(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Ethan_mum, have to see the content, if no EPA then should be safe. Got EPA make sure the content is not high.

Jackie, ya lets pray hard haha...

Ethan_mum i think this is ok cos i saw my gynae giving me this brochure as well. So long as gynae give one should be safe =)
bbpotato, mi supposedly nw 8wks but maybe smaller.

Shelisa, if order together. it will be sent to one address. u can den self collect fm me or i post it to u.

Ethan_mum, ok ok.. will let ur koe again when the spree is open.
hi mummies,
i gotta drop outta this gang liao. i lost my baby. had bleeding on wed, gynae mentioned perhaps the embryo wasnt healthy in the first place so it die off naturally. glad to have known all of u (electronically) even though its for a short time. perhaps we'll meet again in some other thread.

wishing all of you a smooth pregnancy ahead and healthy babies to all

ps : who wanna take over the list, please pm me. will send the file over when i go back to work on monday.

take care all and enjoy your pregnancy!
starluster, sorry to hear that, u take care and recover soon. I'm sure you will have a fat and healthy baby in near future.
my boss lost her baby too when she was 6 wks preg, doc said the embryo wasnt good. so dont worry, good one sure will come. take good care.

sorry abt yr loss.

remember to take good care of yrself, try to take abit bu to build up yr system, soon u will hv a healthy baby again.
starluster, sorry to hear abt ur lost. i totally understand how u feel as I had M/C before n current preggie nt sure ok anot also.

u will be preggie again soon. can try again aft 2 AF cycles. go n 'bu' ur body for next preggie. rest well n take care!
starluster, sorry to hear that. pls do take plenty of rest. make ur body heathly and plan again. take care. great to know u.

Ling. i will take those that is prenium 1. like 1 bottle ard $30-$50. not those concentrated then take 1-2 spoon type. i think quite clean ba for the bottle type. usually if u buy those quailty bird nest, u dun need to clean it. just soak it and boil it will do. i rem last time my auntie soak the bird nest, then use the 'eqiupment' that plug our arm pit 1, then slowly pick the feather out.

bluberi, sure. like that i order with u then u post to me. then i pay u the $$. thanks alot.
starluster, do take care.

i have a sample of the neurogain but gynae advised me to take only somewhere around 11 weeks cos it has a very heavy smell. and when u burp, the smell mite make one vomit. so wait till the MS die down then take...

i think for supplements, best to get gynae's clearance before taking... cos i doubt we or those sales person are pro enough....

neeciel, i'm having the oscar test in my 12th week. i guess when u go for the next appt, gynae will arrange for u to do it. the phamplet says to do it between 11-14 weeks, so u're still in time....
Shelisa, the premium bottled bird nest, some chinese shops should have right..? means I dun have to clean anymore.. ready-to-eat.. I'll check it out then, better, save time from cooking and plucking..

kikismom, drink plenty of water, make sure you have enuff fluid.. I read in some books, it's common to be dizzy, until 10-12th week.. I'm trying (very very hard) to drink plain water, I make it warm.. for the tea, I just go with the chrysanthemum white tea, no/low caffein I suppose.. also green tea once in a while.. I avoid the rest.. apple tea, blueberry tea.. funny thing is that in some western pregnancy books, they allow you to drink coffee, have chocolate, eat eggs (as source of protein)..

neeciel, ya me also not sure, but I think really the stuff we ate also affect the bb, even in the 1st trimester..

bluberi, you're right.. went to some maternity clothes shop, all the dress very 'auntie'.. I sure can't wear them to my office..
saw the website u sent, better dresses, see if I can find something I like, I may join you & Shelisa next time you shop okie..

yukiee, that's good, urine & blood test should be quite standard
aiyoh.. need to take fish oil some more.. *fainted*.. tonic oil.. ah i see.. hmm.. will try that then.. oil for evening, the cream for morning.. kiasu.. :p not so sure abt old ppl.. but my mum's n grandma's tummy no stretchmark at all leh.. maybe they watch their weight thoughout pregnancy.. she kept nagging that I grew fat too much and too fast now..
aiyo.. dun believe tat bb gender thingy.. my grandma has 6 boys, she vomit until got blood (hurt the throat I think..)

Jackie, u very dilligent lei.. I expand tummy, buttock, breast, chin, arms, thigh, everywhere.. still beri lazy to apply.. :D

Serene, welcome and congrats..
ya, take after 1st tri can la..i will start my stretchmark oil n fish oil after 1st tri..heehee

u very ks hor..hhaahah..me will only apply once in the evening..im very lazy..hahaha...the way u describe ur grandma very funny le..

sorry, im abit upset over starluster's loss..really hope she can get over it soon and hav a healthy baby again...
Ling, ya i think will still affect baby but dunno to which extend. to play safe wat can be avoided, we avoid, my case coffee no choice, i have to carry on else i will die before i deliver haha

lovelytulips, which date is ur oscar scan? u doing at TMC?
Ling, you can try buying from 'fu hua' or 'yu ren sheng' ready to drink type. but.. of cos it is still better to boil urself as scare bottle type got add in alot of chemical n colouring or other thing.
nt yet..after 1st tri then start tonic..now baby cannot absorb....
anyway, i tink cant take too much birdnest..take mre dongcongcao better...
dongcongcao dun take too much too. very heaty they say. better 1 mth take 1-2 times.

i also after 1st tri then start taking bird nest.

actually i dunno when to drink bird nest best. but i rem i heard alot of ppl say even from those chinese medical hall. they said must take bird best when u wake up even before u brush ur teeth. then walk ard liao then brush teeth. some say before slp also can. best is after u take ur dinner 2-3 laters then drink the bird nest. dunno which is which is true.
yukiee.. true ma.. some said from the tummy shape, from MS, but think the more accurate one is the u/s, they said bb girl's h/beat faster than bb boy..

neeciel, yeah.. for my case it's tea.. I still take, just reduce the amount and the sugar.. heard we also have to control our sugar intake, orelse, when it comes to last trimester when we've to watch the diet carefully, the bb not used to low sugar diet..

I'm comin to 10th week.. some of them even started as soon as they know they're pregnant.. for me, I'll start either 10th or 12th week lor.. once a month maybe, then comin last trimester more frequent..

thanks bluberi

Shelisa, thanks.. will check it out.. I'll get the bottled one better, I've no one to cook for me leh.. everybody in my family workin..
ling, actaully u can use the slow cooker to cook. before slp on it, then wake up switch off. some slow cooker got timer. so can try ba.
neeciel,yup, doing at TMC on 26/11.

bird nest... wow, so many of u gonna take it. i wonder if i can stomach it. there was a period when i was totally put off by the bird nest smell. dont know why.
Shelisa, thanks for the tips
appreciate it..

lovelytulips, oh no.. I didn't think of that hey.. nowadays, lots of things I used to like, I couldn't stand the smell..

I can't stop eating, just went to buy and eat starbucks' choco muffin

Oh, about the coconut, they say it also good for detox.. any idea where to find fresh young coconut here..? Thanks
OIO Maternity has a few outlets at Tampiness Mall, KKH, Hougang Mall n Raffles hospital. The lotion is abit greasy but its not oily if u apply n spread it well. I like tat its in a tub so u dunt need to squeeze the cream out. i will use my finger to swirl it out n splat it on my tummy. ahaha! comes with visual instructions on how to rub into the impt areas.

oh.. ya closer together their learning is not so big a gap. so fast ah factory closing ah? are u hoping for a girl or boy? A girl would be nice ah since u habe a boy already.

what's the benefit of eating DHA supplements? Mainly for the baby's development? now i try to eat lots of fish esp since i like to drink/eat soups lately.
starluster, sorry to hear your loss. get well soon.

today is hungry day... felt sick near noon until 4+ until i got my dosage of apple juice.

after tat is hungry hungry hungry. tired of eating.. dunno wat to eat next.. going to zzz soon so dun want to eat too full..
Thanks everyone for ur warmest welcome!!!
Really appreciate it. Tink tis forum is fantastic! At least it makes us feel that we are not alone!

I am sorry to hear abt starluster too. Hope she can recover and get well soon! Jia You ger!
Ling, ya we have to control our sugar esp later stage. hmmm i havent started my bird nest, only occasionally a bottle if i have bad cough.

lovelytulips, i wonder who wil let us know the test result?

today is a lousy day for me, i have fainting spell since last night, now still have, dunno why?
hi ladies

i'll be fully 7 weeks tomorrow... not feeling tat great now, feel bloated again... but at least it's more manageable than a few days ago...

hope this MS thing will pass soon..
Hi netty, welcome =) so u r around 9 weeks?

amk_gal, me too feel bloated for the past 3 week but today feel very nausea and keep burping, just finished my dinner, had pizza =)
neeciel, fainting spells cos of low blood pressure. my blood pressure went down compared to the last visit and it's norma. when u have fainting spells, sit down and put ur head btw ur legs. that's wat gynae told me.

the test results, the gynae will arrange the checkup normally on the same day but after 4pm when the results are out, then they will advise us.

welcome, netty, think u are the earliest among us to pop. hahaha.....
i'm having this weird feeling in my tummy, duno issit cramps or wat. it's like twitches.... arggghhh....
wow so much to catch up from the posts.
Just went to see the gynae on Thursday. Eveyrthing was great can see that my baby is growing to 19.6cm for a 9 week old baby. EDD will be 6 june 09 but doc said it will be earlier since this is my 2nd kid.
I'm opting straight for C-sect coz my first one is emergency C-sect after trying so hard for natural. I am not going thru natural birth again.

