long long posts. -.-

ahnetsan, that was so long!!!

I'm getting my new house keys next mth, so happy about it. But i can't see it till July/August. This is sooo disappointing.
Never mind, shall keep looking at the photos my hubby took when he went over. I kept looking at it and laughing to myself. Think if my hubby see me, he might thought i gone crazy, haha..

fat mom, agree!!! My last post is about 5 plus, 6pm and i got to read archive.

actually what does a massage lady do? I never had 1 before.
OMG... it's just 3+hrs since my last post n there are so many posts to read.

Just got back from seeing my GP n got myself an MC for tomorrow. He gave me A LOT of medicine n I think I will try skipping all that and have a good rest tomorrow instead.

Welcome to the new mummies.

Sound like a couple of you have very good gynae packages that includes the vits and stuff. Mine don't either.

Gg off for early rest. Will check in tomorrow morning! Nitez ladies.
ahnetsan - thanks for the welcome. i really feel very very welcomed in here

Which day will u be going to Taka? I will be there on either Thur after lunchtime or Fri. Maybe can say hi to you?
Fatmom- 21 Mar.. are u talkign abt the evening 7-9pm one? quite a few of us are enrolled in that class- including Cassey, bing, myself.

Audrey- hv not seen doc yet
